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Family Photos

Translated by Mira Eckhaus

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The Adelstein family
Shaul Wietznodel family

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The Mendel (Toykch) Bastos family
Yechial Bastos
– passed away in 1937 in Haifa
Moshe Aharon Tekes
- immigrated to Israel in 1934
– passed away in 1977

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Pesel and Mottel Becker
Meir Tchor with his grandson Moshe'le Sheinboim, the son of Brunia and Ben Zion Sheinboim, may they live a long life

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Members of the Woschina family

The children of Moshe (Minikel) Waschina: Yosa'le, Mirka and Ziskind
Yitzhak (Mirkes) Waschina, his wife Malia and their daughter Susel

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The Family Members of the Late Ben Zion Witsnodel

Ben Zion, his wife Malka, the sons Yona and David, the daughter Slova Man, may she live a long life
Avraham (Meide) Man, the husband of Slova. Slova, may she live a long life
Hana, Slova's mother, who died of typhus in Stepan in 1920
Slova's brother, who died of typhus in Stepan in 1920

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Some Members of the Weismann Family (the Motelikes)

The family of Yitzchak Weismann (the Motelikes), Mordechai, Yitzchak, Gitel, Michla, and Gitel, the daughter of Simka Levin - Yitzchak's

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The Zelishnik family: Israel, his wife Hana, grandmother Zalta Kotler, the four children of Israel and Hana
The Sheinboim family:
Yitzhak, Abba, Rachel, Golda and Yaakov.
Isaac, father and Yaakov, may they live a long life

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Members of the Yachniuk Family from Korost near Stepan

Sarah Yachniuk
Shalom Woschina
and his daughter

Yosef (Yosel) Yachniuk
Beila Waschina (née Yachniuk), Rosa Gendler (née Yachniuk) and Zvi Gendler,
may they live a long life

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Members of the Magid Family

Leibel Magid
Banka Magid
Dochia Magid
Herschel Magid
Yosel Magid

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Members of the Malamud Family

Yechiel Malamud, his wife Rivka and their son Yehoshua
Mother - grandmother Michalia,
the brothers Yaakov, Asher and David.
The brother Yehoshua – may he live a long life

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Petchnik family: Yaakov, his wife Odel, the daughter Sima, the son Sander, grandparents and relatives. The son Michael (today Ronen) – may he live a long life
Slova Man (née Witznodel), may she live a long life,
her sister Reiche Gordon and her sister Raizel, may she live a long life

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Label Packhauz family
The family of Avraham Bebchuk, the son Ben Zion,
may he live a long life

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The Krukowber Family

Grandmother Rivka and her son Yosef, Yosef's first wife, Golda, passed away in 1925, and Yosef's daughter, Berta, passed away in Kibbutz Negba in 1936

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Members of the Yaakov Rudnik Family from Kosmachov

Grandma Sheindel, the father of the family Yaakov (Yankel), the mother Freidel, the sons Leibush, his child and wife, Moshe, Avraham. The daughters Sonia, Fania and Leah. Fania and Leah, may they live a long life

[Page 341]

The Family Members of Mottel Rassis

The mother of Mottel Rassis - Dova, her daughter Sosel and her husband Gabriel Feldman and relatives
Mottel Rassis, his wife Esther, his daughter Sheindel, his son Aba'le and a relative with her child. Mottel Rassis, may he live a long life, lives in Israel

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The Family Members of the late Tanchum Sheinboim

The Sheinboim family: the elder brother Chaim, his wife Shifra and their son, the mother of the family Ita, the sister Bracha (Boziah), Bracha's husband, Shmuel Echtenbaum, the brother Ben Zion, his wife Brunia (née Tchor), the brother Shmuel, the aunt Necha Blay and the uncle David Baram. Those of them who survived the Holocaust: Shmuel Echtenbaum, Ben Zion and Shmuel Sheinbaum, may he live a long life.
Rosa Mopas (née Neiman)


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