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RAJNIZIDER, see Springer, Steichel
RAJNIZIDER-SPRINGER  Herman, Sept. 26, 1906 (Poruba), details unknown, perished
Maria Springer Steichel, Sept. 26, 1909 (Stropkov), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Rozalia (Ruzena) Springer, May 12, 1929 (Stropkov), schoolgirl, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Ignatz (Itzak) Springer, Sept. 13, 1931 (Stropkov), schoolboy, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Borca (Boriska) Springer, May 7, 1938 (Kosice), child, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
RAPPAPORT, see Guttmann
RAPPAPORT  Gizela Friedmann, Oct. 15, 1878 (Stropkov), owner of candy store, transported June 10, 1942, from Stropkov, then June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
Cila, Nov. 7, 1906 (Stropkov), transported Mar. 24, 1942, Stropkov to Poprad, then Mar. 28, 1942, Poprad to Auschwitz, perished
Menashe, Oct. 22, 1911 (Stropkov), transported Mar. 30, 1942, Zilina to Majdanek, perished
Salamon (Zalmon), Jan. 5, 1918 (Stropkov), Shesty Prapor, survived 
REICH, see Hartstein-Reich, Kulik, Sajevic-Reich, Treitel, Victor Weinberger
REICH  Avraham, July 21, 1899 (Stropkov), driver, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec; according to Auschwitz records, arrived in Auschwitz Apr. 24, 1942, prisoner #32018, perished June 22, 1942
Hanny (Fanny) Moskovic, Apr. 20, 1904 (Mocarany), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Malvina, July 4, 1930 (Stropkov), schoolgirl, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Hugo, Nov. 30, 1931 (Stropkov), schoolboy, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Koloman, Sept. 15, 1933 (Stropkov), schoolboy, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Lida (Lidie), Oct. 25, 1938 (Stropkov), child, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Jakub, Jan. 1, 1942 (Stropkov), probably transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished 
REICH  David, May 3, 1887 (Stropkov), grocer, transported May 23, 1942, from Stropkov, perished
Rozalia Liling, Jan. 7, 1893 (Roztoky), housewife, transported June 10, 1942, from Stropkov, then June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
Jakub, June 2, 1916 (Stropkov), immigrated to Palestine, returned to Stropkov, Shesty Prapor, perished
Jetty, Oct. 3, 1918 (Stropkov), assistant, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Heinrich, Sept. 19, 1920 (Stropkov), assistant, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished 
REICH  Estera, Oct. 27, 1903 (Stropkov), details unknown, perished
Pepi, July 4, 1915 (Stropkov), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Henrich Herman (Chaim), July 15, 1906 (Stropkov), owner of cigarette store, transported May 23, 1942, from Stropkov, perished
Ida Schachner, May 8, 1906 (Ladomirova), details unknown, perished
Markus (Mordechai Israel), July 29, 1918 (Stropkov), farmer, Shesty Prapor, survived
Bozena, May 16, 1935 (Presov), details unknown, perished 
REICH  Eugene, Nov. 30, 1938, family unknown, details unknown, perished
REICH  Hana Friedmann, 1878 (Rokytovce), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Hershl, June 27, 1901 (Stropkov), butcher, transported Mar. 30, 1942, Zilina to Majdanek, perished
Cheskel, May 18, 1903 (Stropkov), transported Apr. 2, 1942, from Zilina, perished
Debora Waller, Aug. 27, 1910 (Michalovce), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Hedviga, Oct. 1, 1939 (Michalovce), child, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Jakub Salamon, Feb. 10, 1941 (Stropkov), child, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished 
REICH  Heinrich (Chaim), Apr. 12, 1889 (Trepec), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Berta Klein, Feb. 17, 1907 (Ladomirova), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Herman (Hershl), July 16, 1914 (Carno), transported Mar. 30, 1942, Zilina to Majdanek, perished in Auschwitz June 14, 1942
Isak Meyer, Feb. 13, 1922 (Stropkov), storekeeper, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Zoltan (Shimshon), Feb. 24, 1924 (Stropkov), laborer, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Lina (Lucia, Libusha, Chaya-Libe), Feb. 24, 1924 (Stropkov), transported Mar. 24, 1942, Poprad to Auschwitz, prisoner #1173, survived
Hana Estera Feige, Jan. 24, 1926 (Stropkov), hidden until April 1945, survived
Sidonia (Sima), Aug. 4, 1937 (Stropkov), child, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished 
REICH  Josefina Guttmann, Nov. 10, 1877 (Hrabovcik), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
REICH  Lazar, Aug. 28, 1864 (Stropkov), father, grandfather, tavernkeeper, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Isidor (Icsu, Isaac), Apr. 30, 1894 (Stropkov), tavernkeeper, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Etela (Ethel) Lebovic, Aug. 3, 1902 (Habura), milliner, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Maria (Manya), Aug. 27, 1925 (Stropkov), milliner, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Ruzena (Rivka), Mar. 27, 1927 (Stropkov), milliner, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Alicia Debra, June 29, 1930 (Stropkov), schoolgirl, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished 
REIS, see Mano Friedmann
RIEGER  Shimon, Feb. 2, 1877 (Smerkovica), gentleman, lumberyard owner, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
RIMER, see Bernat Handler
RITTER, see Amsel, Einhorn, Grossmann-Ritter
RITTER  Bernat (Berl), Apr. 21, 1876 (Chotca), egg and cheese dealer, transported May 26, 1942, Zilina to Nalerovce (Opole), shot to death Oct. 15, 1942
Anna (Chaya) Amsel (daughter of Yosef Amsel), Oct. 1, 1880 (Stropkov), transported May 26, 1942, Zilina to Nalerovce (Opole) shot to death Oct. 15, 1942
Arpad (Avrum Chaim, "Boom"), June 16, 1912 (Stropkov), lived in Detva, arrived in Auschwitz May 26, 1942, prisoner #36169, perished Aug. 12, 1942
Meyer, Sept. 13, 1919 (Stropkov), transported May 26, 1942, Zilina to Nalerovce (Opole), shot to death Oct. 15, 1942
Laura, Aug. 16, 1922 (Stropkov), transported Mar. 24, 1942, Poprad to Auschwitz, then to Ravensbruck, Neuengamme, survived 
RITTER  Yehoshua Samuel (Shia), Sept. 19, 1903 (Stropkov), transported May 26, 1942, Zilina to Nalerovce (Opole), shot to death Oct. 15, 1942
Silberman, Aug. 5, 1913 (Kosarovce), transported May 26, 1942, Zilina to Nalerovce (Opole), shot to death Oct. 15, 1942
Friedel, Feb. 15, 1938 (Stropkov), transported May 26, 1942, Zilina to Nalerovce (Opole), shot to death Oct. 15, 1942 
ROBERT  Vojtech, Nov. 18, 1895 (Michalovce), physician, transported Mar. 24, 1942, Stropkov to Poprad, then Apr. 5, 1942, Poprad to Auschwitz, survived
Sara Gottesmann, Aug. 14, 1898 (Mukacevo), transported Mar. 24, 1942, Stropkov to Poprad, then Apr. 5, 1942, Poprad to Auschwitz, went mad, perished 
ROGENSTEIN  Azriel, Aug. 15, 1888 (Biezun), teacher, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Rozalia (Roza) Feureizen, July 14, 1903 (Stara Lubovna), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Alexander, Sept. 21, 1931 (Kosice), schoolboy, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished 
ROSENBERG, see Herzog, Rozenberg
ROSENBLUM  David, May 27, 1909, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, then May 30, 1942, Zilina to Sobibor/Izbieza, perished
Antonia Handler, Oct. 10, 1923 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, then May 30, 1942, Zilina to Sobibor/Izbieza, perished
Frieda, Nov. 29, 1941, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, then May 30, 1942, Zilina to Sobibor/Izbieza, perished
ROSENFELD, see Pepi Friedmann, Gold, Waldmann, Rozenfeld
ROSENTHAL, see Springer, Fischer
ROSENWASSER, see Freund, Kulik, Schapira, Schreiber, Waldmann
ROSENWASSER  Jetty Schonfeld, Apr. 25, 1872 (Vysny Orlik), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, then June 1, 1942, Zilina to Sobibor/Lublin, perished
David (Duvidl), Jan. 21, 1896 (Stropkov), religious teacher, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, then June 1, 1942, Zilina to Soibibor/Lublin, perished
Hanny Moskovic, Oct. 24, 1901 (Dubravka), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, then June 1, 1942, Zilina to Sobibor/Lublin, perished
Jakub, Sept. 8, 1926 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, then June 1, 1942, Zilina to Sobibor/Lublin, perished
Mozes, Mar. 24, 1928 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, then June 1, 1942, Zilina to Sobibor/Lublin, perished
Samuel, July 21, 1929 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, then June 1, 1942, Zilina to Sobibor/Lublin, perished
Etela, Nov. 15, 1931 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, then June 1, 1942, Zilina to Sobibor/Lublin, perished
Klara, Apr. 15, 1933 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, then June 1, 1942, Zilina to Sobibor/Lublin, perished
Helena, Jan. 20, 1936 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, then June 1, 1942, Zilina to Sobibor/Lublin, perished
Naftali, Nov. 7, 1937 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, then June 1, 1942, Zilina to Sobibor/Lublin, perished
Eva, Dec. 11, 1940 (Stropkov ), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, then June 1, 1942, Zilina to Sobibor/Lublin, perished 
ROSENWASSER  Lili Cecelia Weinberger, Dec. 12, 1891 (Stropkov), grocer, details unknown, perished
Emil (Emanuel), Dec. 8, 1912 (Stropkov), transported Mar. 30, 1942, Zilina to Majdanek, perished
Maximilian, May 26, 1914 (Stropkov), details unknown, perished
Moric, Mar. 17, 1918 (Stropkov), details unknown, perished
Ruzena, May 5, 1920 (Stropkov), transported Mar. 24, 1942, Poprad to Auschwitz, survived
Mina, Dec. 22, 1922 (Stropkov), possibly transported Mar. 24, 1942, Poprad to Auschwitz, perished
Sara, Dec. 15, 1925 (Stropkov), possibly transported Mar. 24, 1942, Poprad to Auschwitz, perished 
ROSENZWEIG, see Josef Mozes Friedmann
ROTH, see Freund
ROZENBERG  Vojtech, Oct. 14, 1892 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, then June 1, 1942, Zilina to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
Mina Polacek, July 1, 1896 (Zavadka), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, then June 1, 1942, Zilina to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
Alzbeta (Bozena), Nov. 9, 1924 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942. Stropkov to Zilina, then June 1, 1942, Zilina to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
Zoltan, Jan. 1, 1926 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, then June 1, 1942, Zilina to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
Edita, Oct. 13, 1927 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, then June 1, 1942, Zilina to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
Julia (Jolana), Dec. 27, 1932 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, then June 1, 1942, Zilina to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
Mozes, Feb. 1, 1936 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, then June 1, 1942, Zilina to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
Sarlota (Sara), Nov. 27, 1939 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, then June 1, 1942, Zilina to Lublin/Sobibor, perished 
ROSENFELD, see Gold, Pepi Friedmann
ROZENFELD  Jakub, July 2, 1912 (Chust), food wholesaler, transported June 10, 1942, from Stropkov, then June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
Eva Waldmann (daughter of Josef Waldmann), July 26, 1912 (Stropkov), housewife, transported June 10, 1942, from Stropkov, then June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
Michel, Nov. 16, 1938 (Stropkov), child, transported June 10, 1942, from Stropkov, then June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
Malvin, Feb. 1, 1941 (Stropkov Archives: born May 19, 1941) (Stropkov), transported June 10, 1942, from Stropkov, then June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished 
ROZENTHAL, see Springer
ROZENWASSER, see Rosenwasser
ROZENZWEIG, see Josef Mozes Friedmann
RUBIN, see Meyer Cimet
RUND, see Hoselitz


SAFRAN, see Hanny Leser Friedmann
SAFRAN  Henrich, Dec. 12, 1899 (Galbotov), teacher, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Terezia Hopkovic (Kurima), housewife, Mar. 15, 1905, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Etela, Jan. 19, 1927 (Stropkov), schoolgirl, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Kalman, Dec. 20, 1928 (Stropkov), schoolboy, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Rozi, Mar. 25, 1933 (Stropkov),schoolgirl, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Resi, July 31, 1941 (Stropkov), child, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
SAJEVIC-REICH  Nella Reich, Jan. 10, 1899 (Stropkov), transported June 1, 1942, Zilina to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
Frantisek (Fischel), July 29, 1907 (Rachov), tavernkeeper, transported Mar. 30, 1942, Zilina to Majdanek, perished
Usher Reich, Feb. 15, 1934, transported June 1, 1942, Zilina to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
Gizela (Gittl) Reich, Nov. 25, 1937, transported June 1, 1942, Zilina to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
Fana Estera, Nov. 27, 1938 (Stropkov), transported June 1, 1942, Zilina to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
SAJFER, see Wassermann
SAMET, see Grunfeld, Cimet
SCHACHNER, see Estera Reich
SCHAPIRA, see Spira
SCHAPIRA  Sali (Zala) Schwartz Rosenwasser, Sept. 14, 1868 (Stropkov), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Herman (Hers), June 15, 1904 (Bardejov), transported Mar. 30, 1942, Zilina to Majdanek, perished
Eva (Chava) Schwartz, Sept. 15, 1905 (Medzilaborce), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Avraham, Jan. 12, 1934 (Stropkov), schoolboy, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
David (Bela), Dec. 23, 1935 (Stropkov), schoolboy, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Pesel (Feige), Dec. 9, 1938 (Stropkov), child, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Salamon, Feb. 8, 1942 (Stropkov Archives: born Jan. 28, 1941) (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
SCHERMER  Moric, June 16, 1905 (N. Zbojna), farmer, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Rozalia, Mar. 9, 1910 (Holcikovce), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Cecelia, Nov. 19, 1915 (N. Zbojna), farmer, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Eugen, Oct. 18, 1933 (Holcikovce), schoolboy, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
SCHON, see Siegelmann, Wassermann
SCHON  Vojtech, July 1889, bank clerk, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
SCHONBACH, see Goldmann, Singer-Schonbach
SCHONBERGER  Frieda, 1907, possibly transported Mar. 24, 1942, Poprad to Auschwitz, perished
SCHONFELD, see Goldmann, Jetty Rosenwasser
SCHOR  Regina Kohn, July 28, 1909 (Stropkov), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Heinrich, July 31, 1911 (Medzilaborce), transported Mar. 30, 1942, Zilina to Majdanek, perished
Maria Kohn, July 7, 1911 (Stropkov), transported Mar. 24, 1942, Poprad to Auschwitz, perished
Kornelia, Apr. 4, 1940 (Stropkov), child, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Josef, Jan. 15, 1942 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
SCHREIBER  Max, Jan. 19, 1891 (Stropkov), teacher, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Cecelia, Apr. 8, 1900 (Bratislava), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Shimon, July 19, 1926 (N. Zamky), schoolboy, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Alicia, Aug. 21, 1928 (Bratislava), schoolgirl, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Edita, October 1929 (Bratislava), schoolgirl, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Judita, December 1930 (Bratislava), schoolgirl, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Gertruda, Aug. 1, 1932 (Bratislava), schoolgirl, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Isak, Mar. 17, 1935 (Bratislava), schoolboy, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Maximilian, July 28, 1941 (Stropkov), probably transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
SCHREIBER  Samuel Shia, June 8, 1863 (Stropkov), hotelier, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Maria Lichtenstein, Oct. 30, 1887 (Giraltovce), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Ernest (Erno) Arnost, May 28, 1920 (Stropkov), advisor, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Terezia, Aug. 27, 1922 (Stropkov), possibly transported Mar. 24, 1942, Poprad to Auschwitz, perished
Herman (Stropkov), details unknown, perished
Adela, c. 1924 (Stropkov), details unknown, survived
Kato, c. 1926 (Stropkov), details unknown, survived
SCHREIBER  Viliam, May 12, 1865 (Stropkov), owner of fabric store, escaped to Hungary, transported 1944 to Auschwitz, perished
Rezi Weinberger, Aug. 5, 1870 (Stropkov), details unknown, perished
Fanny Rozenwasser, June 29, 1912 (Stropkov), transported Mar. 24, 1942, Poprad to Auschwitz, perished
Lazar, June 8, 1913 (Stropkov), owner of fabric store, transported Mar. 30, 1942, Zilina to Majdanek, perished
SCHWALB  Aron, Dec. 12, 1874 (Stropkov), wallpaper hanger, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Regina, March 1874 (Capor), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
SCHWARTZ, see Amsel, Schapira, Wachs
SCHWARTZ  Emanuel (Mendl), Mar. 28, 1896 (Stropkov), farmer, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Gizela Honig, Apr. 14, 1896 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Ignatz, Apr. 24, 1924 (Stropkov), transported Mar. 28, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Fanny, Sept. 16, 1925 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Avraham, Nov. 5, 1927 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Josef, June 24, 1929 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Etela, Aug. 30, 1931 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Frieda, Jan. 20, 1938 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Anna, Aug. 12, 1939 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
SCHWARTZ  Samuel, 1870 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Josefina Lehrer, 1875 (Sienawa), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Cila, 1905 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Salamon, Mar. 26, 1926 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Anton, 1931 (Stropkov), grandchild, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Henrich, Dec. 10, 1938 (Stropkov), grandchild, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Victor, newborn (Stropkov), grandchild, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
SCHWARTZ  Samuel (Simso, Shimson), July 17, 1894 (Stropkov), farmer, exemption, hidden, survived
Ella Baum, Dec. 31, 1894 (Stropkov), exemption, hidden, survived
Priska (Perl), Feb. 7, 1923 (Stropkov), transported Mar. 24, 1942, Poprad to Auschwitz, perished
Regina (Serena, Sara), Jan. 1, 1925 (Stropkov), exemption, fled to Hungary, transported 1944 to Auschwitz, then to Ravensbruck, NeuStadt-Gleve, survived
Anna, May 3, 1926 (Stropkov), exemption, fled to Hungary, transported 1944 to Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen, survived
Etela (Eta), July 27, 1928 (Stropkov), exemption, hidden, survived
Josef, Jan. 6, 1930 (Stropkov), exemption, hidden, survived
Rozalia (Ruzena, Rachel), Mar. 10, 1934 (Stropkov), exemption, hidden, survived
SCHWARTZ  Shia Leib (Sajelaj), Aug. 16, 1884 (Stropkov), farmer, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Ruzenka, Nov. 21, 1911 (Stropkov), details unknown, perished
David Pesach, Nov. 15, 1912 (Zborov), transported Mar. 28, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Markus (Raphael), Mar. 10, 1915 (Sebes), farmer, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Priska (Perl), Nov. 16, 1918 (Zborov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Frantiska (Fanny, Feige), Nov. 16, 1920 (Stropkov), housewife, details unknown, perished
Regina, July 14, 1922 (Stropkov), seamstress, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Anna, Oct. 25, 1925 (Stropkov), schoolgirl, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
SCHWARTZ  Viliam (Wolf, Zev, Wilmosh), May 23, 1888 (Stropkov), farmer, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Gizela Stern, June 9, 1894 (Stropkov), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Armin, July 1, 1915 (Stropkov), transported Mar. 30, 1942, Zilina to Majdanek, perished
Elias (Elo), Oct. 7, 1918 (Stropkov), Shesty Prapor, partisan, Vorovian Unit, survived
Dora (Dvora), Jan. 2, 1921 (Stropkov), transported Mar. 24, 1942, Poprad to Auschwitz, perished
Baruch, Oct. 11, 1923, (Stropkov), partisan, Vorovian Unit, perished in battle in spring 1945
Serena (Sara), June 9, 1925 (Stropkov), transported Mar. 24, 1942, Poprad to Auschwitz, perished
Josef, Oct. 25, 1930 (Stropkov), schoolboy, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Naftali, Dec. 6, 1933 (Stropkov), schoolboy, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Ferdinand (Natan), Jan. 2, 1928 (Stropkov), schoolboy, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
SCHWARTZ  Viliam (Wolf), Nov. 14, 1893 (Stropkov), farmer and milkman, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Hermina Kindermann, Apr. 12, 1897 (Dzurdzos), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Alex (Anshel), July 4, 1921 (Stropkov), farmer, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Adolf, Aug. 10, 1923 (Stropkov), farmer, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Samuel, May 15, 1925 (Stropkov), farmer, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Bernat Salamon, June 21, 1929 (Stropkov), schoolboy, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Edita, Aug. 10, 1933 (Stropkov), schoolgirl, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Benjamin, Nov. 14, 1936 (Stropkov), child, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Etela, Nov. 18, 1939 (Stropkov), child, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowic, perished
Hanny Kindermann, Aug. 10, 1857 (Boksa), aunt, housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
SCHWARTZ-CERNANSKY  Dr. Edmund, June 24, 1905 (Velka Saris), lawyer, religious exemption (converted) , fate unknown
Anna Hensely, Mar. 1, 1914 (Spisska Nova Ves), religious exemption , fate unknown
Viliam, Jan. 21, 1942 (Turc. Sv. Martin), religiousexemption, fate unknown
Katarina, Jan. 5, 1868 (Zavadka), religious exemption, fate unknown
SCHWIMMER  Martin, Dec. 9, 1913 (Mukacevo), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Eugenia (Jenny) Weinberger, Feb. 21, 1911 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Maximilian, Jan. 26, 1940 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Hilda, Aug. 20, 1941 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
SEBEL, see Spira
SEMELES, see Goldner
SENDEROVIC  Lazar, Apr. 10, 1900 (Ur. mezo), laborer, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Sara, Aug. 28, 1898 (Dombo), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Helena, July 7, 1931 (Kosarovce), schoolgirl, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Rozalia (Ruzena), Apr. 17, 1938 (Kosarovce), child, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
SIEGELMANN  L'udovit (Lajos), Dec. 24, 1883 (Havaj), landowner and tavernkeeper, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Berta Schon, Apr. 19, 1887 (Stropkov), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Katarina (Kato), Nov. 21, 1918 (Havaj), transported Mar. 24, 1942, Poprad to Auschwitz, perished
Valeria (Vali), June 1, 1920 (Havaj), transported 1944 Budapest to Auschwitz, survived
Dorothy (Dorota, Duci), Apr. 7, 1922 (Stropkov), incarcerated in Novacky, then transported to Auschwitz, perished
Agneska (Agi), Feb. 17, 1924 (Stropkov), transported Mar. 24, 1942, Stropkov to Poprad, then Mar. 28, 1942, Poprad to Auschwitz, perished
Veronica (Vera), July 8, 1925 (Stropkov), transported Mar. 24, 1942, Poprad to Auschwitz, perished
Magdelena (Mugda), Dec. 1, 1926 (Stropkov), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Julius Getzel, Sept. 26, 1928 (Stropkov), schoolboy, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Eugen (Yonchi, Jakub), Jan. 22, 1930 (Stropkov), schoolboy, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
SILBERMAN, see Ritter
SIMOVITS  Samuel, 1893, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Serena, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Estera, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Hermina, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
SINGER, see Bernat Weinberger
SINGER-SCHONBACH  Naftali, Dec. 14, 1901 (Stropkov), laborer, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Frieda Schonbach, Sept. 10, 1910 (Uzhorod), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Judita Schonbach, July 10, 1937 (Uzhorod), child, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
SOBEL, see Goldfinger, Kindermann, Sobel-Theil
SOBEL-THEIL  Oskar (Isak), May 26, 1910 (Stropkov), worker in Stazel Friedmann's metal store, exemption, hidden, killed in Banska Bystrica when he left his bunker too early, thinking war was over
Gizela (Gizzy) Kindermann, Sept. 13, 1913 (Stropkov), fled to Hungary, transported 1944 to Auschwitz, perished
Zita, Feb. 19, 1939 (Bratislava), fled to Hungary, transported 1944 to Auschwitz, perished
Henrietta (Fana), Apr. 18, 1941 (Stropkov), fled to Hungary, transported 1944 to Auschwitz, perished
SOBEL-THEIL  Josefina (Pepi) Theil, Nov. 23, 1887 (Stropkov), housewife, transported June 10, 1942, from Stropkov, then June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
Mikulas, 1907 (Stropkov), transported Mar. 30, 1942, Zilina to Majdanek, perished
Sara, Aug. 16, 1910 (Joka), possibly transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Samuel, Feb. 3, 1912 (Stropkov), resided elsewhere, details unknown, perished
Jakub, Mar. 18, 1914 (Stropkov), transported Mar. 30, 1942, Zilina to Majdanek, perished
Dezider (David, Dudu), May 19, 1919 (Stropkov), transported to Auschwitz and other camps, survived
Leopold, Nov. 19, 1923 (Stropkov), transported June 1, 1942, Zilina to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
Alexander, Oct. 11, 1925 (Stropkov), transported Mar. 28, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
SPERLING  Anna, 1904, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Yuda, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Ruzena, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
SPETH  Roza, Aug. 3, 1910 (Stropkov), seamstress, transported Apr. 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Serena, Sept. 23, 1940 (Stropkov), child, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
SPIRA , see Chaim Friedmann, Schapira
SPIRA  Matilda Sebel, May 15, 1868 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, from Stropkov, perished
Rozalia, May 14, 1897 (Stropkov), details unknown, perished
Leopold, Aug. 25, 1899 (Stropkov), shoemaker, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Cecelia Matilda, May 14, 1868 (Stropkov), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec
Amalia, Apr. 16, 1906 (Stropkov), transported Apr. 5, 1942, to Auschwitz, perished
SPRECHMAN, see Donner-Sprechman
SPRINGER, see Lebovic, Rajnizider-Springer, Steichel
SPRINGER  Henrich, July 11, 1903 (Stropkov), shoemaker, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Roza Grossmann, May 25, 1909 (Vysny Svidnik), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Alexander, Nov. 31, 1931 (Stropkov), schoolboy, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Ida, Feb. 14, 1933 (Stropkov), schoolgirl, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Alicia, May 25, 1935 (Stropkov), schoolgirl, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Frieda, Mar. 4, 1937 (Stropkov), child, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Viliam, Sept. 14, 1940 (Stropkov), child, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
SPRINGER  Samuel, Oct. 30, 1875 (Stropkov), tailor, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Maria (Mali) Rosenthal, Sept. 23, 1896 (Stropkov), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Bernat, Nov. 5, 1913 (Stropkov), transported Mar. 30, 1942, Zilina to Majdanek, perished
STARK, see Heinrich Friedmann
STEICHEL, see Rajnizider-Springer
STERN, see Ignatz Handler, Lorber, Viliam Schwartz, Thaler, Ignatz Weinberger, Zweibel
STERN  Avraham, Apr. 18, 1875 (Stropkov), saddlemaker, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Etela Mandel, May 20, 1891 (Ladomirova), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Samuel, June 30, 1902 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, from Stropkov, perished
Emanuel (Mendl), Mar. 22, 1914 (Stropkov), saddlemaker, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Israel (Srul), May 20, 1916 (Stropkov), survived
Serena (Sara, Suri), Dec. 28, 1918 (Stropkov), transported Mar. 24, 1942, Poprad to Auschwitz, then to Ravensbruck, NeuStadt-Gleve, prisoner #1164, survived
L'udovit (Lieber), Sept. 25, 1920 (Stropkov), transported Mar. 30, 1942, Zilina to Majdanek, perished
Anna (Annichka), June 11, 1925 (Stropkov), transported Mar. 24, 1942, Poprad to Auschwitz, then to Ravensbruck, NeuStadt-Gleve, prisoner #1002, survived
Antonia, May 11, 1928 (Stropkov), schoolgirl, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
STERN  Markus (Mordechai Lieb), Aug. 8, 1896 (Stropkov), grocer, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Margita Stern, Aug. 20, 1896 (Subotin), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Malvina (Malka), June 1, 1921 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Anton (Anshel), Nov. 1, 1922 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Helena (Henya), Oct. 6, 1926 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Viliam, Dec. 23, 1929 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Arnost, July 8, 1937 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
STERN  Naftali (Naftuli), Feb. 15, 1899 (Stropkov), owner of dry-goods and produce store, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Fanny Friedmann, May 14, 1895 (Hanusovce), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Arnost, Aug. 17, 1926 (Hanusovce), schoolboy, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Leopold, Nov. 27, 1928 (Stropkov), schoolboy, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Ernestina, June 1, 1930 (Stropkov), schoolgirl, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Ernest, Sept. 15, 1932 (Stropkov),schoolboy, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
STERN  Samuel, Nov. 14, 1902 (Stropkov), transported July 24, 1942, from Stropkov, perished
Sara Tuchman, Sept. 9, 1909 (Bukovsko), transported July 24, 1942, from Stropkov, perished
Rivka Sime, 1937, transported July 24, 1942, from Stropkov, perished
Chaya Beile, 1938, transported July 24, 1942, from Stropkov, perished
STERN-HIRSCH  Bernat, Jan. 26, 1901 (Kurima), storekeeper, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Anna Hirsch, Jan. 15, 1906 (Stropkov), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Milan, Sept. 20, 1936 (Stropkov), child, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Heinrich, June 27, 1938 (Stropkov), child, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Maria (Mirisch), Dec. 8, 1870 (Stropkov), mother-in-law, housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
STRASSFELD, see Gerhardt
SUSSKIND  Mor, July 12, 1894 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Serena (Sara) Mesinger, Dec. 24, 1896 (Novy Targ), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Sidonia, Mar. 4, 1926 (Koprivnica), possibly hid from the May 23, 1942, transport from Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Estera, Sept. 11, 1929 (Sl. Raslavice), possibly hid from the May 23, 1942, transport from Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Ilona Jetta (Yenta) Weinberger, grandmother, Dec. 9, 1868 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
SZILARD  (no first name given), physician, transported to Sawin camp, then in 1943 to Krychow, Poland, perished (see Anonymous, "Facts Reported," p. 4)
SZINAI  Samuel, Sept. 15, 1897 (Kacunin), lawyer, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, then Rejowiec to Sawin, then in 1943 to Krychow, Poland, perished (see Anonymous, "Facts Reported," p. 4)
Blanka Aurelia Wiener, Feb. 18, 1903 (Prickova), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, then from Rejowiec to Sawin, then in 1943 to Krychow, Poland, perished (see Anonymous, "Facts Reported," p. 4)

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