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General Public Photos

Translated by Mira Eckhaus


Among the first activists in the Zionist movement in Stepan, the brothers: Avraham and Yitzhak Goz, Slavotsky and his wife, Moshe Bebchuk and his wife Leah (née Tchor), Rachel (Hoka) Goz, Rivka Tchor (née Koifman), Raizel Kushnir, the multifarious at the “Tarbut” school in the town, Moshe Koifman
Breidele Becker and her cousins Yehudit and Sonia,
the daughters of Leah and Moshe Bebchuk

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A meeting of the class heads of Level 1, Stepan, 5692
Hashomer Hatzair activist group in Stepan

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Histadrut Beitar in Stepan, Level 1, 5693,
in the center - the head of Beitar, the teacher Yeshayahu Neiman
A journey to the great outdoors, the view of the entrance to the town from the direction of the bridge. Shalom Woschina, his wife and daughter, the wife of the dentist Dr. Gorin and Aharon Woschina - may he live a long life.

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Hashomer Hatzair operators in the great outdoors in Stepan
The Hashomer Hatzair activists' group in Stepan

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Some of the Hashomer Hatzair activists in the town
Some of the activists of the Zionist movement in the town

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Finia Rosenfeld, Yitzhak Chodler and the girls of the town
Shlomo Trachter, Yitzhak Chodler and Finia Rosenfeld
- Beitar activists in Stepan
Leah Rosenfeld, her friend Dova and their friend

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The Beitar camp on Lag Ba'Omer 5694 in the Stepan Forest
Company of Level 2` girls in Stepan, 5693

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Mordechai Rassis, who lives in Israel, may he live a long life,
and his friend from youth, the dynamic and educated Mordechai Goz,
before he was murdered by the Nazi beast

Zvika Gorinstein, one of the Betar activists in the town
Part of the Hashomer Hatzair activists in Stepan before the Holocaust: Kogot Rosa, Rex Rosa, Zelda Gelman, Arkin Ronia, the daughter of Alenke the butcher

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Jewish youth against the background of typical houses in Stepan
Jewish youth - students of the public Polish school with their teachers.
Among the teachers - Moshe Kelt and Kamerman

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Some of the Town's Girls of Whom Most Were Murdered by the Nazi Oppressor

Bella Geller, Raizel Shienes, Raizel Bebchuk
and Slova (Witsnodel) Man, may she live a long life
Rebecca Feldman, Rivka Gelbort

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Mania Slavotsky, a member of the Plotnik family, Odel (Prishkolnik) Witsnodel, Rosa (Bebchuk) Spritz and Genia (Prishkolnik) Kramarski – may she live a long life
Mania Slavotsky and Sosel (Rassis) Feldman

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The sisters: Odel, Genia and Miriam Prishkolnik
Mania Slavotsky, a member of the Plotnik family, Odel (Prishkolnik) Witsnodel, Rosa (Bebchuk) Spritz and Genia (Prishkolnik) Kramarski – may she live a long life

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Sheva Bebchuk, Friedel Gorinstein and Sheindel Eidelstein
Sonia Tchor and Rebecca Feldman

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The remnants - Stepan's survivors in the displaced persons camps in Germany at the end of World War II
Some of the girls of the town who were murdered by the Nazi oppressor

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The officials' houses - a forced labor camp for men from Stepan Jews in Kostopol
Next to the mass grave of the Jews of Stepan in the Karchobela forest, near Kostopol


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Updated 9 Aug 2024 by LA