Photo Surname Index
Compiled and Contributed by Barbara U. Yeager
The Przemysl Yizkor Book includes quite a number of photographs. Most of them
are group photographs but there are also a number of individual ones. The
majority of photographs include captions with the names of people depicted in
them. The following is a list of the names compiled from the photo captions.
This information has not been included in the Przemysl Yizkor Book indices and
that is why it needed to be compiled separately. This photo surname index
includes names from both the Hebrew and Yiddish sections of the Przemysl Yizkor
The photo captions are in Hebrew, Yiddish and ENGLISH. For most group photos, information is given about the location of each person (e.g. first row from the left, etc.). In many cases, there is a reference to what organization the group represents (e.g. Group of Students of Poalei Zion, Przemysl 1909 – p. 111). If your relative is listed as being part of any such group, this may be a hint for your further research. There are also a number of photos where only the name of the group is listed and no names are given (e.g. Music Club “Canzonetta” – p. 229) . All names listed in the photo captions have been included here. That includes situations where a person does not appear in the photo but he or she is referred to in the caption in some way. For example, there is a group photo of children at Bien’s kindergarten (p. 220). The name Bien has been included on this list. Apart from photos, there are other ways in which Przemysl residents are portrayed in the book. For example, on pp. 208-209 there are a number of caricatures of various Przemysl personalities. I have included those names here as well. Please note that one surname may appear more than once in each photo as multiple family members may have been involved in various organizations and groups in Przemysl. Because of the numerous photographs included in the Przemysl Yizkor Book, looking through it can be quite an experience, even if you can't read Yiddish or Hebrew. I would encourage researchers to do so if they have such possibility. If you are interested in obtaining the Przemysl Yizkor Book, here are your options:
Barbara U. Yeager |
A |
Akser | 208 |
Akser | 348 |
Altbauer | 217 |
Altbauer | 264 |
Altbauer | 264 |
Altbauer | 269 |
Altbauer | 360 |
Amster | 219 |
Antman | 103 |
Antmann | 253 |
Antmann | 253 |
Antmann | 255 |
Antmann | 294 |
Antmann | 294 |
Ascher | 250 |
Astel | 264 |
Astel | 269 |
Babad Index | 225 |
Babad | 351 |
Bachmann | 294 |
Bachrach | 365 |
Baer | 494 |
Bauer | 235 |
Bauer | 255 |
Baumann | 255 |
Bauminger | 365 |
Ben-Gurion | 257 |
Bernanke | 111 |
Bernanke | 228 |
Bernfeld | 243 |
Bernstein | 104 |
Berski | 228 |
Bielawski | 217 |
Bien | 220 |
Bien | 269 |
Bierman | 104 |
Birken | 101 |
Blatt | 212 |
Blech, Dr. | 393 |
Bloch | 111 |
Bloch, Dr. | 494 |
Blumenfeld | 219 |
Bogen | 180 |
Boyan, Rabbi | 438 |
Brand | 269 |
Brettholz | 217 |
Brettholz | 264 |
Brettholz | 269 |
Brodheim | 10 |
Citron Index | 222 |
Dannenhirsch (Danieli) Index | 250 |
Diamant | 235 |
Diller | 225 |
Dinkes | 255 |
Dortort | 269 |
Duldig | 96 |
Duldig | 99 |
Duldig, Dr. | 378 |
Eichenbaum Index | 253 |
Eichenbaum | 255 |
Eisen | 216 |
Eisen | 217 |
Eisen | 218 |
Eisenbruch | 255 |
Eisner | 96 |
Eisner | 101 |
Eisner | 104 |
Eisner | 208 |
Eisner | 227 |
Ekiert | 227 |
Ekiert | 264 |
Elias | 253 |
Elias | 345 |
Engel | 365 |
Engelhardt | 219 |
Erbsmann | 253 |
Erbsmann | 255 |
Ernst | 255 |
Feldhof Index | 264 |
Felsen | 255 |
Fenster | 101 |
Frankfurter | 255 |
Fratz | 104 |
Fratz | 294 |
Freifeld | 104 |
Freudenheim | 111 |
Freund | 101 |
Freund, Rabbi | 218 |
Fried | 96 |
Friedmann | 217 |
Friesel | 96 |
Frisch | 101 |
Fritzhand | 216 |
Fritzhand | 217 |
Fritzhand | 219 |
Frostig | 199 |
Gahlberg Index | 209 |
Gans | 111 |
Geller | 342 |
Gitter | 264 |
Glazer | 205 |
Goldberg | 216 |
Goldblatt | 255 |
Goldfarb | 101 |
Goldfarb | 227 |
Goldfarb | 228 |
Goldfarb | 253 |
Goldstein | 297 |
Goldstein | 304 |
Goliger | 111 |
Gottfried | 96 |
Gottfried | 101 |
Gottfried | 264 |
Gottfried | 352 |
Grabscheid | 209 |
Granik | 104 |
Gromet | 247 |
Grossfeld, Dr. | 466 |
Guttman | 264 |
Haber Index | 217 |
Haber | 218 |
Hacke | 346 |
Haendler | 216 |
Halpern | 96 |
Halpern | 104 |
Halpern | 269 |
Halpern-Weissberg | 235 |
Hammer | 250 |
Hand | 360 |
Haspel | 344 |
Hass | 235 |
Hauben | 253 |
Hauben | 255 |
Hecht | 217 |
Hering | 253 |
Hering | 255 |
Hering | 255 |
Herschdorfer | 96 |
Herzig | 101 |
Herzig | 111 |
Herzig | 269 |
Hirschberg | 366 |
Hirschfeld | 225 |
Hirschfeld, Rabbi Dr. | 335 |
Honigwachs | 347 |
Horn | 247 |
Horn | 264 |
Horowitz | 99 |
Horowitz | 253 |
Horszowska | 255 |
Imbermann Index | 269 |
Intrator | 364 |
Jawetz Index | 345 |
Joffe | 251 |
Kahane Index | 219 |
Kahane | 333 |
Kandel | 111 |
Kanner | 253 |
Kanner | 255 |
Karlinski | 452 |
Katz | 101 |
Katz | 103 |
Katz | 103 |
Katz | 219 |
Katz | 219 |
Katz | 219 |
Kawe | 217 |
Kawe | 360 |
Kayemeth | 428 |
Kessel | 255 |
Klagsbad | 341 |
Klausner | 243 |
Kleinhaus | 101 |
Klugman | 96 |
Kneppel | 104 |
Knoller | 103 |
Knoller | 103 |
Knoller | 247 |
Knoller | 255 |
Knoller | 351 |
Knopf | 99 |
Knopf | 294 |
Knopf-Nizani | 96 |
Kohn | 264 |
Korn | 471 |
Krankenfuter | 235 |
Kraus | 255 |
Kraut | 269 |
Krebs | 255 |
Kreitzstein | 255 |
Kreppel | 255 |
Krochmal | 180 |
Krochmal | 214 |
Krys | 264 |
Kudisch | 218 |
Kupfer | 96 |
Kupfer | 99 |
Kupfer | 101 |
Kupfer | 101 |
Kupfer | 264 |
Kupfer | 363 |
Landau Index | 96 |
Landau | 208 |
Landau | 264 |
Landau | 315 |
Landau, Dr. | 452 |
Landau, Rabbi | 91 |
Langsam | 104 |
Langsam | 225 |
Laub | 225 |
Laub | 264 |
Lauterbach | 96 |
Lauterbach | 99 |
Lazar | 166 |
Lazar | 393 |
Licht | 250 |
Licht | 264 |
Licht | 264 |
Lichtbach | 255 |
Lichtbach | 255 |
Lichtbach | 294 |
Lieberman, Dr. | 458 |
Liebermann | 208 |
Lisikiewicz | 216 |
Loebel | 235 |
Loebel | 391 |
Low | 264 |
Low | 269 |
Lowenthal | 180 |
Luft | 180 |
Luft | 180 |
Luft | 193 |
Luft | 269 |
Luft | 270 |
Luft | 301 |
Mamber Index | 104 |
Mandel | 111 |
Mann | 103 |
Mann | 331 |
Marienstraus | 247 |
Marienstrauss | 264 |
Matilda | 294 |
Mayer | 217 |
Medav | 368 |
Meller | 255 |
Mermelstein | 219 |
Mermelstein | 250 |
Messner | 103 |
Messner | 255 |
Miesels | 111 |
Mieses | 209 |
Mieses | 219 |
Mieses | 264 |
Mieses | 270 |
Mieses | 324 |
Mieses, Rabbi Dr. | 322 |
Mieses-Rief, Dr. | 494 |
Miltau | 253 |
Miltau | 264 |
Minz | 96 |
Minz | 96 |
Morewski | 452 |
Morgenroth | 101 |
Morgenroth | 101 |
Morgenroth | 101 |
Muhlrad | 294 |
Nagel Index | 101 |
Nagel | 264 |
Neger | 430 |
Neumann | 250 |
Nick | 247 |
Nitzani, Dr. | 360 |
Ntizani, Dr. (Nitzani?) | 494 |
Nussbaum | 225 |
Nussbaum | 228 |
Nussbaum | 264 |
Ortner Index | 101 |
Ortner | 217 |
Ostern | 218 |
Pasternak Index | 96 |
Patron | 253 |
Patron | 255 |
Peiper | 243 |
Perlroth | 218 |
Perlroth | 219 |
Pfeffer | 111 |
Pfeffer | 111 |
Pillersdorf | 269 |
Pohorille | 264 |
Poller | 393 |
Pomstein | 96 |
Poppers | 101 |
Poppers | 269 |
Rebhan Index | 203 |
Rebhan | 269 |
Rebhun | 101 |
Rebhun | 264 |
Rebhun | 264 |
Reich | 225 |
Reichmann, Dr. | 250 |
Reif | 96 |
Reisner | 216 |
Reiss | 216 |
Ressler | 452 |
Richter, Dr. | 339 |
Riechmann | 339 |
Rinde | 264 |
Rinde | 269 |
Rinde | 346 |
Rosenbaum | 103 |
Rosenfeld | 96 |
Rosenfeld | 99 |
Rosenfeld | 164 |
Rosenfeld | 191 |
Rosenfeld | 219 |
Rosenfeld | 253 |
Rosenfeld | 255 |
Rosenzweig | 209 |
Rottenberg | 253 |
Rubenfeld | 264 |
Rubenfeld, Dr. | 250 |
Rubenfeld, Dr. | 360 |
Rubin | 253 |
Rubin | 255 |
Rubinfeld | 111 |
Rubinfeld | 111 |
Rubinfeld, Dr. | 393 |
Sack Index | 101 |
Sack | 101 |
Sack | 269 |
Sack | 349 |
Saltzberg | 216 |
Saltzberg | 255 |
Salz | 366 |
Salzmann | 250 |
Salzmann | 264 |
Schachner | 104 |
Schachter | 347 |
Schattner | 235 |
Schattner, Dr. | 360 |
Schatz | 250 |
Schenker | 109 |
Schmelkes | 135 |
Schmelkes, Rabbi | 439 |
Schmiedel | 101 |
Schmorak | 235 |
Schnur | 111 |
Schorr | 311 |
Schutzmann, Dr. | 340 |
Schwadron | 250 |
Schwarz | 209 |
Schwarzbart | 99 |
Schwebel | 475 |
Schweber | 264 |
Schweber, Dr. | 250 |
Segal | 101 |
Segal | 235 |
Segal | 250 |
Segal | 368 |
Shefer | 368 |
Shpira | 253 |
Siedwerts | 104 |
Silber | 389 |
Silfen | 104 |
Silfen | 225 |
Silfen | 247 |
Sima | 264 |
Singer | 255 |
Sobel | 104 |
Sobel | 217 |
Sobel | 269 |
Sohn | 209 |
Sonne | 99 |
Sonne | 157 |
Spatz | 101 |
Spiegel | 227 |
Spielman | 248 |
Spielmann | 294 |
Spira | 180 |
Stagmanowa | 228 |
Stein | 253 |
Steiner | 225 |
Stein-Goldstein | 349 |
Steinhardt | 235 |
Steinhardt, Dr. | 343 |
Stempel | 269 |
Stolzberg | 368 |
Streifer | 264 |
Strudler | 228 |
Suswein, Dr. | 393 |
Swiatnicki | 243 |
Tafet Index | 155 |
Tannenbaum | 264 |
Taubenfeldowa | 228 |
Taugendhaft | 253 |
Teich | 216 |
Teich | 217 |
Teichmann | 294 |
Teitelbaum | 269 |
Tennenbaum | 264 |
Tennenbaum, Dr. | 250 |
Thumim | 337 |
Torbe | 101 |
Trachtenberg | 101 |
Trachtenberg | 101 |
Trau | 264 |
Trau | 360 |
Trau | 494 |
Treibetz | 264 |
Tuchmann | 101 |
Tuchmann | 104 |
Tuchmann | 294 |
Tuerkel | 235 |
Tugendhaft | 366 |
Unger Index | 364 |
Warth Index | 269 |
Weinberg | 294 |
Weintraub | 494 |
Weintraub, Dr. | 243 |
Weintraub, Dr. | 360 |
Weintraubowa | 228 |
Weisinger | 217 |
Weisinger | 253 |
Weissberg | 194 |
Weissberg | 269 |
Wiederkehr | 206 |
Wiederkehr | 225 |
Willner | 253 |
Willner | 255 |
Winkler-Mieses | 485 |
Wirt | 104 |
Wirt | 247 |
Wolkstein | 253 |
Wolkstein | 255 |
Wurm | 217 |
Zwanziger Index | 269 |
JewishGen, Inc. makes no representations regarding the accuracy of
the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material
for verification.
JewishGen is not responsible for inaccuracies or omissions in the original work and cannot rewrite or edit the text to correct inaccuracies and/or omissions.
Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.
Przemysl, Poland
Yizkor Book Project
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Updated 30 Dec 2007 by LA