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T <Index>

TALER, see Honig, Thaler
TANNENBAUM, see Baum, Eichenbaum, Findling
TANNENBAUM  Salamon, Nov. 16, 1892 (Stropkov), producer of soda water, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Sarolta Weismann, Sept. 7, 1888 (Stropkov), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Malvina, Feb. 18, 1921 (Stropkov), transported Apr. 23, 1942, to Auschwitz, perished
Magdalena, Nov. 4, 1932 (Stropkov), schoolgirl, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
TEITELBAUM, see Etela Handler
TESSLER-BAUMHAFT  Meyer, Nov. 27, 1900 (Barsana), owner of fabric store, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Hermina Baumhaft, May 26, 1897 (Lukavica), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Isidor Baumhaft, May 14, 1923 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Bernat (Berl Dov), Aug. 8, 1924 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Mozes, Jan. 28, 1930 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Helena, June 26, 1938 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Jetty Baumhaft Friedmann, 1874 (Stropkov), grandmother, possibly transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
THALER, see Honig
THALER  Aron Wolf, Apr. 21, 1895 (Frystag), butcher, circumciser, and cantor , fled to Hungary, survived
Sara (Sali) Stern, Sept. 24, 1883 (Stropkov), fled to Hungary, returned to Slovakia in 1944, transported 1944 to Auschwitz, perished
David Lazar, May 21, 1914 (Stropkov), transported Mar. 28, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Mor (Moishe), Apr. 8, 1917 (Stropkov), Shesty Prapor, fled to Hungary, survived
Ruzena, Aug. 30, 1919 (Stropkov), fled to Hungary, survived
Pinchas, May 18, 1921 (Stropkov), Shesty Prapor, fled to Hungary, captured and killed 1945
Terezia (Tova), July 7, 1924 (Stropkov), transported Mar. 24, 1942, Poprad to Auschwitz, perished
THEIL, see Sobel-Theil
TREITEL, see Goldmann, Muller
TREITEL  Julius, June 19, 1890 (Chotca), owner of cigarette and spirits store, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Anna Reich, May 6, 1895 (Stropkov), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Isak, Dec. 15, 1921 (Stropkov), storekeeper, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Fanny, Mar. 16, 1923 (Stropkov), transported Mar. 24, 1942, Poprad to Auschwitz, perished
Asher, Aug. 7, 1926 (Stropkov), schoolboy, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Mina, Aug. 21, 1928 (Stropkov), schoolgirl, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Charlotte (Sarolta), July 12, 1930 (Stropkov), schoolgirl, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Isidor (Israel), Nov. 12, 1932 (Stropkov), schoolboy, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
TUCHMAN, see Levy, Stern
TUCHMAN  Cecelia Zweibel, Oct. 13, 1919 (Kemeca), fled to Hungary in 1942, transported 1944 to Auschwitz, survived
Ferdinand, July 25, 1911 (Stropkov), watchmaker, transported Apr. 23, 1942, Bardejov to Auschwitz, arrived in Auschwitz Apr. 24, 1942, prisoner #32020, perished May 21, 1942
Henya (Heny) , birth date unknown (Humenne), child, taken to Hungary in 1942, transported 1944 to Auschwitz, perished in her grandmother's arms
TUCHMAN  Moric, Apr. 21, 1877 (Stropkov), watchmaker, transported July 24, 1942, from Stropkov, perished
Mendl, Jan. 10, 1897 (Stropkov), cousin, deported in May 1944 from Uzgorod, Hungary, perished
Dora Erlich, May 19, 1884 (Bukowsko), deported July 24, 1942, from Stropkov, perished
Herbert, Jan. 19, 1920 (Stropkov), hidden, survived

U <Index>

UNGAR  Dezider, 1899, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished

V <Index>

VOGELMAN  Ignatz, Aug. 1, 1914 (Kozmarek), furrier, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Berta Zupnik, Apr. 12, 1913 (Uzhorod), details unknown, perished
Judita, May 20, 1942 (Stropkov), details unknown, perished
VRUBEL  Mor, June 6, 1893 (Stropkov), teacher, transported June 10, 1942, from Stropkov, then June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
Malvina, Apr. 22, 1898, housewife, transported June 10, 1942, from Stropkov, then June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
Elena, June 12, 1921 (Vranov), seamstress, transported June 10, 1942, from Stropkov, then Elena, June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
Josef, Apr. 8, 1924, schoolboy, transported June 10, 1942, from Stropkov, then June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
David, Oct. 10, 1926, schoolboy, transported June 10, 1942, from Stropkov, then June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished

W <Index>

WACHS  Shimon, Aug. 11, 1909 (Bardejov), transported Mar. 30, 1942, Zilina to Majdanek, perished
Sara Schwartz (daughter of Sarelaj Schwartz), Nov. 13, 1909 (Zborov), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Avraham, July 22, 1936 (Stropkov), child, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Herman, Aug. 13, 1938 (Stropkov), child, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Matilda (Hilda), Oct. 18, 1939 (Stropkov), child, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
WALD, see Hapkovic
WALDMANN, see Goldfinger, Hapkovic, Rozenfeld
WALDMANN  Eduard (Cheskel Shraga), Dec. 16, 1898 (Stropkov), storekeeper, exemption, hidden in a bunker in Zilina with Liber Waldmann and HerbertTuchman, survived
Serena Frankel, Nov. 1, 1902, (Kurima), exemption, transported May 23, 1942, from Stropkov, perished
Vojtech, July 5, 1926, (Uzgorod), exemption, transported May 23, 1942, from Stropkov, perished
Maximilian, Sept. 7, 1930 (Uzgorod), exemption, transported May 23, 1942, from Stropkov, perished
Judita, May 11, 1932 (Stropkov), exemption, transported May 23, 1942, from Stropkov, perished
Noema, Jan. 23, 1935 (Stropkov), exemption, transported May 23, 1942, from Stropkov, perished
Herman, Dec. 10, 1873 (Potocky), gentleman, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Adela Jakubovic, Aug. 9, 1893 (Erdo St. Gyorgy), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Salamon, Dec. 10, 1914 (Stropkov), transported Mar. 30, 1942, Zilina to Majdanek, perished
WALDMANN  Imrich, Aug. 8, 1877 (Stropkov), farmer, transported June 10, 1942, from Stropkov, then June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
Fredericka, Nov. 2, 1882 (Kalnista), housewife, transported June 10, 1942, from Stropkov, then June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
Antonia, Jan. 1, 1913 (Kalnista), housewife, transported June 10, 1942, from Stropkov, then June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
Salamon, Mar. 6, 1922 (Potocky), farmer, transported June 10, 1942, from Stropkov, then June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
Mikulas, July 7, 1935 (Esrovia), child, transported June 10, 1942, from Stropkov, then June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
Josef, Jan. 12, 1940 (Esrovia), child, transported June 10, 1942, from Stropkov, then June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
WALDMANN  Joel, Nov. 20, 1875 (Tisinec), farmer, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Mozes, July 1, 1901 (Stropkov), farmer, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Vojtech, Dec. 25, 1905 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, from Stropkov, perished
Regina, Dec. 7, 1911 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Henrich, Sept. 14, 1911 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Fanny Grossmann, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Bernat, Jan. 28, 19?5, farmer, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Herman, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
WALDMANN  Josef, Sept. 11, 1897 (Stropkov), candy maker, transported Mar. 30, 1942, Zilina to Majdanek, perished
Mina Edelmann, Apr. 6, 1900 (Nikova), sister-in-law, transported May 23, 1942, from Stropkov, perished
Rozalia (Ruzena, Rachel), Aug. 12, 1922 (Stropkov), transported Mar. 24, 1942, Poprad to Auschwitz, perished
Gizela (Gitta), Dec. 7, 1925 (Stropkov), transported Mar. 24, 1942, Poprad to Auschwitz, perished
Herman (Hershl), Mar. 25, 1927 (Stropkov), schoolboy, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
WALDMANN  Josef, Apr. 10, 1871 (Carno), owner of retail/wholesale food business, exemption, transported May 23, 1942, from Stropkov, perished
Dora (Dvora) Rosenwasser, May 28, 1875 (Stropkov), exemption, transported May 23, 1942, from Stropkov, perished
WALDMANN  Leibish, details unknown, survived
WALDMANN  Liber, Oct. 29, 1906, (Stropkov), storekeeper, exemption, hidden in a bunker in Zilina with Eduard (Cheskel) Waldmann and Herbert Tuchman, survived
WALDMANN  Meyer, Sept. 10, 1896, camps, survived
Edit, c. 1938, Auschwitz, survived
WALDMANN, Mozes, Dec. 15, 1888 (Stropkov), glazier, transported June 10, 1942, from Stropkov, then June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
Anna, Apr. 29, 1892 (Chotca), housewife, transported June 10, 1942, from Stropkov, then June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
WALLER, see Hana Friedmann Reich
WARENBURG, see Chaim Yosef Friedmann
WASSERMANN  Hela, 1920 (Stropkov), details unknown, perished
WASSERMANN  Henrich, Sept. 14, 1911, candymaker, family unknown, transported Apr. 2, 1942, Zilina to Lublinland, arrived in Auschwitz May 19, 1942, prisoner #30274, perished
WASSERMANN  Laura Schon, July 30, 1895 (Stropkov), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Margita Wassermann Weinfeld, July 5, 1904 (Stropkov), sister-in-law, transported May 23, 1942, from Stropkov, perished
Vojtech, June 24, 1913 (Nove Mesto pod S), details unknown, perished
Ladislav, Nov. 5, 1923 (Stropkov), resided in Bratislava, perished in Auschwitz Aug. 15, 1942
Vera, Jan. 2, 1926 (Stropkov), transported Mar. 24, 1942, Poprad to Auschwitz, perished
Gabriela, June 25, 1927 (Stropkov), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Ernestina (Erna), Oct. 18, 1928 (Stropkov), schoolgirl, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Livia, Apr. 13, 1930 (Stropkov), schoolgirl, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
WASSERMANN  Priska, Mar. 26, 1923, family unknown, transported Apr. 5, 1942, Poprad to Auschwitz, perished
WASSERMANN  Regina, Dec. 7, 1912 (Stropkov), family unknown, seamstress, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
WASSERMANN  Samuel, Feb. 15, 1915 (Stropkov), baker, family unknown, transported Sered to Auschwitz May 22, 1942, prisoner #36440, perished June 24, 1942
WASSERMANN  Viliam, June 9, 1900 (Boksa), chauffeur, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Regina Sajfer, Nov. 28, 1898 (Palota), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Sara, June 18, 1929 (Stropkov), schoolgirl, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Mozes, Apr. 4, 1932 (Stropkov), schoolboy, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
WEBER  Serena, Sept. 6, 1897 (Stropkov), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
WEIL, see Galanti
WEILER, see Galanti
WEINBERGER, see Eichenbaum, Ferber, Kirschner, Lichtenberg, Rosenwasser, Schreiber, Schwimmer, Stern, Susskind, Weisburger, Wolf
WEINBERGER  Avraham, Aug. 24, 1909 (Stropkov), peddler, transported June 10, 1942, from Stropkov, then June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
Gizela, Aug. 2, 1910 (Michalovce), housewife, transported June 10, 1942, from Stropkov, then June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
Jakub, Nov. 16, 1938 (Michalovce), child, transported June 10, 1942, from Stropkov, then June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
Martin, June 5, 1939 (Michalovce), child, transported June 10, 1942, from Stropkov, then June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
Imrich, Dec. 15, 1941 (Michalovce), infant, transported June 10, 1942, from Stropkov, then June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
WEINBERGER  Bernat (Peretz), Jan. 6, 1909 (Stropkov), leather wholesaler, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Dorota Berkovic, Feb. 6, 1914 (Jaslisko), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Marika, Mar. 8, 1937 (Kosice), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Lea, Nov. 14, 1939 (Michalovce), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
WEINBERGER  Bernat ("Red" Berish), Jan. 8, 1860 (Stropkov), grandfather, building planner and Purim entertainer, transported May 23, 1942, from Stropkov, perished
Moric (Mor), Dec. 11, 1894 (Stropkov), owner of leather-goods store, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Hana Singer, Mar. 15, 1897 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Ferdinand, July 18, 1928 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Jakub Shia, Dec. 5, 1931 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Yuda, Feb. 18, 1933 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Samuel, Jan. 11, 1936 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Herman (Naftali), Jan. 28, 1941 (Stropkov), probably transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Hedviga, Apr. 19, 1942 (Stropkov), probably transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
WEINBERGER  Ignatz (Isak), Jan. 28, 1884 (Stropkov), leather dealer, gravestone carver, and caretaker of the synagogue, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Margita Stern, June 3, 1881 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Alexander, May 4, 1915 (Budapest), transported Mar. 30, 1942, Zilina to Majdanek, perished
Sarolta (Sara), July 20, 1918 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Lea (Lenke), Mar. 16, 1920 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Poprad to Auschwitz, perished
Shia, Sept. 25, 1920 (Stropkov), mechanic, transported June 10, 1942, from Stropkov, then June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
WEINBERGER  Victor, Oct. 23, 1899 (Stropkov), owner of leather store, transported May 23, 1942, from Stropkov, perished
Frantisek, Dec. 28, 1902 (Nyzny Olka), cutter/tailor, transported June 10, 1942, from Stropkov, then June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
Piroska Gelb, July 6, 1904 (Medzilaborce), transported May 23, 1942, from Stropkov, perished
Sidonia Reich, Aug. 14, 1906 (Secovce), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Josef, Aug. 9, 1927 (Medzilaborce), transported May 23, 1942, from Stropkov, perished
Edita, Dec. 14, 1933 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, from Stropkov, perished
WEINFELD, see Mandel-Weinfeld, Wassermann
WEINFELD  Ignatz, Sept. 8, 1905 (Stropkov), owner of notions store, transported June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
Leni Freund, Apr. 5, 1905 (Velka Berezne), housewife, transported June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
Mozes Jakub, Sept. 16, 1934 (Stropkov), child, transported June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
Sarkia, Apr. 5, 1935 (Stropkov), child, transported June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
Salamon, July 21, 1940 (Stropkov), child, transported June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
WEINSTEIN  Dora (Dobrale) Guzik, July 30, 1883 (Ladomirova), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Charlota (Sara, Sari, Sheindl) Guzik, Dec. 1, 1910 (Stropkov), transported Mar. 24, 1942, Poprad to Auschwitz, prisoner #1055, survived
WEINSTEIN  Mendl, Mar. 15, 1913 (Stropkov), painter, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Viola, Feb. 14, 1917 (Bratislava), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
WEIS, see Goldmann, Weiss
WEISBERG, see Gerhardt
WEISBERGER, see Berman
WEISBERGER  Adolf, Nov. 2, 1903 (Stropkov), watchmaker, exemption, perished
Amalia, May 1, 1909 (Kristy Mad), exemption, perished
WEISBERGER, Emil, May 4, 1902 (Presov), tailor, perished in Prague in 1944
Della (Dora) Nebenzahl, Jan. 18, 1905 (Stropkov), sister, housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
WEISBERGER, Herman, Sept. 25, 1878 (Mikova), owner of clothing store, transported June 10, 1942, from Stropkov, then June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
Fanny Weinberger, May 20, 1881 (Stropkov), housewife, transported June 10, 1942, from Stropkov, then June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
Eduard (Cheski), July 25, 1915 (Budapest), storekeeper, exemption, killed in Banska Bystrica when he left his bunker too early, thinking the war was over (see Isak Sobel-Theil)
Avraham, c. 1920, details unknown, perished
Josef, Jan. 2, 1921 (Stropkov), storekeeper, transported June 10, 1942, from Stropkov, then June 12, 1942, Poprad to Majdanek, arrived in Auschwitz June 30, 1942, prisoner #44196, perished Oct. 17, 1942
WEISBERGER  Shimon, May 26, 1896, perished in Auschwitz Sept. 2, 1942
WEISER  Rubin, May 14, 1889 (Stropkov), glazier, transported June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
Estera, Jan. 4, 1886 (Bardejov), transported June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
Moritz, Mar. 31, 1897 (Stropkov), transported Mar. 28, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, arrived in Auschwitz Apr. 24, 1942, prisoner #31970, perished May 19, 1942
Israel, May 27, 1927 (Kosice), schoolboy, transported June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
WEISMANN, see Guttmann, Tannenbaum
WEISS, see Goldmann, Lorber, Weisz
WEISS  Avraham Shia, Aug. 10, 1894 (Stropkov), storekeeper, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Charlotte (Sarolta) Friedmann, Apr. 17, 1896 (Stropkov), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Samuel, May 4, 1921 (Stropkov), teacher, transported Mar. 28, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, released Apr. 8, 1942, then transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Salamon Bernat, Dec. 14, 1923 (Stropkov), schoolboy, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Isidor, Sept. 23, 1926 (Stropkov), schoolboy, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Zofia, Apr. 2, 1930 (Stropkov), schoolgirl, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
WEISS  Edita, 1919, family unknown, survived
WEISS  Filip (Natan), June 27, 1863 (Leles), baker, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Pepi Goldberger, Nov. 15, 1863 (Stropkov), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Eduard, Apr. 13, 1899 (Stropkov), baker, arrived in Auschwitz May 26, 1942, prisoner #36522, perished July 9, 1942
Gizela, June 6, 1903 (Leles), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Samuel, July 2, 1906 (Stropkov), baker, transported Mar. 30, 1942, Zilina to Majdanek, arrived in Auschwitz May 26, 1942, prisoner #36523, perished June 29, 1942
Terezia (Teri), July 12, 1935 (Kosice), schoolgirl, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Edita, Feb. 27, 1937 (Stropkov), child, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Margita, May 24, 1940 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
WEISS  Helena, Feb. 21, 1874 (Michalovce), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Gizela, Aug. 22, 1913 (Stropkov), transported Mar. 24, 1942, Poprad to Auschwitz, perished Aug. 12, 1942
WEISS  Josef, 1895, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Berta, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Jolana, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Naftali, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Adalbert, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
WEISS  Meyer, Dec. 15, 1876, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Rezi, May 15, 1878, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Sara, August, 1904, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Heinrich, Sept. 7, 1931, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Moric, Apr. 5, 1936, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Ignatz, May 1, 1938, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Shimon, May 17, 1942, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
WEISS  Zikmun, 1888, family unknown, survived
WEISZ, see Weiss
WEISZ  Alois, Mar. 3, 1895 (Batorkeszi), teacher, exemption, survived
Hermina Goldstein, Dec. 19, 1902 (Kurima), exemption, survived
WEISZ  Feige, 1871 (Stropkov), family unknown, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
WEISZ  Frantisek, Mar. 31, 1899 (Sandal-Rovna), woodmiller, exemption, transported May 23, 1942, from Stropkov, perished
Terezia, Feb. 17, 1905 (Vysny Svidnik), exemption, details unknown, perished
Josef, Oct. 17, 1924 (Staskovce), exemption, transported Mar. 28, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Ladislav, May 30, 1928 (Stropkov), exemption, transported May 23, 1942, from Stropkov, perished
Frantisek, June 27, 1929 (Stropkov), exemption, transported May 23, 1942, from Stropkov, perished
Maria, Apr. 24, 1930 (Stropkov), exemption, details unknown, perished
Mikulas, Dec. 13, 1931 (Zvala), exemption, details unknown, perished
Valeria, June 16, 1933 (Zvala), exemption, details unknown, perished
Tibor, Mar. 3, 1936 (Zvala), exemption, details unknown, perished
Zoltan, Mar. 6, 1937 (Gribov), exemption, details unknown, perished
Andrej, Mar. 11, 1939 (Stropkov), exemption, details unknown, perished
WESTREICH  Avraham, June 10, 1903 (Sandal Rovna), farmer and livestock dealer, survived
Lina, 1877 (Boksa), details unknown, perished
Moritz, Mar. 26, 1907 (Stropkov), transported to Auschwitz, Apr. 24, 1942, prisoner #31986, perished July 5, 1942
Sidonia (Sara), July 17, 1922, survived
WIENER, see Herman Friedmann, Szinai
WIENER  Josef, Dec. 12, 1870 (Chirzanova), gentleman, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Estera (Etela) Beck, Nov. 14, 1872 (Vysny Orlik), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Regina, Jan. 14, 1895 (Vysny Orkik), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Ernest (Isak), Dec. 17, 1925 (Michalovce), schoolboy, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Emil (Avraham), May 10, 1927 (Michalovce), schoolboy, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
WINNER, see Wiener
WINNER  Estera, Jan. 11, 1911, details unknown, perished
WOHL, see Findling
WOLF  Ignatz (Isak), July 18, 1899 (Stropkov), owner of tool store, transported Mar. 30, 1942, Zilina to Majdanek, perished
Lenke Weinberger, Oct. 28, 1900 (Velka Breznica), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Marie, July 17, 1926 (Stropkov), schoolgirl, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Henrich, Feb. 24, 1928 (Stropkov), schoolboy, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Ferdinand, Feb. 17, 1930 (Stropkov), schoolboy, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Jindrich (Heinrich, Hershl), Dec. 20, 1904 (Stropkov), farmer and delicatessen owner, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Piroska (Pepi) Mendlovic, Oct. 10, 1912 (Okruhle), seamstress, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Jakub, Dec. 26, 1937 (Giraltovce), child, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Frantiska, Apr. 15, 1938 (Stropkov), child, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Bozenka, 1941 (Stropkov), infant, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
WOLF  Isak Meyer (Srul), Oct. 29, 1901 (Circ), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Bozena (Basha, Berta) Muller, July 26, 1901 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Josef (Yossi), Dec. 2, 1927 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Sara Lea (Suri), Nov. 22, 1932 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Fanny (Faigy), May 14, 1935 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Avraham (Abie), Dec. 3, 1936 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
WOLF  Lenke (Lea) Lorber, July 14, 1913 (Stropkov), grocer, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Isak, Feb. 19, 1910 (Proc), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Maximilian, Oct. 11, 1937 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Lidia, Mar. 8, 1939 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Ruth, Nov. 29, 1941 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished

Z <Index>

ZELMANOVIC  Katarina Moskovic, Sept. 20, 1875 (Nacina Ves), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Henrich, Nov. 29, 1902 (Rus. Krncov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Piroska (Pepi) Krausz, Sept. 29, 1900 (Pozdisovce), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Silvia, Aug. 29, 1929 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Alicia, Sept. 17, 1931 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Imrich, Sept. 17, 1937 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
ZELMANOVIC-KLEIN  Ignatz, Dec. 30, 1901 (Ruska Poruba), timberman, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Serena Klein, June 27, 1896 (Stropkov), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Sigmund, Jan. 11, 1906 (Mrazovce), farmer, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
ZONENSCHEIN, see Eichenbaum
ZUPNIK, see Goldmann, Vogelman
ZUPNIK  Ilona, Nov. 15, 1865 (Vysny Komarnik), teacher, details unknown, perished
ZVASS  Samuel, Aug. 13, 1874 (Dukla), tailor, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Malvina, Oct. 15, 1912 (Stropkov), transported Mar. 24, 1942, Poprad to Auschwitz, perished
ZWEIBEL, see Baum, Cwibel, Tuchman
ZWEIBEL  Salamon, July 16, 1869 (Seneisov), retired, transported June 10, 1942, from Stropkov, then June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
Etal (Lina) Stern, Nov. 16, 1864 (Stropkov), housewife, transported June 10, 1942, from Stropkov, then Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished

Villages and Sources

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