Section |
Text |
Author |
Page |
Foreword (The People of the Book ) |
XV |
Przemysl - Our Beloved Town |
Dr. Y. Mann |
1 |
1 |
From the History of Przemysl Jewry |
Prof. M. Schor |
7 |
2 |
Life of Przemysl Jews in the past (summary of historical literature) |
D. Nitzani |
15 |
a) Before Polish hegemony |
b) Period of Polish independence |
c) On the Writers of Przemysl |
3 |
The First Jewish Tradesmen in Przemysl |
Dr. E. Bloch |
40 |
4 |
The Ancient Synagogue of Przemysl and its Place in Architectural History |
Professor Dr. N. Schneid |
45 |
5 |
Sources: |
52 |
A Section from the Responsa of Rabbi Yehuda the son of Meir of Mainz |
The Scroll of Selichot of Przemysl |
Four Inscriptions on Gravestones from the Old Cemetery of Przemysl |
The Essence of the Pastoral Edict [10] Issued on February 28, 1753 |
The Hidden Tzadik Rabbi Yitzchak Izak Shochet of the village of Zurawica |
6 |
Rabbis of Przemysl 5295 – 5653 (1535 –1893) |
C. Trau and D. Nitzani (Knopf) |
56 |
1 |
From 1772-1867 |
Y. Altbauer & L. Goetz |
69 |
2 |
In the city and community |
D. N. |
74 |
3 |
Political movements in the Jewish street |
D. N. |
90 |
History of Zionist movements in Przemysl before W.W. I |
Jehudia, Some Memories |
Tz. Amit |
100 |
About Haivria |
Y. Altbauer |
103 |
Poale Zion in Przemysl – Until the Outbreak of the Second World War |
E. Bloch |
106 |
Dr. Herman Lieberman |
E. Bloch |
112 |
History of the Jewish Assimilationist Movement in Przemysl |
D. N. |
119 |
4 |
Religious life |
D. N. |
122 |
Rabbi Gedalia (Gedalche) Schmelkes |
Ch. Trau and D. Nitzani |
135 |
Religions functionaries of the community during the last half century of Austrian rule
D. N. |
140 |
Well Known Admorim Connected to Przemysl |
D. N. |
141 |
Personalities from the Large Kloiz in Przemysl |
Y. Adif |
144 |
5 |
Jewish education |
Y. Adif |
146 |
The Tikvat Yisrael School |
D. N. |
149 |
Religious studies |
E. Bloch |
150 |
Study of Hebrew language in Przemysl |
D. N. |
154 |
6 |
Avraham the Son of Yitzchak Sonne |
H. C. |
157 |
Avraham the Son of Yitzchak Sonne |
Leah Goldberg |
160 |
7 |
Writers and Intellectuals |
164 |
R. Mordechai Yona Rosenfeld |
A. Kahana |
164 |
Shimon Menachem Lazar |
Y. A. |
166 |
Images of Intellectuals in Przemysl |
168 |
Birech (Berechiyahu) Schafir - Humorous poet |
D. N. |
170 |
8 |
During the Time of the First World War (1914-1918) |
Przemysl During the Time of the Siege During the First World War |
Y. Altbauer |
172 |
Beseiged Przemysl |
Y. Michelsburg |
177 |
Yom Kippur in the fortress |
Dr. V.A. Fordes |
178 |
1 |
Przemysl passes under Polish rule |
Y. Altbauer |
185 |
2 |
Dr. M. Rosenfeld |
M. Henish |
191 |
3 |
November 1918 |
Z. Luft |
193 |
4 |
The nation, city and community |
Y. A. |
199 |
The rabbinical court |
D. N. |
205 |
5 |
The Jewish population – constituents and economy |
Y. A. |
207 |
6 |
Institutions of education and culture |
Y. A. |
214 |
7 |
Jewish health institutions |
Y. A. |
231 |
8 |
Jewish welfare institutions in Przemysl |
Y. A. |
239 |
9 |
Jewish sports in Przemysl |
Y. A. |
243 |
10 |
Zionist movement in Przemysl (1918-1939) |
Y. A. |
246 |
Zionist Labor movement in Przemysl |
K. Y. Golan |
252 |
Revsionist movement “HaTzohar” in Przemysl |
Dr. Y. Schechter |
258 |
Mizrachi in Przemysl |
A. Ben Pazi |
261 |
Zionist youth movements in Przemysl |
Y. A. |
264 |
The renewed “Agudath Herzl” |
Y. A. |
264 |
Hashomer Hatzair |
Y. A. |
268 |
“Gordonia” |
D. Sim |
275 |
“Hanoar Hatzioni” (Zionist youth) |
Y. A. |
280 |
Hebrew youth group “Akiva” |
Y. A. |
282 |
The scouts |
S. Antmann |
285 |
11 |
Other Jewish parties |
“Agudas Yisroel” |
R. A. Weinberger |
286 |
The ZPS (later “Bund”) |
Y.A. |
288 |
Jewish participation in PPS and Communist Party |
Y. A. |
290 |
12 |
Jewish newspapers |
Y. A. |
291 |
13 |
Hechalutz and first Jewish chalutzim |
S. Antmann |
293 |
Shimshon Goldstein |
D. N. |
297 |
Dr. Zvi Luft |
M. Gans |
301 |
Episodes from the Third Aliya |
S. Goldstein |
304 |
Rabbi Professor Dr. Moshe Schorr |
D. N. |
311 |
Dr. Leib Landau |
Dr. B. Weintraub |
315 |
Memories of Leib Landau |
M. Melman |
317 |
The last days of Leib Landau |
Y. Avrahami |
320 |
Rabbi Dr. Josef Mieses |
D. N. |
322 |
Matityahu Mieses |
Dr. A. Menczer |
324 |
Professor Dr. Jakob Mann (Mannen) |
D. N. |
328 |
Dr. Izaak [Yitzchak] Mann |
Professor Josef Klausner |
331 |
Avraham Kahana (“Avrech”) |
M. N. |
333 |
Rabbi Dr. Shmuel [Samuel] Hirschfeld |
335 |
Rabbi Itzhak [Isak] Jacob Thumim |
D. N. |
337 |
Dr. Maurycy Richter |
Y. A. |
339 |
Dr. Tzvi-Henryk Reichmann |
Y. A. |
339 |
Dr. Efraim Schutzmann |
Y. A. |
340 |
Abraham Chaim Klagsbald |
Y. A. |
341 |
Words of eulogy that were not spoken |
A. Cohen |
342 |
Lipa Geller |
Y. A. |
342 |
Dr. Aleksander Steinhardt |
Dr. Binyamin Weintraub |
343 |
Wilhelm Haspel |
Y. A. |
344 |
Engineer Tzvi (Herman) Mendel Jawetz |
Y. A. |
345 |
Chaim Elias |
Yosef the son of Eliezer |
345 |
Mordechai Hacke |
Y. A. |
346 |
Josef [Jozef] Rinde |
Y. A. |
346 |
Abraham Schachter |
Y. A. |
347 |
Meir Honigwachs |
Y. A. |
347 |
The Mieses Family |
Y. A. |
348 |
The Axer Family |
Y. A. |
348 |
Dr. Josef Axer |
348 |
Dr. Dawid Sack |
Y. A. |
349 |
Dr. Nisan [Nissen] Stein-Goldstein |
Y. A. |
349 |
Victor Emanuel Pordes |
D. N. |
350 |
Reb Shmuel Babad |
Y. A. |
351 |
Reb Shmuel [Samuel] the son of Reb Dawid Knoller |
D. N. |
351 |
Mordechai Gottfried |
R. A. Meir |
352 |
The Magid Rabbi Pinchas Shlomo [Salomon] Schussheim [Schusheim] |
M. Henish |
353 |
Professor Dr. Manes Kartagener |
D. N. |
354 |
Professor Dr. Maximilian [Maksymilian] Rose |
Y. A. |
355 |
Professor Dr. Henryk Meisel |
Y. A. |
355 |
Professor Ludwig Bruno Sohn |
Y. A. |
356 |
Dr. Helene Rosenbach-Deutsch |
Y. A. |
356 |
Organization of Przemysl emigrants in Israel |
Y. A. |
359 |
Przemysl Landsmanschaften in New York |
361 |
Fallen in the establishment of State of Israel |
1 |
From outbreak of WW II until the liberation |
Dr. M. Schattner |
371 |
2 |
Reminiscences (Memoirs) |
Dr. L. Frim |
394 |
Przemysl today |
Dr. M. Schattner |
404 |
405 |
Introduction |
409 |
The City on the River San |
Dr. Y. Zinneman |
413 |
History of the Jews of Przemyśl |
D. N. |
416 |
Anti–Jewish Edicts of the Bishop of Przemyśl in the year 1743 |
421 |
The Austrian Period (1772–1914) |
D. N. |
422 |
History of the Jews of Przemyśl (1914–1939) |
Y. Altbauer |
428 |
Synagogues, Beis Midrashes, Kloizes, and Minyanim in Przemyśl |
D. N. |
433 |
Rabbi Gedalia Schmelkes |
C. Trau, D. Nitzani |
439 |
The Jewish Labor Movement in Przemyśl |
Y. Laubstein |
442 |
Dr. Leib Landau |
451 |
Lawyer Leib Landau – a Great Man of Israel by Abraham Morewski |
A. Marovsky |
451 |
Memories of Leib Landau |
Ida Kaminska |
456 |
Dr. Herman Liebermann |
Dr. E. Bloch |
458 |
Michael Ostereicher |
D. N. |
464 |
Dr. Ludwik Grossfeld |
D. N. |
465 |
Przemysl Maskilim: Mordechai Yonah Rosenfeld (Myshu'b) |
A. Kahana |
467 |
Beirech Schafir – the Jewish Troubadour of Przemyśl |
A. Kahana |
469 |
Rachel Korn |
A. B. |
471 |
On the Ruins |
Rachel H. Korn |
472 |
Yaakov Zinneman |
D. N. |
474 |
The Schwebel Brothers |
Chanoch Hand |
475 |
Types from the Jewish Street by Eliahu Bloch |
E. Bloch |
478 |
The Tzadik of Wolnica |
Professor Dr. S. H. Bergman |
490 |
The Hidden Tzadik Rabbi Yitzchak Eizik Shochet |
492 |
Organization of Przemyslers in Israel |
Y. A |
494 |
Przemyśler Landsmanschaft in New York |
497 |
The Destruction of Przemyśl |
Dr. M. Schattner |
501 |
My Experiences During the Occupation |
Dr. Leon Frim |
527 |
Index of names (Hebrew) |
537 |
Index of names (Yiddish) |
547 |
Notes from the original Project Coordinator |
Photo Surname Index |
Przemysl Slicha |