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Przemysl Memorial Book

Photo Surname Index

Compiled and Contributed by Barbara U. Yeager


The Przemysl Yizkor Book includes quite a number of photographs. Most of them are group photographs but there are also a number of individual ones. The majority of photographs include captions with the names of people depicted in them. The following is a list of the names compiled from the photo captions. This information has not been included in the Przemysl Yizkor Book indices and that is why it needed to be compiled separately. This photo surname index includes names from both the Hebrew and Yiddish sections of the Przemysl Yizkor Book.

The photo captions are in Hebrew, Yiddish and ENGLISH. For most group photos, information is given about the location of each person (e.g. first row from the left, etc.). In many cases, there is a reference to what organization the group represents (e.g. Group of Students of Poalei Zion, Przemysl 1909 – p. 111). If your relative is listed as being part of any such group, this may be a hint for your further research. There are also a number of photos where only the name of the group is listed and no names are given (e.g. Music Club “Canzonetta” – p. 229) .

All names listed in the photo captions have been included here. That includes situations where a person does not appear in the photo but he or she is referred to in the caption in some way. For example, there is a group photo of children at Bien’s kindergarten (p. 220). The name Bien has been included on this list.

Apart from photos, there are other ways in which Przemysl residents are portrayed in the book. For example, on pp. 208-209 there are a number of caricatures of various Przemysl personalities. I have included those names here as well.

Please note that one surname may appear more than once in each photo as multiple family members may have been involved in various organizations and groups in Przemysl.

Because of the numerous photographs included in the Przemysl Yizkor Book, looking through it can be quite an experience, even if you can't read Yiddish or Hebrew. I would encourage researchers to do so if they have such possibility.

If you are interested in obtaining the Przemysl Yizkor Book, here are your options:

  1. Check the Przemysl Yizkor Book Project website (http://www.jewishgen.org/yizkor/) for an InfoFile with a list of Libraries and Retail Establishments with Yizkor Books.
  2. request the book at your local library on Inter Library Loan (it is amazing how helpful Inter Library Loan can be!).
  3. purchase it from a Yizkor Book vendor. I have purchased my copy recently from Nun-Bet Books in Israel. I found this bookstore through the Yizkor Book Project website.
Barbara U. Yeager



Akser 208
Akser 348
Altbauer 217
Altbauer 264
Altbauer 264
Altbauer 269
Altbauer 360
Amster 219
Antman 103
Antmann 253
Antmann 253
Antmann 255
Antmann 294
Antmann 294
Ascher 250
Astel 264
Astel 269
Babad Index 225
Babad 351
Bachmann 294
Bachrach 365
Baer 494
Bauer 235
Bauer 255
Baumann 255
Bauminger 365
Ben-Gurion 257
Bernanke 111
Bernanke 228
Bernfeld 243
Bernstein 104
Berski 228
Bielawski 217
Bien 220
Bien 269
Bierman 104
Birken 101
Blatt 212
Blech, Dr. 393
Bloch 111
Bloch, Dr. 494
Blumenfeld 219
Bogen 180
Boyan, Rabbi 438
Brand 269
Brettholz 217
Brettholz 264
Brettholz 269
Brodheim 10
Citron Index 222
Dannenhirsch (Danieli) Index 250
Diamant 235
Diller 225
Dinkes 255
Dortort 269
Duldig 96
Duldig 99
Duldig, Dr. 378
Eichenbaum Index 253
Eichenbaum 255
Eisen 216
Eisen 217
Eisen 218
Eisenbruch 255
Eisner 96
Eisner 101
Eisner 104
Eisner 208
Eisner 227
Ekiert 227
Ekiert 264
Elias 253
Elias 345
Engel 365
Engelhardt 219
Erbsmann 253
Erbsmann 255
Ernst 255
Feldhof Index 264
Felsen 255
Fenster 101
Frankfurter 255
Fratz 104
Fratz 294
Freifeld 104
Freudenheim 111
Freund 101
Freund, Rabbi 218
Fried 96
Friedmann 217
Friesel 96
Frisch 101
Fritzhand 216
Fritzhand 217
Fritzhand 219
Frostig 199
Gahlberg Index 209
Gans 111
Geller 342
Gitter 264
Glazer 205
Goldberg 216
Goldblatt 255
Goldfarb 101
Goldfarb 227
Goldfarb 228
Goldfarb 253
Goldstein 297
Goldstein 304
Goliger 111
Gottfried 96
Gottfried 101
Gottfried 264
Gottfried 352
Grabscheid 209
Granik 104
Gromet 247
Grossfeld, Dr. 466
Guttman 264
Haber Index 217
Haber 218
Hacke 346
Haendler 216
Halpern 96
Halpern 104
Halpern 269
Halpern-Weissberg 235
Hammer 250
Hand 360
Haspel 344
Hass 235
Hauben 253
Hauben 255
Hecht 217
Hering 253
Hering 255
Hering 255
Herschdorfer 96
Herzig 101
Herzig 111
Herzig 269
Hirschberg 366
Hirschfeld 225
Hirschfeld, Rabbi Dr. 335
Honigwachs 347
Horn 247
Horn 264
Horowitz 99
Horowitz 253
Horszowska 255
Imbermann Index 269
Intrator 364
Jawetz Index 345
Joffe 251
Kahane Index 219
Kahane 333
Kandel 111
Kanner 253
Kanner 255
Karlinski 452
Katz 101
Katz 103
Katz 103
Katz 219
Katz 219
Katz 219
Kawe 217
Kawe 360
Kayemeth 428
Kessel 255
Klagsbad 341
Klausner 243
Kleinhaus 101
Klugman 96
Kneppel 104
Knoller 103
Knoller 103
Knoller 247
Knoller 255
Knoller 351
Knopf 99
Knopf 294
Knopf-Nizani 96
Kohn 264
Korn 471
Krankenfuter 235
Kraus 255
Kraut 269
Krebs 255
Kreitzstein 255
Kreppel 255
Krochmal 180
Krochmal 214
Krys 264
Kudisch 218
Kupfer 96
Kupfer 99
Kupfer 101
Kupfer 101
Kupfer 264
Kupfer 363
Landau Index 96
Landau 208
Landau 264
Landau 315
Landau, Dr. 452
Landau, Rabbi 91
Langsam 104
Langsam 225
Laub 225
Laub 264
Lauterbach 96
Lauterbach 99
Lazar 166
Lazar 393
Licht 250
Licht 264
Licht 264
Lichtbach 255
Lichtbach 255
Lichtbach 294
Lieberman, Dr. 458
Liebermann 208
Lisikiewicz 216
Loebel 235
Loebel 391
Low 264
Low 269
Lowenthal 180
Luft 180
Luft 180
Luft 193
Luft 269
Luft 270
Luft 301
Mamber Index 104
Mandel 111
Mann 103
Mann 331
Marienstraus 247
Marienstrauss 264
Matilda 294
Mayer 217
Medav 368
Meller 255
Mermelstein 219
Mermelstein 250
Messner 103
Messner 255
Miesels 111
Mieses 209
Mieses 219
Mieses 264
Mieses 270
Mieses 324
Mieses, Rabbi Dr. 322
Mieses-Rief, Dr. 494
Miltau 253
Miltau 264
Minz 96
Minz 96
Morewski 452
Morgenroth 101
Morgenroth 101
Morgenroth 101
Muhlrad 294
Nagel Index 101
Nagel 264
Neger 430
Neumann 250
Nick 247
Nitzani, Dr. 360
Ntizani, Dr. (Nitzani?) 494
Nussbaum 225
Nussbaum 228
Nussbaum 264
Ortner Index 101
Ortner 217
Ostern 218
Pasternak Index 96
Patron 253
Patron 255
Peiper 243
Perlroth 218
Perlroth 219
Pfeffer 111
Pfeffer 111
Pillersdorf 269
Pohorille 264
Poller 393
Pomstein 96
Poppers 101
Poppers 269
Rebhan Index 203
Rebhan 269
Rebhun 101
Rebhun 264
Rebhun 264
Reich 225
Reichmann, Dr. 250
Reif 96
Reisner 216
Reiss 216
Ressler 452
Richter, Dr. 339
Riechmann 339
Rinde 264
Rinde 269
Rinde 346
Rosenbaum 103
Rosenfeld 96
Rosenfeld 99
Rosenfeld 164
Rosenfeld 191
Rosenfeld 219
Rosenfeld 253
Rosenfeld 255
Rosenzweig 209
Rottenberg 253
Rubenfeld 264
Rubenfeld, Dr. 250
Rubenfeld, Dr. 360
Rubin 253
Rubin 255
Rubinfeld 111
Rubinfeld 111
Rubinfeld, Dr. 393
Sack Index 101
Sack 101
Sack 269
Sack 349
Saltzberg 216
Saltzberg 255
Salz 366
Salzmann 250
Salzmann 264
Schachner 104
Schachter 347
Schattner 235
Schattner, Dr. 360
Schatz 250
Schenker 109
Schmelkes 135
Schmelkes, Rabbi 439
Schmiedel 101
Schmorak 235
Schnur 111
Schorr 311
Schutzmann, Dr. 340
Schwadron 250
Schwarz 209
Schwarzbart 99
Schwebel 475
Schweber 264
Schweber, Dr. 250
Segal 101
Segal 235
Segal 250
Segal 368
Shefer 368
Shpira 253
Siedwerts 104
Silber 389
Silfen 104
Silfen 225
Silfen 247
Sima 264
Singer 255
Sobel 104
Sobel 217
Sobel 269
Sohn 209
Sonne 99
Sonne 157
Spatz 101
Spiegel 227
Spielman 248
Spielmann 294
Spira 180
Stagmanowa 228
Stein 253
Steiner 225
Stein-Goldstein 349
Steinhardt 235
Steinhardt, Dr. 343
Stempel 269
Stolzberg 368
Streifer 264
Strudler 228
Suswein, Dr. 393
Swiatnicki 243
Tafet Index 155
Tannenbaum 264
Taubenfeldowa 228
Taugendhaft 253
Teich 216
Teich 217
Teichmann 294
Teitelbaum 269
Tennenbaum 264
Tennenbaum, Dr. 250
Thumim 337
Torbe 101
Trachtenberg 101
Trachtenberg 101
Trau 264
Trau 360
Trau 494
Treibetz 264
Tuchmann 101
Tuchmann 104
Tuchmann 294
Tuerkel 235
Tugendhaft 366
Unger Index 364
Warth Index 269
Weinberg 294
Weintraub 494
Weintraub, Dr. 243
Weintraub, Dr. 360
Weintraubowa 228
Weisinger 217
Weisinger 253
Weissberg 194
Weissberg 269
Wiederkehr 206
Wiederkehr 225
Willner 253
Willner 255
Winkler-Mieses 485
Wirt 104
Wirt 247
Wolkstein 253
Wolkstein 255
Wurm 217
Zwanziger Index 269

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