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Father Yeshayhu Berkelhamer Mother Fraydl Berkelhamer Sister Zisl Berkelhamer Brother Moshe (Moric) Berkelhamer Sister Miriam Berkelhamer Brother Khona Berkelhamer Brother Abish Berkelhamer Brother Tovya Berkelhamer (died in Toronto in 1965)
May Gd avenge their blood May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life
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Memorialized in deep sadness: |
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Elihu (Elya) Wajzer-Rozengarten Montreal-Canada |
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Note from Mordechai Gris-Honig:
* Frida Komlos lived in Tata, Hungary. She was deported from there in June 1944, not after the extermination of the Tarnow ghetto. Return |
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Tarnow, Poland
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Updated 12 Apr 2024 by LA