JCR-UK is a genealogical and historical website. It is not the official website of the organisation discussed below.
Jewish Joint Burial Society
The Jewish Joint Burial Society (JJBS) was founded to provides
funerals (burial or cremation) for synagogue members as part of the benefits of
belonging to a particular synagogue. Currently, JJBS has some 40 member synagogues spread
across the Reform, Masorti and Liberal Movements, as well as Independent
synagogues, covering in total over 17,000 synagogue members.(1)
Basic Data |
Name: |
Jewish Joint Burial Society |
Head Office: |
Victoria Road, Wanstead, London E11 1UL
When Founded: |
1968 |
Website: |
https://www.jjbs.org.uk |
Legal & Charitable Status: |
The society is a registered
(non-profit) company, Jewish Joint Burial Society (company no. 937882), a
private company limited by guarantee without share capital, incorporated on 27 August
It is also a registered charity (no.
257345). The governing document is the Articles of Association of
27 August 1968 as amended in June 2015.(2) |
Governance & Activities(3)
The Society is governed by a Board of Governors (Trustees).
Each member synagogue has the power to appoint one voting governor and an
alternate. The Society's Board consists of these nominated governors
and also not more than eight elected governors who are elected by
the other governors.
For London Synagogue members, the Society provides a burial plot or a cremation and
pays for the cost of a standard funeral. The main burial ground
is at Cheshunt (see below).
The National Synagogue members
generally bury outside the London area and the funeral is organised by the
local synagogue instead of the Society. The Society makes a contribution towards the total
cost of the funeral up to pre-determined limits.
Member Synagogues
Of the current 42 synagogues who are members of JJBS,
30 are member synagogues of the
Movement for Reform Judaism,
are from Masorti Judaism,
three are from
Liberal Judaism and
two are Independent synagogues.(4).
Movement for Reform Judaism Member Synagogues:
Masorti Judaism Member Synagogues:
Liberal Judaism Member Synagogues:
Independent Member Synagogues:
Online Articles and Other Material relating to the Jewish Joint Burial Society
Cemeteries of Jewish Joint Burial Society
Bulls Cross Ride Cemeteries,
Cheshunt, Herts. EN7 5HT
(see also
IAJGS Cemetery Project - Cheshunt)
- the Society's principal cemetery, comprising:
Western Cemetery, - run by the Western Foundation.
JJBS acquired a large dedicated area in this cemetery from the
Western Synagogue (which
later merged into the Western Marble Arch Synagogue). The Western Marble Arch Synagogue
retains retains the its own dedicated area, as well as the section
used by the burial society of the former independent West End Great
Woodland Cemetery - This cemetery allows members to choose to be buried in an environmentally-friendly way, in a beautiful
natural environment, surrounded by newly planted trees. The grave can be marked with a small flat gravestone which is intended to sink into the ground over the years
New Southgate Cemetery, Brunswick Park Road, London N11 This
had been the cemetery of the former Hendon Reform Synagogue until its
2015 merger with Edgware & District Reform Synagogue, after which the
cemetery passed to JJBS. The cemetery is almost full and any future
burials are primarily reserved for former members of the
Hendon Reform Synagogue.
(See also IAJGS Cemetery Project
- New Southgate).
Edgwarebury Cemetery, Edgwarebury Lane, Edgware HA8 8QP
JJBS arranges a number of burials at this cemetery in
conjuction with Liberal Judaism and the West
London Reform) Synagogue, both of whom have their own
sections at the cemetery, based upon pre-existing arrangements. (See also
IAJGS Cemetery Project - Edgwarebury)
Hoop Lane Crematorium, Hoop Lane, Golders Green, London NWII
Cremations are performed at this crematorium and
the ashes may then be intered at one of the Society's cemeteries. (For additional information, see
IAJGS Cemetery Project
- Hoop Lane)
References and Notes (↵
returns to main text)
Synagogal Organisation in the United Kingdom
London Jewish Community home page
Page created: 30 May 2018
Page most recently amended:
14 September 2023
Research and
formatting by David Shulman
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