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ICKOVIC  Dora, details unknown, survived
Zvi Hershl, details unknown, survived
Lea, details unknown, survived
Sigmund, Dec. 11, 1922 (Breznica), farmer, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Pinchas, Dec. 27, 1922 (Stropkov), lockmaker, arrived in Auschwitz June 30, 1942, from Majdanek, prisoner #43862, perished Aug. 22, 1942 
ICKOVIC  Ignatz, 1896, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Cilly, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Emanuel, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Samuel, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Herman, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished

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JAKOBOVITS  Ignatz, Oct. 20, 1902 (Komarjany), storekeeper, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Estera, July 1, 1904 (Stropkov), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
JAKUBOVIC, see Jakobovits, Waldmann


KAHAN  Gizela, Sept. 28, 1921 (Sl. Doly), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Sari, Oct. 28, 1939 (Humenne), child, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Ludvig, Oct. 26, 1942 (Humenne), child, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished

KARMIOL  Israel, May 3, 1876 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Mina Amsler, Oct. 1, 1884 (Vysny Sebes), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Rozalia (Regina), June 15, 1909 (Stropkov), transported Mar. 24, 1942, Poprad to Auschwitz, perished

KARNIOL-GRUNWALD  Leopold, Mar. 7, 1875 (Stropkov), farmer, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Cecelia Hershkovic, Sept. 18, 1885 (Benkovce), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Sara, July 26, 1914 (Stropkov), possibly transported Mar. 24, 1942, Poprad to Auschwitz, perished
KAUFMAN-GROSS  Cheskel, Sept. 2, 1899 (Zborov), photographer, May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Julia Gross, June 30, 1903 (Kistalya), housewife, May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Rozalia Gross, Sept. 18, 1931 (Kosice), schoolgirl, May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Viliam Gross, Oct. 5, 1932 (Stropkov), schoolboy, May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Berta Gross, Jan. 10, 1938 (Stropkov), child, May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
KEMPLER, see Haber
KESSLER, see Fuchs
KESSLER  Mali, Dec. 28, 1881 (Starina), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Kalman, Mar. 5, 1913 (Starina), laborer, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
KESTENBAUM, see Hefter
KINDERMANN, see Villiam (Wolf) Schwartz, Sobel
KINDERMANN  Heinrich, Mar. 13, 1866 (Boksa), butcher and wholesale meat dealer, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Maria Hirtenschtein, Dec. 28, 1880 (Solja), housewife, transported June 10, 1942, from Stropkov, then June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
Jakub, Mar. 10, 1903 (Stropkov), butcher, transported June 10, 1942, from Stropkov, then June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
Mor (Moses), Sept. 10, 1906 (Stropkov) transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Martin, July 24, 1916 (Stropkov), farmer, transported June 10, 1942, from Stropkov, then June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
Mordechai (Mottya), Mar. 28, 1919 (Stropkov), hidden, survived
Herman, Mar. 13, 1922 (Stropkov), farmer, transported June 10, 1942, from Stropkov, then June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
KIRSCHNER  Max, July 22, 1896 (Korcina), exemption, survived
Anna Herc, Sept. 20, 1895 (Sandal), exemption, survived
Herman (Harry) Weinberger, Nov. 16, 1927 (Nyzne Jedl'ovce), exemption, nephew, survived
KIRSCHNER-WEINBERGER  Lazar, 1901, milkman, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Gizela Weinberger, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Samuel, 1926, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Lenke, 1929, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
KLEIN, see Grun, Nebel, Heinrich Reich, Zelmanovic-Klein
KLEINMANN, see Nebel
KLOSNER, see Gold
KLUGER  Isak, Jan. 3, 1925 (Krakow), tailor, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
KOHN, see Bergmann, Hirsch, Honig, Schor
KOHN  Marie, 1911, transported Mar. 24, 1942, Poprad to Auschwitz, perished
KOHN-BERGKNOPF  Josef, Mar. 12, 1910 (S...), owner of variety store, transported Mar. 30, 1942, Zilina to Majdanek, perished
Fanny Bergknopf, Dec. 22, 1905 (Male Staskovce), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, then May 30, 1942, Zilina to Lublin/Ibieza, perished
Pepy, Apr. 12, 1941, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, then May 30, 1942, Zilina to Lublin/Ibieza, perished
KORN  Henrich (Chanina), July 25, 1879 (Tarnozek), owner of a combination grocery-candy store, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Estera Friedmann, Mar. 1, 1879 (Zborov), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
KORNHAUSER, see Gerhardt
KRAUSZ, see Zelmanovic
KRAUSZ  Hermina, 1914, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Harry, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Suse, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Peter, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
KULIK  Alexander (Sasha, Sender), Dec. 30, 1893 (Stropkov), owner of trucking business, exemption, partisan, Capajev Unit, survived
Sarolta (Liebe, Libush) Rosenwasser, Mar. 3, 1902 (Hanosovce), exemption , survived
Maximilian (Mityu), Apr. 6, 1926 (Stropkov), exemption, partisan, Capajev Unit, survived
Dyonizia (Dina), Apr. 4, 1928 (Stropkov), exemption, fled to Hungary, perished
Marta (Miriam, Manya), Sept. 28, 1931 (Stropkov), exemption, fled to Hungary, perished
Pavel (Salamon,Potyu), May 6, 1935 (Stropkov), exemption, survived
KULIK  Isidor (Israel, Srul), June 17, 1905 (Stropkov), owner of trucking business, exemption, partisan, Capajev Unit, survived
Yetta (Yitush) Reich, May 2, 1911 (Stropkov), exemption, survived
Milan (Moshe, Mozes Jakub), Jan. 25, 1939 (Stropkov), exemption, survived
Steffy (Sheindl, Sandra), Apr. 2, 1942 (Stropkov ), exemption, survived
KULIK  Pinchas, Dec. 27, 1907 (Stropkov), exemption, partisan, Capajev Unit, survived
Yoshe, transported from Vranov in 1942, perished
Tovah, details unknown, perished
Esther (married to Rappaport), perished in Auschwitz
Mancie (Miriam) (Vranov), hidden in Stropkov with her uncles throughout the war, survived


LAINER, see Laner, Neuwirth
LANDESMANN  Moritz, Oct. 10, 1880 (Megyaszo), German teacher, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
LANER, see Grunfeld, Neuwirth
LANER Israel, Mar. 16, 1881 (Nowy Sanz), baker, transported June 10, 1942, from Stropkov, then June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
Gizela (Roza) Bergmann, Apr. 5, 1882 (Dukla), housewife, transported June 10, 1942, from Stropkov, then June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
Salamon (Shalom Josef, Shulem), Apr. 21, 1911 (Stropkov), the joker of the family, transported Mar. 28, 1942, from Stropkov, arrived in Auschwitz Apr. 20, 1942, prisoner #30350, perished June 30, 1942
Herman (Hershl Zvi, affectionately called "Reinforced Concrete" because of his great strength), Sept. 20, 1915 (Stropkov), soccer player, transported Mar. 28, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, then Apr. 17, 1942, to Auschwitz, prisoner #30421, perished in Auschwitz June 30, 1942
Markus (Meyer), July 29, 1918 (Stropkov), violinist, transported June 10, 1942, from Stropkov, then June 12, 1942, Poprad to Majdanek, then June 30, 1942, Majdanek to Auschwitz, prisoner #44219, committed suicide "on the fence" Aug. 31, 1942, rather than perform as a violinist
Leopold, Feb. 5, 1907 (Stropkov), transported Mar. 28, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, arrived in Auschwitz Apr. 20, 1942, prisoner #30343, perished May 28, 1942
Henrich (Chaim), Aug. 18, 1921 (Stropkov), Shesty Prapor, survived
Anna (Hanna), June 14, 1922 (Stropkov), seamstress, transported June 10, 1942, from Stropkov, then June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
Frantiska (Feige), Apr. 18, 1924 (Stropkov), seamstress, transported June 10, 1942, from Stropkov, then June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
LAUFER, see Eichenbaum
LEBOVIC, see Isidor Gross, Lebovits, Lazar Reich
LEBOVIC  Mikulas, 1914 (Michalove), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Fanny Springer, 1907 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
LEBOVITS  Adolf, 1901, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Etela, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Roza, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Piroska, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Filip, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Hanny, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
LEHRER, see Samuel Schwartz
LEHRER  Anna, July 25, 1910 (Senica), details unknown, perished
LESER, see Hanny Friedmann, Lezer
LEVY, see Lowy
LEVY-TUCHMAN  Natan, Dec. 5, 1912 (Vsyny Orlik), transported April 1942 from Bardejov, perished
Antonia Tuchman, Oct. 13, 1912 (Bukowsko), deported June 10, 1942, from Stropkov, then June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
Rachel (Ruchele), Sept. 21, 1941 (Stropkov), transported June 10, 1942, from Stropkov, then June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
Ferdinand, Dec. 17, 1939 (Stropkov), transported June 10, 1942, from Stropkov, then June 12, 1942, Poprad to Sobibor/Lublin, perished
LEZER  Baruch, Dec. 29, 1909 (Tarnov), owner of candy store, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Rozalia, Sept. 10, 1907 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Salamon, July 7, 1872 (Bukovska), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
LICHTENBERG  Michel, May 11, 1897 (Zborov), owner of leather-goods store, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Pepa Weinberger, Aug. 17, 1898 (Vysna Olka), housewife, transported June 10, 1942, from Stropkov, then June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
LICHTENSTEIN, see Schreiber
LICHTENSTEIN  Fanna, Mar. 28, 1899 (Stropkov), transported Oct. 20, 1942, Zilina to Auschwitz, perished
LICHTIG, see Grossmann
LICHTIG  Edita, Nov. 18, 1922 (Presov), transported May 23, 1942, from Stropkov, perished
LILING, see David Reich
LORBER, see Filip Cimet, Bernat Galanti, Wolf
LORBER  Adolf (Asher), Feb. 27, 1904 (Stropkov), lumberyard owner and grocer, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Roza Weiss, Aug. 27, 1904 (Nowy Sanz), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Josef (Leopold), Jan. 7, 1931 (Kosice), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Eri, Aug. 29, 1932 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
LORBER  Dora (Dvora) Stern, Feb. 14, 1875 (Stropkov), mother-in-law, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Janneta (Neta), Aug. 10, 1907, possibly transported Mar. 24, 1942, to Auschwitz, perished
Maximilian, Dec. 14, 1937 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
LOWY  Antonia, June 5, 1912 (Stropkov), housewife, transported June 10, 1942, from Stropkov, then June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished
Ruzena, Sept. 21, 1941 (Stropkov), child, transported June 10, 1942, from Stropkov, then June 12, 1942, Poprad to Lublin/Sobibor, perished


MAJEROVITS  Frieda, 1907, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Herman, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Mana, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
MANDEL, see Salamon Findling, Avraham Stern, Weinfeld
MANDEL  Herman, 1868, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Rozalia, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Milan, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
MANDEL-WEINFELD  Leib, Feb. 13, 1884 (Blazova), owner of notions store, details unknown, perished
Hani Weinfeld, Sept. 29, 1881 (Stropkov) transported July 24, 1942, from Stropkov, perished
Roza Weinfeld, Sept. 11, 1914 (Stropkov), transported July 24, 1942, from Stropkov, perished
Emil Weinfeld, c. 1920, partisan, Jegorov Unit, details unknown
Shia Weinfeld, Aug. 19, 1917 (Stropkov), clerk in notions store, fled to Hungary, survived
Yuda (Yiddl) Weinfeld, Sept. 29, 1921 (Stropkov), storekeeper, transported July 24, 1942, from Stropkov, survived
MARKOVITS  Anna, Jan. 10, 1906 (Sidnica), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Sali, 1909, transported Mar. 24, 1942, Poprad to Auschwitz, perished
Eugen, Jan. 24, 1928 (Brusnica), schoolboy, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Magda, Dec. 28, 1929 (Brusnica), schoolgirl, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Isak, July 14, 1932 (Brusnica), schoolboy, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Alex, Oct. 17, 1933 (Sidnica), schoolboy, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Elisabeth, Dec. 3, 1935 (Brusnica), schoolgirl, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Elias, May 24, 1937 (Sidnica), child, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Hedvig, June 1, 1940 (Sidnica), child, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
MELAMED  Avraham, 1901, transported Mar. 30, 1942, Zilina to Majdanek, perished
MELAMET  Ferdinand, Sept. 9, 1910 (Stropkov), transported from Bardejov, perished
MELINGER, see Goldner
MESINGER, see Susskind
MILLER, see Muller, Wolf
MOSKOVIC, see Amster, Grosberger, Haber, Reich, Rosenwasser, Zelmanovic
MOSKOVIC  Shimon (Samu), July 8, 1886 (Benkovce), blind, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Kata Gizela, July 8, 1886 (Benkovce), blind, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Rozalia, Feb. 21, 1897 (Dobra), sister, housewife, either died May 22, 1942 or transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Markus Hers, Jan. 24, 1904 (Stropkov), farmer, transported Mar. 30, 1942, Zilina to Majdanek, arrived in Auschwitz May 26, 1942, prisoner #36394, perished June 1, 1942
Ignatz, May 31, 1922 (Stropkov), tailor, arrived in Auschwitz Apr. 24, 1942, prisoner #32165, perished June 22, 1942
MULLER  Eduard (Cheskel), Sept. 15, 1912 (Stropkov), storekeeper, transported Mar. 28, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, arrived in Auschwitz June 20, 1942, prisoner #40059, perished July 20, 1942
Zofia, Sept. 11, 1910 (Michalovce), transported May 23, 1942, from Stropkov, perished
MULLER  Geza, Apr. 9, 1893 (Sandal-Rovna), farmer, exemption, details unknown, perished
Shimon, Sept. 2, 1904 (Sandal), exemption, details unknown, perished
MULLER  Hanny Treitel, Feb. 1, 1870 (Stropkov), grandmother, grocer, exemption, details unknown, perished
Berta (Breindel), Oct. 14, 1898 (Stropkov ), daughter, exemption, details unknown, perished
Mozes (Moishe), July 13, 1920 (Stropkov), grandson, deported from Presov, arrived in Auschwitz June 21, 1942, prisoner #40055, perished July 14, 1942
Serena (Sara), Feb. 10, 1928, exemption, granddaughter, details unknown, perished
Moishe Aron, June 1, 1932, exemption, grandson, details unknown, perished
Heinrich (Chaim), Dec. 15, 1904 (Stropkov), son, grocer, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished in Auschwitz Sept. 1, 1942
Gizela Fried, 25.1907 (Vranov), Heinrich's wife, details unknown, perished
Veva (Blimu), Nov. 25, 1934 (Stropkov), granddaughter, details unknown, perished
Serena (Sara), Feb. 26, 1936 (Stropkov), granddaughter, details unknown, perished
Malvina (Malka), July 23, 1937 (Stropkov), details unknown, perished
Abie, date unknown (Stropkov), details unknown, perished
MULLER  Isak (Itsche), Apr. 27, 1907 (Stropkov), storekeeper, exemption, fled to Hungary, transported 1944 to Auschwitz, survived
Lila (Lea, Lytchu) Fogel, May 29, 1912 (Dubove), exemption, details unknown, survived
Avraham (Avrum, Aba), July 7, 1938 (Stropkov), exemption, details unknown, perished
Mozes, July 4, 1940 (Stropkov), exemption , details unknown, perished
Josef, May 31, 1942 (Stropkov), details unknown, perished
MULLER-FRIEDMANN  Julius, Nov. 8, 1907 (Valassa Bela), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Helena Friedmann (daughter of Salamon Friedmann), Jan. 6, 1909 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Osias Friedmann, Mar. 14, 1940 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished


NAGY, see Friedmann-Stodola
NEBEL  Adolf, Apr. 24, 1896 (Breznica), owner of orchards, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Matilda (Malvina) Kleinmann, Sept. 27, 1896 (Mirola), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Ignatz, Sept. 11, 1923 (Stropkov), agricultural worker, transported Mar. 30, 1942, Zilina to Majdanek, arrived in Auschwitz Apr. 20, 1942, prisoner #30190, perished May 29, 1942
Herman, Mar. 19, 1927 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Ernest, May 27, 1929 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Ladislav, Mar. 9, 1932 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Ferdinand, Dec. 1, 1935 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
NEBENZAHL, see Weisberger
NEBENZAHL  Bernat (Baruch), Aug. 16, 1903 (Stropkov), owner of fabric store, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Sari (Sima), Jan. 10, 1906 (Stropkov), housewife, possibly transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Serena (Sara), June 5, 1910 (Stropkov), housewife, possibly transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
NEHRER  Moric, 1860 (Kehenica), wagoner, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Rivka Hausmann, 1893 (Nyzny Pisana), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
NEUMANN, see Baum-Herc, Galanti-Neumann, Gotz-Neumann
NEUMANN-GOTZ-GRUNFELD  Aron, Apr. 11, 1906 (Stropkov), tailor, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Fanny Grunfeld, Oct. 12, 1902 (Stropkov), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Jakub, Mar. 22, 1903 (Stropkov), brother-in-law, Mar. 25, 1942, Zilina to Auschwitz, political prisoner, survived
Helena Grunfeld, Dec. 23, 1930 (Stropkov), schoolgirl, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Moritz Grunfeld, June 7, 1932 (Stropkov), schoolboy, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Emanuel Neumann, July 30, 1869 (Kvakovce), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Regina, May 20, 1864 (Vysny Domasa), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
NEUMANN-NOSKOVIC  Pinchas, 1856 (Siroke), transported Apr. 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Regina Noskovic, May 10, 1883 (Vysny Orlik), transported Apr. 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished
Pepi, Nov. 15, 1909 (Hanosovce), details unknown, perished
NEUWIRTH  Samuel, Dec. 8, 1898 (Prikpa), tailor, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Gizela (Golda) Lainer, 1893 (Boksa), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Regina, May 4, 1916 (Stropkov), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Gizela (Giza), Dec. 14, 1917 (Stropkov), transported Mar. 24, 1942, Poprad to Auschwitz, perished
Malvina, Jan. 31, 1920 (Stropkov), transported Mar. 24, 1942, Poprad to Auschwitz, perished
Hermina, Nov. 22, 1922 (Stropkov), transported Mar. 24, 1942, Poprad to Auschwitz, perished
Helena Karolina, Aug. 26, 1923 (Stropkov), transported Mar. 24, 1942, Poprad to Auschwitz, perished
Jetty, June 25, 1925 (Stropkov), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Dionyzia, May 19, 1929 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Berta, June 15, 1931 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
NOSKOVIC, see Neumann-Noskovic


PAHMER  Albert, Dec. 5, 1888 (Stropkov), owner of salt and stationery store, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Estera (Etela) Friedmann, Nov. 11, 1893 (Stropkov), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Ernst (Erno), May 27, 1922 (Stropkov), teacher, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Judita, Nov. 30, 1927 (Stropkov), schoolgirl, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
PARNES, see Halberstam
PERHMANN  Herman, Jan. 6, 1878 (Sienawa), storekeeper, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Fanny Friedmann, Feb. 1, 1877 (Stropkov), housewife, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
POLACEK, see Rozenberg
POLLAK  Salamon, May 22, 1881 (Galanta), gentleman, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Marie, Oct. 18, 1893 (Bratislava), milliner, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
PUDERBEITEL, see Mates Michel Friedmann
PUDERBEITEL  Israel, Oct. 15, 1878 (Frystak), owner of grain store, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Fanny Friedmann, Mar. 23, 1878 (Stropkov), housewife , transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Samuel, Nov. 3, 1911 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, from Stropkov, perished
Adolf, Mar. 26, 1920 (Stropkov), storekeeper, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
PUDERBEITEL  Kalman, Apr. 26, 1909 (Stropkov), clerk, exemption, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Helena Bornfreund, May 6, 1908 (Bardejov), housewife, exemption, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Milan (Michel), Dec. 7, 1938 (Bardejov), child, exemption, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished

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