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[Page 575]

In Memoriam (cont.)

In Memoriam
Father: Mordechai Plotzker

Mother: Gittel Plotzker

Sisters: Freda, Bracha, Eida

Brothers: Yosef, Aharon

Perpetuated by
Leon Plotzker

In Eternal Memory
My father Zelig
and my mother Anna Laufbahn

Dedicated in sorrow and pain by
Yosef Laufbahn

A Memorial Candle
My parents: Yechezkel Glick and Gittel Glick

Brothers: Avraham, Baruch, Moshe

Sisters: Meltzia, Rozia, Reizia, Zisia, Tzira, Zelda

Dedicated by
Eliezer Glick

An Eternal Flame
Paulina Wachtel
Herman Wachtel
Berta Wachtel
Otelia Wachtel
Shimon Wachtel

Perpetuated by
Lola Gottesman (nee Wachtel)

[Page 576]

We Sanctify The Memory Of Our Dear Relatives
My parents: Yosef Fink, Liba Fink
Binyamin son of Yosef Wolf born 1890
Libtcha daughter of Yehoshua born 1894
Their children: Yosef born 1927
Yehuda Leib born 1929
Liba born 1930
Avraham born 1932
  Perpetuated in grief by
Celina Margolis, Bronx, U.S.A.

[Page 577]

An Eternal Flame
See [1]
My wife: Yehudit the daughter of Yehoshua Steinmetz
My children: Naftali and Abba
Who died in the Rzeszów ghetto, Tammuz 5702
  Dedicated in pain and sorrow by
Avraham Mussinger
In Eternal Memory

Irving Yitzchak Singer

  Perpetuated in pain by
Avraham Rosenbaum
A Memorial

My father: Yitzchak Eizik Halevi Rosenbaum, born 1868

My mother: Dvora the daughter of Chaim Meir (nee Silberman) born 1871

My brother: Chaim Meir, his wife and daughter

My brother: Moshe Eliezer, his wife and three children

My brother: Menachem Mendel, his wife and son

My brother: Yehuda Leib, his wife and son

My brother: Yechezkel Shraga

My brother: Efraim Fishel

My sister: Chana Rivka

  Perpetuated in pain by
Avraham Rosenbaum

[Page 578]

In Eternal Memory
Shlomo Leib
the son of Yudel Horowitz Halevi

Dedicated by his daughter
Chava Etzioni

In Eternal Memory
From right: Leon Rothenberg,
his wife Etka, and their children
Junia and Chana
Yisrael Moshe and Ester Langer

Dedicated in sorrow by
Yaakov Langer, Chana Fish (nee Langer)

A Memorial Candle
Bronka Zviren (Mattel)

Perpetuated by the
Shpilman family

In Eternal Memory
My mother: Chana the daughter of Mordechai

My sister: Edel Shpiner

Her husband: Chaim, and a son

My sister: Reizel Eisenberg, her husband Pinchas and four children

My sister: Hessa Apter, her husband and child

My brother: Yehoshua Landman, his wife and two children

My brother: Yaakov Henech Landman and his wife

Leib Landman

Dedicated in pain by
Gisela Mira

[Page 579]

In Holy Memory
Chaya Sheindel (nee Rauch)
Berl (Dov) Meller
The Meller family was one of the interesting families of Rzeszów. Berele Meller, a Boyaner Chassid, was the son of Naftali and Miriam from Brozow, who made aliya to the Land of Israel in 1907, lived in Jerusalem, and are buried on the Mount of Olives. Berele was well known in Rzeszów for his religious piety. He would often go to confer with the Boyaner Rebbe about family and business matters. When the Boyaner Rebbe visited Rzeszów from Lemberg in 1908 with his wife, the Mellers gave over their house to the Rebbe. The Rebbe held court with his Chassidim there. The family moved out and lived with acquaintances for that period. It once happened that Berele Meller was with the Rebbe when one of the Chassidim passed away in the Rebbe's court, and the Rebbe went to the funeral. At their funeral, Berel Meller said: “I wish also to die in such a manner, and the Rebbe will escort me as well”. And that is exactly what happened. In Chanukah of 1923 the family heard the news that Berel the son of Naftali passed away while visiting the Rebbe in Lemberg. His wife and four sons traveled to the funeral, and the Boyaner Rebbe escorted him to his final rest. His wish came true. His wife Chaya Sheindel, the daughter of Yissachar and Rachel Rauch, was a very hospitable woman. She would always prepare extra food on Sabbaths so that guests could come to eat with them. She was well acquainted with poor people from her parents, for her mother was Rachel the sugar-baker, who was well known during the First World War as providing hundreds of poor people on Sabbath mornings with coffee. Mrs. Meller with her three sons and their families were murdered in the Holocaust.

May Their Souls Be Bound In The Bonds Of Eternal Life

[Page 580]

In Eternal Memory
My father: Simon Mangel
My mother: Roza Mangel
My brother: Arthur Mangel
From right: Simon, Roza and Arthur Mangel

Dedicated in grief and pain by
Dr. Herman Mangel

[Page 581]

In Eternal Memory
My brother Dr. Hersh Elimelech Fett

His wife Munia (nee Shteiglitz) and two children

My father Shmuel Asher Fett, born 1859,
and my mother Rachel
My sister Genia Baner (nee Fett)

Her husband and son

Ada Beret

The wife of my brother Mendel Fett

Perpetuated in pain by
Rina Wachtelberg (nee Fett)
My brother: Avraham Aryeh with three children
My sister: Freda Orbach with four children
My brother: Ben-Tzion Fett
My sister: Esther Kuperman, her husband and children
Mordechai Shtandel
In Memoriam

Father: Nachum Shtandel (Tuchman), born 1885

Mother: Batia, born 1894

Brother: Henek, born 1919

Dedicated in pain and grief by
Yehoshua and Yaakov Tuchman (Shtandel)

[Page 582]

In Eternal Memory
Ida Shaffer (Frei)
Bronia Shaffer
Baruch Shaffer
Perpetuated by
Mordechai and Gusta Frei
Tzvia Frei and her children
An Eternal Candle To The Souls
Father: Baruch Frei

Mother: Tova

Sister: Sara

Brother: Menachem and his wife and children

Perpetuated in pain and grief by
Esther Wachtel (Frei) of Brooklyn, U.S.A.
Mordechai Frei of Brooklyn
Yehoshua Frei and his wife and children

[Page 583]

A Monument To The Souls Of Our Dear Ones
Sara Zinnamon (nee Kurtzman)
David Zinnamon
Dedicated by
Helena Glasberg of Haifa
Emma the daughter of Janina
Janina Sternschuss (nee Zinnamon)
Helena Wiesenberg (nee Glasberg) wife
of Dr. Emil Weisenberg and their son Yosef
Regina Glasberg (nee Fusman)
Father: Yosef Glasberg
Perpetuated by the family of
Yaakov Glasberg, Sara Sternschuss, Tzila Tamari


Translator's Footnote

  1. The covering of an Aron Kodesh (Holy Ark in synagogue, the place where the Torah scrolls are kept). This cover is known as a Parochet. Dedication on the Parochet is as follows.
    In memory of my martyred family
    My revered father Reb Shmuel Meir Mussinger
    The son of Reb Avraham Chaim of blessed memory
    My mother Sara
    The son of Reb Yitzchak Bronengraber of blessed memory
    My wife Yehudit the daughter of Reb Yehoshua Steinmetz of blessed memory
    My innocent children Abba and Naftali
    My brother Dov the son of Shmuel Meir of blessed memory
    Who perished during the liquidation of the Rzeszów ghetto
    In the month of Tammuz 5702 (summer of 1941)
    May G-d Avenge their Deaths


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