[Pages 475 - 476]
Translated by Rachel Karni
Project coordinator's note: The translator used English spellings used by these people or by their families, if known. The names are alphabetized by Hebrew spelling and appear here in the exact order in which they appear in the Yizkor Book. The names of some of these survivors can be found in the Pages of Testimony they submitted to Yad Vashem. |
Israel | Jakobson, Dora | |
Akerman,Yaakov | Lando, Leib zl | |
Bahat, Yehoshua | Lopatin, Reuven | |
Berg, Zeev | Meirzon, Levi | |
Berger, Azriel | Mondrer, Pela | |
Berger, Reizel | Moldawan, Rivka | |
Bren, Elyakim | Malinboim, Yitzchak | |
Berensztein, Wolf | Mordish, Aryeh | |
Berensztein, Freida | Segal, Shmuel | |
Brik Zeev, zl - Russia | Fuks, Nachum | |
Brik (Yisraeli), Menachem | Frimer, Tuvia (9 people) | |
Berensztein-Fuks, Sara | Cisin, Chaim | |
Berensztein-Fuks, Yehoshua | Kesel Geier, Mania | |
Berensztein-Heller, Ada | Kleinshtein, Etel | |
Berensztein-Fuks, Ida | Kreizelman, Aryeh | |
Giladi, Pinchas | Kramer, Avraham | |
Geler, Chaim | Krakowiak, Shalom | |
Geler, Yaakov | Rosenberg-Segal, Tzvi | |
Geler, Yitzchak | Schubert, Melech | |
Goldenberg, Shalom | Szteinman, Ruth | |
Goldenberg, Freida (sister) | Sztejnman, Dina zl | |
Goldenberg, Yitzchak | Sztejnberg, Yaakov (son of David) | |
Gelman, Tzvi | Sztejnberg, Yaakov (son of Shmuel) | |
Gervitz, Mordechai | Schpak, Yisrael | |
Green-Korin, Tova | Schpak, Luba | |
Winer, Mordechai | Schpak, Sonia | |
Weisman, Shraga (Feivke) | ||
Weizman, Aharon | Poland | |
Weizman, Elkana | Mordish, Leah | |
Zuber, Aryeh | Rajch,Yozik | |
Chelbin, Moshe | Szrajer, Shifra | |
Chusyd Avraham | Kopiko, Luba | |
Jakobson, Raya | Kesel, Dov Poland zl | |
Argentina | United States | |
Burdman, Herzl | Giladi, Tzipora | |
Burdman, son [Boris, also called Buzia] | Giladi-Mednik,Yoseph (her husband) | |
Fudim, Manus | Greenberg, Nisan | |
Katz, Michael zl | ||
Russia | Segal, Berel | |
Brik, Shmuel | Prilutzki, Eliyahu | |
Ginzburg, Lusik Kaniv near Kiev | Karas, Shlomo | |
Duchowny, David Tzvi Rostov | Szrajer, Shlomo | |
Duchowny, Yaakov Rostov | Greenberg, Shepe | |
Wilsker, Hirsh Leib Leningrad | Greenberg, Nisan | |
Wilner Akiva Rostov | ||
Sosna, Moshe Leningrad | Canada | |
Spector, Ben Chaim ? | Gorender, Aryeh | |
Farber, Yosef Siberia | Gorender, Yaakov | |
Kleinshtein, Shlomo Rizan near Moscow | Chelbin, Sonya | |
Kuniansky, Zeev |
[Page 477]
Translated by Rachel Karni
Project coordinator's note: The Shumsk Yizkor Book was published in Tel Aviv around 1968. The translator used English spellings used by these people or by their families, if known. The names appear here in the exact order in which they appear in the Yizkor Book. |
Chaim Percis | Fishel Katz | |
Chaim Percis' wife | Gitel Katz | |
Devorah Roichman | Raizel Lusman | |
Leib Korin | Yitzcak Lusman | |
Tila Korin | Leib Yaninger [Avraham-Leib Yaninger] | |
Aharon Stis | Leib Yaninger's wife [Aidel or Adina, maiden name Bat] | |
Nachum Voskoboinik | Leah Kanfer | |
Antzi Voskoboinik | Moshe Kopelovitch | |
Rachel Reznik | Gila Kopelovitch | |
Leib Lando | Moshe Lerner | |
Moshe Bahat | Malka Lerner | |
Shmuel Bahat | Tzvi Prelutzki | |
Pinchas Pelc | Sarah Kanfer-Rosental | |
Chana Pelc | Yisrael Sudman | |
Leah Glazer | Mindel Milman | |
Devorah Yaninger-Glazer [Devorah Zisel, maiden name Glazer] | Tzvi Ravitz | |
Gitel Roiter | Dina Sztejnman | |
Moshe Roiter | ||
Moshe Sztejnberg | ||
Chava Yehudit Kleinshtein |
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Szumsk, Ukraine
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