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[Page 410]

Memorial Pages (cont.)

In Eternal Memory

Haim Fenichel

Sara Fenichel

Baila Fenichel

Era Fenichel Kornslauer

Fenichel Family
Perished in the years of the Holocaust

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Isaac Fenichel

To the Eternal Memory

Yisroel Fuder son of Zvi Eliezer

Rivka Taub daughter of Yitzhak

Arya Taub son of Yisroel

Hersh Lazar Taub son of Arya

Moshe Taub son of Arya

Bayla Taub son of Arya

Yitzhak Grinszpan son of Avraham

Wolf Werner son of Menakhem Yehuda

All perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Chana Laub

[Page 411]

To the Eternal Memory

My father Tsettel Shmuel son of Meir – died in Toronto in 1965

My mother Tsettel Cila daughter of Yissakhar Dov – perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers

My brother Tsettel Zev son of Shmuel – perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers

My sister Tsettel Sura daughter of Shmuel – perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers

And the Nizinsky family – perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Yosef Tsettel,

To the Eternal Memory

My father: Nachum Freeman

My mother: Uma Freeman

My sister:
Rosia (Rachel) Solnik from the Freeman family

My sister:
Giza (Tova) Freeman

Freeman Family

All perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers

May G–d avenge their blood

May their memory be for a blessing

Yosef Freeman,
Ramat Gan

[Page 412]

We Sanctify the Memory of our Dearest

Father: Yitzhak Zist son of Mordechai

Mother: Miriam Zist daughter of Yeshaya

Brother: Shmuel son of Yitzhak

Sister: Tauba Biberberg born Zist daughter of Yitzhak
Her husband: Meir Biberberg
And their children: Yosef, Yeshaya, Mordechai and Gavriel

Brother: Shakar Zist son of Yitzhak

Sister: Shasha Fridman born Zist daughter of Yitzhak
Her husband: Menakhem Mendl Fridman son of Chaim
And their children: Avraham and Frumet

Perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Hershel Mordechai Zist
Sura Zist (Goldman)

To the Eternal Memory

My brother: Asher Flink son of Leibish

His wife: Sura Flink

And their children: Yosef and Regina

All perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Avraham Goldman-Flink

[Page 413]

To the Eternal Memory

My father: Shmuel Fajgenbaum son of Arya

My mother: Mindl Fajgenbaum daughter of Shlomo Zalman

My brother: Eliezer Fajgenbaum son of Shmuel

My brother: Avraham Fajgenbaum son of Shmuel

My sister: Adela Fajgenbaum daughter of Shmuel

My brother: Shayek (Yeshaya) Fajgenbaum son of Shmuel

My sister: Sala Fajgenbaum son of Shmuel

All perished in the years of the Holocaust

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Maks Fajgenbaum Kalman

To the Eternal Memory
of the young annihilated lives

Of my dear
Father Yosef Knobloch son of Elihu

Of my dear
Mother Yocheved Knobloch born Klajn daughter of Yosef

Who perished in the years of the Holocaust

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Khanka Nauman born Klajn

[Page 414]

To The Eternal Memory

Rozalia Brownfeld from
the Potashman family
  My mother:
Meita Potashman
  Sima Braun from
the Potashman family
Miriam Faber from
the Postashman family
  Berel Potashman   Berta Klapholz from
the Potashman family

All killed in the Holocaust by the Nazis- May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Regina Kornilo (Potashman)

[Page 415]

To the eternal memory

Of my dear mother

Regina Kornilo

and my little sister


Edit Kornilo   Regina Kornilo born Lery

Perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Halina Fajngold born Kornilo

To the Eternal Memory

Father Yehezkiel Knecht (Zidman)

Mother Serka Knecht (Zidman)

Sister Sala Knecht (Zidman) daughter of Yehezkiel

Brother Leibish Knecht (Zidman) son of Yehezkiel

Serke Knecht
and daughter Sala
  Leibish Knecht

All perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Avraham Dovid and Liba Knecht (Zidman)

[Page 416]

To the eternal memory

My sister Mila Katzenberg
Daughter of Israel
My mother
Rachel Appelman Katz
My father
Israel Katz son of Yeshayahu

All perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers

May their memory be for a blessing

Yitzhak Katz
and Edla Katz Krauser
Kibbutz Ein HaMifratz

To the Eternal Memory

Father: Yitzhak Korc son of Yeshmael

Mother: Dwoyra Korc daughter of Nusan

Brother: Moshe Wolf Korc son of Yitzhak [and his wife]
Tispora Korc daughter of Avraham and their children: Leibish and Sura

Brother: Shmuel Arya Korc son of Yitzhak

Sister: Chana Rywka Korc daughter of Yitzhak

Brother: Yitzhak Pinkhas Blajwajs son of Eliezer

All perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Khayke Sztajnfeld born Korc

[Page 417]

To The Eternal Memory

My father:
Shalom Kornilo
  My mother:
Sarina Kornilo

My sister:
Frimet (Freida) Kornilo

My brother: Chaim Kornilo son of Shalom

All perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers

May their memory be a blessing

Yosef Kornilo    Gershon Kornilo
Yitzhak Kornilo    Aharon Kornilo

All in Israel

[Page 418]

To the Eternal Memory

My father Aleksander Rubin

My mother Ernestina Rubin

My brother Magister [1] Stanislaw Rubin

My sister Magister Albina Rubin-Rozenblat

All perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Dr. Bronislaw Rubin

To the Eternal Memory

Miriam Rauchwajg daughter of Shlomo Margulis

Lazar Rauchwajg son of Eli Rauchwajg

Rut Rauchwajg daughter of Lazar Rauchwajg

Leon Rauchwajg son of Lazar Rauchwajg

Salomon Margulis son of Nakhum Margolis

Rebeka Margulis daughter of Yokhanan Grossbard

All perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers

May G–d avenge their blood

Leon Margulis

Of my precious mother: Gitel Rozenberg daughter of Avigdor

Of my dear sisters:

Miriam Rozenberg daughter of Moshe

Sura Rozenberg daughter of Moshe

And my dear brother: Kalman Rozenberg son of Moshe

All perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Yisroel Rozenberg

[Page 419]

To the Eternal Memory

Of the holy ones

Who were destroyed by the Nazi murderers

Benedit [Benedict] Rosenblatt 5705/1945

Miriam Rosenblatt 5702/1942

Yitzchak Rosenblatt 5703/1943

Tsila Rosenblatt 5703/1943

Golda Rosenblatt 5703/1943

May there memory be blessed!

And the soul of Avraham Rosenblatt
Who died tragically, 19 Kislev 5727/1967 in Detroit, United States

Wolf Rosenblatt and family
Toronto, Canada

To the Eternal Memory

Of my dear brothers

Yosef Rajnbach

Yisroel Rajnbach

Avraham Gershon Rajnbach

Dovid Rajnback

All perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers

May God avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Maks Rajnbach

[Page 420]

To The Eternal Memory


Fayga Honig

Rot Family: Berl Rot and wife Chana and children:
Leah, Yakov, Tsirl, Fayga, Chaya


Moshe and Chava Hena Honig

Of Our Dear Families:

And Hazelberg (Honig):

Father: Moshe Honig

Mother: Chaya Hena Honig

Sister: Fayga Honig

Brother: Manek Honig

Brother: Simkha Honig


Father: Berl Rot

Mother: Tsirl Rot

Sister: Chana Rot daughter of Berl

Sister: Fayga Rot daughter of Berl

Sister: Leah Rot daughter of Berl

Brother: Yakov Rot son of Berl

All perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers

May God avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Mendl Hazelberg (Honig)
and Regina Hazelberg (Rot)

[Page 421]

In Eternal Memory

Brother in law: Shalom Rosenberg

Sister: Golda Rosenberg

Niece: Sarah Rosenberg

Nephew: Natan Rosenberg

Sister: Rachel Lehrer

The Rosenberg Family
All of them were killed tragically during the Holocaust

May their memory be a blessing

Vishia Fingerman-Freiman
Ramat Gan

To the Eternal Memory

Father: Simkha Rozensztok

Mother: Alta Rozensztok

Sister: Dora Kalfus daughter of Simkha and her husband and children

Sister Chava Sachwald daughter of Simkha and her husband and children

Sister: Chana Rozensztok daughter of Simkha and her husband and children

Sister: Rukhl Rozensztok daughter of Simkha and her husband and children

Brother: Nusan Rozensztok son of Simkha and his wife and children

Brother: Avraham Rozensztok son of Simkha

Brother: Yisroel Rozensztok son of Simkha

Brother: Hersh Rozensztok son of Simkha and his wife and children

Brother: Berl Rozensztok son of Simkha

All perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers

May God avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Dovid Rozensztok



Translator's footnote:
  1. Polish university degree equivalent to a master's degree. Return


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