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Przemyśl Memorial Book

Yiddish Surname Index

Transliterated and Contributed by Suzan Wynne


The following is the transliteration of the Yiddish surname index from the Przemyśl Yizkor Book. Due to the differences in spelling between the Latin/English and the Hebrew/Yiddish alphabets, you may want to look through the entire list to determine if your surnames are included in the index. Please refer to the original Yiddish text for confirmation.

Note that whereas the original is alphabetised in Hebrew, the translation is alphabetised in English, and therefore, the ordering of the names does not match.




Aben(d) 467
Aberdam 509
Abraham 484, 499
Abravenel 467
Aikon ? 447
Alexandrowicz 449
Altbauer 407-10, 428, 496
Alter 448
Ansky 430
Arnstein 530
Asch 449
Aschendorf 476
Asher 436
Ashkenazi 531
Aueb ? 467-8
Auerbach 409
Babad Index 429, 504
Babe ? 496
Babshinsky 440
Baer 442, 494
Baerman 496, 501
Bakonin 475
Balaban 417
Baldini 503
Batory 418
Beiless 453
Beinenstock 436
Benish 521
Benowitz 509, 516, 521-2
Bergman 408, 490
Berl (Glazer) 483-4
Bernstein 438
Biber 498
Birnbaum 440
Blashovsky 449
Bleck 438, 513, 523
Bloch 407-8, 410, 458, 478, 494, 496, 516
Blum 449
Blumenfeld 433, 465
Borda 444
Brandler 522-3
Brodner 496, 500, 502-3
Buksbaum 475
Burstak 498, 500
Burstin 496
Chassdai Index 467
Chelmish ? 472
Chemick 448
Chemelia ? 487
Cohen (Kahana) 467
Danenhirsch Index 497
Dank 500
Dashinsky 443
Daumit 527
Davidowicz 517
Dembitzer 449, 533
Doldick 505, 508, 511-2, 527-8
Dreyfuss 453
Drucker 446
Eberhard Index514, 523, 527, 531
Ehrenberg 425, 475
Ehrenfreiss 467
Ehrlich 446, 449
Einbinder 482
Eineingler 449
Eishkowicz 511, 516-7
Eisler 530
Eisner 527, 529
Eitsig-Spitzik ? 488
Ekser 443, 496
Entman 496, 522
Estel 530
Estreicher 408, 446, 464, 464-5
Feller Index 496
Feltscher 461
Fensterblum 449
Finer 449, 496
Finkel 531
Finkelstein 508-9
First (Furst ?) 416
Flick 521
Flicktenfeld 499
Fogel 437
Forster 515
Frachtenberg 434
Frei 483
Frenkel 490
Frim 408, 443, 447, 527-8, 530-1
Fritz 445, 449, 472
Frostig 429, 448
Fruchter 447
Gahlstein Index 496
Ganz 407-8, 410, 498
Gedankenschneider 481
Gelber 442
Gelerter 409
Getz 407-8, 410
Glanzman 447
Glazer 484
Goldberg 500, 410
Goldfadden 446
Goldfarb 436, 482
Goldman 508
Goldschmid 498
Goldstein 410, 496-8, 500
Golgotschi ? 462
Goliger 438
Gottdank 443, 447-8, 514
Gottfried 509, 522-3
Gottlieb 498, 529
Graber 522
Grabscheid 508, 512
Greck 453
Grin 518-19
Grinberg 498
Grossenberg 453
Grossfeld 408, 442, 465-6
Grossman 496
Gruber 487
Gudewein 475
Haftling ? Index 444
Halberstam 424
Halpern 525
Hamen ? 422
Hand 407-8, 410, 475, 496
Hass 505, 514
Hasspel 429
Haupt 525
Heller 424
Hener 513
Herman 508
Herschdorfer 529
Herschfeld 436
Herzel 474, 490
Hirsch 438, 448, 450, 467, 482
Hister 508
Hitler 455
Honigwachs 519
Horn 411, 442
Irgang Index 508
Jonas Index 517
Jacobowicz 447
Junglieb 500
Kalb Index 450
Kamienieska ?
Kaminska 408, 456
Karlinski 452
Kaspi-Finkelstein 500
Kastner 496, 518
Kaufman 500
Kern 498
Kerner 409, 496, 514
Khave 496
Kire ? 480
Klagsbald 409-10, 434
Kletzkin 471
Klinghoffer 520
Kluger 416
Kneppel 501
Knoller 497-8
Kodesh 410
Kolumbus ? 480
Kopernik 511, 513-4
Korn 408, 445, 450, 471-2
Korngrin 535
Korovtschwisky 453
Kotek ? 503
Krebs 518-9
Kreiger 447, 500
Kreisler 528
Kreit 499
Krochmal 468
Kronberg 508, 530
Krys 531
Kupferberg 496
Kurtz 497, 500
Kurtzik 488
Kutne 484
Landau Index 408, 429, 433, 441, 446, 448, 451-7
Lande 528
Larsen 517
Laub 512
Laweiss 442
Lebenstein 453
Leifer 434
Leiter 446
Levy 424
Lewandowski 437
Liebel 519-20
Lieberman 408, 427, 429, 433, 445, 448, 458-65
Loebstein 408, 442, 445, 448
Loiterstein 437
Luft 429
Mahler Index 424, 523
Maier 490-1
Mann 409
Mark 411, 527, 531
Marks 463, 474
Markus 420, 450
Mayer 529
Meisel 472
Meisels 498
Mieses 498, 523, 527, 529, 531
Mieses-Reiff 494, 496
Miller 521
Mitzkowicz 438, 478, 502, 528
Morewski 451-2, 454
Morganroth 478
Morganstern 529
Morganstern 411, 508
Nagel Index 438, 522
Naiman 442
Neger 430
Neubort 498, 508, 521, 525
Nissenfeld 447
Nordau 474
Ntziani 407-9, 416, 439, 446, 464-5, 474, 494, 496
Nussbaum 444
Paar Index 496
Peiper ? 438
Peiperbaum ?
Pekelman 496
Pemstein 531
Penzik 449
Pett (Wilner) 447
Poritz 499
Prinz 414
Prudo ? 475
Rambam, The Index 467
Raps 498
Rawitsch 448, 476, 508
Rebhun 429, 496, 508, 516
Rechter 512, 528
Reich-Mieses 494
Reichel 521-2
Reichman 429
Reimer 528-9
Reisner 437, 518
Rener (Springer) 443
Ressler 452
Rinde 514-5
Ritterman 446
Romanow 453
Rosenbaum 444, 448, 450
Rosenfeld 408, 429, 446, 467-8, 496, 508, 514
Rosenzweig 522
Roth 498
Rothschild 479, 484
Rubinfeld 496
Sack Index 530
Safir 408, 469
Salz 496
Salzberg 446-7, 514, 531
Sapir 447
Schatner 407-9, 529-30
Schechter 434, 447, 476
Scherner 514
Schmelke 439
Schmelkes 408, 425, 428-9, 437-41, 483
Schmidt 496
Schmuckler 433
Schneck 447
Schneid 411
Schneider 498
Scholm 491
Scholm-Elichs 476-7
Schor 416-8, 420
Schuldberg 492
Schussheim 442
Schuster 482
Schwamberger 516-7, 521-3
Schwartz 437, 442, 446, 498, 528
Schwebel 408, 449, 475-6, 477
Seinbach 427-8, 436-7, 518, 526
Sikorsky 463
Silber 517, 522
Sirokowsky 421
Slutzky 498
Speigel 488
Speiser-Landerer 496
Spinrad 500
Spira 424
Springer 443
Stand 440
Steiber 480
Steinhardt 527
Steinlauf 531
Sterner 475
Stockfisch 405, 410
Stoiber 453-4, 456, 532
Stramer 501
Strine 407
Strudler 443-8, 527-30, 532
Sussman 500
Susswein 505, 525
Teich Index 517
Teichel 450
Teitelbaum 424
Tenenbaum 501, 505, 509
Tepper 482
Tima ? 521
Torun 523
Trau 407-8, 410, 439, 494, 496, 508
Trier 449
Trompfel 487
Twersky-Teitelbaum 525
Valentine Index 447
Waldhorn Index 532
Watth 496
Wasserman 517
Weinhaus 446
Weintraub 494, 496
Weisman 447
Weiss 500
Weitschichovsky 453
Welwel 488
Wietzner 498
Wilitzer 508, 514
Wilner 447, 525
Winkler 420
Winkler-Mieses 485
Wladek 411
Wladislaw 418
Wlosky 411
Wolfling 522
Yeager Index 445, 448
Zegbeim Index 448
Zeibert 449
Zigman 446-7, 450
Zigmunt 417-8
Zinger 437
Zinneman 408, 413, 474
Zipper-Rappaport 417
Zohan 443
Zohn 443-4, 525
Zola, Emil 474


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