Yiddish Surname Index
Transliterated and Contributed by Suzan Wynne
The following is the transliteration of the Yiddish surname index from the Przemyśl Yizkor Book. Due to the differences in spelling between the Latin/English and the Hebrew/Yiddish alphabets, you may want to look through the entire list to determine if your surnames are included in the index. Please refer to the original Yiddish text for confirmation.
Note that whereas the original is alphabetised in Hebrew, the translation is alphabetised in English, and therefore, the ordering of the names does not match. |
A |
O |
Q |
U |
X |
Aben(d) | 467 |
Aberdam | 509 |
Abraham | 484, 499 |
Abravenel | 467 |
Aikon ? | 447 |
Alexandrowicz | 449 |
Altbauer | 407-10, 428, 496 |
Alter | 448 |
Ansky | 430 |
Arnstein | 530 |
Asch | 449 |
Aschendorf | 476 |
Asher | 436 |
Ashkenazi | 531 |
Aueb ? | 467-8 |
Auerbach | 409 |
Babad Index | 429, 504 |
Babe ? | 496 |
Babshinsky | 440 |
Baer | 442, 494 |
Baerman | 496, 501 |
Bakonin | 475 |
Balaban | 417 |
Baldini | 503 |
Batory | 418 |
Beiless | 453 |
Beinenstock | 436 |
Benish | 521 |
Benowitz | 509, 516, 521-2 |
Bergman | 408, 490 |
Berl (Glazer) | 483-4 |
Bernstein | 438 |
Biber | 498 |
Birnbaum | 440 |
Blashovsky | 449 |
Bleck | 438, 513, 523 |
Bloch | 407-8, 410, 458, 478, 494, 496, 516 |
Blum | 449 |
Blumenfeld | 433, 465 |
Borda | 444 |
Brandler | 522-3 |
Brodner | 496, 500, 502-3 |
Buksbaum | 475 |
Burstak | 498, 500 |
Burstin | 496 |
Chassdai Index | 467 |
Chelmish ? | 472 |
Chemick | 448 |
Chemelia ? | 487 |
Cohen (Kahana) | 467 |
Danenhirsch Index | 497 |
Dank | 500 |
Dashinsky | 443 |
Daumit | 527 |
Davidowicz | 517 |
Dembitzer | 449, 533 |
Doldick | 505, 508, 511-2, 527-8 |
Dreyfuss | 453 |
Drucker | 446 |
Eberhard Index | 514, 523, 527, 531 |
Ehrenberg | 425, 475 |
Ehrenfreiss | 467 |
Ehrlich | 446, 449 |
Einbinder | 482 |
Eineingler | 449 |
Eishkowicz | 511, 516-7 |
Eisler | 530 |
Eisner | 527, 529 |
Eitsig-Spitzik ? | 488 |
Ekser | 443, 496 |
Entman | 496, 522 |
Estel | 530 |
Estreicher | 408, 446, 464, 464-5 |
Feller Index | 496 |
Feltscher | 461 |
Fensterblum | 449 |
Finer | 449, 496 |
Finkel | 531 |
Finkelstein | 508-9 |
First (Furst ?) | 416 |
Flick | 521 |
Flicktenfeld | 499 |
Fogel | 437 |
Forster | 515 |
Frachtenberg | 434 |
Frei | 483 |
Frenkel | 490 |
Frim | 408, 443, 447, 527-8, 530-1 |
Fritz | 445, 449, 472 |
Frostig | 429, 448 |
Fruchter | 447 |
Gahlstein Index | 496 |
Ganz | 407-8, 410, 498 |
Gedankenschneider | 481 |
Gelber | 442 |
Gelerter | 409 |
Getz | 407-8, 410 |
Glanzman | 447 |
Glazer | 484 |
Goldberg | 500, 410 |
Goldfadden | 446 |
Goldfarb | 436, 482 |
Goldman | 508 |
Goldschmid | 498 |
Goldstein | 410, 496-8, 500 |
Golgotschi ? | 462 |
Goliger | 438 |
Gottdank | 443, 447-8, 514 |
Gottfried | 509, 522-3 |
Gottlieb | 498, 529 |
Graber | 522 |
Grabscheid | 508, 512 |
Greck | 453 |
Grin | 518-19 |
Grinberg | 498 |
Grossenberg | 453 |
Grossfeld | 408, 442, 465-6 |
Grossman | 496 |
Gruber | 487 |
Gudewein | 475 |
Haftling ? Index | 444 |
Halberstam | 424 |
Halpern | 525 |
Hamen ? | 422 |
Hand | 407-8, 410, 475, 496 |
Hass | 505, 514 |
Hasspel | 429 |
Haupt | 525 |
Heller | 424 |
Hener | 513 |
Herman | 508 |
Herschdorfer | 529 |
Herschfeld | 436 |
Herzel | 474, 490 |
Hirsch | 438, 448, 450, 467, 482 |
Hister | 508 |
Hitler | 455 |
Honigwachs | 519 |
Horn | 411, 442 |
Irgang Index | 508 |
Jonas Index | 517 |
Jacobowicz | 447 |
Junglieb | 500 |
Kalb Index | 450 |
Kamienieska | ? |
Kaminska | 408, 456 |
Karlinski | 452 |
Kaspi-Finkelstein | 500 |
Kastner | 496, 518 |
Kaufman | 500 |
Kern | 498 |
Kerner | 409, 496, 514 |
Khave | 496 |
Kire ? | 480 |
Klagsbald | 409-10, 434 |
Kletzkin | 471 |
Klinghoffer | 520 |
Kluger | 416 |
Kneppel | 501 |
Knoller | 497-8 |
Kodesh | 410 |
Kolumbus ? | 480 |
Kopernik | 511, 513-4 |
Korn | 408, 445, 450, 471-2 |
Korngrin | 535 |
Korovtschwisky | 453 |
Kotek ? | 503 |
Krebs | 518-9 |
Kreiger | 447, 500 |
Kreisler | 528 |
Kreit | 499 |
Krochmal | 468 |
Kronberg | 508, 530 |
Krys | 531 |
Kupferberg | 496 |
Kurtz | 497, 500 |
Kurtzik | 488 |
Kutne | 484 |
Landau Index | 408, 429, 433, 441, 446, 448, 451-7 |
Lande | 528 |
Larsen | 517 |
Laub | 512 |
Laweiss | 442 |
Lebenstein | 453 |
Leifer | 434 |
Leiter | 446 |
Levy | 424 |
Lewandowski | 437 |
Liebel | 519-20 |
Lieberman | 408, 427, 429, 433, 445, 448, 458-65 |
Loebstein | 408, 442, 445, 448 |
Loiterstein | 437 |
Luft | 429 |
Mahler Index | 424, 523 |
Maier | 490-1 |
Mann | 409 |
Mark | 411, 527, 531 |
Marks | 463, 474 |
Markus | 420, 450 |
Mayer | 529 |
Meisel | 472 |
Meisels | 498 |
Mieses | 498, 523, 527, 529, 531 |
Mieses-Reiff | 494, 496 |
Miller | 521 |
Mitzkowicz | 438, 478, 502, 528 |
Morewski | 451-2, 454 |
Morganroth | 478 |
Morganstern | 529 |
Morganstern | 411, 508 |
Nagel Index | 438, 522 |
Naiman | 442 |
Neger | 430 |
Neubort | 498, 508, 521, 525 |
Nissenfeld | 447 |
Nordau | 474 |
Ntziani | 407-9, 416, 439, 446, 464-5, 474, 494, 496 |
Nussbaum | 444 |
Paar Index | 496 |
Peiper ? | 438 |
Peiperbaum | ? |
Pekelman | 496 |
Pemstein | 531 |
Penzik | 449 |
Pett (Wilner) | 447 |
Poritz | 499 |
Prinz | 414 |
Prudo ? | 475 |
Rambam, The Index | 467 |
Raps | 498 |
Rawitsch | 448, 476, 508 |
Rebhun | 429, 496, 508, 516 |
Rechter | 512, 528 |
Reich-Mieses | 494 |
Reichel | 521-2 |
Reichman | 429 |
Reimer | 528-9 |
Reisner | 437, 518 |
Rener (Springer) | 443 |
Ressler | 452 |
Rinde | 514-5 |
Ritterman | 446 |
Romanow | 453 |
Rosenbaum | 444, 448, 450 |
Rosenfeld | 408, 429, 446, 467-8, 496, 508, 514 |
Rosenzweig | 522 |
Roth | 498 |
Rothschild | 479, 484 |
Rubinfeld | 496 |
Sack Index | 530 |
Safir | 408, 469 |
Salz | 496 |
Salzberg | 446-7, 514, 531 |
Sapir | 447 |
Schatner | 407-9, 529-30 |
Schechter | 434, 447, 476 |
Scherner | 514 |
Schmelke | 439 |
Schmelkes | 408, 425, 428-9, 437-41, 483 |
Schmidt | 496 |
Schmuckler | 433 |
Schneck | 447 |
Schneid | 411 |
Schneider | 498 |
Scholm | 491 |
Scholm-Elichs | 476-7 |
Schor | 416-8, 420 |
Schuldberg | 492 |
Schussheim | 442 |
Schuster | 482 |
Schwamberger | 516-7, 521-3 |
Schwartz | 437, 442, 446, 498, 528 |
Schwebel | 408, 449, 475-6, 477 |
Seinbach | 427-8, 436-7, 518, 526 |
Sikorsky | 463 |
Silber | 517, 522 |
Sirokowsky | 421 |
Slutzky | 498 |
Speigel | 488 |
Speiser-Landerer | 496 |
Spinrad | 500 |
Spira | 424 |
Springer | 443 |
Stand | 440 |
Steiber | 480 |
Steinhardt | 527 |
Steinlauf | 531 |
Sterner | 475 |
Stockfisch | 405, 410 |
Stoiber | 453-4, 456, 532 |
Stramer | 501 |
Strine | 407 |
Strudler | 443-8, 527-30, 532 |
Sussman | 500 |
Susswein | 505, 525 |
Teich Index | 517 |
Teichel | 450 |
Teitelbaum | 424 |
Tenenbaum | 501, 505, 509 |
Tepper | 482 |
Tima ? | 521 |
Torun | 523 |
Trau | 407-8, 410, 439, 494, 496, 508 |
Trier | 449 |
Trompfel | 487 |
Twersky-Teitelbaum | 525 |
Valentine Index | 447 |
Waldhorn Index | 532 |
Watth | 496 |
Wasserman | 517 |
Weinhaus | 446 |
Weintraub | 494, 496 |
Weisman | 447 |
Weiss | 500 |
Weitschichovsky | 453 |
Welwel | 488 |
Wietzner | 498 |
Wilitzer | 508, 514 |
Wilner | 447, 525 |
Winkler | 420 |
Winkler-Mieses | 485 |
Wladek | 411 |
Wladislaw | 418 |
Wlosky | 411 |
Wolfling | 522 |
Yeager Index | 445, 448 |
Zegbeim Index | 448 |
Zeibert | 449 |
Zigman | 446-7, 450 |
Zigmunt | 417-8 |
Zinger | 437 |
Zinneman | 408, 413, 474 |
Zipper-Rappaport | 417 |
Zohan | 443 |
Zohn | 443-4, 525 |
Zola, Emil | 474 |
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Updated 28 Mar 2025 by LA