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[Page 389]

Memorial Pages (cont.)

We Sanctify the Memory of Our Dear Ones

From the right: Miriam Wajnrib, Bayla Bina Izak born Wajnrub and her friend
Ester Rauch born Wajnrib   Hersh Lazar Wajnrib

Father: Shlomo Zalman Wajnrib son of Elihu – murdered by the Nazi murderers, May G–d avenge his blood

Mother: Miriam Wajnrib daughter of Avraham – murdered by the Nazi murderers, May G–d avenge her blood

Sister: Rywka Wajcman daughter of Shlomo – died in Toronto in 1955

Brother-in-law: Leibush Wajcman son of Avraham – perished in the Shoah, May G–d avenge his blood

Sister: Bayla Bina Izak born Wajnrib daughter of Shlomo – murdered by the Nazi murderers, May G–d avenge her blood

Sister: Basha Wajnrib daughter of Shlomo – murdered by the Nazi murderers, May G–d avenge her blood

Sister: Ester Rauch born Wajnrib daughter of Shlomo – murdered by the Nazi murderers, May G–d avenge her blood

Her child: Tobala Rauch daughter of Eliezer – perished at the hands of the Nazis

Sister: Frimet Wajnrib daughter of Shlomo – perished in Soviet Russia

Brother: Avraham Yitzhak Wajnrib son of Shlomo – killed by the Nazi murderers

Brother: Hersh Lazar Wajnrib son of Shlomo – died in Poland in 1946

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Gitl Zinger born Wajnrib and husband Yosef Zinger

[Page 390]

In Eternal Memory

Ben Tzion Wajc son of Yosef and wife Miriam daughter of Zvi

Chana Fayge Wajc daughter of Ben Tzion

Zvi Wajc son of Tzion

Avraham Chaim Sztrom son of Zvi

Nusan Sztrom son of Avraham

Sora Sztrom daughter of Avraham

Pesha Sztrom daughter of Avraham Chaim

All perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Shlomo Rauch and wife Ester born Ben Tzion Wajc

To the Sacred Memory

Zawader, Rajnkraut and Gelernter Family

Father: Moshe Leib Zawader son of Avraham and wife

Brother: Leml Zawader and his wife Anda born Maler and child

Brother: Dovid Zawader and sister: Rukhl Gelernter born Zawader and two children

Rywka Rajnkraut born Zawader and Bluma, Brukha, Tsila and Gitel

Perished in the days of the Shoah

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Chaim and Dovid Zawader-Mesner and wife
Tel Aviv-Israel

[Page 391]

In memory of the family of Yeshayahu Zilberphenig

R' Yeshayahu Chaim Zilberphenig
about 28-30 years old

R' Yeshayahu Chaim son of Abraham Aba Zilberphenig was born in Tarnow in 1883. Grandson of R' Zecharia Mendel and Mrs. Hana Mindel Abardam; great grandson and descendant of a family that was very active in Galicia; he was president of the Jewish community of Tarnow, member of the Tarnow city council, active Zionist, a great philanthropist, industrialist and sharp businessman. He was arrested during the occupation because of his criticism of the German authorities. He perished in Auschwitz in 1941.

Sarah (Salomea ) Zilberphenig from the family Boyminger, was born in Radom in 1881. She was a cultured woman and of noble spirit and fine manners. She was highly and widely educated. She spoke 5 languages. She perished in Stanislawow in 1941.

Dr Yakov (Hank) Zvi son of Yeshayahu Zilberphenig was born in 1904 in Tarnow. He had a doctorate in social science from the University of Vienna then studied Medicine. After the German conquest he wandered “the 7 seas” and lived his last years in Miami, Florida. He died on the six of Elul (18.8.61).

Mrs. Golda daughter of Abraham Aba Mozel family Zilberphenig. Born in Tarnow Around 1880. She was a strong and energetic woman who was active in the community (Jewish Hospital in Tarnow). She perished in Tarnow in the summer of 1942.

Prof Dr Helen Silbing (Henda Zilberphenig) and her husband
Dr Yehudit Zilberphenig -Kestenberg and family

[Page 392]

In memory of the family of Benyamin Ze'ev (Wolf) Zilberfenig

Mrs. Raizel Zilberfenig,
mother of Dr. Z. Kasif

Mr. Benyamin Ze'ev (Wolf) the son of Mr. Avraham Aba Zilberfenig was born in 1881. He labored a lot during his short life. He united the learning of Torah with good manners. He knew languages. He was among the first of the Zionist movement and of the founders of the Mizrachi movement in Tarnow.

He died on Shemini Azeret (next to last day of the holiday of Sukkot) 1907/5668

Mrs. Raizel Yenta the daughter of Shneur Zalman (may his memory be for a blessing) Barfenig, nee Hodorov. She was born in Berdichev (Russia) in 1883. She was a modest Jewish woman and fervent in keeping the mitzvot/commandments. She was brave and righteous. She was widowed at the age of 24 and dedicated her entire life to the education of her children. She was murdered in Tarnow during the Holocaust (The Great Slaughter) in Sivan 5702 (June 1942)

Mrs. Hendel Ita the daughter of Mr. Benyamin Ze'ev Zilberfenig. She was born in Tarnow in 1906. She was a college graduate in the fields of German and English. She taught these subjects in the Gymnasium of the Safa Berura in Tarnow.

She was murdered during the Holocaust in Tarnow in Sivan 5702 (June 1942).

May their souls be bound in the bonds of life.

Those memorializing:
Dr. Zacharia Kasif (Zilberfenig) and his family,
Tel Aviv

[Page 393]

To the Eternal Memory

Yehuda Arye Zaiden
and his wife Malka Zaiden

Yisrael Tzvi Zaiden son of Yaakov (deceased)

Yehuda Arye Zaiden son of Yisrael Tzvi

Malka Zaiden daughter of Shmuel

Hinda Schnepps daughter of Yisrael Tzvi

Avraham Schnepps

Channah Schnepps

Moshe Zaiden son of Yisrael Tzvi

Rivka Zaiden

Devorah Zaiden daughter of Moshe

Matilda Zaiden daughter of Moshe

Lulek Zaiden son of Moshe

Eliyahu Zaiden son of Yisrael Tzvi

Hinda Zaiden

Matilda Zaiden daughter of Eliyahu

Avraham Zaiden son of Eliyahu

Yaakov Zaiden son of Eliyahu

Killed tragically during the Holocaust/Shoah

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound in the bonds of life

Yaakov Tzidon (Zaiden)
Petach Tikvah

[Page 394]

To the Eternal Memory

Zilberman-Hirschfeld Geula
and Yetka Zilberman and her two children
  Zilberman-Hirschfeld Geula
Manfred Weisserich
and his wife Blumka from
the family Zilberman-Hirschfeld
  Yetka Zilberman and her children
Michalina and Wilhem

All perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers

May G–d avenge their blood

May their memory be for a blessing

Shlome (Solomon) Zilberman
Brooklyn-New York

[Page 395]

We Sanctify the Memory of Our Dearest Ones

Avraham Ziskind   Zlata Ziskind born Grosbard   Yakova Ziskind

Natalia Ziskind born Man   Teofila Ziskind

Perished in the years of the Shoah

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Memorialized in sorrow:
Ziskind family

[Page 396]

In Constant Sadness and in Sacred Memory of Our Dear Parents
and Sisters and Their Husbands and Children

Father: Yakov Dovid Zinger son of Yeshayahu
A modest, honest Jew; although he worked hard for his income, he led a respected house and provided a Jewish education for his children

Mother: Ester Chana Zinger daughter of Yakov
A dear soul of a Jewish mother. Always toiling, devoted with her body and life to her husband and children

Sister: Bluma Sura Zinger daughter of Yakov

Sister: Yentil Tauba Zinger daughter of Yakov

Sister: Leah Grosman born Zinger daughter of Yakov

Brother-in-law: Shmuel Grosman son of Zvi and their children: Yosef and Maytl

All perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Memorialized in sadness:
The brothers Abraham and Yosef Zinger

[Page 397]

To the Eternal Memory

Tenenbaum Family

Sitting from the right: Shmuel Tenenbaum and his wife Chaya
Standing from the right: Oskar Gros, may he be distinguished for a long life
Standing from the left: Zvi Tenenbaum, may he be distinguished for a long life

Father: Tenenbaum Zvi son of Yakov

Mother: Tenenbaum Chaya daughter of Yisroel

Brother: Leon (Leib) Tenenbaum son of Shmuel

Sister: Khanka Tenenbaum daughter of Shmuel

Sister: Tonka Tenenbaum daughter of Shmuel

All perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Zvi Tenenbaum
Mina Gerlernter born Tenenbaum

[Page 398]

In Sacred Memory

Sura Hena Honig
Meir Taler   Yakov Taler
Father: Hershel Taler son of Meir

Mother: Chana Taler daughter of Yakov

Sister: Dvora Sztraus born Taler daughter of Hershl

Brother: Yakov Taler son of Hershel

Brother: Meir Taler son of Hershel

Cousins: Shlomo, Yakov, Mindl Sztraus

Brother-in-law: Henek Sztraus son of Shlomo

Aunt: Sura Hena Honig daughter of Shlomo

Sister-in-law: Yocheved Zilberman

All perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Memorialized: Berl and Mendl Taler


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