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[Page 471]

Yizkor (cont.)


In loving memory of our dearest
Husband, Father and Brother:

Joseph Sztark,

who lost his life in the anti-Nazi
resistance in France

Bina Sztark, Paris
Emilia Perez, Paris
Mania Tenebaum, Paris
Genia Kornbrot, Florida

In Memoriam
of my Dear Parents:

Jona and Rachel Majuvka
Sisters: Regina and Family,
Chela and Esther
Brothers: Isaac, Sana, Nathan,
and Families
and 4 Families Majuwka and
2 Families Goldberg and Modziewiecki

The only survivors of the whole family:
Baruch and Genia Majuwka (May), Israel

[Page 472]

In loving memory of

My beloved Parents:
Moshe Yitzhok and Tobi Rachel Berger
Grandparents: Berish and Chaya Berger
Grandparents: Yosl and Esther Aizenberg
Aunties: Rebeca, Reitze, Sarah,
Leah Berger, Chava Warszawski
Sarah Wolnowicz
Uncles: Nutal Fishel, Moshe and
Noach Aizenberg

From: Nehama Maybruch Berger and Family

In Loving Memory
Of my Mother:

Helen Rosenberg (Guttman)
Passed away in February 1984

Her son:
Michael (Majorek) Rosenberg
Toronto, Canada

[Page 473]

In Loving Memory of my Dear Husband

Aaron Nucher

Eva Nucher, Florida


In Memory of Our Wife and Mother Bella Zuker-Cimber
Her father: Shloma
Her mother: Fradel
Brothers, sisters and families

Carl Cimber, son and daughter

[Page 474]

In memory of my dear Friend:

Feiga-Tobi Mora (Nudelman)

Who helped me in the Nazi Holocaust
She was murdered
with her little daughter, Diana
September 23, 1942
They will never be forgotten

Rachel Kapyt Brooklyn, NY

In memory of my beloved Parents:
Michael and Chaya Shwartz
Sisters: Freda, Rayzl, Rivka,
Deborah-Perl, Shwartz
Brothers: Motl, Simon Shwartz

The only survivor:
Luba Keller Shwartz, Brooklyn, NY

[Page 475]


In loving memory

Of our beloved Parents:
Simon and Hinda Shwarcfing
Brothers: Yona Yechiel, Leon, Abraham
Sisters: Frida, Zlate

Florence Tabrys-Shwarcfing
Leah Brand-Shwarcfing

I will never forget my beloved family

My parents: Isahiah Heshl and Feiga Erlich
Sisters: Hantshe and Rachela Erlich
Grandparents: Motl (Shochet) and
Chava Erlichman
Uncles: Ishaiah, Rafael, Moshe, Fishel
Aunties: Sarah and Perl and their Families

The only survivor:
Rivkele Erlichman (Turek)
Little Neck, New York

[Page 476]


In loving memory
Of my Husband:

Jack Kosierowski
His parents and the whole Family

Ida Kosierowski and Daughters
Brooklyn, NY

In Memoriam of

My dearest Parents:
Itshe, Freida Zalctreger
Brother: David and Sarah and Children
Brother: Zalman
Brother: Yankel and Family
Sister: Chaya-Ester
Husband: Yankl Bekermaszyn

From: Rosha Kwal (Zalctreger)
Miami Beach, Florida

[Page 477]


In Memory of

My beloved Parents:
Aaron and Mania Cinger
and Brother: Sam Cinger

Barbara Roth (Cinger) and Family
Vineland, NY

In loving memory

Of my dearest Parents:
Chaim-Jacob and Sarah Malka Waksberg
Brothers: Israel, Hershl, Moshe
Sisters: Bronia, Helen and Family

Hanka Krakowski (Waksberg)
Miami Beach, Florida

[Page 478]


In loving memory of our dear
Husband, Father and Grandfather:

Joe Mandel

We will honour his memory forever

Devoted wife: Masha Mandel
Son: Harry and Family
Daughter: Carol and Husband


In loving memory of our dear
Father, Husband and Grandfather:
Rachmil Coopersmith
and his Parents:
Yechiel Moshe and Riva Leah

Survived by his Wife: Eva,
2 daughters: Ruth Kerbel and
Linda Schwartz and 5 grandchildren

Eva Coopersmith

[Page 479]

In Loving Memory

Hersh Leib and Frumet Rosenblat
Meir, Abrahm, Moshe Baruch,
Fishel and Michael
Leah Richter, Sheindl Shadman
and brother-in law:
Yankl Richter

Faigele Rosenblat-Gindman
New Jersey

In memory of

My dear and beloved Parents:
Elimellech and Milka, Paris
Grandparents: Mordechai Mendl
and Hanah Leah, Paris
Brother: Abraham Jacob, Paris
Uncle: Moshe Shachna and Bluma
Son: Elie
Uncle: Simon and Yita Bela and
Children: Haya, Deborah, Mathel
and Abraham Binem
Uncle: Hershel and Eva and Child
Auntie: Perl and Family

The only survivor:
Hellen Kornbrot-Paris Flushing NY

[Page 480]


In Memoriam of my family who perished in the Nazi
Holocaust al Kidush-Hashem in 1942 in Treblinka

Parents: Binem and Leah Toiter
Brothers: Abraham, Nathan, Berel, Chaim

Rachela and Nathan Friedman (Toiter)
Los Angeles

In Memory of

My Father:
Samuel Kirshenblat
Mother: Sarah
Sister: Chana
Brothers: Israel and Chaim

Esther Kirshenblatt

[Page 481]


In memory of my dear and beloved Family:
Parents: Josef-Baruch and Leah Zilberstein
Brothers: Hirsh-Mendl and Mordechai Zilberstein
Sisters: Rebecca and Machala Zilberstein

The only survivor:
Gilbert-Zilberstein and Family
Los Angeles, California

In loving memory of my beloved Parents:
Laybush-David and Chancia Fuks (Lewkowitz)
Brothers: Wolfe and Yankel Fuks
Sister: Chaya Fuks and Relatives
Uncle: Shlome
Auntie: Chaya Luba Kewkowitz and 5 sons

They were killed by the Nazi murderers
Al Kidush Hashem in Treblinka
They will never be forgotten

The only survivor:
Lola Mazliach (Fuks) and Family
Calumet City, Illinois, USA

[Page 482]


In loving memory
Of my beloved
Husband, Father and Grandfather:

Yeruchem Weiman
He will never be forgotten

Zelde Weiman, Children and Grandchildren
Vineland, NJ


In memory of

Harry Rotman,
Beloved Husband, Father and Grandfather

Esther Rotman, Children and Grandchildren
Zelda (Weichhandler)

[Page 483]


In Memory of
My Dear Parents:
Bernard and Rosalia Szapszewiz
My dear brothers: Shlomo, Abram and Shymon
who were all murdered by the Nazis

Jacob and Maria Szapszewiz
Daughters: Rose and Joanne

In loving memory
Of my dear Family

Parents: Rafael and Chana-Sarah Brotman
Brothers: Chaim-Samuel
Sisters: Esther-Rivka and Rachel
Uncle: Mordechai-Hirsh and Chana Warshau
Son: Gedalia, Abraham and Sarah Blicher
Son: Israel
Their daughter: Gitl and Anshel Laks
Auntie: Hinda Fridlewski

Nathan Brotman and Family
New York

[Page 484]


To the Eternal Memory
Of our beloved

Husband, Father and Grandfather:
Menachem Roseneweig
and Father, Grandfather:
Ari Leib Chesner

Hanah Roseneweig and Family
Brooklyn, New York

Forever in our memory

Our Parents:
Shmulek and Ruchel Zlotowitz
Brothers: Kiva and Velvel
Sister: Esther Gittele
With her Husband Abraham Dubrotzky
and their Son: Chaim
Sisters: Brocha, Gittele and Shindel Zlotowitz

Saul Slotow and Family
Shlomo Zlotowitz and Family
Sarah Zlotowitz Rekas and Family
Los Angeles
Leibish Zlotowitz

[Page 485]


In Memoriam of our
Precious Parents:
Esther and Jack Leibowitz
and loving Brother: Philip Leibowitz
May their love shine on us always

Jean-Jack Pomeranz (née Leibowitz)
Samuel (Mollie) Leibowitz

I will Never Forget

My dear Parents: Hershl and Miriam Wester
Brother: Velvl Chaim
Sister: Chana Esther
Rachel Leah Wester

Chayah Holzer-Wester
New Jersey

[Page 486]

In Loving Memory

Of my beloved Parents:
Hershl and Esther Eisenberg
Sister: Rosa
Husband: Hershl Kohen
Children: Saly, Alta, Yosl
Sister: Gutsha
Husband: Gedalia Radecki
Children: Yosl, Sarah and Rosa
Sister: Chaya
Husband: Binem Shwarzfuter
Son: Baruch
Sister: Mania Eisenberg
and sisters: Chavah, Rivkah and Frania

The last 3 sisters survived the Holocaust
and were taken away so early in Life
They will be remembered forever

Faitsha Bencki-Eisenberg and Family
Melbourne, Australia

Dedicated in Loving Memory of our Dearest

Parents: Mendl and Mala Kuperman
Dear Sisters: Bayla-Chava and Deborah
And brother: Jacob Kuperman

Sarah Kuperman-Wasser,
Rachel Lubocki
Los Angeles, California

[Page 487]


In Eternal Memory of
Our daughter: Anne Perl, age 25
and son-in-law: Henry Freedman, age 29
Who died tragically in a car accident

Their parents: Sam and Rushka Stiglic
and Family, Wester

Dedicated in Loving Memory of our
Parents: Leibl and Chaya Kemelhar
Berl and Golda Ostrowiecki
Our Brothers and Sisters and their Families

Simson and Brocha Ostrowiecki Kemelhar
Minneapolis, Minnesota

[Page 488]

Fallen Shidlovtser in
The Independence War
of Israel in 1948



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