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[Page 379]

Memorial Pages (cont.)

In eternal sadness for

My father Chaim Bethajl son of Avraham

My mother Toba Bethajl (Birnbaum)

My brother Zev (Wolf) Bethajl son of Chaim

My brother Nakhum Bethajl son of Chaim

My sister Perl Bethajl daughter of Chaim

My sister Rywka Bethajl daughter of Chaim

My sister Chayala Bethajl daughter of Chaim

My sister Leah Bethajl daughter of Chaim

All murdered by the Nazi murderers

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Toba Rajnsztajn born Bethajl

In eternal sadness for our dear parents, brothers and sisters:

Father Yeshayhu Berkelhamer

Mother Fraydl Berkelhamer

Sister Zisl Berkelhamer

Brother Moshe (Moric) Berkelhamer

Sister Miriam Berkelhamer

Brother Khona Berkelhamer

Brother Abish Berkelhamer

Brother Tovya Berkelhamer (died in Toronto in 1965)

All murdered by the Nazi murderers

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Aharon and Herman Berkelhamer and family in Toronto

[Page 380]

To the Eternal Memory of
our comrade and friend

Perec Grinberg and his wife Sura born Szpinrad and their two sons

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Avraham and Yosef Zinger

To the Eternal Memory of
my dear friend, the gentle Jew

Emanuel Grinszpan and his wife and child

Perished al Kiddish haShem [in the sanctification of God's name]

May G–d revenge their blood

Memorialized in deep sadness:
Avraham Zinger

To the Eternal Memory

Gutter, Englander and Betrubniss Families

Parents Yaakov and wife Hadas

Parents Lipa and wife Yehudit

Their sons: Moshe, Zalman and Billah

Their sister Breindel Englander

Daughter Gittel

Wife Bracha Gutter

Her daughter Bila Shprinza

All were lost in the Shoah and destruction

May their blood be avenged

May their souls be bound in the bond of eternal life

Gutter-Bergstein, Tarnow


[Page 381]

In Eternal Memory

Chaim Gros   Malka Gros

My father Chaim Gros, my mother Malka Gros born Szindelhajm

My brother Yisroel and his wife Ruza born Lew from Drohobych

My brother Yakov Gros

My sister Gizela Keler born Gros and their young daughter Hania

My aunt Gizela Sztil born Szindelhajm and her husband Yona Sztil and children: Shlomo and Fraydl

All perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Shlomo Gros, Berlin

Ruza Gros   Yisroel Gros

[Page 382]

To the Eternal Memory

Chaya Tova Gutinower

Shlomo Kalman Rosen

Sara Rosen

Zev and Miriam Rosen and children

Avraham and Chaya Rosen and children

Dov Rosen and his wife

Malka Rosen

Mordechai Rosen

Naftali and Sara Wakskritz and children

All died in the days of the Holocaust and destruction

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Irna (Gutinower) Easton
United States

To the Eternal Memory

My father Avraham Akiva Gelernter

My mother Sura Rywka Gelernter

My brother Moshe Wolf Gelernter

My brother Mendl Yisroel Gelernter

Perished during the Shoah years

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Efroim Gelernter, Montreal-Canada

[Page 383]

In Eternal Memory of Our Dear Family

Menakhem Mendl Holender son of Zvi
Died in Montreal in 1953

Shayndl Holender daughter of Menakhem Mendl
Died in Russia in 1943

Yitzhak Salomon son of Avraham Dovid

Henny Salomon daughter of Avraham Dovid

Rayzel Salomon daughter of Avraham Dovid

Ruwin Salomon son of Yitzhak

Malka Salomon daughter of Yitzhak

Ester Sztajner daughter of Zvi

Berl Sztajner son of Yitzhak

Hershele Sztajner son of Dov (Berl)

Yitzhak Sztajner son of Dov (Berl)

Mendel Holender
Murdered by the Nazi murderers

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Memorialized in sadness:
Malka Holender
Hinda Holender and her husband
Moshe Kutnowski
Hershel Holender
Yehudis Holender

[Page 384]

In Sacred Memory

Henrik Holender

Zigmund Holender and his wife

Dr. Ignaci and Luci Zajdenwerg and their son

Perished during the Shoah years

May G–d avenge their blood

Yosef Salholc
New York

In Eternal Memory

Yitzhak Hollander son of Shmuel

Genia Hollander daughter of Shmuel

Meir Hollander son of Shmuel

Chana Hollander daughter of Avraham

Shmuel Hollander son of Yitzhak

Irina Hollander daughter of Meir

Perished in the Holocaust

May G–d avenge their blood

Sabina Leibler from the Hollander Family
Tel Aviv

In Eternal Memory

Sister: Chaya Sora Hirsz daughter of Efroim

Brother-in-law: Alter Chaim Hirsz son of Zvi

Nephew: Naftali Zvi Hirsz son of Alter Chaim

Brother: Yakov Korn son of Efroim

Sister-in-law: Chaya Sura Korn daughter of Akhtar and three children

Murdered by the Nazi murderers

May G–d avenge their blood

Dovid Wajzer

In Eternal Memory

Our dear cousins: Zishe Haber and his wife Gitel daughter of Chaim Tova and son Yitzhak son of Zishe and his wife Dvora Haber daughter of Chaim

Daughter: Bayla (Beshi) Gast and her husband Ahron Gast son of Shimeon and their children: Sura Gast and Yitzhak Gast

Daughter: Etl Bernfeld daughter of Zishe Haber and her husband Maks Bernfeld and their children

Son: Yosef Haber son of Zishe

Daughter: Sura Alwajs daughter of Zishe Haber
and her husband Yosef Alwajz and their children

Murdered by the Nazi murderers

May G–d avenge their blood

The brothers
Avraham and Yosef Zinger

[Page 385]

In Eternal Memory of Our Dear Relatives

Moshe Hercberg

Tsipa Hercberg

Yeshayahu Hercberg son of Moshe

Minya Hercberg daughter of Moshe

Eliezer Hercberg son of Moshe

All perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Avraham Zinger, Toronto-Canada

In Eternal Memory

Moshe Weinstein

Dr. Shmuel Weinstein son of Moshe

Yeshayahu Yosef Weinstein son of Moshe

Rosalia Weinstein daughter of Moshe

Dr. Alexander Weinstein son of Moshe

Major Jan Weinstein son of Moshe

All were lost in the Holocaust - May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Dr. Yakov Weinstein, London

[Page 386]

In memoriam

Psachja Honig son of Shmuel

Gitel Dvora Honig daughter of Mechel

Reshka Rak daughter of Psachja and Gitel (wife #3)

Necha Honig daughter of Psachja and Gitel (wife #3)

Eda Honig daughter of Psachja and Gitel (wife #3)

Rivka Mahler daughter of Mechel

Frida Komlos daughter of Psachja and Feige Taube (wife #2) *

Hela Honig daughter of Psachja, married name Schneebaum

Norbert Honig son of Psachja and Esther (wife #1)

Psachja Honig

My father, Psachja Honig, was a tenant farmer near Tarnow. He was an Orthodox Jew, well known in the town and its surroundings, father to a large family and while being Orthodox he gave his children an advanced education and was a Zionist. On the dark day for Tarnow Jews, March 1942, he and my mother, Gitel Dvora, were murdered by the Nazis. The children of the family, Reshka, Edka, Rivka, Frida, Hela, Norbert and their families were deported to the extermination camps after the liquidation of the Tarnow ghetto.

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Remembered by:
Dr. Mordechai Gris-Honig

Necha Honig

[Page 387]

In memory of the family of Israel Weksler

R. Israel Weksler - one of the outstanding citizens in Tarnow, chairman of the Friends of “Talmud Torah”, member and more of the “Students of Torah “, landowner and banker.

His wife, Roza daughter of R. Zachariah Mendel Weksler from the family of Avraham.

Their daughter Rachel Bezkes daughter of Israel, intelligent and philanthropic with a generous spirit

Lawyer Dr. Yurek Bezkes , husband of Rachel, a man of noble spirit and positive character

Mordechai Weksler son of Israel, legal expert.

All perished in the Shoah

May their memory be a blessing

Organized by
Dr. Zechariah Weksler and his family
Sydney , Australia

In Eternal Memory

Father: Tovya Wajzer Rozengarten son of Ahron

Mother: Fayga Wajzer-Rozengarten

Brother: Moshe Wajzer-Rozengarten

Sister: Perl Wajzer-Rozengarten

Brother: Meir Wajzer-Rozengarten

All perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Elihu (Elya) Wajzer-Rozengarten

In Eternal Memory

Sister: Tauba Wildsztajn daughter of Klunimus and her husband Yakov Wildsztajn daughter of Moshe
Their children: Kalman and Moshe

Brother: Avraham Shmuel Izrael son of Klunimus

Brother: Moshe Ber Izrael son of Klunimus

Brother: Chaim Izrael son of Klunimus

Sister: Hinda Izrael daughter of Klunimus

All perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Shayndl Hirszenhorn

[Page 388]

In Eternal Memory

Miriam Volken(Resler)   Moritz Volken   Ruth Volken

Miriam Volken (Resler) daughter of Chaim Mendel

Moritz Volken

Ruth Volken daughter of Moritz

Family of Motel Shapiro

Family Leib Kook

All perished in the days of destruction and Shoah

May their memories be of blessing

Remembered by:
Penny (Feiga) Buna family of Resler
Children Institution- Bostana 7, Ramat Hasharon


Note from Mordechai Gris-Honig:
* Frida Komlos lived in Tata, Hungary. She was deported from there in June 1944, not “after the extermination of the Tarnow ghetto.” Return


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