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[Page 565]

In Memoriam (cont.)

A Monument to

Asher Yehuda Silber
Dvora Silber
Yitzchak Silber
Yaakov Alter
Binyamin Alter
Shmuel Silber
Bashia Engel

Asher Yehuda Silber
In Eternal Memory
Freda Sheinfeld
daughter of Asher Yehuda Silber
Sara Silber, wife of Shmuel Silber, and her son Yaakov
Tzif Frania
the daughter of Asher Yehuda Silber
Shlomo Silber
Perpetuated by
Rachel Alter and A. Sheinfeld

[Page 566]

Eliezer Lev
In Eternal Memory Of Our Dear Family
My grandfather Hersh Kriger
and my grandmother Taube
My brother-in-law and sister-in-law
Mendel and Leah Berglas
Sitting from right:
My mother Tzipora the daughter of Tzvi Hakohen Kriger,
my father Eliezer the son of Chaim Lev,
my sister Lea, her son Chaim
Standing from left:
Yosef, Yitzchak may he live long,
Mendel the son of Avraham Berglas,
Feigel the daughter of Mendel and Leah
Perpetuated in grief by
Irving Low of New Jersey

[Page 567]

A Monument To Dear Souls
Our brother Yechezkel Tuchfeld
Our mother Malvina the daughter
of Yaakov Zeev (nee Marcus)
Our father Avraham the son
of David Tuchfeld
Perpetuated in pain and grief by
Pepa Lisak (nee Tuchfeld), David Tuchfeld, Moshe Tuchfeld,
Dvora Getlicherman (nee Tuchfeld)
A Memorial Candle

We sanctify the memory of our sister and her two children who the Nazis murdered.

Malka Tenenbaum and her two children Bluma Dvora and Yechiel.

Our father: Zeev Leder, died on 5 Tishrei 5682 (1922)

Our mother: Bluma Dvora, died on 3 Iyar 5673 (1913)

Perpetuated in grief by:
Tzipora (nee Leder) Stern, Tzvi S. Leder, Yaakov Leder in Washington
Esther (nee Leder) Perelberg, Moshe Leder, Meir Leder in New York
Chaya (nee Leder) Preminger of Haifa, Israel
Rachel (nee Leder) Rosenfeld of New Jersey

[Page 568]

A Monument To Dear Souls
Our father Avraham the son
of David Tuchfeld
From right: father Moshe Avraham Oestreicher, Alec, mother Bracha
Standing from right: Chaim, Shmuel, Lea, Mala, Zishiek

Perpetuated by
Aryeh Ben-Chorin (Oestreicher), his wife Rivka,
and his children Nava and Eitan

Their Memory Will Be Guarded Forever

Father: Yaakov Blasbalg
Mother: Lea Blasbalg
My wife: Henia (nee Fink) Blasbalg
My son: Alexander Alush Blasbalg
My brother: Shmuel Blasbalg, his wife Sheinka and their children
My brother: Shlomo Blasbalg

Dedicated in pain and grief by
Avraham Blasbalg of Ashkelon

In Eternal Memory

Feiga and Isser Oestreicher
Lea the daughter of Feiga Wasser
Chava the daughter of Feiga Wasser
Avigdor Karpf and his wife Lea Karpf (nee Oestreicher), with their three children

Their memories will never leave us.
May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life

The mourners:
Yitzchak Oestreicher
and his wife Malka (nee Wasser)

[Page 569]

In Memoriam
Bilha Beila his wife,
born in 1886
Moshe Wang,
born 1882

Dr. Shmuel Wang,
born in 1912
His wife Sida (nee Wang)
Dr. Shimon Ehrenreich
And their son Yolek, born in 1938, murdered in 1943
Perpetuated by
Avraham and Eva Wang

In Memory
Ruth Wasserman
Dr. Avraham Wasserman
Perpetuated by
Yaakov Elbaum
A Monument To The Souls

My father: Moshe Meir the son of Shmuel Hakhel
My maternal grandfather: Kalman Wilkenfeld
My aunt and uncle: Shmuel Wilkenfeld and his wife Chaya (nee Feffer)
Their daughter Beila and her husband

Dedicated in grief and pain by
Naftali Hakhel

[Page 570]

In Eternal Memory
Chana Pipes
the daughter of Yosef Wachtel,

born in 1877, murdered in 1943
Roza Speigel
the daughter of Yosef Wachtel,

born in 1876, murdered in 1942
Helena Lyon (nee Wachtel)
born in 1865, murdered in 1942
Perpetuated in grief by
Dr. Henry Yitzchak Wachtel,
Yeshayahu Wachtel
In Eternal Memory
Father: Herman Luft
Mother: Hena Rachel Luft
Brother: Chaim Luft
Ida Luft
Freda Luft
Feivel Luft
Shaul Luft
  Ala Glezel
Dashe Birenfeld
Herman Hoffman
Sabina Hoffman
Klara Graif
Perpetuated by
Paul Luft

[Page 571]

In Eternal Memory
Sister: Roiza
Sister: Sara
My mother: Perel Lezer
Perpetuated in grief by
Mala Weinstein (Lezer)
In Memory
My wife: Sonia Drucker (nee Shenker)

My daughters: Malcha Perl and Tova Hensha

My son: Tzvi

My sister: Yenta

My sister: Tova Drucker (Goldstein)

My brother-in-law: Yitzchak Kreiberg

My brother-in-law: Mordechai Goldstein

Perpetuated by
Yehoshua Drucker

In Memory
My sister: Chaya Shtelheim

Sara Shtelheim

My father Mendel Shtelheim
My mother Rachel Shtelheim
My brother Yaakov Shtelheim

Perpetuated by
Avraham Shtelheim

[Page 572]

In Memory
From right: Sarah Itele Kachel,
Simale Kachel
Perpetuated in grief and pain by
Binyamin Kachel
My wife: Roza Kachel (nee Krantz)
In Eternal Memory
Our father: Tzvi Menachem the son of Matityahu Hofert
Our mother: Tzirel the daughter of Yaakov
Our sisters: Miriam and Rivka

The children of Yosef Hofert: Avraham Yitzchak, Moshe, Yaakov and Meir

Perpetuated in pain and sorrow:
Yosef, Pinchas, Shimon, Shlomo,
Yehuda and Netanel Hofert of Brooklyn U.S.A.
In Holy Memory
My father: Zalman Zaltzman

My mother: Mindel

My brother: Toviahu

Perpetuated in sorrow by
Shimshon Sam Zaltzman

[Page 573]

We Perpetuate the Memory Of Our Dear Relatives
Our mother: Regina Landau (nee Alavitch)

Brother: Leizer Landau

Brother: Yitzchak Landau

Sisters: Henka Landau, Golda Landau

Our father: Meir Landau
Perpetuated in sorrow by
Yehoshua and Yosef Landau of Paris

[Page 574]

For These Do I Weep, My Eyes My Eyes Flow With Tears[1]
Mother: Ethel the daughter of Moshe Berger
Brother: Avraham Chaim
Father: Reb Mordechai Yaakov
Brother: Simcha Shlomo
Reb Moshele Berger
My sister Rivka
and my brother Yosef
My father was born in 1883 in Niska. His father Eliahu Yissachar was a descendent of the Shach (Siftei Kohen)[2]. His mother Chava was from the Jacobi family. He studied for twelve years under the Rabbi of Radomysl, the author of the book “Daat Nevonim”. In 1906, he married the daughter of Reb Moshele Berger of Rzeszów, and taught Torah in the Roskaviesh Prayer Hall. He wrote the book "Maamar Mordechai”. He was pleasant in his relations with his fellow man, an honest businessman, and he brought up his children in the ways of Torah, Judaism and Zionism. After the Balfour Declaration[3] he prepared to go to the Land of Israel, but his wife's illness prevented him from going. Mother was the pillar of the house, kind hearted, worthy, her palm was opened to the poor, and her hand outstretched to the destitute[4]. She raised her children in Judaism, and with the love of their fellowman. May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life.
Perpetuated by
the family of Yitzchak (Issie) Leiblich
and his sister Dina (Dinka) of Nir David


Translator's Footnotes

  1. A verse from the Book of Lamentations of the Bible, read in the synagogue on the fast of Tisha Beov, which commemorates the destruction of the two temples in Jerusalem, as well as many other tragedies in Jewish history. Back
  2. A famous commentator on the Code of Jewish Law (Shulchan Aruch). Back
  3. The Balfour Declaration of 1917 was a proclamation by the British government indicating that they look favorably upon the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Back
  4. A verse from the last chapter of the Book of Proverbs, which is part of the 'Eishet Chayil' poem in praise of the ideal Jewish woman. This poem is generally recited on Friday evenings before the Sabbath meal. Back


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