the former

Stockton-on-Tees Jewish Community

Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham




Press Reports relating to the
Stockton-on-Tees Jewish Community

Part 2 — 1900-1918

Compiled by Harold Pollins

(Information within square brackets is from the compiler)


Jewish Chronicle, 19 January 1900 page 21

Profile of Rev B. N. Michelson BA, minister-elect of Newport. Born Middlesbrough 1873. Stockton High School. Aria College. Open scholarship in Mathematics to Corpus Christie College, Cambridge, but instead went to Jews’ College. Has officiated, inter alia, at Wormwood Scrubs prison once a synagogue was built within its walls.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 March 1900 page 12

In aid of the Mayor’s Local Reservists’ Fund a bazaar and canteen have been held, success due to efforts of Asher Michelson. £118 raised. A feature was recitation of ‘The Absent-minded beggar’ and other verses by 5-year old May Behrman of Sunderland, granddaughter of Mr Michelson and her collection amounted to £16. Some amusing verses were written by Reuben Cohen a local contributor to ‘Judy’

Jewish Chronicle, 18 May 1900 page 9

Bessarabian Famine Fund. Collected by Mr S. Richardson of Darlington. From Stockton: M. Cohen 2s 6d; R. Hyams, 2s. H. Cohen 1s, I. Fine, 1s.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 May 1900 page 28

Chief Rabbi’s pastoral tour. On Monday evening he visited Stockton, accompanied by the visiting minister, Rev M. E. Davis. He examined the Religion Classes and was highly satisfied, and awarded prizes to the most deserving pupils. At a special service in the evening the Chief Rabbi gave an address in which he ‘appealed to the congregation to remove the defects and repair the breaches which existed in the community’.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 July 1900 page 21

At the recent examination held in Edinburgh by the Pharmaceutical Society for qualification as chemists and druggists, Eleazar Michelson, son of Asher Michelson of Stockton was in the list of successful candidates.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 August 1900 page 20

At meeting on 29 July the Stockton and Middlesbrough congregations united for the purpose of organising a branch of the Zionist Association, to be entitled the Middlesbrough and Stockton Zionist Association. president J. Wilks, Vice-President J. Levi, Hon Collector Israel Cohen, Committee M. Jacobs, E. Sliufko, L. Aronson, S. Garbutt Stockton, I. Hush, J. Barnett, J. Wilson.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 August 1900 page 1

Marriage on 7 August at the New West End Synagogue of Lizzie, youngest daughter of the late Henry Hart of Woburn Place, and the Rev B. N. Michelson of Newport, Mon., eldest son of Asher Michelson of Stockton-on-Tees.
[Marriage. Elizabeth Hart September 1900 Paddington 1a 185//Benjamin Nathan Michelson]

Jewish Chronicle, 19 October 1900 page 25

Election of officers. President Mr M. Cohen, Treasurer E. Goldston, Hon Sec Reuben Cohen. Vote of thanks to retiring Treasurer Asher Michelson for past services.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 December 1900 page 1

Marriage. On 16 December at the Royal Hotel, Stockton, by Rev M. E. Davies assisted by Rev B. Cohen, Israel Fine of Rhymney to Evelyn Cohen, daughter of Myer Cohen of Wellington Street, Stockton. [Marriage. Israel Fine December 1900 Stockton 10a 171//Evelyn Cohen]

Daily Gazette for Middlesbrough, 27 December 1900 page 1

Money lent from £5 upwards to respectable Householders, Tradesmen, Farmers, etc. A. Hyams, 8 Bishop Street, Stockton, or 18 Station Terrace Stockton. [Repeated frequently]

Daily Gazette for Middlesbrough, 27 December 1900 page 1

£3 to £500 advanced to all respectable Householders, Tradesmen, and Farmers. H. Wolfe & Co, 25 Moat Street, Bridge Street, Stockton. [Miss Frankland Manageress]

Daily Gazette for Middlesbrough, 27 December 1900 page 1

Loans from £3 upwards. M. E. Myers, 17 Tilary Street, Stockton

Jewish Chronicle, 4 January 1901 page 2

The tombstone of Mrs Louisa Hart of Stockton-on-Tees will be set at Willesden cemetery on 6 inst.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 February 1901 page 1

Death on 6 February at West Hartlepool of Louis Bloom, 45, brother of, inter alia, Abraham Bloom, Stockton, and Isidore Bloom, Middlesbrough.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 April 1901 page 3

Anglo-Jewish Association. Bessarabian and Roumanian Relief Fund. Stockton-on-Tees, collected by Messrs M. Cohen and A. Michelson, £3 5s

Jewish Chronicle, 20 September 1901 page 26

At the Middlesbrough Jewish Social and Literary Club, Mr Reuben Cohen of Stockton read a paper on ‘Notes on Noses’. Mr Cohen is an accomplished caricaturist and displayed a number of illustrations on a blackboard.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 November 1901 page 1

Fiance. Dinah, daughter of Mrs Frieda and the late Benjamin Turner of Newcastle to Abraham Payman, Stockton, son of Mr and Mrs Samuel Payman of Manchester.
[Marriage. Dinah Turner March 1902 Newcastle upon Tyne 10b 264//Abraham Payman]

Jewish Chronicle, 10 January 1902 page 1

On 1 January at Stockton Synagogue Rev B. N. Michelson, brother of the bride, assisted by Revs M. E. Davis and B. Cohen, Rebecca, 2nd daughter of Mr and Mrs A. Michelson, to Edward, 2nd son of Mr and Mrs L. Lerman of Stockton.
[Marriage. Rebecca Michelson March 1902 Stockton 10a 145//Edward David Lerman.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 May 1902 page 18

Successful candidate in the Final Examination of the Incorporated Law Society – R. Cohen, Stockton.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 May 1902 page 26

AGM. Balance sheet satisfactory. President and Treasurer Asher Michelson, Hon Sec Reuben Cohen.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 June 1902 page 28

Pentecost services were conducted by Rev B. Cohen. On 2nd day Rev M. E. Davis, visiting minister, delivered a sermon.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 June 1902 page 1

Marriage on 19 June at synagogue Middlesbrough, Leah, daughter of Mr and Mrs Hush of Middlesbrough to Ernest Myers of Stockton. [Marriage. Meyer Earnest(sic) Myers June 1902 Middlesbrough 9d 1079//Leah Hush]

Jewish Chronicle, 27 June 1902 page 22

Mr Isaac Hush, President of Middlesbrough congregation, presented to the Middlesbrough synagogue a handsome, gold-embroidered silk wedding canopy, which was first used at the marriage of his daughter Leah, to Ernest Myers of Stockton.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 October 1902 page 1

Fiance. Emily, younger daughter of Mr and Mrs E. Golsdston, Church Row, Stockton, to Samuel P., elder son of Dora and the late Mr E. Goldstein of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 October 1902 page 1

Fiance. Clara, elder daughter of Mr and Mrs E. Goldstone, Church Row, Stockton, to Louis, 3rd son of Mr and Mrs S. Weinberg of South Shields.
[Marriage. Clara Fanny Goldston March 1903 Stockton 10a 119//Louis Weinberg]

Jewish Chronicle, 17 October 1902 page 10

Chatan Torah H. Taylor Chatan Bereshith B. Hyams.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 December 1902 page 28

Naturalisations in November. Hyman Taylor, 59, Stockton-on-Tees.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 December 1902 page 1

Marriage on 17 December at St John’s Wood synagogue, Phineas Fonseca of Nottingham to Rosa, 6th daughter of the late Isaac H. Hart of Stockton.
[Marriage. Phineas Fonseca December 1902 Marylebone 1a 1423//Rosa Hart]

Jewish Chronicle, 29 May 1903 page 2

Marriage of Emily Goldston to S. Patterson Goldstein at the Middlesbrough synagogue on 4 June 1903.
[Marriage. Rebecca Emily Goldston June 1903 Middlesbrough 9d 1187//Samuel Patterson Goldstein]

Jewish Chronicle, 9 October 1903 page 1

Birth of son on 4 December to wife of Phineas Fonseca nee Rosa Goldston late of Stockton.
[Birth. Sydney B. Fonseca December 1903 Nottingham 7b 370]

Jewish Chronicle, 11 March 1904 page 33

At the annual meeting of the Stockton Literary Institute Mr Abraham Bloom of Middlesbrough was unanimously re-elected on the Council for the 6th time. He is the first Jew elected to the council of a non-Jewish literary society in Stockton.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 May 1904 page 28

Chief Rabbi’s Pastoral Tour. Arrived Monday evening at Stockton. Examined the schools and preached to a large congregation. The Mayor was among those present.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 June 1904 page 1

On 7 June at Dalston Synagogue Joseph Lyon, 2nd son of Mrs Lyon and late Joseph Cohen of Stockton-on-Tees to Annie only daughter of Mr and Mrs Marcus Leuw of London N.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 September 1904 page 3

National Tribute for the Children of Dr Herzl. First List of Contributions.
Stockton Hebrew Congregation.
A. Asher 1s, H. Barnett 2s 6d, T. Brower 2s, H. Cohen 10s, Rev B. Cohen 1s, In memory of late Isaac Cohen by his widow 10s, S. Garbutt 2s 6d, E. Goldston 1s, I. Goldston 2s, J. Goldston 1s, A. Hamburger 2s, A. Hyams 5s, R. Hyams 5s, E. Lerman 2s 6d, Mrs L. Lerman 1s, M. Lernan 2s 6d, A. Michelson 5s, I. Michelson 2s, Mrs T. Noah 1s 6d, - Podgar 1s, L. Sieve 1s, H. Taylor 5s, H. Toilowski 2s, E. Urban 2s.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 November 1904 page 27

At the Sunderland Jewish Social and Literary Club a paper was read by Mr Reuben Cohen of Stockton on ‘Notes on Noses’ accompanied by sketches.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 March 1905 page 27

At Middlesbrough meeting of the Jewish Literary Circle a paper was read by Mr Urban of Stockton on ‘The History of Photography’. Electoral Register of Stockton 1905 96 Hampton Road, Adolf Urban

Jewish Chronicle, 26 May 1905 page 17

A deputation of Stockton Hebrew Congregation (A. Michelson and R. Cohen) waited upon Sir Robert Ropner MP to ascertain his views on the Aliens Bill. He gave in general favourable responses.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 July 1905 page 10

Chief Rabbi after consulting D. L. Alexander KC President of Board of Deputies has allocated the £500 bequeathed by the late F.D. Mocatta to be distributed among 5 necessitous Jewish provincial congregations. He has apportioned £100 each to Bradford, Dundee, Hanley, South Shields and Stockton with a view to installing places of worship.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 September 1905 page 1

Fiance. Eva 3rd daughter of Mr and Mrs J. Anker of Jesmond, Newcastle upon Tyne, to Joe, 3rd son of Mr and Mrs E. Goldston, The Square, Stockton.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 November 1905 page 31

A petition is being influentially signed in Stockton requesting the Mayor to call a town’s meeting to protest against massacre of Jews in Russia. Rev N. H. Patrick Baptist Minister and A. Michelson on behalf of the Jewish community are interesting themselves in the matter. At the synagogue resolution passed expressing with abhorrence the treatment of their brethren in Russia. Collection raised £30. Memorial service was held in the temporary synagogue. After the service meeting held and £29 subscribed towards the Relief Fund.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 December 1905 page 5

Outrages on the Russian Jews. Appeal by the Russo-Jewish Committee.
4th List Contributions from Stockton Hebrew Congregation per the President.
H. Cohen 1.1.0, R. Cohen 3.3.0, E. Goldston 2.2.0, R. Hyams 2.2.0, A. Michelson 2.2.0, L. J. Prinsky 2.2.0, H. Taylor 2.2.0, H. Torlowski 1.1.0, A. Urban 1.1.0, Sums under £1, £8.4.0. Total £29.4.0.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 December 1905 page 33

Town’s meeting convened by the Mayor to protest at massacres in Russia. Resolution, to express indignation at outrages on Jews in Russia. Committee formed to collect on behalf of the Relief Fund.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 December 1905 page 1

Birth of son on 25 December at 5 Hume Street, Stockton, to Edward and Rebecca Lerman nee Michelson.
[Birth.Leonard Harold Lerman March 1906 Stockton 10a 55]

Jewish Chronicle, 29 December 1905 page 2

Mr and Mrs J. Anker and Mr and Mrs E. Goldston, The Square, Stockton, invite friends and relations to the synagogue, Leazes Park, Newcastle, on 2 January on the occasion of marriage of their daughter Eva and their son Joshua.
[Marriage. Eveline Anker March 1906 Newcastle T 10b 237//Joshua Goldston]

Jewish Chronicle, 16 March 1906 page 13

Russian Jews’ Relief Fund. Stockton-on-Tees £11.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 March 1906 page 41

New Synagogue at Stockton. 76 feet deep, 26  feet wide, in the centre of Hartlington Road. Ladies gallery for 50 ladies. Ground floor arranged for 74 sittings. In the rear of the synagogue is a classroom 24 feet 6 inches by 13 feet. Cost of building without land a little over £800. The contractor is Mr William Dorghty of Yarm-on-Tees. Architect is Mr T.W.T. Richardson of Stockton. At a general meeting of ladies a committee was formed for providing the necessary vestments. Mrs Michelson President, Mrs H. Cohen Treasurer, and Mrs A. Hartman Hon Sec. About half the necessary funds and a few gifts were subscribed by the ladies present.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 March 1906 page 42

Yesterday Mr Maurice Jacobs MA of Brighton, who represents Stockton at the Board of Deputies, laid the foundation stone for the new synagogue of which there was a detailed description in the last issue. Mr Michelson said the synagogue started in 1884 in a temporary synagogue in Skinner Street and when the Ephraim Levin Fund became available in 1894 Dr Adler assigned £150 which was used for purchasing land. In 1905 The F. D. Mocatta Fund provided £100 and £550 was raised. £400 was now required.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 June 1906 page 1

Birth of son on 26 June to Mr and Mrs Reuben Cohen, 12 Lorne Terrace, Stockton. [Birth. Clifford Theodore Cohen September 1906 Stockton 10a 68]

Jewish Chronicle, 20 July 1906 page 45

Election of Joshua Goldston to the Town Council. This is first time a coreligionist has contested a seat in Stockton. Son of Eli Goldston, a founder of the congregation and a former President. Mr Goldston is 28 years old and recently married.

National Archives, LP/LRC/30/234

Reuben Cohen, Frank Rose’s Agent. Election 1906, Labour Party

Jewish Chronicle, 17 August 1906 page 39

Naturalisation in July. Emanuel Hamburger, 10 Russell Street, Stockton

Jewish Chronicle, 14 September 1906 page 1

Birth of son on 12 September at 3 Northcote Street to wife of Ralph Galinsky nee Lena Hoppenstadt.
[Birth. Henry Galinsky December 1906 Stockton 10a 67]

Jewish Chronicle, 12 October 1906 page 28

Chatan Torah E. Hamburger Chatan Bereshith M. Garbutt.

The North Eastern Daily Gazette, 23 October 1906

In an article on the new synagogue in Stockton, it was reported that:
"Ever since 1884, when the Jewish Congregation separated itself from Middlesbrough, it has felt the need of suitable premises to use as a synagogue. In a small room, adjoining Messrs Maule's carriage works this religious body has worshipped since that period."

Jewish Chronicle, 26 October 1906 page 34

‘New Synagogue for Stockton’ The new synagogue was consecrated by the Chief Rabbi on Tuesday (23rd). In his sermon the Chief Rabbi said it was 20 years since he had visited the congregation. ‘He described how he had had to ascend by a dangerous staircase resembling a ladder into a loft in which the congregation then worshipped’. The synagogue was formally opened by Mr Samuel Spitzel in place of his father Louis who was due to open it but died in the previous month. The balance of the money was made up by Mr Samuel Spitzel and the building was free of debt.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 July 1907 page 1

Fiance. Leah, 3rd daughter of Mr and Mrs S. Garbutt, Yarm Lane, Stockton, to Maurice, eldest son of Mr and Mrs D. Tragen. Manchester.
[Marriage. Leah Garbutt March 1908 Stockton 10a 125//Maurice Tragen]

Jewish Chronicle, 16 August 1907 page 24

Hebrew Order of Druids. Delegates from Newcastle and Sunderland Lodges met the delegates from Middlesbrough in conference. This is the first time the representatives of the 3 Jewish communities in the north of England have met. Delegates from Middlesbrough included H. Taylor of Stockton.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 December 1907 page 20

At a special service a collection was made for Stockton and Thornaby Hospital. Mr A. Michelson gave a treat to the children of the Hebrew and Religion Classes.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 January 1908 page 1

Birth on 13 January of son at Lorne Terrace, to Mr and Mrs Reuben Cohen.
[Birth. Nathan Leslie Cohen March 1908 Stockton 10a 82]

Jewish Chronicle, 31 January 1908 page 28

The first marriage in the new synagogue was celebrated on Tuesday between Leah Garbutt daughter of Mr and Mrs Garbutt of Stockton and Marice Tragen of Manchester.
[Marriage. Leah Garbutt March 1908 Stockton 10a 125//Maurice Tragen]

Jewish Chronicle, 17 April 1908 page 35

Mr Reuben Cohen has been unanimously elected President of the Middlesbrough Literary and Philosophical Institute. He is the first Jew and the youngest (aged 27) who has attained that position.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 May 1908 page 27

Annual meeting. Elected: President E. Goldston, Treasurer R. Cohen, Secretary E. Hamburger, and a Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 June 1908 page 1

Marriage on 10 June at the synagogue, Hartington Road, by Revs B. N. Michelson (brother of the bride), B. Cohen and M.E. Davies, Catherine (Dolly), 3rd daughter of Mr and Mrs A. Michelson to Nathan Bernard, only son of Mr and Mrs P. Marks of Middlesbrough.
[Marriage. Catherine Michelson June 1908 Stockton 10a 197//Nathan Bernard Marks]

Jewish Chronicle, 14 August 1908 page 18

Grand Order of Israel. On Sunday at Stockton a special meeting was held in the synagogue schoolroom when the officers of the Duke of Northumberland Lodge no. 14, Newcastle, initiated the members of the Hope of Israel Lodge no. 46. 30 members initiated. In the evening a banquet was held in the Labour Hall. Elected: Chairman A. Michelson, Vice-chairman H. Taylor, Treasurer E. Hamburger.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 October 1908 page 32

Councillor J. Goldston has for 2nd time been returned unopposed to the Stockton Town Council.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 September 1909 page 1

Marriage on 31 August at Hope Place Synagogue, Liverpool, between Lottie Esther, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs A. Gould of Liverpool and Joseph Vernick of Liverpool.
[Marriage. Lottie Esther Gould September 1909 Liverpool 8b 260//Joseph Wiernick]

Jewish Chronicle, 7 January 1910 page 2

‘CEYLON. Gentleman going to Ceylon for holiday would like letters of introduction to resident co-religionists. Louis I. Prinsky, Stockton-on-Tees.’

Jewish Chronicle, 3 June 1910 page 13

Annual meeting. Elected: President A. Michelson, Treasurer E. Hamburger, Hon Sec. S. Goldston.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 June 1910 page 15

Rev Dayan Hyamson paid official visit to Stockton. ‘After examining the children, the Dayan expressed great satisfaction at the condition of the School and the Congregation’.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 July 1910 page 1

Betrothal. Dora 2nd daughter of Mr and Mrs H. Taylor, 40 Westbourne Street, Stockton, to Abe, 2nd son of Mr and Mrs B. Alexander, Manchester. [No marriage found]

Jewish Chronicle, 30 September 1910, New Year Greetings, page xxvii
Mr and Mrs S. Garbutt, Yarm Lane, Stockton.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 October 1910 page 13

At the annual meeting of the Masonic Provincial Grand Lodge of Durham, held at Stockton, Bro Isadore Black, Past Master of the Tees Lodge, was appointed Grand Assistant Director of Ceremonies for that Province by the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, Lord Barnard.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 November 1910 page 1

Betrothal. Gertrude, 3rd daughter of Mr and Mrs Robert Lipkin, Liverpool, to Louis Prinsky of Stockton.
[Marriage. Gertrude Lipkin December 1911 Liverpool 8b 251//Louis I. Prinsky.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 January 1911 page 1

Birth on 1 January at 38 Bowes Field Lane, Stockton, a daughter to the wife of Ralph Galinsky nee Lena Hoppenstadt.
[Birth. Enid Galinsky March 1911 Stockton 10a 65]

Jewish Chronicle, 13 January 1911 page 1

Marriage on 2 January at the synagogue Stockton by Rev B. N. Michelson, brother of the bridegroom, Elly Michelson of South Shields, 2nd son of Mr and Mrs Asher Michelson of Stockton, to Evelyn Finn, daughter of Mrs Finn and the late Mr Finn of South Shields.
[Marriage. Eleazer Michelson March 1911 Stockton 10a 109//Eveleen(sic) Finn]

Jewish Chronicle, 24 March 1911 page 34

JNF. Per Stockton Hebrew Congregation. Received sums from A. Michelson, R. Hyams, E. Lerman, and H. Taylor.

1911 Census

Pte Moss Cohen. 1st battalion Durham Light Infantry. Born Stockton. Parents Mr and Mrs Isaac Cohen. In India.
[Killed in action 1918].

Jewish Chronicle, 5 May 1911 page 12

Annual meeting. Elected President H. Taylor, Treasurer E. Lerman, Hon Sec S. Garbutt and Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 August 1911 page 1

Betrothal. Rosa, 2nd daughter of Mr and Mrs H. Barnett of 15 Bridge Road, Stockton, to Jack Sheldon, Leeds.
[Marriage. Jack Sheldon March 1912 Stockton 10a 123//Rosa Barnett]

Jewish Chronicle, 10 November 1911 page 24

Mr G.(sic) Goldston has been returned a member of the Town Council by a large majority. First elected in 1906.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 February 1912 page 1

The forthcoming marriage of Jack Sheldon to Rosa Barnett, on 14 February. Reception at 37 Cranbourne Terrace, Stockton, [home of Mr and Mrs Barnett]

Jewish Chronicle, 1 March 1912 page 1

Betrothal. Rosie, daughter of Mr and Mrs H. Saltman of South Shields, late of Grimsby, to Joseph Jackson, son of Mrs and the late Jacob Jackson of 45 Sydney Street, Stockton.
[Marriage not found]

Jewish Chronicle, 10 May 1912 page 31

Annual meeting. Treasurer Mrs(sic) E. Lerman presented the balance sheet. Elected: President H. Taylor, Treasurer E. Lerman, Hon Sec S. Garbutt, and Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 May 1912 page 1

Death on 18 May at Stockton, Raphael Hyams aged 47.
[Death. Raphael Hyams June 1912 Stockton 10a 71]

Jewish Chronicle, 26 July 1912 page 3

Norton-on-Tees near Stockton. Widow would be glad to let her comfortable, well-furnished cottage for August or longer. 4 beds and crib, piano, gas cooker, utensils strictly kosher. Apply Mrs Lerman, 28 Mowbray Road, Norton-on-Tees.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 September 1912 New Year Greetings page xxix

Mr and Mrs S. Garbutt, Yarm Lane, Stockton.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 November 1912 page 27

Mr Reuben Cohen again returned a member of Stockton Town Council.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 November 1912 page 2

Death on 10 November at 82 Hartington Road, Stockton, of Rebecca, relict of the late Levi Lerman, mother of Edward, Aaron, Max, Mrs M. Jacobson Newcastle, Mrs S. Gillis, Sunderland, and Mrs L. Sive, Stockton.
[Death. Rebecca Lerman December 1912 aged 69 Middlesbrough 9d 731]

Jewish Chronicle, 29 November 1912 page 1

Betrothal. Gertrude, daughter of Mrs D. and the late Isaac Cohen of Commercial Road, London, late of Stockton, and Choney Hershorn, son of Mrs L. and the late Mr Joseph Hershorn of London.
[Marriage. Gertie Cohen March 1914 Mile End 1c 606//Choney Hershorn]

Jewish Chronicle, 6 December 1912 page 1

Betrothal. Dolly, daughter of Mrs and the late Mr I. Hoppendtsadt of Leeds to Maurice Leving of 42 Bowesfield Lane, Stockton.
[Marriage. Maurice Leving September 1913 Leeds 9b 1088//Dolly Hoppenstadt]

1912 Electoral Register, Stockton.

Hetty Hartman 10 Central Buildings and 7 Ezard Street (Qualifying Property).

Jewish Chronicle, 3 January 1913 page 30

Presentation made to Rev and Mrs Cohen on their silver wedding. Presentation made by President H. Taylor of a pair of silver candlesticks. Also a purse from members of the congregation and a purse from old scholars.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 March 1913 page 40

At annual meeting of the Hope of Israel Lodge no. 46 held at the synagogue chambers, Stockton, elected: Noble Master L. Sive, Vice-master M. Rubinstein, Treasurer H. Taylor, Secretary H. Garbutt

Jewish Chronicle, 6 June 1913 page 19

Special GM. Mr Maurice Jacobs MA of Brighton was unanimously re-elected Stockton’s representative at the Board of Deputies.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 July 1913 page 27

At annual meeting of the North Yorkshire and South Durham Law Society, Mr Reuben Cohen of Stockton was unanimously elected vice-president.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 January 1914 page 2

Death in Chiswick of Annie Pinto, sister inter alia of Mrs Noah of Hartington Road, Stockton.

Jewish Chronicle, Daily Gazette for Middlesbrough 24 January 1914 page 4

(examples of adverts) Money Lent at 6%. Louis Sive 5 Hardwicke Terrace, Stockton E. Lerman 51 Dovecot Street, lends money to any respectable householder. £5 to £1,000 lent on simple note A. Hyams , 6 Bishop Street, Stockton, and Spennymoor

Jewish Chronicle, 13 March 1914 page 25

Lecture ‘Notes on Noses’ by Reuben Cohen of Stockton was delivered to the Young Men’s Hebrew Association, Middlesbrough.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 May 1914 page 2

Stockton Hebrew Congregation. Wanted. Young man, Hebrew teacher, able to teach English, Mohel (Heb.), Shochet (Heb.), Chazan (Heb.), no Cohen (Heb.). Salary £2 per week. Apply to Mr Michelson President, 1 Central Buildings, Stockton-on-Tees.

Daily Gazette for Middlesbrough, 2 July 1914 page 1

‘TAILORING –Youth Wanted, with a little experience in under-pressing. Ralph Galinsky, Prince Regent Street, Stockton.’

Daily Gazette for Middlesbrough,3 July 1914 page 1

Adverts. Furniture. A. Hyams & Co, 5 Bishops Street, Stockton. Furniture. M. Marks, 37 Corporation Road, Middlesbrough and 18 Dovecote Road, Stockton ‘For Cheap and Reliable Corsets, Mrs. Hartman, Ladies Outfitters, Central Buildings, Stockton’. ‘Mrs Hartman, Central Buildings, Stockton, for Cheap Ready-made Dress Skirts, Blouses, etc., Out-sizes, Stocked’.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 September 1914 page 31

A patriotic service was held on Sunday, conducted by Rev Hirschowitz of Middlesbrough. Collection for the relief fund over £9.

Daily Gazette for Middlesbrough, 16 April 1915 page 1

Loans now granted from £10 to 1,000. Hyman Cohen, 35 Wellington Street, Stockton. Established over 25 years.
[Frequent similar adverts for several years]

Daily Gazette for Middlesbrough, 16 April 1915 page 1

£3 to £500. Advancing loans even in wartime. Established over a quarter century. E. Hamburger (late Raphael Hyams). 77 Brunswick Street, Stockton.
[Frequent similar adverts. Raphael Hyams died in 1912]

Daily Gazette for Middlesbrough, 16 April 1915 page 1

E. Lerman, 51 Dovecote Street, lends money to respectable householders on easy terms.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 April 1915 page 4

Central Committee for Polish Jewry. Stockton Hebrew Congregation per E. Hamburger £1.19.4.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 May 1915 page 19

General Meeting. Elected: President E. Hamburger, Treasurer A. Kaufman, Hon Sec S. Cohen, Committee: Councillot J. Goldston, H. Taylor E. Lerman, R. Galinsky, J. Jackson, and P.C. Berlson.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 June 1915 page 3

Central Committee for Polish Jewry. Stockton Hebrew Congregation per E. Hamburger £2.2.0.

Daily Gazette for Middlesbrough, 31 August 1915 page 1

45/- Solid Gold … Wristlet Watch … Silver Wristlet Watches 8s 6d and 12s 6d. Abraham Bloom, Pawnbroker and Jeweller, Dovecot Street, (opposite Hippodrome), Stockton.
[Advert repeated although in different words]

Jewish Chronicle, 5 November 1915 page 5

Central Committee for Polish Jewry. Stockton Hebrew Congregation per E. Hamburger £10.12.4.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 December 1915 page 3

Central Committee for Polish Jewry. Stockton Hebrew Congregation per E. Hamburger £1.19.4.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 December 1915 page 3

Central Committee for Polish Jewry. Stockton Hebrew Congregation £10.3.0.

Britain, Campaign Gallantry and Long service Medals.

41940 Pte Fred Hyams, 1st battalion West Yorkshire Regiment. Military Medal.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 February 1916 page 4

Fund for Relief of Jewish Victims of the War in Russia.
11th List. Stockton Hebrew Congregation.
R. Cohen 200s, M. Cohen, L. Prinsky 100s each, I. Kaufman 90s, E. Hamburger, Mrs M. Cohen in memory of her mother, 63s each, A. Michelson, H. Taylor, J. Goldston, J. Jackson, J. Weil, S. Cohen 42s each, L. Garbutt, H. Cohen, E. Lerman, R. Galinsky, 21s each, Mrs M. Cohen (additional donation), Mrs L. Prinsky, Mrs H. Hartman, Messrs Fred Hyams, M. Garbutt 10s 6d each, Mrs R. Kaufman, Mrs H. Taylor, Mr I. B. Michelson, Supt James, Messrs H. Live, C.F. Thornhill 10s each, A. Sutton 5s 6d, Mesdames S. Garbutt, A. Michelson, J. Jackson, M. Hamburger, Messrs A. Gladstone, R.F. Brittain 5s each.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 March 1916 page 25

Passed January matriculation examination of London University: Jacob Cohen Stockton High School.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 March 1916 page 3

Fund for Relief of Jewish Victims of the War in Russia 13th List.
Stockton Committee £12.19.9.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 June 1916 page 1

Forthcoming marriage. Ida, only daughter of Mr and Mrs Emanuel Hamburger, Hartington Road, Stockton, to Abe Collins of Newcastle, on 21 June at the synagogue, Hartington Road, Stockton.
[Marriage. Adela I. Hamburger June 1916 Stockton 10a 171//Abraham Collins

Jewish Chronicle, 2 June 1916 page 2

Fund for Relief of Jewish Victims of the War in Russia. Stockton Hebrew Congregation. Asher Michelson £4.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 June 1916 page 21

General meeting. Elected: President A. Kaufman, Treasurer J. Jackson, Hon Sec J. Hamburger and Committee of 5.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 June 1916 page 1

Betrothal. Ada, younger daughter of Mr and Mrs H. Taylor, 40 Westbourne Street, Stockton, to Joss (RAMC), 2nd son of Mr and Mrs A. Levy (Lovatt), Middlesbrough.
[Marriage. Ada Taylor March 1920 Stockton 10a 193//Joshua Levy]

Jewish Chronicle, 23 June 1916 page 3

Fund for Relief of Jewish Victims of the War in Russia.
16th List. Stockton Committee £10.6.6.

Jewish Chronicle, Daily Gazette for Middlesbrough 26 June 1916 page 1

Lady assistant required for Pawnbroker and Sale Shop. Apply Michelson, 32 Garbutt Street, Stockton.

Jewish Chronicle, Daily Gazette for Middlesbrough 26 June 1916 page 1

A. Hyams and Son, 5 Bishop Street, Stockton, Furniture. Payment over 1, 2 or 3 years.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 August 1916 page 2

Fund for Relief of Jewish Victims of the War in Russia.
19th List Stockton Committee. £8.6.0.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 November 1916 page 3

Fund for Relief of Jewish Victims of the War in Russia.
22nd List. Stockton Committee. £11.1.6.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 December 1916 page 16

Board of Deputies. Letter complaining that Stockton congregation had demanded £50 for the burial of a member of the Darlington congregation. Protest to Stockton Borough to whom cemetery belonged but powerless to take action. Subsequently congregation accepted £15. Maurice Jacobs, Stockton’s representative at B of D said he thought the congregation was right. Stockton was good congregation, and the money was for release of mortgage. Poor people were buried free but when wealthy Jew from a neighbouring town died and if family was in position to pay they should do so. In this case the family did not object but outsiders had done so.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 January 1917 page 2

Death on 15 January of Mrs Gertrude Levy (Lovatt) mother of inter alia Mrs J. A. Weil of Manchester late of Stockton.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 March 1917 page 3

Fund for Relief of Jewish Victims of the War in Russia. 24th List. Stockton Committee £11.15.6.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 May 1917 page 26

Annual meeting. Elected: President Councilor R. Cohen, Treasurer H. Taylor, Hon Sec Samuel Cohen, Committee: A. Kaufman, H. Cohen, S. Garbutt, and L. Sive. Rev S. Cohen of Middlesbrough unanimously elected Reader, Teacher, and Shochet.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 June 1917 page 20

Special meeting. Resolution adopting ‘the Zionist programme’ and protesting against the recent action of the Conjoint Committee with regard to Palestine.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 August 1917 page 2

Gentlewoman requires post as Mother’s Help or Companion in a good house. Fond of children, References. 47 Hartington Road, Stockton

Jewish Chronicle, 12 October 1917 page 12

Sufferers from the fire in Salonika.
Per Mr S. Cohen, Stockton. Messrs M. Cohen 10s, R. Cohen 10s, H. Cohen 10s, S. Cohen 5s, H. Taylor 5s, S. Garbutt 5s, L. Sive 3s. Total £2.8.0.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 January 1918 page 11

Services for soldiers. Rev I. Richmond, Stockton.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 March 1918 page 12

Meeting of Zionist Association. Chairman Reuben Cohen gave account of Zionist Conference held in London. His appeal on behalf of the Zionist Preparation Fund resulted in over $50 being subscribed.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 March 1918 page 21

At synagogue chambers prizes for scholars attending the Hebrew Classes were presented by Reuben Cohen.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 March 1918 page 2

Death on 14 March at 1 Central Buildings of Asher Michelson, husband of Sarah and father to Elly, Issy, Myrtle, and Rev B.N. Michelson, Mrs Isaac Behrman of Sunderland, Mrs Lerman of Stockton and Mrs Nathan Marks of Middlesbrough.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 March 1918 page 24

Several obituaries of Asher Michelson. Died 14 August aged 75. ‘He was founder of the congregation nearly fifty years ago, was its Life President, and President of the Zionist Society. Through his untiring efforts the synagogue was built 12 years ago.’

Jewish Chronicle, 10 May 1918 page 1

Birth in Glasgow to Mr and Mrs Israel Mandelstam (nee Clara Cohen of Stockton), a son, Benjamin Lewis.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 May 1918 page 1

Silver wedding. 9 May at residence of Bride’s parents, I Central Buildings, Stockton, by Rev M.E. Davies of Middlesbrough assisted by Rev B. Cohen of Stockton, Isaac Behrman of Middlesbrough, late of Kimberley, South Africa, and Janetta (Netta) elder daughter of Mr and Mrs Asher Michelson. ‘At Home’ on Sunday 25 May at 14 Cuba Street, Sunderland.
[Marriage. Isaac Behrman June 1893 Stockton 10a 163//Janetta Michelson]

Jewish Chronicle, 31 May 1918 page 1

On 1 May killed in action Sgt Leslie Garbutt of Yarm Lane, Stockton brother of Mrs David Kossick of South Shields.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 June 1918 page 12

Joint Zionist Council for North-east England has been formed to assist the formation of Zionist societies where none exist. Representatives of various bodies in Newcastle, Sunderland and Stockton have been elected and it is expected that Jewish organisations in other North-east towns will be represented.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 August 1918 page 14

Mrs Libbie Goldston of Pittsburg, USA, (widow of Raphael Goldston formerly of Stockton) and mother of Eli Goldston of that town, claims to have more descendants in tha war than any other woman, namely 10 grandsons and 1 greatgrandson in the British army, and 8 grandsons and 1 great grandson in the US army and navy. One of the grandsons is Councillor Joshua Goldston of Stockton, at present with the British army in Salonika. Mrs Goldston is 88 years old and has 62 grandchildren and 78 greatgrandchildren.

Daily Gazette for Middlesbrough, 11 September 1918 page 1

Daily girl wanted. No washing. Mrs Garbutt, 64 Yarm Lane, Stockton.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 October 1918 page 2

Killed in action on 24 September 1918. Lieut. Moss Cohen MM, aged 29, younger son of Mrs and the late Isaac Cohen of Balham SW12, formerly of Stockton.

Jewish Chronicle, Daily Gazette for Middlesbrough 22 November 1918 page 1


Jewish Chronicle, 29 November 1918 page 22

Death of Jacob Schott in Middlesbrough. Associated for many years with Sunderland then moved to Darlington where he was president, and later in Stockton. Went to Middlesbrough when already in advanced years.

Press Reports relating to the Community for the following periods:
1870-1899 (Part 1)
1919-1945 (Part 3);
1946-2002 (Part 4) 

Stockton-on-Tees Jewish Community home page

List of JCR-UK Articles and Press Extracts by Harold Pollin

Page created: 13 February 2019
Page most recently amended: 19 February 2021

Formatted by David Shulman



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