Important Note:
A town can be named in different ways (in Yiddish, in Russian, in Polish...), Many town names have changed over time and many can be spelled differently depending on the transliteration rules applied. Bessarabia SIG has chosen as the main town name the official one around 1900. Town names in this time period are the ones that are most widely known among Jewish genealogy researchers. The 1900s-era town names are consistent with the clickable maps of 1910 that we feature on our website. In addition, we use Alexander Beider's system for transliterating town names (except for some special very know cases where a different English name is widely know like Moscow or Kiev).
This town list shows only 1900 town names, not modern names. However, our SIG database stores most of the alternate names and you can search for them (using D-M soundex) through the town search box on the top-right of each website page. The town page will show all alternate names as well as the different names by period (1900, 1930, 1950, modern).
The SIG Website Platform Tool was developed by Ariel Parkansky
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The copyright of the SIG Website Platform Tool belongs to Mr. Parkansky
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