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[Page 461]

Yizkor (cont.)


In Loving Memory

My dear Parents:
Mordechai and Perl Binstock
Brother: Yeheskel, Berish, Yonah and Families
Sisters: Hinda, Elke, Ite and Bashe and Families

Jankel Binstock, Australia

[Page 462]


In Loving Memory

My parents: Baruch and Sarh Lea Goldman
Brother: Samuel Chaim Goldman and Family
Brothers: Harry Jacob Goldman and Family
Sisters: Helen and Rachel Goldman,
Israel David Silberberg

From the only survivor:
Alta (Goldman) Graf

[Page 463]


In Memory of my dearest,
Perished in Treblinka in 1942

My parents Nechemia Wolf and
Ceitl Rosenblum
Grandfather Israel Rosenblum
Brothers: Eliezer and Nathan
Sisters: Hannah and Hinda

Dolek Rosenblum and Family
Jacob Rosenblum and Family
Rachel Rosenblum Okonski and Family

[Page 464]


In loving memory
Of my dear Wife,
Mother and Grandmother:

Rose Natan

Husband: Jerry Natan
Daughter: Helen
Son: Eddie
Los Angeles, Calif

[Page 465]


In loving memory
of our dearest Parents:
Efraim and Esther Grinbaum
Sisters: Chava-Perl and Deborah Cyril
Brother: Chaim-Meyer
Wife: Sheinkl Grinbaum
and children: Chanah-Freidl,
Nathan-Yitzchok, Leibush Yechezkiel
and the whole Family

Regina Urian Grinbaum and Family
Gity Zombek-Grinberg and Family
Toronto, Canada

[Page 466]


In loving memory
of our beloved
Husband, Father and Grandfather
Philip Kornbrot

Genia Kornbrot,
Children and grandchildren
Miami, Florida


In loving memory of my dear
Husband, Father and Grandfather:
Leon Glas
and his family
Berl and Sarah Rochma Glas
Sisters: Hanah, Leah, Golda, Sheindel
Brothers: Wolf Saul David, Shaya

Rachel Glas
Children: Bernard, Chayale and Families

[Page 467]

We will never forget
Our beloved husband and father:

Samuel Rosenbaum

Suzan and Ronal Rosenbaum, Paris

In loving memory of

My husband:
Isaiah Nudelman
and his family
Yitzhok and
Sarah Beila
and children

Hanah Nudelman
and children Paris

[Page 468]

In Loving Memory
Aunt and Uncle
Chaim and Pese Leah Burstinski
Yeheskel, Benjamin,
Berl Burstinski, Rivka Neche

My husband Yaakov Died 24 Shevat, 1974

Neche Katz,
Shlomele, Sarahle

New York

In Memory of
My Parents:
Mendl and Alte-Broche Perl
Yocheved, Rachel Leah,
Esther Sheva, Cirl, Mashele

and the whole Family

Chana Perl Freilich

[Page 469]


In loving memory of our beloved
Husband, Father and Grandfather:

Jack Kurlender
Born 12-10-1927 died 7-4-1983

Doris Kurlender and Family
Roslyn, New York


In Loving Memory of
My beloved Husband:
Bernard Becker (Berkermaszyn),
Mordechai, Rebeca Bekermaszyn,
Shea, Mindl Nudelman

Brothers: Osher, Phillip Nudelman
and family Tenebaum

Helen Becker (Nudelman) and Family

[Page 470]

To the Eternal and Loving Memory
With sorrow, love and longing
We remember our Noble and Dear
Wife, Mother and Grandmother:

Rochale Eisenberg Lifschutz
She will live in our hearts and memory forever

The Lifschutz Family
New York


In Loving Memory

My parents:
Fayvl Cyrl Start (born Broniewsky)
Brother: Meir and Moshe and Family
All perished in Treblinka

Rachel Start Rubinfield


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