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[Page 422]

Memorial Pages (cont.)

We Sanctify the Memory of
Our Precious Parents, Dear Sisters and Their Families

Standing from the left: Nusan Rand, Sura and Leibish Ofsler, Rukhl and Pinkhas Ziskind
Sitting from the left: Mindl Rand and child, Zelda Ender, Hadasa and Yehuda Wenger
From the left: Borukh Ofsler, Rukhl Ofsler, Rywka Ofsler

All perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Avraham and Faygel Wenger
New York

[Page 423]

To the Eternal Memory

Shlomo Rajchman son of Moshe Tuvya

Rukhl Rajchman daughter of Avraham

Son: Chaim Rajchman son of Shlomo

Daughter: Pepa (Pesha) Rajchman daughter of Shlomo

All perished in the years of the Holocaust

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Avraham and Yosef Zinger
Toronto, Canada

To the Eternal Memory

Yisroel Sztrom son of Zvi

Fayga Sztrom Szpicen daughter of Chaim Ahron

Zelda Sztrom Szpicen daughter of Yisroel

Khanka Sztrom Szpicen

Yitzhak Haber son of Mordekhai

Bayla Haber daughter of Nisen

Mordekhai Haber son of Yitzhak

Moshe Haber son of Yitzhak

Mendl Haber son of Yitzhak

Hinda Brin born Haber daughter of Yitzhak

Sura Szpangelet born Haber daughter of Yitzhak

Bluma Szrajber born Haber daughter of Yitzhak

Yentil Haber daughter of Yitzhak

Chava Mansdorf born Haber daughter of Yitzhak

Hela Haber daughter of Yitzhak

All perished in the years of the Holocaust

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Chaim Sztrom Szpicen and wife Rukhl Sztrom Szpicen

[Page 424]

We Sanctify the Memory of Our Dear Ones

Chaim [Henek] Szporn son of Ahron – my son. Perished as a hero on the battlefield in 1945   Hinda Szporn daughter of Mordechai – my wife. Perished at the hands of the German murderers
Avraham Mordekhai (Monek) Szporn son of Ahron – my son, perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers
Mirl Mosner daughter of Avraham, my sister
Chaim Mosner son of Yehoshua – her husband

Tosha Sztajn born Szporn daughter of Avraham, my sister
Yitshak Sztajn – her husband

Malka Glinik daughter of Mordekhai, sister-in-law
Chaim Glinik, her husband – brother-in-law

Meir Blajwajs son of Mordekhai, my brother-in-law
and his wife Yenta Blajwajs


Shlomo Szporn son of Avraham and his wife Fayga. My brother – perished at the hands of the Nazis

All of my sisters, sisters-in-laws and brothers-in-law perished

at the hands of the Nazi murderers

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Ahron and Zalman Szporn,

[Page 425]

To the Eternal Memory
Father: Chaim Mosner son of Yehoshua

Mother: Mirl Mosner daughter of Avraham


Sister: Hela Tsajchner daughter of Chaim and her son Dovid

Sister: Sabina Nat daughter of Chaim born Mosner and her daughter Helen

Sister: Klara Mosner daughter of Chaim

Sister: Sala Mosner daughter of Chaim

All perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Dora Mosner born Zis
Khanka and Regina Zis

To the Eternal Memory

Father Aharon Siedlisker z”l

Mother Chava Siedlisker z”l

My wife Naama Siedlisker z”l

My daughter Sheindel Siedlisker z”l

My son Naftali Siedlisker z”l

All perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Chaim Eliezer Siedlisker
Nesher (Israel)

[Page 426]

To the Eternal Memory

Pesl Rukhl daughter of Zvi Baruch Holender Róża Schiff

Chana Nisenfeld daughter of Mordekhai Dovid Szif Anna Nissenfeld

Engineer Yehoshua son of Mordekhai Dovid Szif – Inź. Zygmunt Schiff

Avraham Yakov Szif son of Mordekhai Dovid SzifAdolf Schiff

Kalman Nisenfeld son of Elihu NisenfeldKarol Nissenfeld

All perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Dr. Yitzhak Szif

To the Eternal Memory

Father: Hersh (Herman) Ausenberg (Szilder)

Mother: Rukhl Ausenberg (Szilder)

Sister: Lipka Ausenberg (Szilder)

Sister: Franka Ausenberg (Szilder)

Sister: Ester Ausenberg (Szilder)

Brother: Borukh Ausenberg (Szilder)

Sister: Perl Ausenberg (Szilder)

All perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Yitzhak Ausenberg (Szilder)

[Page 427]

To the Eternal Memory

Father: Avraham Sztorm son of Hercka

Mother: Rywka Sztorm-Buchholc daughter of Leibish

Sister: Rukh (Ruzka) Buchholc daughter of Avraham

Brother: Yakov (Yanek) Buchholc son of Avraham

All perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Monek Szturm

To the Eternal Memory

My father: Shlomo Sztamberger son of Avraham

My mother: Dwoyra Sztamberger

My sister: Leah Sztamberger daughter of Shlomo

My sister: Fayga Sztamberger daughter of Shlomo

My sister: Miriam Sztamberger daughter of Shlomo

All perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Chana Zalcman (Sztamberger)

[Page 428]

We Sanctify the Memory of


My father: Alter Szpangelet son of Ezrial

My mother: Gitl Szpangelet daughter of Mordekhai

My brother: Mordekhai Szpangelet son of Alter

My sister: Zissel Szpangelet daughter of Alter

My brother: Yaruchim son of Alter

All perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Toba Waks born Szpangelet
and husband Yeshaya Waks

In Sacred Memory

My father: Shlomo Sztamberger son of Avraham

David Schindel son of Schlomo

Tuvia Schindel son of David

Billah Schindel daughter of Tuvia

Sara Schindel daughter of David

Henya Kahana daughter of Tuvia

All perished during the Holocaust

May their memory be a blessing

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Avraham Yitzhak Shindel
Bene Brak

[Page 429]

In Sacred Memory

Szildkraut Family

Father: Yisroel Yakov Szildkraut son of Shlomo

Mother: Tila Szildkraut daughter of Dovid Ber

Sister: Luba Szildkraut (Blumenstein) daughter of Yisroel Yakov

Brother-in-law: Dovid Blumenstein son of Naftali Herzl

Nephew: Naftali Herzl Blumensztajn son of Dovid

My first wife: Chana Last Szildkraut daughter of Wolf

My sister: Drezil Szildkraut daughter of Yakov


Kahana Family:

Mother: Chana Kahana daughter of Nuta

Brother: Kalman Yosef Kahana son of Ahron

Brother: Yehezkiel Kahana son of Ahron

Brother: Nuta Kahana son of Ahron

Brother: Wolf Lib Kahana son of Ahron

Brother: Shlomo Mendl Kahana son of Ahron

Sister: Sura Kahana daughter of Ahron
First husband: Avraham Tajtlbaum son of Yakov
Their son: Ahron Tajtlbaum son of Avraham

All perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Shlomo Szildkraut
Rayzel Szildkraut-Kahana

[Page 430]

To the Eternal Memory

Father: Alter Szlenger son of Asher

Mother: Malka Szlenger daughter of Simcha

Sister: Chana Nauberg born Szlenger daughter of Alter
Her husband: Zisha Nauberg son of Avraham

My brother: Yeshaya Moshe Szlenger son of Alter
My brother: Henek Szlenger son of Alter

My brother: Mendl Szlenger son of Alter

My sister: Eida Szlenger daughter of Alter

All perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Oskar (Asher) Szlenger
and Family

To the Eternal Memory

My father: Shlomo Szperber

My mother: Sura Szperber

My brother: Izak Szperber

My sister: Gela Kalb born Szperber

My sister: Rayzel Rubinfeld born Szperber

My brother-in-law: Berl Rubinfeld

All perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Hela Blond born Szperber
Bronx-New York

[Page 431]

We Sanctify the Memory of

Elihu (Ela) Szer)

Shayndl-Sluba Szer mother of Sura (Sala) Geler born Szer

Elihu (Ela) Szer son of Yisroel – brother of Sura Szer

Fruma Salamon-Geler – mother of Avraham Geler

Yehezkiel Salamon-Geller son of Mekhl – brother of Avraham Geler

Lazar Salamon-Geler son of Mekhl – brother of Avraham Geler

Rayzl Salamon-Geler daughter of Mekhl – sister of Avraham Geler

All perished in the years of the Holocaust

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Sura (Sala) and Avraham Geler

[Page 432]

To the Eternal Memory
Father: Chaim Mosner son of Yehoshua

Mother: Mirl Mosner daughter of Avraham

My brother: Yaakov Leon Schwartz

His wife: Ada Schwartz from the Herzman family

My sister: Rosa Rochel from the Schwartz family

Her husband: Yosef Rovel

Her children: Marcel, Milek, Roman Rovel


Yaakov Leon Schwartz

All perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers

May their memory be for a blessing

Aharon (Schwartz) Sacher
Kibbutz Marchavia

To the Eternal Memory

My father: Maks Szprung

My mother: Sala Szprung

My brother: Dovid Szprung

My sister: Basia Szprung

My sister: Hela Szprung

All perished in the years of the Holocaust

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Anna Blat born Szprung
Yonkers, New York

[Page 431]

We Sanctify the Memory of

Yosef Zohar (Klar)

fell in the call of duty
on the submarine “Dakar”


Son of R' Eliezer Zohar (Klar), born in Tarnow, a business man who was just, respected and religious emigrated to Erez (Israel) after the Holocaust.

Yosef was born in 5706 (1946), graduated high school at the age of 17and went to Bar-Ilan university to study Physics. After a year he decided to transfer to the Technion. Because of the difficult money situation of his parents, he began to teach elementary physics and math. He was exempt from serving in the army- because at the time he taught at the “Eztah” school.

He decided to join the army and volunteered to serve on a submarine. He completed the course with distinction and was sent to England but never returned home. He was one of the heroic victims on the “Dakar” submarine.

Honor and praise to the hero Yosef Zohar (Klar) !

Honor and condolences to his parents

The Tarnow community in Israel


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