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[Page 555]

In Memoriam (cont.)

In Memory

Father: Tzvi Moshe the son of Yitzchak Eisen
Mother: Pessel Eisen (nee Shapir)
Lea Schneeweiss and two children
Golda Fand and two children
Shaul Eisen
Freda Fligelman (nee Shaffer) and her daughter

  Perpetuated in agony by
Eliezer Eisen
A Memorial Candle
Mother: Chaya Ber (nee Rebhun)
Father: Eichel Ber

His wife: Regina Ber
(nee Hillinger)
Brother: Shmuel Ber

Brother: Dr. Hirsch Ber

  Dedicated by
Ada Shaffer (nee Ber)

A Memorial Candle

Grandmother: Chana Sara Auster
Father: Shmuel the son of Chaim Auster
Mother: Gisela Auster
Sister: Lea Auster
Brothers: Yona, Nathan, Hersh, and Leib
Aunt: Ala Auster

  Perpetuated in grief by
Moshe Auster
In Memory

Shimon Levi Anhalt
Gittel Anhalt
Lea Ahnalt
Shlomo Margalit and three children Yisrael, Frima and Sara

  Dedicated by
Manes Anhalt

[Page 556]

An Eternal Monument

Father: Moshe Bergner 1884
Mother: Breindel Bergner 1886
Sister: Freda Shamir (Bergner) 1909
Brother: Shlomo Bergner 1910
Brother: Mordechai Bergner 1912
Brother: Yitzchak Bergner 1919
Aunt: Tzila Domb (Bergner) 1890
Uncle: Yoachim Domb 1888
Sabina Bergner (nee Shtrik) and daughter Sonia

  Dedicated in pain and agony by
Getzel Bergner

An Eternal Monument

On the right: the daughter of my sister: Sonia Freidman (nee Blum)
In the center: my sister Regina Blum (nee Augarten)
On the left: the daughter of Sonia Friedman
Rivka and her husband Shmerel Augarten and their five children

My husband: Moshe Teitelbaum
My son: Avraham Teitelbaum (fell in War of Independence)
Maurice Blum the husband of Regina
My sister: Chava Weil
  Perpetuated in grief by
Yaffa Teitelbaum

[Page 557]

For These We Weep
Perpetuated in pain and agony by the brothers
Avraham Chaim and Berish Goldman
Mother: Sara Bluma daughter of Tzvi David, along with sisters and
their children
Father: Shlomo Zeev the son of Baruch Goldman
Brothers: Baruch Goldman, his wife and daughter, Leib Goldman,
Meir Yehuda the son of Shlomo Zeev, his wife and daughter
Brother-in-law: Avraham Zaltzman, his wife Feiga the daughter of Shlomo Zeev
Their daughter: Dvora Hena, and their son Chaim Mordechai
Children of Meir and Lea Neiman: Shulamit, Roza, Avraham, and Shlomo Zeev
Brother-in-law: David Klagsbald, his wife Rachel (nee Goldman)
Their daughter: Freda
Sister: Esther
Lea Neiman and Chaya Goldman
Brother-in-law Meir Neiman

[Page 558]

In Eternal Memory
Father: Yosef Bander and Mother: Reizel (nee Englander)

Brother: Dr. Nathan Bander
His wife: Roza (nee Adler)
Their daughter Frederika

Brother: Leon Bander
His wife: Dvora (nee Shachar)
And two children

Perpetuated in pain and grief by
Helena Wast (nee Bander)

In Eternal Memory
Father: Zalman Leib Augarten,
born in 1880
Sister: Sonia
Brother: Yossi
Mother: Frimet (nee Amster),
born in 1886
Sister: Rivka
Brother: Shimon
Dedicated in grief by
Sabina Goldman, Yitzchak Augarten, Shoshana
Ringel, Avraham Augarten, Nashka Goldwasser

[Page 559]

The Memory Of Our dear Ones Will Stand Forever
Yisrael and Hadassah Kleinmuentz
Nachum (Norbert), died in America on 10.5.46, after he succeeded in escaping from the Nazis
Sara Lea and her husband Leib David Klausner, and their children
Yitzchak, Dvora and Efraim
Roza and her husband Shimon Erdman
Yosef and his wife Gisela (nee Keller) and their children Mordechai, Rivka and Malka
Adla and her husband Asher Schneps, and their children Moshe, Yehuda and Yisrael
Gershon and his wife Chana (nee Wallach), and their daughter Sonia
Elisheva and her husband Lazar Blau, and their children Kova, Cecilia and Marcel
Mordechai and his wife Hela (nee Gotleib) and their children Yisrael and Hadassah
Binyamin and his wife Genia (nee Kleinmuentz) and their children Yisraeli and Eli
Hadassah Kleinmuentz,
born in 1866
Yisrael Alexander Kleinmuentz,
born in 1866
Yisrael Alexander Kleinmuentz was a businessman, and he owned a farm near the city of Rzeszów. He was known as a philanthropist. He was involved in particular with the assisting of widows and orphans. He always had treated his fellow with a pleasant countenance. Whenever he married off one of his children, he would invite poor people to the celebration. With the invasion of Poland, he fled with his family to Slovakia. In Slovakia, he rented out a hall so that all the soldiers who served in the Austrian army could spend their free time together as a group. Every step that he made was done in partnership with his wife, my mother-in-law Hadassah.
Sara Leah Hillinger (nee Keller),
born in 1885
Chaim the son of Simcha Hillinger,
born in 1880
Their children: Sida and her husband Tzvi (Herman) Klausner and two children.
Adla and Tzvi (Herman), Chaya and Shmaryahu
Chaim the son of Simcha Hillinger was one of the well known businessmen in Rzeszów. During the time of the Austrian rule in his city, he was known as “the supplier”. He was appointed as one of the members of the court, due to his honesty and trustworthiness.

He was well known for his communal and philanthropic activities. He was one of the first Zionists, and contributors to “Keren Hayesod” in his city. He also concerned himself with the economic wellbeing of his many children.

He served as one of the trustees of the “Wool Shul” for quite a long time. He would involve his wife, my mother Sara Lea of blessed memory in all of his societal endeavors.

  We will retain their memory until the final day:
Mordechai and Rachel Hillinger

[Page 560]

Her child
In Eternal and Holy Memory

Regina (Rivka) Weisenfeld-Felsenbach

The only sister of Leon and the late Moshe Weisenfeld of Cleveland, Ohio, America, who was killed by the bloody hand of the German murderers. Regina Weisenfeld was from her youth a dear daughter of the Jewish people. She followed in the path of her brothers, and took an interest in all important Jewish issues. She was one of the leaders of the Zionist youth organization in Rzeszów. She was able to read and write Hebrew. Her only child was killed together with her by the Nazis. May G-d avenge their deaths.

Rivka (Regina) Weisenfeld-Felsenbach
Elias (Leizer) Amsterdam
Elias (Leizer) Amsterdam

A fashion merchant in Rzeszów, the husband of Esther (nee Speiser). Their son was Norbert (Naftali). All three had the “good luck” to flee before the Nazis came to Rzeszów. They were sent to Siberia. After the war they came to Steiermark, near Linz, Austria, ill and
tired. Leizer Amsterdam passed away, and in such a manner was a
victim of the Nazi murderers. His wife and son came to America, and live in Cleveland Ohio. Leizer Amsterdam was the eldest brother of Mrs. Esther (Leon) Weisenfeld.

Herman Amsterdam
and his wife and child
Minia (Mindel) Amsterdam (Fierstein)

The only sister of Mrs. Esther Weisenfeld, she lived with her husband and two young children in Drohovitch. She died in the Siberian Steppes, also a victim of the Nazi murderers. Her two children, Leon and Yosef, along with her former husband, Binyamin Fierstein, live in Israel.

M. (Mindel) Amsterdam
Herman (Hersh) Amsterdam

The second eldest brother of Mrs. Esther Weisenfeld, also a well known businessman in Rzeszów. He was killed, together with his wife and only child, by the Germans in Rzeszów. May G-d avenge their blood.

Beloved and Dear, their memories will remain forever.

Perpetuated in grief by
Leon-Leib and Esther Weisenfeld of Cleveland

[Page 561]

In Memoriam
Berel Cohen and his wife Yetta Cohen
Shlomo Cohen
Fanny Horowitz
Zofia Cohen wife of Shlomo

An Eternal Flame

Simcha the son of Aharon Seiden
born 1888
Amelia the daughter of Pinchas Seiden
born 1888
Moshe the son of Simcha Seiden
born 1912
Yechezkel the son of Simcha Seiden
born 1922
Bella the daughter of Simcha Seiden
born 1918
Irena the daughter of Moshe Seiden
born 1941
Mita the daughter of Avraham Seiden
born 1915
Mieczislaw the son of Avraham Goldberg
born 1920
Perpetuated in pain by
Paul Pinchas Seiden of California

Alter Yosef Horowitz
Dedicated in pain and grief by
Dr. Shlomo Horowitz of Haifa

[Page 562]

In Eternal Memory

Ignatz (Yitzchak) Wolf
Mr. Yitzchak (Ignatz) Wolf of blessed memory was born on December 13, 1880 in Rimanov, Galicia, which was at the time a part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In his youth, at age 16, he joined the Zionist movement, in which he was very active. He educated himself in all areas of business and economics, and became fluent in the French language at a young age - also due to self education. In February 1904 he married Mrs. Emelia Wolf (nee Cohen) who should be blessed with a long life. She was the daughter of Mr. Berel Cohen, and Mrs. Itta Cohen, who was the daughter of a well known Chassidic family, followers of the Rabbi of Shinowa. The young couple settled in Rzeszów. There, the late Mr. Wolf established a partnership with his brother-in-law Solomon Cohen, which was known as “Wolf and Cohen”, and conducted a flourishing business in the area of charcoal and building materials up until the outbreak of the Second World War. Along with his business interests, he was very active in the communal life of the Rzeszów Jewish community. In September 1914, the family - which now consisted of three children - moved to Vienna. (The three children are Dr. S. Wolf, the firstborn, who is a lawyer in Tel Aviv; a daughter Dr. Mina Klug Peli, who is a physician in Jerusalem; and Dr. Edmond Wolf, who lives in London, and is very well known in the television industry.) From 1914 until the summer of 1938, the late Mr. Wolf conducted business in the above areas in Vienna, as well as in the area of fuel wholesaling. He was also well known among the Vienna Zionists. In August 1938, the late Mr. Wolf and his wife arrived in Tel Aviv. He continued along his path in Tel Aviv, and he passed away in Tel Aviv on the 11 of Nissan 5709 (April 10, 1949).

May His Soul Be Bound In The Bonds Of Eternal Life

[Page 563]

A Memorial Candle
Dr. Marian Grawocki (Morycy Grauber)
Perpetuated in pain and grief by
Stefania Grawocki
In Eternal Memory
My brother-in-law:
Simcha Hochner
My husband:
Moshe the son of David Hochner
The perpetuator:
Elka Hochner
A Monument To The Souls of My Beloved Ones
Bella the daughter
of Yehuda Aharon Horowitz
Pepi Horowitz (Shmelkes)
Yehuda Aharon the son of
Pinchas Horowitz
Perpetuated by
Pinchas Horowitz
In Eternal Memory
Yechezkel Shpitz
An Eternal Monument

Dora Weitz - sister

Ania Licht - cousin, her husband and two children

Perpetuated by
Lola Immerglick (nee Weiss) and Zeev Wolf Weiss

[Page 564]

In Memory
Rechel (Rachel) Weinstein,
and her two grandchildren,
children of her daughter Tauba
Moshe Todros Hakohen Weinstein
Tombstone of Malka Gittel Weinstein,
July 12, 1902 - May 24, 1965
Malka Gittel the daughter of
Moshe and Rachel Weinstein,
wife of Berish Weinstein
Perpetuated in grief by
Berish Weinstein and his family of New York,
Yechezkel Weinstein and his family of Tel Aviv


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