Szumsk - Memorial book
of the Martyrs of Szumsk

(Shums'k, Ukraine)

50°07' / 26°07'

Translation of
Szumsk Sefer Zicharon Le - Kedoshei Szumsk

Edited by: H. Rabin, Former Residents of Szumsk in Israel (Hebrew,Yiddish)

Published in Tel Aviv, 1968


Project Coordinators

Rachel Karni and Lynne Tolman


This is a translation from: Szumsk Sefer Zicharon Le - Kedoshei Szumsk
(Szumsk, memorial book of the martyrs of Szumsk), ed. H. Rabin, Tel Aviv, 1968

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Shimsk

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Map of Volhynia showing Shumsk -- 50'26"


A Message from the Association of Immigrants from Shumsk   5
Preface of the Editorial Board Editorial board: Pesach Lerner, Rafael Sapir and Chaim Rabin 6
Shumsk and the Shumsk Book Chaim Rabin 9
Dedication to David and Rosa Chazen   15
On the Holocaust
Between Regimes in Shumsk F. Weisman 16
This is How it Began W. Berensztejn 21
The Last Days of Shumsk Ruth Sztejnman Halperin 29
My Last Days in Shumsk H. Cisin 49
Into The Shumsk Ghetto And Out Again – Five Times M. Kesel 53
Ghetto Experience L. Golub 59
Shumsk at her End (a reconstructed diary) Y. Geler 66
Shumsk, My Tragic Host M. Grenoch 80
From One Hell to Another A. Krejmer 87
My Front Line Battles M. Gervitz 96
After the Holocaust Shalom Krakowiak 103
Wanderings of a Boy from Shumsk M. Fuks 110
The Zionist Underground in Soviet Shumsk A. Krejmer 117
Shumsk in the Eyes of a Refugee A. Zilber 123
Some Vengeance A. Krejmer 125
Shumsk Through Experiences & Memoirs
The Move to Shumsk Yisrael Sudman 129
Shumsk of Blessed Memory Rafael Sapir 136
To Shumsk from the Heart Mordechai Gervitz 138
Shumsk – Landscape of My Youth Simcha Roich 140
Shumsk as I Remember It Pesach Lerner 144
Experiences and Memories Yehoshua Toren 147
Shumsk in the First World War Years A.M. Gejlichen 151
Summer Sabbath Chaim Livne (Yukelson) 158
The Jews of Shumsk - All cut from the same cloth Pesach Lerner 162
Shumsk: a Town Remembered Aryeh Mordosh 164
The Four Horsemen Aharon Lokaczer 167
One Visit to Shumsk Chana Rosenberg 169
An Experience Frieda Bendman 170
Simple Shumsk Shlomo Bahat 171
Glimmers of Memory   173
Return to Shumsk Chaim Livne (Yukelson) 175
Anti-Semitism Throughout the Ages Shlomo Bahat (Bat) 180
Special Persons in Shumsk
Rabbi Mordechai Lerner Rabbi Shmuel Halevi Yosepov 185
Rabbi Beirinyo Rafael Sapir 188
Shumsk – Its Life and Its People Chaim Rabin 193
Dr. Jakobson Pesach Lerner 199
Zecharaya Schreiber (Roichman) Bella Tzoref 201
Rebbe Binyamin, SHUB Rafael Sapir 204
Efroim Goldenberg Chaim Rabin 207
Yisrael Sudman Yitzhak Geler 211
Yisrael Sudman Yaakov Viner 214
Alter Yukelson Dvorah Schneider Sachish 217
Nachman Milman Zvi Ravitz 219
Hertz (Hertzik) Milman Zvi Ravitz 220
Our Rabbi, Reb Yossele -- and Sports Shalom Freider 221
The Last Rabbi of Shumsk Dr. Aaron Wertheim 224
Sarah the Righteous David Chazen 226
Binyamin Shochet Chaim Rabin 230
A Candle for Moshe Sztejnberg Rachel Vardi 234
The Two … and Others Rafael Sapir 235
Yossel the Barber Mordechai Gervitz 237
Grandma Dvora Roichman Pesach Lerner 239
Teicha Katz – A Jewish Grandmother Charna (Katz) Rabin 241
What Grandma Sara Told Us Tchiya Adler 244
Faygele the Rebbetzin – and Her Response Esther Sapir (Groman) 246
The Chazen Family: Yaakov & Sarah Pesya Gercfeld 248
A Family and its History Bezalel Goren (Alter Gorendar) 249
Something of Shumsk and her Legends Muni Chazen 252
Idel Ashkenazi Charna (Katz) Rabin 255
The Nejmans Esther (Sudman) Lerner 258
Organizations and Different Movements
All My Melameds Pesach Lerner 261
Schools in Shumsk Chaim Livne (Yukelson) 267
The “Tarbut” School and Culture in Shumsk Zvi Rosenberg (Segal) 272
On “Hechalutz” in Shumsk and its Members Yosef Sapir 276
Shumsk – Thoughts and Feelings About Aliyah Yitzhak Geler 281
The Lubomirki Group Sender Sforim 289
The Drama Group in Shumsk Rachel Feldger 291
Things I Remember Akiva Shprecher 294
Theater in Shumsk Mordechai Gilon 297
The Shumsk Economy Chaim Livne (Yukelson) 300
Advanced Education Pesach Lerner 305
Kindergartens in Shumsk Mordechai Gilon 308
Expressions of Shumsk
Letter to a Friend Malka Roich-Heyman 310
Not a Grave / Before (poems) Shoshana Segal 312
The Light of a Memorial Candle Shoshana Segal 314
Speech for the Opening of Hebrew University in 1925 Shlomo Bahat 316
To My Town, the Unforgettable Shumsk M. Rubin 317
Preparations for Shavuot in the Town Yehoshua Toren 319
Curses Malka Roich-Heyman 321
Mother's Prayer Malka Roich-Heyman 322
In Memory of My Brother Malka Roich-Heyman 324
My Grandfather's Synagogue Yehoshua Toren 325
A Letter from America to the Yizkor Book (1967) from Akiva ben Mordechai Peltz   327
A Letter from Grochov (1938) from Yitzhak Geler   329
To the Organization of Immigrants from Shumsk in Israel (To Pesach Lerner) Yitzhak Geler 330
Letters to Immigrants from Shumsk from Yitzhak Geler   333
Letters from the Grochov Farm in Poland from Yitzhak Geler   335
A Letter from Shumsk to the Readers of “BaMaale” (1937) from Yitzchak Geler Yitzhak Geler 336
A Letter from Yitzhak Geler – to the Association of Former Residents of Shumsk   338
A Letter to a Friend Pnina Dorfman 340
A Letter to Pnina Dorfman from Yitzhak Geler   341
Yiddish Section *
Editor's Foreword Chaim Rabin 345
My Hometown Shumsk Sarka Berensztejn–Fiks [Fuchs] 347
My Unforgettable Shtetl Shumsk Manny Rubin (Avraham Schochet's grandson) 356
Shumsk Dies Fayge and Yosef Mednik (Recounted by Munya Chazen) 358
How My Son and I Survived Chaim Geler 365
The Death of Devorele Zadie Chodaker 369
Sarah the Righteous David Chazen (New York) 372
Once Upon a Time in Shumsk Munya Chazen 376
The Rich Man Who Became a Bathhouse Attendant Munya Chazen 380
A Wedding at the Cemetery Munya Chazen 382
“Ata Her'eita” (An Evening Prayer on Shmini Atzeret) Munya Chazen 387
A Mixup About an Eruv Munya Chazen 390
Disguised as a Russian Munya Chazen 394
A Rich and Crafty Man – But Not After Death Munya Chazen 398
Two Friends – One Father Munya Chazen 401
A Double Miracle Munya Chazen 405
The Rabbi's Curse Munya Chazen 410
From Shumsk to Tel Aviv Rivka Ehrlich-Goldenberg 415
A Letter to Mother from “Velos” (Diary of an Illegal Immigrant) Zipora (Roichman) Weisman 419
Harry Silverberg (Meir-Tzvi, son of Avraham-David) (From Dos Yiddishe Vort, Winnipeg) 440
What Can a Picture Tell Us? Etel Kleinshtein 442
The Martyrs of Shumsk   445
Survivors from Shumsk, Listed By Country   475
People from Shumsk Who Have Died in Israel   477

* Project coordinator's note: The table of contents in the original Shumsk Yizkor Book ends with Page 324 but the book itself continues through Page 477. The translation of the Yiddish chapter titles was done by Michael Goldstein. Most of the project coordinator's notes in the English translation of the book were provided by Rachel Karni. Lynne Tolman provided the explanation of the necrology. Footnotes were provided by Rachel Karni and Lynne Tolman.  Return


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Contact persons for this translation Rachel Karni and Lynne Tolman
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