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[Page 545]

In Memoriam
- Memorial Tributes to Families

Translated by Jerrold Landau

These I recall, and I will give vent to my soul, for the evil ones
have eagerly swallowed us up.[1]



[Page 546]

In Eternal Memory
My father: Hersh Friedhof

From right: my brother Anshel Friedhof,
My father Hersh Friedhof,
My mother Reizel the daughter of Abba Apfelbaum,
My brother Yaakov Friedhof,
My uncle Nathan the son of Abba Apfelbaum,
My sister Dvora Ber

  Perpetuated by:
Shalom Friedhof

Grandmother and mother of Abba Apfelbaum


Gravestone of Reb Abba Apfelbaum
  Perpetuated by
Dr. Moshe Yaari-Wald,
Member of Knesset Meir Yaari,[2]
Tovia Yaari, Esther Wald of New York.
Father: Chaim the son of Yosef Wald
Mother: Freda the daughter of Yaakov (nee Holoshitzer)

[Page 547]

A Memorial Candle
Brother: Yaakov Kirsh
Father: Yisrael Kirsh
Mother: Eugenia Kirsh (nee Bregner)
Roza Kirsh Fuks - the second wife of Yisrael Kirsh

  Perpetuated by
Ada Keren (Kirsh), U.S.A.

In Eternal Memory
Chaim Munzberg
Shlomo Munzberg
Their memory will never be forgotten from among us:

Sabina the wife of Shlomo Munzberg
The sisters: Varda Feil (Munzberg)
Klara Ma'ayan (Munzberg)
Mala Krischer (Munzberg)

In Eternal Memory
Professor Avraham Goliger

Perpetuated by his students
An Eternal Monument To Our Dear Departed
From right: Father Leon, Avraham may he be blessed with long life, Adla, Yaakov, Morycy, mother: Rivka

  Perpetuated by:
Avraham Ungar, Kibbutz Givat Brenner

[Page 548]

An Eternal Monument To Dear Souls

Hillinger Lea Rivka the wife of Reb Leib Hillinger of blessed memory
Yonovitz Reizel, her husband, their daughter Genia of the Hillinger family
Hillinger Aharon and his wife Bluma (nee Schmidt)
Schmidt Nechama the wife of Reb Shmuel Schmidt
Schmidt Yaakov, his wife Hadas, and their children Freda, Chana, Dov, Yocheved, Shraga, Elimelech, Bluma and Sara
Rizenbach Yisrael and his wife Hadas (nee Schmidt)

In Eternal Memory
Mrs. Eugenia the daughter of Moshe Schipper
Moshe the son of Yosef Schipper

Moshe the son of Yosef Schipper 1886
Rozalia the daughter of Marcus Schipper 1890
Eugenia the daughter of Moshe Schipper 1914
Miriam the daughter of Moshe Schipper 1921
Yosef the son of Moshe Schipper 1886
Cecila the daughter of Lazer Breitenbaum 1905
Miriam the daughter of Lazer Robinson 1908
Ida the daughter of Lazer Schipper 1915
Leon the daughter of Lazer Schipper 1924[3]
Chana daughter of Yaakov Keller 1881
Bashia daughter of Nachum Keller-Rotkof 1904
Aharon son of Nachum Keller 1906
Leon (Lipen) son of Nachum Keller 1913
Yaakov son of Max Platzer 1928
Zigmund Rotkof
Mendel son of Nachum Keller 1901

  The sorrowful perpetuators:
The lawyer Alexander and Bertha Rosner

Mordechai Schmidt
Yaakov Schmidt

  Dedicated in Sorrow by
Chana Wachtel

[Page 549]

May Their Memories Be Everlasting
My mother:
Liba Berman (nee Neubauer)
My father: Yisrael Zalman Berman,
a ritual slaughterer (shochet)
My brother: Avraham the son
of Yisrael Zalman Berman
From left: Chaya (nee Neubauer),
Esther (nee Flazenstein) with her
children Avramele and Hershele

  Dedicated in grief and pain by
Dvora Shalit (nee Berman)

[Page 550]

An Eternal Monument To The Souls Of Our Beloved

Our father: Chaim Elimelech the son of Sina Yehuda
Our mother: Bracha the daughter of Yaakov
Sister: Esther Gittel
Her husband: Avraham the son of Shmuel
Their son: Elimelech
Their daughter: Bracha

  Dedicated in grief and pain by the
Beck brothers of the United States


In Memory

My wife: Tzipora the daughter of Shmuel
My daughter: Dvora
My son: Sina Yehuda
My daughter: Sara

  Perpetuated by
Yisrael Beck


In Memory

My wife: Breindel the daughter of Yehoshua
My son: Baruch Elimelech
My son: Yaakov
My daughter: Esther Feiga

  Dedicated in agony by
Leibish Beck

In Holy Memory

Father: Meir Konstreich

Mother: Sara Konstreich

Perl Konstreich
Leon Konstreich
Roiza Konstreich (Walkenheim)
Chaim Konstreich
Tzila Konstreich
Yisrael Kahl
Efraim Montei
Hinda Montei (nee Konstreich)
Tzipora Montei (nee Konstreich)

  Dedicated in pain by
Shlomo Porat (Konstreich)

[Page 551]

In Eternal Memory

My father: Moshe Yitzchak the son of Leib Baum
My mother: Gisela Baum (nee Waserstrum)
My sisters: Franka, Klara, Regina
In the middle: Naftali Baum, may he live a long life
From right: Yitzchak Zaurhaft, Rachel Mohel, Pnina Apisdorf (nee Zaurhaft), Shlomo Mohel, may he live a long life

Perpetuated in pain and sorrow by
Naftali Baum, and his wife Nechama (nee Zaurhaft), Avraham Mohel and Shlomo Mohel


The Memory Of The Beloved And Dear Ones Will Last Forever

My father: Ezriel Heller
My mother: Sofi Heller (nee Goldhersh)
My wife: Eugenia Heller (nee Gruber)
My daughter: Greta Heller
  Perpetuated in agony by
Dr. Alexander Asher Heller

[Page 552]

A Memorial Monument In Memory Of
Father is in the center. My brother Moshe, and my sisters.
Shaul Sternschuss and his first wife Milka (nee Horowitz)

From right: Roza Geshwind, Rachel Rotfeld, and Regina Herman
Ema Sternschuss (nee Horowitz)
Dr. Pinchas Sternschuss
Dr. Pinchas Sternschuss
and his daughter Ema
Roza and her husband
Avraham Geshwind
Rachel Rothfeld
Moshe Sternschuss
and his wife Sara (nee Horowitz)
Roza Geshwind
and her sons Emil and Salek
  Perpetuated in pain by
Aliza Ganor, the daughter of Rachel and Yosef Rothfeld

[Page 553]

In Holy Memory
Eliahu Geshwind,
father of Moshe David Geshwind

From right: Yaakov Geshwind, Sonia Druker,
their child, Dr. Morycy Ungar

  Perpetuated by the
Shpilman family

In Memory
Mordechai Ofan

Grandfather: Mordechai Ofan
Father: Chaim Ofan
Mother: Gittel Ofan (nee Hirschman)
Sisters: Lea, 18 years old
Sheindel, 12 years old
Brother: Mordechai, 16 years old
  Perpetuated by
Yehoshua Ofan

In Eternal Memory

My father Eizik Ader, born 1887
My mother Feiga, born 1889
My brother Yehoshua, born 1919

  Perpetuated in grief by
David Ader

[Page 554]

In Eternal Memory

Father: Shaul Baum
Mother: Feiga Baum
Brother: Nachum Baum
Sister: Hela Baum
Father: Meir Hirschhorn
Mother: Sabina Hirschhorn
Brothers: Avraham and Yosef Hirschhorn

  Dedicated by the family of
Nathan Baum
In Eternal Memory

Father: Leibish Yehuda Gottesman
Sister: Necha Gottesman
Mother: Chaya Gottesman
  Perpetuated by
Sima and Menachem Yehoshua Gottesman

A Memorial Candle In Memory Of
Shaul Rubin

  Perpetuated in pain and agony by
Avraham Rubin and his family,
and Yosef Greenberg of Kibbutz Ein Hamifratz


Translator's Footnotes

  1. I translated this opening phrase slightly differently than it is translated into English on the title page of the necrology section. There it is translated “I will give vent to my soul and recite how the presumptuous have eagerly swallowed us up” This quote is the opening phrase of the “Eileh Ezkera” prayer of the Musaf service of Yom Kippur. This prayer is also known as the “Ten Martyrs”, and is one of the highlights of the Yom Kippur service. It describes in poetic form the cruel murder of ten great sages during the time of Roman rule of the land of Israel during the period before and following the destruction of the Second Temple. Back
  2. Knesset is the Israeli parliament. Back
  3. Hebrew says 'bat' daughter, although this may be an error, and 'son' may be intended. Back


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