In Holy Memory |
Eliahu Geshwind, father of
Moshe David Geshwind |
From right: Yaakov Geshwind, Sonia Druker,
their child, Dr.
Morycy Ungar |
Perpetuated by the
Shpilman family |
In Memory |
Grandfather: Mordechai Ofan
Father: Chaim Ofan
Mother: Gittel Ofan (nee Hirschman)
Sisters: Lea, 18 years old
Sheindel, 12 years old
Brother: Mordechai, 16 years old |
Perpetuated by
Yehoshua Ofan |
In Eternal Memory
My father Eizik Ader, born 1887
My mother Feiga, born 1889
My brother Yehoshua, born 1919 |
Perpetuated in grief by
David Ader |
[Page 554]
In Eternal Memory
Father: Shaul Baum
Mother: Feiga Baum
Brother: Nachum Baum
Sister: Hela Baum
Father: Meir Hirschhorn
Mother: Sabina Hirschhorn
Brothers: Avraham and Yosef Hirschhorn |
Dedicated by the family of
Nathan Baum |
In Eternal Memory |
Father: Leibish Yehuda Gottesman
Sister: Necha Gottesman
Mother: Chaya Gottesman |
Perpetuated by
Sima and Menachem Yehoshua Gottesman |
A Memorial Candle In Memory Of |
Perpetuated in pain and agony by
Avraham Rubin and his family,
and Yosef Greenberg of Kibbutz Ein Hamifratz |
Translator's Footnotes
- I translated this opening phrase
slightly differently than it is translated into English on the title
page of the necrology section. There it is translated I will give
vent to my soul and recite how the presumptuous have eagerly
swallowed us up This quote is the opening phrase of the Eileh
Ezkera prayer of the Musaf service of Yom Kippur. This prayer is
also known as the Ten Martyrs, and is one of the highlights of the
Yom Kippur service. It describes in poetic form the cruel murder of
ten great sages during the time of Roman rule of the land of Israel
during the period before and following the destruction of the Second
Temple. Back
- Knesset is the Israeli parliament. Back
- Hebrew says 'bat' daughter, although
this may be an error, and 'son' may be intended. Back
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Rzeszów, Poland
Yizkor Book Project
JewishGen Home Page
Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld
Copyright © 1999-2025 by JewishGen, Inc.
Updated 11 Dec 2024 by LA
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