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[Page 399]

Memorial Pages (cont.)

In Sacred Memory

Ida Jakubowicz   Markus Jakubowicz

Father: Markus Viktor Jakubowicz son of Zvi

Mother: Ida Jakubowicz daughter of Mikhl

Brother: Moshe Jakubowicz son of Markus Viktor

All perished at the hands of the Nazis

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Mala Opfelbaum, Yakov Jakubowicz
Halina Sztrasberg, Genya Lajbgorn
Leon Jakubowicz

[Page 400]

To the Eternal Memory

Our father: Shlomo David Katz

Our mother: Sarah Katz born Rimler

Perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers in Auschwitz

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Nechemia and Avraham Rimler

To the Eternal Memory

Father: Leibish Jochnowicz son of Yisroel

Mother: Brayndil Jochnowicz daughter of Moshe

Sister: Regina Jochnowicz son of Leibish

Brother: Moshe Jochnowicz son of Leibish

Sister: Hinda Jochnowicz daughter of Leibish

Brother: Yehiel Jochnowicz son ofLeibish

Brother: Avigdor Jochnowicz son of Leibish

Sister: Tsila Jochnowicz son of Leibish

Sister: Fayga Jochnowicz daughter of Leibish

Sister: Golda Jochnowicz daughter of Leibish

All perished at the hands of the Nazis

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Meir Jochnowicz and wife Regina Jochnowicz

[Page 401]

To the Eternal Memory of
Our Dear Parents, Sisters, Brothers and Children

Father: Efroim Laufer son of Asher

Mother: Rayzel Laufer daughter of Moshe Dovid

Sister: Sura Szer born Laufer daughter of Efroim

Her husband: Sholem Szer son of Moshe

Their children:
Yosef Szer son of Sholem

Yehiel Szer son of Sholem

Avraham Szer son of Sholem

Brother: Asher Laufer son of Efroim

His wife: Hela Laufer daughter of Avraham

Their children:
Moshe Dovid Laufer son of Asher

Chana Laufer daughter of Asher

Sister: Brucha Rapaport born Laufer daughter of Efroim

Her husband: Shabtai Rapaport son of Sholem

And their three children daughter of
Mother-in-law: Leah Langer daughter of Motl

Father-in-law: Yosef Langer son of Yehoshua

Their sons:
Yehoshua Meir Langer son of Yehoshua son of Yosef

With wife Rywka Langer daughter of Avraham

Zisman Langer son of Yosef

Chana Langer son of Yosef

All perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Pesach and Tsipora Tajtelbaum

[Page 402]

In Sacred Memory

Tishatkas from the Komet (Comet) family   Standing from right: Mordechai Loeb,
Yaacov Kornreich and his wife
Leah from the Loeb Family

Sitting: Esther Loeb from the
Komet (Comet) family
Esther Loeb from the Komet (Comet) family daughter of Shlomo

Her husband: Mordechai Loeb son of Wolf

Their daughter: Leah Kornreich from the Loeb family daughter of Mordechai

With her husband: Yaacov Kornreich

And their child: Rivka

Hinda Tishatkas from the Komet (Comet) family daughter of Shlomo
With her husband and daughter

All were lost in the time of the Holocaust

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Bilah (Berta) Bardoff from the Loeb family
United States
Dr. Avraham Chomet (Comet), Israel

[Page 403]

In eternal memory

My father Avraham Lenonid son of Eli, murdered by the Nazis, may G–d avenge his blood

My mother Channah/Hannah Lenonid, died in 1942 in Russia

My aunt Helena Weintraub, daughter of Eli, murdered by the Nazis, may G–d avenge her blood

My cousin from Ger. Adv. Marek Zilberstein, murdered by the Nazis, may G–d avenge his blood

My grandmother Golda Lenonid, murdered by the Nazis

May their memory be blessed!

Sitting from the right:
Avraham Lenonid and his mother Golda
In the middle is their daughter (may she live and be well) Mina at age 4.
Today her last name is Engelman and she lives in Ramat Gan

Standing from the right:
May she live and be well, Mina Wagschel, born Lenonid, who lives in Haifa
Adv. Mark Zilberstein, Helena Weintraub, born Lenonid and Channah Lenonid


Avraham Lenonid, may his memory be for a blessing, was a certified accountant in Tarnow, a court translator, and a graphologist for the district court. He was involved with the bornds of the community.

Mina Engelman born Lenonid the daughter of Avraham
Ramat Gan

For an eternal memorial

Naftali Leder son of Aharon Regina Leder (Rand) daughter of Yosef

Anna Leder daughter of Naftali Yosef Leder son of Naftali

Herman Leder son of Naftali

All of them were murdered by the hateful Nazis

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound in the bonds of life

Adolf Leder, Beer Sheva

[Page 404]

To the Eternal Memory


Leib Lebenkorn son of Herman

Nekhemia Lebenkorn daughter of Izak

Arfad Lebenkorn son of Leib

Shmuel Cizer-Tifenbruch son of Efroim

Yisroel Cizer-Tifenbruch son of Shmuel

Sabina Cizer-Tifenbruch daughter of Shmuel

Sida Cizer-Tiferbruch daughter of Shmuel

All perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Louis Lebenkorn, U.S.A.

To the Memory of My Dear Friend,
Perished at the Hands of the Nazis

May G–d Avenge His Blood

Mesinger Herman and wife Bela

Mesinger Markus and wife Mina

Miler Zigmunt and wife Bunya

Kapelner Bernard and wife Wajc-Blonder Baylka


From the right: Mina Mesinger, (__),
Mesinger Markus, Regina Kornilo born Ler)

May their souls be bound in the bonds of life

Yosef Kornilo, Israel

[Page 405]

In Sacred Memory

My mother Sima Mordkowicz (Wajzer)

My sister: Royze-Rukhl Kenigberg

My sister: Lola Graz

My brother: Ahron Sznur (Wajzer)

My uncle: Shaul Sznur (Wajzer)

My aunt: Matl and daughter Chana Sznur

All perished in the years of the Holocaust

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Regina Binensztok (Mordkowicz)

In Eternal Memory

My father: Shmuel Mira son of Efroim

My mother: Pesl Mira daughter of Urish

My sister: Blima Mira daughter of Shmuel

My sister: Zeftl Mira daughter of Shmuel

My brother: Berl Mira son of Shmuel

My sister-in-law: Tauba Mira

My brother: Urish Mira son of Shmuel

All perished in the years of the Holocaust

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Merl Mira,

[Page 406]

We Sanctify the Memory of our Dear Parents,
Sisters and Relatives

Yitzhak (Izak) Merl murdered by the Nazi murderers.
May G–d avenge his blood

And his wife Tauba Merl born Brandstatter died

Lena Sztrum born Brandstatter murdered by the Nazi murderers.
May G–d avenge her blood
Rut Brandstatter murdered by the Nazi murderers.
May G–d avenge her blood
Hersh Fajer died

Rywka Fajer died

Yisroel Fajer and his wife Lola born Korn died

Helen Berman born Fajer

Brother-in-law Zalek Bergman and their child

Murdered by the Nazi murderers

May G–d avenge their blood


Mala Einem- Brandstatter
Giza Fajer- Brandstatter
Yeshayahu Fajer

[Page 407]


To the Eternal Memory

This tombstone is erected on the grave of the wife
of R. Isaac Sapir in the cemetery in Tarnow.

My mother: Klara Sapir, wife of Isaac, passed away in Tarnow on April 15, 1942.

My sister: Yola Weinberger Sapir, perished in the Shoah. May her memory be a blessing

Dedicated in sorrow by:
Lawyer Shimon Sapir, Berlin

To the Eternal Memory


Sukman Family
Father: Chaim Sukman son of Avraham

Mother: Shaydl Sukman daughter of Rywka

Brother: Yehoshua Sukman son of Chaim

Brother: Avraham Sukman son of Chaim

Sister: Rukhl Sukman daughter of Chaim

Brother: Nisen Sukman son of Chaim

All perished in the years of the Holocaust

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Sala Rot born Sukman
Hela Najhaus born Sukman

[Page 408]


Pesil Frajlich

To the Eternal Memory

Father: Avraham Yakov Englender
Perished at the hands of the Nazis

Mother: Chana Englender daughter of Eliezer Frajlich – perished at the hands of the Nazis

May G–d avenge her blood

Brother: Mendl Englender son of Avraham Yakov Frajlich – perished at the hands of the Nazis

May G–d avenge his blood

Brother: Shmuel Englender son of Avraham Yakov Frajlich – perished at the hands of the Nazis

May G–d avenge his blood

My wife: Pesil Frajlich daughter of Naftali Hercl Blumensztin
Died in Toronto in 1963

My father-in-law: Naftali Hercl Blumensztin died in Tarnow

My mother-in-law: Idis Blumensztin perished at the hands of the Nazis

My brother-in-law: Meir Blumensztin son of Naftali Hercl perished at the hands of the Nazis

My sister-in-law: Ester daughter of Naftali Hercl – perished at the hands of the Nazis

May G–d avenge her blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Eliezer (Leon) Frajlich

To the Eternal Memory

Engineer Maurici Engelhardt Yona Pomerantz
Doctor Arthur Engelhardt Franziska Pomerantz
Malvina Engelhardt-Faber

All perished in the years of the Holocaust

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Adolf and Blanka Pomerantz

[Page 409]

My father Eliezer-Leon Fleischer

My mother Taoca Fleischer

My brother Leopold Fleischer

They perished in the Shoah

May their memory be a blessing

Yaacov Fleischer
Kibbutz Merhavia

In Eternal Memory

Father: Chaim Fisz son of Eli

Mother: Rayzel Fisz (Grossbard) daughter of Kalman

My brothers: Eli Fisz son of Chaim
Dovid Fisz son of Chaim

My sisters: Chana Fisz daughter of Chaim
Bayla Fisz daughter of Chaim

Perished in the years of the Holocaust

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Hinda Fisz (Unger)

In Eternal Memory

Pris Ferenc Khanka and children

Ferenc Marila

Ferenc Emil

Perished in the years of the Holocaust

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Salomon Zilberman
Brooklyn (New York)


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