Last name |
First name(s) |
Notes |
Eizik |
Tcharne |
2 children |
The blacksmith |
Akierman |
Sheindel [maiden name Parnas; widow of Moshe Akerman] |
Project coordinator's note: There were two large Akerman family groups in Shumsk. Those related to Sheindel (Parnas) Akerman and her husband Moshe Akerman included the teacher and community leader Yisrael Akerman and the pharmacist Grisha Akerman.
The other Akerman family was related to Rachel Akerman, a Shumsk woman who lost her arm in a pogrom in 1918 or 1919; her husband, Aharon Akerman, who was killed in the same pogrom. Members of this family who died in the Holocaust included Sheindel (Klotz), wife of Ben-Zion Akerman; Efraim Akerman; Rachel Akerman; Tzesi Akerman; and Aharon Akerman. |
Sara [daughter of Sheindel and Moshe Akerman, wife of Yitzhak Parnas] |
Mordechai [Mordko] |
His wife [Sosia, maiden name Buchshteyn] |
Naftali |
Mishke [Michaela] |
Leah [Leah-Freida, married name Freider] |
Yisrael [Srul] |
Matel [maiden name Wertheim] |
2 daughters [Tzipora-Sima and Itale] |
Grisha |
Fanya [maiden name Dikshtein] |
Gitya |
Chantze |
Rivka |
Sonya |
Yehuda [Yehuda-Leib] |
Yente |
Gershon |
Ben Tzion |
Rachel |
Aksel |
Zacharia [Zacharia-Mendel] |
Rivka |
2 children [Feige and Rachel-Dvora and Charne] |
Aszkinazy |
Chava |
Project coordinator's note: Also killed in the Holocaust were four children of Moshe Aszkinazy of Shumsk and his wife, Sara-Chaya (Bronsztejn) Aszkinazy: Yitzchak, Tzvi, Gershon, and a 10-year-old. The family lived in Mizoch. |
Tzvi [Hirsh] |
Hentze [Encia-Chana] |
Edel [Adela] |
Gershon |
Ita-Malka |
2 children |
Moshe |
His wife [Sara-Chaya, maiden name Bronsztejn] |
Bachtel |
David |
Chava [Chava-Ratzia] |
Leibtze [Tevel-Leib] |
Rivka |
Yisrael |
Freida [Freida-Leah, maiden name Itzkovits] |
2 children [Basya-Gitel and Chaim Ber] |
Velvel [Zev] |
Yente |
2 children |
Leah |
Her husband |
2 children |
Tuvia [Tevel] |
His wife [Rivka, maiden name Lichterman] |
2 children [Menashe] |
Efraim |
Gitel |
3 daughters |
Baitch |
Chaim [Chaim-Ber] |
Project coordinator's note: Malka Bajcz also died in the Holocaust. |
Pesya [Pesi-Golda, maiden name Roichman] |
Elka |
Sarka |
Beytsher |
Tuvya |
Peril |
Etil |
Leyzi |
Sara [maiden name Bechtel] |
Etil |
Yeshayahu |
Baranik |
Feige [Feige-Mindel] |
Shalom |
Esther [Esther-Chana] |
Sara |
Yaakov [Yaakov-Shlomo] |
Batt |
Yeshayahu [Shaya] |
Project coordinator's note: In addition to Malka and the two people named Chana who are listed in the necrology, those killed in the Holocaust included Malka (Akerman) Bat; Yisrael Bat; and Chana-Rachel (Akerman) Bat, wife of Abraham Bat, who lived in Folwarki, a village near Shumsk. Shmuel Bat, who lived in the nearby village Surasz, also perished. |
Malka [maiden name Akerman] |
Sheindel [Ita-Sheindel] |
Chana |
Manis |
Menucha |
Freidel [maiden name Shafir] |
Chana |
Moshe |
Peril [maiden name Karas] |
Breindel [Bracha] |
1 daughter |
Izaak |
Yaakov |
Chava [maiden name Kesel] |
Bejder |
Hershel |
His wife [Rejza] |
2 children [Feiga-Rachel and Mordechai-Yisrael] |
Shlomo [Shlomo-Aizik] |
Malka |
Beker |
Sonya |
Yechiel-Wolf |
Ita |
Freidel |
Zeidel |
Tzipora |
Shlomo |
Sara [Sara-Raiza] |
Yisrael |
Yitzchak [Yitzchak-Leibush] |
Bendman |
Leibtze |
Reizel [maiden name Geler] |
Avish |
Leah |
David [David-Meir] |
His wife [Manya] |
Children [Izak and Etla] |
Bernsztejn |
Golda [maiden name Rabinowitz] |
Project coordinator's note: There were two, perhaps three, Berensztejn clans in Shumsk. Those listed from Golda through “A daughter [Ruth]” were descendants of Kovka Berensztejn or, where noted, their spouses. Feival Berensztejn of this family also perished, in Katyn.
Those listed after Ruth were of a different Berensztejn family. |
Rachel |
Avraham [nicknamed Bumi] |
His wife [Hadassah] |
Etil [married name Shonshtein] |
Aharon [Shonshtein] |
Miriam |
Dina [Rabin] |
Uziel [Rabin] |
Yeshayahu [Rabin] |
His wife [Mina Rabin] |
A daughter [Ruth Rabin] |
Sonya [Sara, maiden name Bryk] |
Rivka-Ika |
Yisrael |
Chayke |
Baruch |
Yoel [Yoel-Yosef] |
Leah |
1 little girl |
Chana Beila |
Yosef |
2 children [Henya-Zlata] |
Barg |
Meir Leib |
Leah [maiden name Kacap] |
Nisan [Nisan-Levi] |
Shimon |
Yaakov |
Berger |
David |
Chayke |
Yaakov |
1 little boy |
Mordechai [Mot] |
Zelda [maiden name Chazen] |
Sima |
Shimshon [Shimshon-Hersh] |
Rachel [Rachel-Leah] |
Shalom |
Izak |
Bik |
Shimon |
Bentzi |
Blinder |
Freida |
Yosef |
Bentzi |
Sheindel |
Bluwsztejn |
Yeshayahu |
Sara [maiden name Gitelman] |
Nesya |
Her husband |
2 children |
Gershon |
Rivka |
Izak |
Ratzia |
Siril |
Breindel |
3 children |
Brener |
Yosef |
His wife |
Tema |
Rivka |
Chananya |
Brotman |
Yechezkel |
Freida |
Yitzchak-Baruch |
Brojnsztejn |
Kopel [Yankel or Yaakov] |
Project coordinator's note: A different Kopel Branshteyn and his children, Pinchus and Nechame Rivke Gitel Branshteyn, also perished. |
Bina [Bina-Gitel, maiden name Zilberberg] |
Sara |
Tzvi |
Matzik |
Brik |
Yudel [Yehuda] |
His wife [Manya-Sheindel, maiden name Vinokur] |
Tzvi [Hirsh] |
His wife [Udel, maiden name Gluzman] |
3 children [Yaakov and Yitzchak-Leib] |
Mendel [Menachem] |
Rivka |
Manya [Miriam] |
Yitzchak |
Mala |
Chayke |
Tzvi |
Zev [Wolf] |
Yisrael [Yisrael-Moshe] |
Gitel [Gitel-Rachel, maiden name Lemel] |
Sara |
Wife of Munya |
Bren |
Yaakov |
Machla |
Chana |
Udel |
Sheindel |
Tova |
Buder |
Avraham |
Project coordinator's note: Also killed in the Holocaust were Chava-Ruchla’s husband, Hersh Avners, and their daughter, Chana. |
Breindel [Breintze] |
A female relative [Chava-Ruchla (Buder) Avners] |
Yitzchak |
His wife [Freida-Ita, maiden name Fajer] |
2 children [Shimon] |
Michael |
Chaim |
Motel |
Naftali |
Sonya [Sara] |
Burdman |
Yoel |
Project coordinator's note: Raizel’s husband was known as Berel Lalke’s, meaning “belonging to Lalke.” Lalke is a nickname for Leah. Berel Lalke’s also perished in the Holocaust. |
Raizel [wife of Berel Lalke’s] |
Bursztejn |
Berel |
Hentze |
Kuna |
Feigele |
Yisrael |
His wife [Sara, maiden name Oksenhorn] |
Zecharya |
Michael |
His wife [Miriam] |
Shimon |
Cap |
David |
Project coordinator's note: Moshe Stis, husband of Sara (Cap), also was killed in the Holocaust. |
Fruma |
Sara [married name Stis] |
Baruch |
Yitzchak |
Yosef |
Charis |
Shlomo |
Yitzchak |
Gitel |
3 children |
Chazen |
Mordechai [Motel] |
Project coordinator's note: Also killed in the Holocaust was Sonya’s husband, name unknown; and Fania-Feige-Tzipora (Chazen) Shnaider and her husband, Moshe, who lived in Kremenets. |
Rachel |
Yaakov [Yasha] |
Sonya |
Yehuda-Leib |
His wife [Zisil] |
Tzvi [Hersh] |
Yaakov |
Shimke [Shmuel-Yosef] |
Malka |
Hodaya |
Avraham |
Zisil |
David |
Chazen-Wolman |
Vusya |
Roza |
Chelbin |
Yosef [Yosef-Ber] |
His wife [Sheindel] |
Yitzchak |
Rachel [Rachel-Basya] |
Chayke [Chayke-Tsiril] |
4 children [of Yosef-Ber and Sheindel, including Feiga] |
Yitzchak |
Aharoni |
Yaakov [Yaakovke] |
Chodik |
Asher [Asher-Zindel] |
Project coordinator's note: Yudel Chudik also perished. |
Charna [maiden name Zilberberg] |
2 children [Hersh and Fishel] |
Chusyd |
Shimon |
Sara [maiden name Chelben] |
Velvel [Wolf] |
Toibe [maiden name Freilich] |
Sonya |
Yisroel [Srul-Nisan] |
Sara |
Shimon |
Devora |
Sara |
Avraham |
Yosef |
Yaakov |
Avraham |
Shimon |
Sima |
Motya |
Leib |
Hersh |
Shimshon |
Leah |
Yoel |
Sara |
Chutoranski |
Aharon |
Project coordinator's note: The children of Aharon and Machla, Dov and Leah, also perished. |
Machla [maiden name Krojn] |
Cisin |
David [David-Hersh] |
Project coordinator's note: Yisrael, son of Buzi and Toche, also died in the Holocaust. |
Chana [Chana-Ita, maiden name Goldarbiter] |
Shprintze |
Bebe |
Esther |
Yona |
Pesi |
Zev [Wolf] |
Malka |
Zeide [Moshe-Aharon] |
Beila |
Paula [Penina, maiden name Bat] |
Buzi [Icko-Leib] |
Toche [maiden name Merzel] |
Yaakov [Yaakov-Ber] |
Gitel [maiden name Chelben] |
Children [Chana-Tzivia and Chava] |
Pesele [Pesach] |
Shalom |
Chaya |
Pesach |
Yaakov |
Yisrael |
Coref |
Benyamin |
Project coordinator's note: Kopel Coref, born in Shumsk, was a pharmacist and was killed in Beremele. |
Dajen |
Feivish |
His wife [Yehudis, maiden name Coref] |
3 children [David and Yosef and Meir and Shmuel and Beirish-Gershon] |
Dem |
Kiva |
Manya |
Dutza |
Leib |
Breindel |
1 child [Chaskel and Freidel] |
Dikshtein |
Sheindel |
Yosef |
Sara [Sarka] |
Dokuczliwy |
Zev |
Kreintze |
2 daughters [Chaya-Nechama and Rayzel] |
Dorfman |
Izak |
Sara [maiden name Bahat/Bat] |
Shoshana [Rosa-Reizel] |
Raya |
Avraham [Yosef-Avraham] |
Druker |
Zev |
Yaakov |
Zlate [maiden name Berensztejn] |
Children [Matel and Chaya-Sara] |
Dubman |
Chaya |
Project coordinator's note: Leibush Dubman’s wife, Leah (Mordysz) Dubman, was listed in error; Leah survived. |
2 children [Rivka-Kreina] |
Yitzchak |
His wife [Fruma, maiden name Szteinman] |
2 children [Yisrael-Yaakov and Leibish] |
Leibish |
His wife [Leah, maiden name Mordysz] |
2 children [Chaya-Etel and Yankel] |
Fruma |
Yisrael |
Rivka |
Yechezkel |
Shlomo |
Duchowna |
Yehoshua [Shaya] |
Shalom |
Simcha |
Zelig |
Rachel [maiden name Glinik] |
Chana [Chanile] |
Izaak [Yitzchak] |
Shimon |
Sheva |
Naftali [Tuli] |
Etya [Etya-Aidel] |
2 children [Aizik] |
Efros |
Motel |
Gitel [maiden name Berezin] |
Avraham |
Feival |
Kalman |
Machla [maiden name Shames] |
Kayla |
[Hirsh] Perczuk |
Chaya Menucha [maiden name Efrus, wife of Hirsh Perczuk] |
1 little boy [Chaim Perczuk] |
Chana |
Michael [Mechel-Wolf] |
Tzunka |
Chinya |
1 little boy |
Yaakov |
Yenta |
Moni |
Avraham |
Moshe [Moshe-Hersh] |
Yentel |
Berel [Dov] |
Rivka |
Shmuel |
Michael [Mechel-Wolf] |
Yitzchak |
Malka [maiden name Makodiov] |
2 children [Avraham and Berel-Dov] |
Chana |
Ejwin |
Meshel |
His wife [Bracha] |
Tova [Taube] |
4 children [Hersh-Leib] |
Elbaum |
Avraham [Mordechai] |
Koki [maiden name Segal] |
Elsztejn |
Chana [Chana-Ita, maiden name Spirtus] |
Project coordinator's note: Other members of the Elsztejn family who were killed in the Holocaust were Leib-Yosef, Rachel-Bracha-Sima, and Enia-Henia-Golda. |
Mordechai [Motke] |
Bluma [Basia] |
Erlih |
Chaim [Chaim-Simche] |
Michleh [maiden name Roichman] |
Moshe |
Tzvi |
Rivka |
Chayka |
Fajersztejn |
Dr. |
Finhoz |
Shalom |
Chaim Moshe |
Miriam [Miriam-Sura, maiden name Sosna] |
Farber |
Moshe |
His wife |
Gitel |
Felder |
Chaya Beila [maiden name Lerner] |
Project coordinator's note: Kreisa, daughter of Moshe-Aharon and Leah, also died in the Holocaust. |
Moshe [Moshe-Aharon] |
His wife [Leah] |
Batya [married name Manosevich] |
Yaakov |
His wife [Sarah] |
2 children |
Feldman |
Eliezer |
His wife |
Fuchs |
Yosef [Jos-Daniel] |
Project coordinator's note: Pesi’s two children also died in the Holocaust, as did Hirsh and Mechle Fuchs and their two children. |
Sara [maiden name Roichman] |
Ben Tzion |
Leibel |
Esther |
Shprintze |
Chana |
Pinchas |
Zalman |
Pesi [Pesi-Genendel, maiden name Teper] |
Luba |
Chana |
Finger |
Yosef |
Chaya [maiden name Brojtman] |
Yisrael |
Lemel |
Shmuel |
Etel |
Finkelshtejn |
Chaim [Chaim-Moshe] |
Project coordinator's note: Manya, wife of Shmuel Finkelshtejn, also is listed under her maiden name, Szuber. Sara Leja Finkelshtejn, daughter of Manya and Shmuel, also died in the Holocaust. |
Malka [Manya, maiden name Szuber] |
A sister [Chentze Bat, sister of Chaim Finkelstejn] |
Natan [Chentze Bat’s son] |
Finkiel |
Shalom |
His wife [Dina] |
Sara [Sara-Leah] |
Aharon [Aharon-Shmuel] |
Firer |
Aharon |
His wife [Rosia, maiden name Teper] |
2 children [Keyla and Zusia] |
Benyamin |
His wife [Chana] |
2 children [Mechel and Chava] |
Fodim |
Raizel [Rosa, maiden name Lopatin] |
1 daughter [a son Idel] |
Fraylikh |
Tzvi |
Frejder |
Eliezar [Chaim-Luzer] |
His wife [Yocheved] |
2 children [Feige] |
Freida, the seller of pots |
Frenkel |
Perel |
Golda |
Frymer |
Yisrael |
Project coordinator's note: Tova is a misprint. This child of Yosef and Rachel was a boy named Tevel. |
Gitel |
Chaya [Chaya-Miril] |
Shmuel [Shmuel-Yakov] |
Yosef |
Rachel [maiden name Gudfried] |
Yisrael |
Tova [Tevel] |
Rivka [Rivka-Udel] |
Sara |
Berel [Dov-Berel] |
Neche |
Tzina |
Yona Tzvi [Hershko] |
Bluma |
3 children [Dov and Shalom] |
Galperin |
Nachman |
Bluma [maiden name Kriwin] |
Chaya-Sara |
Shmulik |
Gejerman |
Yehoshua [Shaya] |
Mishke [Udia-Myuszka, maiden name Lopatin] |
Shimon |
Golda |
Etel [Freida-Ita] |
Avraham |
Shalom |
Tzipa [maiden name Nejer] |
Bila |
4 children [Mordechai and Batya – children of Tzipa] |
Yisrael |
Etla |
Miriam |
2 children |
Moshe |
Gelichen |
Avraham Yitzchak |
Project coordinator's note: Beila Moldawan, daughter of Malya and David Eliezer Moldawan, also was killed in the Holocaust. Frieda (Wilskier) Gelichen and her husband, Michael Gelichen, and their child, Moshe, also were killed. |
Ita [maiden name Leiderman] |
Eliezer |
Rachel [Chana-Rachel, maiden name Sztejnman] |
Zusia [Zus] |
David |
Pinia [Pinchas] |
Yaakov |
Miriam [Weitzman] |
Avrahamchik [Avraham] |
Ronia |
Eliezer [Michael-Eliezer] |
Sonia [Sonia-Surka, maiden name Lerner] |
2 children [Yehudit and a baby 6 months old] |
Mordechai |
Rachel |
Raya |
Leib [Yehuda-Leib] |
Babtze [Babtze-Perla] |
Sonia [Sonya-Sura] |
Shifke |
Avraham |
Mordechai |
Beile-Ratzya |
Malya [Mala, wife of David Eliezer Moldawan] |
Feige |
Eliezer |
Rivka |
3 children [Miriam] |
Azriel |
Eliezer |
Geldie |
Nachum Asher |
Chana [maiden name Brik] |
Susia [Shoshana] |
Mordechai |
Esther |
Hershel [Hershel-Mendel] |
Malka |
Geller |
Yoel |
Esther Golda |
Beirush [Dov] |
Zeena |
Feige [Feige-Freida Bajcz, maiden name Geler] |
Her husband [David-Mendel Bajcz] |
2 children [Sara Bajcz] |
Tzvi [Hirsh] |
Esther |
Moshe |
Mordechai [Motel] |
Chana [Chantze-Miriam, maiden name Gurwic] |
Matityahu |
Dvora |
Yosef |
Gelman |
Moshe |
Project coordinator's note: Also killed in the Holocaust were Tzvi Hersh Gelman's sisters Beila Gelman and Rosia (Gelman) Gol; and Rosia and Yehoshua Gol's children Tojbe, Sheva, and Sonia. |
Golda |
Gengen |
Avraham [Heinich] |
Miriam [maiden name Sztejnman] |
3 children [Chaya and Beila] |
Gurman |
Zusia |
Project coordinator's note: Moshe German also perished in the Holocaust. |
Raizel |
Yaakov |
His wife [Charna] |
3 children [Yitzchak and Leib] |
David |
His wife [Rejzya] |
Gersztejngoryn |
Akiva [Akiva-David] |
Ita [Ita-Mala, maiden name Bronsztein] |
Daughters [Breina and Moshe] |
Yitzchak |
Chaika [Chaika-Raiza, maiden name Szister] |
4 children [Dina-Breina and Sara and Rachel] |
Mordechai |
Pesi |
Lolka |
Gursztejn |
David [Yisrael-David] |
Chana |
1 little boy |
Gincberg |
Moshe [Avraham-Moshe] |
Yocheved [Yocha] |
Sonya [Sara] |
Leib [Yaakov-Leib] |
Zalman |
His wife |
2 children |
Yosef |
Etel |
Yechezkel |
Chana |
Zanvil |
Sara |
1 little boy |
Girszman |
Yitzchak Meir |
Batya [maiden name Klojzman] |
Benyamin |
Etel |
Dov [Ber-Dov] |
Dina |
Gitelman |
Naftali |
Tarni |
Yudel [Idel] |
Esther |
Shoshana [Reizel] |
3 children [Tuvia and Nachman and Yaakov and Nesanel] |
David [David-Leizer] |
His wife [Ita, maiden name Gurwic] |
Raizi |
3 children [Sura and Tsal and Sania and Bina] |
Mordechai |
His wife |
2 children |
Yosef |
His wife [Leah-Batya] |
2 children |
Froike [Efraim] |
Malka [Malka-Yente] |
Chaya |
Esther |
Sara |
Meir |
His wife [Chaya-Rivka, maiden name Grejer] |
2 children [Chaim-Leib and Avraham “Buma”] |
Yaakov [Yankel] |
His wife |
2 children [Chaimke and Bela] |
Natan |
Glejzer |
Yosef |
Golda [Golda-Freida, maiden name Magid] |
2 children [Simcha-Kisiel and Szimszon-Bencion and Moshe and Chaim] |
Gluzman |
Sara |
Ozer |
Miriam |
Dov |
Tzvi |
Yaakov |
Bracha |
Sara |
Rivka |
Miriam |
Efraim |
Yosef |
Ozer |
Freida |
Goldenberg |
Shlomo [Shlomo-David] |
Project coordinator's note: There were two Goldenberg clans in Shumsk. Those listed above Kreintze were from one of those families. Kreintze was the widow of Efraim Goldenberg, and her name and those that follow are from their family. |
Fruma |
Yitzchak |
Sima [Sima-Reiza] |
Ruchla [Rachel-Basya] |
Rafael |
Charni [maiden name Korin] |
Yosef |
Yoel and his family |
Azriel |
Rivka-Leah [maiden name Beker] |
Dvora |
Leibush |
Chana Beila |
Dvorah |
Aisa [Ita, maiden name Gun] |
Beno |
Shmuel [Shmuel-Leizer] |
Eliezar |
Kreintze [maiden name Krajzelman] |
Tcharni |
Leah |
Tzvi [Yehuda Hirsh] |
Gitel [maiden name Vilsker] |
Moni [Miriam, married name Chusyd] |
Pesi [married name Chusyd] |
Lipa |
Malka |
Shlomo |
Freidel |
Breina [married name Geler] |
David [David Geler] |
Natan [Nisanel Geler] |
Goldshtein |
Buzie [Baruch-Shlomo] |
Ada |
1 little boy [Itzchak] |
Zelig |
Esther [Esther-Malka] |
Pinchas |
Henchi |
Garbaty |
Aharon Yehoshua |
Esther [Esther-Finkiel-Genendel, maiden name Zak] |
1 boy [Yisrael-Chaim] |
Zelda |
Sheindel |
Gorender |
Aharon |
Project coordinator's note: Those who perished also included Ben Zion Gorender and his wife, Lyba (Ryman), and their daughter Shprintza; Mordechai Gorender and his wife, Zisla Neche, and their children Yaakov-Yosef-Ben-Zion and Szaja |
His wife |
2 children |
Yitzchak |
His wife [Gitel] |
2 children |
David |
Sara [maiden name Bren] |
Sheindel [Sheindel-Tzipa] |
Moshe |
Gitel |
Moshe |
Beno |
3 children |
Eliezer [Luzer] |
Tzipa [maiden name Zuber] |
Avraham |
3 children [Idel and Pesia and Chana-Ita and Yitzchak-Ber] |
Chaya Leah [maiden name Gorender] |
Her husband David [surname unknown] |
2 children [of David and Chaya-Leah] |
Grinberg |
Yaakov |
Yitzchak |
His wife [Raizel] |
Lusik |
Mira |
Feiga |
Her husband Yosef |
Koka |
Mordechai |
Margili |
Yitzchak |
Malka [maiden name Gluzman] |
Shepe |
Avram |
Mani |
Yosef |
Raizel |
2 children [Yosef and Chana] |
Gun |
Moshe [Moshe-Wolf] |
Miriam [maiden name Rozentzveig] |
Michael |
Ezra |
Yehoshua [Shaike] |
Bracha [maiden name Gelman] |
2 daughters [Sofia-Sara and Toibe and Shaine] |
Gurfinkiel |
Izaak |
Gerwic |
Ben Tzion |
Project coordinator's note: It is unclear whether the name below Akiva is the Hebrew word for son or the name Beno. The following members of the Gurwic clan (including three people named Rivka) also were killed in the Holocaust:
Benyamin, Chaim, Elyakum, Rivka, Dvorah, Motil, Bracha, Rivka, Fevial, Yaakov, Sonya, Yocheved, Tzipora, and Rivka (Reich) Gurvic.
Another Gurwic descendant who perished was Valie Mezshe, sometimes called Valie the mezshe. According to "Be Glad and Rejoice on Simchat Torah" by Betsalel Goren (Voice of Kremenets Emigrants in Israel and the Diaspora Booklet 17), generations of Gurwic descendants in Shumsk were called Mezshe because of an ancestor's exhortations to young people to cross the mezshe (an unplowed path between two plots of land) to worship on his side.
Sara [maiden name Segal] |
2 children [Tsala and Rachel] |
Matityahu |
Leah |
Esther |
Breindel |
Yeshayahu |
Etya |
Golda |
Yeshayahu [Shaya] |
Breindel [Brucha, maiden name Gelman] |
3 children [Yisrael and Bina and Feige] |
Zev |
His wife [Malka-Rachel] |
Tzivia |
2 children [Pesach-Shmuel and Akiva-Yitzchak] |
Ben Tzion |
Frieda |
Tova |
Yisrael |
Akiva |
His son [or Beno] |
Chaim |
Bila |
Tzvi |
Fishel |
Chana [maiden name Roichman] |
Chaya [Chaya-Sara] |
Yitzchak |
Rachel |
Eliezar |
Shlomo [Shlomo-Ayzik] |
Beila Sheindel [maiden name Sztyk] |
2 children [Cirla and Matel and Yentel] |
Hak |
Breindel [maiden name Berensztejn] |
Her husband Leizer [Eliezer] |
Idesis |
Moshe [Moshe-Zalman] |
Gitel |
Ingerleib |
Yenta [maiden name Samet] |
Project coordinator's note: Yechiel Mikhel Ingerlejb, son of Yenta (Samet) and Pinchas Ingerlejb, was killed in the Holocaust. It’s possible that Yechiel Mikhel is the same person as the Yechiel and/or the Michael listed. |
Yochanan |
Esther [Esther-Ciril] |
2 daughters [Etia and Taube] |
Yechiel |
Michael |
Feige |
Ickowicz |
Rachel |
Moshe |
Yenta |
Pinchas |
Leibel [Leib-Tuvya] |
Jakira |
Pesi |
Project coordinator's note: Mordechai and Zahava and their son Michael also perished. |
Malka |
Chana |
Yisrael [Yisrael-Moshe] |
Rachel |
Esther |
Tuvya |
Shifra |
Eidel |
Dvora |
Esther [Esther-Rivka] |
Mordechai |
Jakobson |
Esther [maiden name Galbarg] |
Yehoshua [Izo] |
Olka [Ilya] |
Yukelson |
Alter [Alter-David] |
Beila [maiden name Chazen] |
Katz |
Fishel [Efroim-Fishel] |
Project coordinator's note: Elyakim Katz's wife, Chana (Blit), their daughter Sura and another child also died in the Holocaust. The family lived and were killed in Kremenets.
Yaakov Jakira and Tzippora Jakira, children of Aidel (Kac) and Tuvya Jakira, also perished in the Holocaust.
Shumsk native Sheve (Katz) Pres and her husband, Yeshayahu Pres, and their children Sima, Yaakov, and Tzipora, also were killed in the Holocaust, in nearby Pochayev.
Yeshayahu, a son of Miril and Reuven Kac, was listed in error; Yeshayahu survived. |
Ada [Aidel, maiden name Bat] |
Moshe [Baruch-Moshe] |
Pnina [Perla] |
Beno [Beni, Bentsion] |
Moshe [Moshko] |
Chana [maiden name Gitelman] |
Aharon |
3 children [Beila and Yaakov] |
Yisrael [Srul] |
Sara [maiden name Kotzer] |
Yehoshua |
Shmuel [Shmulik] |
Chava |
Yocheved |
Zlata Gitel |
Shmaya |
Machla [maiden name Kotlar] |
Rivka [maiden name Segal] |
Nachum |
Elyakim [Elyakim-Chaim] |
Zev [Volf] |
Shayna [Sheindel] |
Bezalel [Tsale] |
Dov |
Pesach |
Feivel [Efraim-Fishel] |
Zev [Volf] |
Sheindel [maiden name Szteinman] |
Aryeh |
Moshe |
Golda [Kreina-Golda, maiden name Gitelman] |
Avraham [Avram-Leib] |
Rusia |
Busia |
Aizik [Icchok] |
Ita [Ita-Sheva] |
Yaakov |
Asher |
Shimshon [Shimshon-Hersh] |
Efraim |
Yaakov |
Bracha |
Beni |
Batsheva [Basya] |
Feival [Fishel] |
Aidel [married to Tuvya Jakira] |
Miril [wife of Reuven Kac] |
Aharon |
Rachel |
Yeshayahu |
Katzap |
Fruma |
Project coordinator's note: Azriel Katzap, Genesie (Glusman) Katzap, and Hersh Katzap also died in the Holocaust. |
Beila |
Benyamin |
Nisim |
Ozer |
Moshe |
Kaner |
Mordechai Yudel |
His wife [Nechama, maiden name Gruber] |
2 daughters [Chaya and Rivka] |
Kanfer |
David |
Project coordinator's note: Baruch and his wife are listed twice. It’s unclear whether this is a repetition of the same couple. Ra’aya, daughter of Sara and Yechiel Kanfer, also perished in the Holocaust. |
Perel [maiden name Segal] |
3 children [Golda and Esther-Elka] |
Baruch |
His wife [Rachel-Leah] |
Naftali |
Malka [maiden name Winokur] |
Tchiya |
Adina |
Baruch (son of Yitzchak) |
His wife |
2 sons [Leib and Yitzchak] |
Yechiel |
Sara |
Muny [Nachum] |
Gur-Aryeh |
Leah [maiden name Volper] |
Buzi |
Toni [Tanya] |
Manya |
Kantorman |
Moshe |
Chana |
2 children |
Karas |
Yosef [Yosef-Tzvi] |
Etel [Esther, maiden name Bluvsztein] |
Zev [Wolf] |
His wife |
Zlata |
Moshe |
Leah |
Kotler/Kotlyar |
Yeshaya |
Esther [Etel, maiden name Barenboim] |
Chaya-Sara |
Neta |
A woman |
Kaczerec |
Fruma |
Project coordinator's note: Bebe-Miriam (Offengendler) Katschuretz, wife of Asher Katschurtez, is also listed under her maiden name. |
Yeshayahu |
Beila [maiden name Stis] |
Asher |
Bebe [Bebe-Miriam, maiden name Offengendler] |
Roza [Basia-Reiza] |
Kesel |
Efraim |
His wife [Bas-Sheva] |
2 children [Chaya-Feige and Moshe] |
Yosef |
Chana |
Keselman |
Izaak |
Yeshayahu |
Esther |
Miriam |
Chaim Yitzchak |
Kesler |
Yosef |
Hentze |
2 children |
Chaya |
Bat-Sheva |
2 children |
Charash |
Shlomo [Yisrael-Shlomo] |
Yitzchak |
Gitel |
3 children |
Kindziur |
Yechiel [Yechiel-Yoel] |
Pesi |
Beile |
Ita |
2 children [Efraim-Shmuel and Berel] |
Kirszenbojm |
Tzvi |
Rachel |
Neyunis |
Kokeh |
Yona |
Klotz |
Efraim [Froim] |
Bat-Sheva [maiden name Kesel] |
Avraham [Avraham-Meir] |
Koka [Rachel-Bela] |
Anshel |
Klejnman |
Chaya |
Kleinstein |
Bluma |
Chasya |
Yitzchak [Shimon-Yitzchak] |
Ita [maiden name Kapcan] |
Tzvi |
Dov |
Yeshayhu |
Neta [Nuta] |
Rachel [maiden name Wajner] |
Lea’le |
Koka |
Shmulik |
Leah (Chazen) |
Her husband Yitzchak (Chazen) |
Aharonchik (Chazen) |
2 children (Chazen) |
Malka [married name Mamut] |
Ben Tzion (her husband) [Mamut] |
2 daughters [Chava Mamut] |
Leibush [Shprecher] |
Tulya [married name Shprecher] |
1 little girl |
Kleinstein |
Chaim |
Dina [Dina-Ita, maiden name Berg] |
Alter [Nisan-Ber] |
Shimon |
Zev Eliezer [Wolf-Luzer] |
Klujzman |
Sender [Sender-Shmuel/Alexander] |
Malya [Malka] |
Duba |
Zev |
Kop |
Feivish |
Charna [maiden name Gengen] |
2 children [Mendel and Shaya-Yitzchok] |
Kopejka |
Bezalel [Cal] |
Buzi |
Moshe |
Mari [Miriam] |
Yaakov |
Eidel |
Slova [Esther-Slova] |
Kopyt |
Yisrael |
His wife [Leah] |
2 children [Rachel and Betzalel] |
Dvosya |
Yoske |
His wife |
3 children |
Bezalel |
Moshe |
Sara |
2 children |
Korin |
Tzipora |
Project coordinator's note: Also killed in the Holocaust were Mechel Korin; Chaya (Korin) Ridiker and her children Idele, Nisan, and Tzippora; Chaya’s parents, Nisan and Leah (Podkaminer) Korin; and Keila (Korin) Milshtein and her children Miriam, Genya, and Yosef. |
Michael [Mechel] |
2 children |
Noach [Noach-David] |
Leah |
Bat-Sheva |
Eliezer |
Chasya |
Hirsh |
Avraham |
Chava |
Nachum |
Bebe |
Sara [Sara-Basya] |
Chasya [Chasya-Dvorah] |
Tzvi [Hersh] |
Chaim [Chaim-Yehuda] |
Kotik |
Yenta |
Yaakovke [Yaakov] |
Krakowiak |
Buzi [Benyamin] |
Meika [Malka, maiden name Goldenberg] |
Reuven [Meir-Reuven] |
Tzvia |
Tzipora |
Yaakov |
Breindel [maiden name Rozenberg] |
David |
Mendel |
Buzi |
Pesya [Pesya-Rivka, maiden name Fuks] |
Aryeh Shimon [Leib] |
Feival |
Eti [Chaya-Etya] |
Chana |
Kranc |
Monik [Yekusiel-Moshe] |
Project coordinator's note: Krejmer was the maiden name of Keila Kranc and is listed in the yizkor book in parentheses. |
Keila (Krejmer) |
2 children [Shmuel and Rachel] |
Krejmer |
David-Ber [Dov] |
Project coordinator's note: The husband of Zlata (Krejmer) Gelman is listed in error. His name was Zvi Hersh Gelman, and he survived. |
Perel [Pnina-Fanya] |
Sara |
Yerachmiel |
Yitzchak |
Breindel |
Eidel |
Aharon |
His wife [Leah] |
Zlata [Zlata-Rivka, married name Gelman] |
Her husband [Zvi Hersh Gelman] |
2 children [Aron-Leib] |
Izaak [David-Aizik] |
Dvora [maiden name Szames] |
1 little boy [Moshe-Chaim] |
Gedalya |
Yente [Sure-Yente] |
Yechiel |
Yosef |
Kremien |
Shaul |
Manya [maiden name Polak] |
Chaya |
2 children [Chaim-Hersh and Shaya-Getzel] |
Chaim [Kremen-Sherman] |
His wife [Tzipa, maiden name Mazurak] |
1 little boy |
Krishtul |
Zalman |
Fruma |
Krywin |
David |
Rachel |
Idel |
Shmuel |
Yosef |
Shprintze |
Shalom |
Manya |
Chaim |
Kriwolwik |
Chaim |
Gesiya |
3 children |
Krojn |
Shmuel |
Gisi |
Rachel |
Shlomo |
Moshe |
Kucyk |
Nachman |
Bluma [maiden name Sztul] |
Masha |
Tonya |
Chasya |
Luvya |
Kunianski |
Avraham |
Freida [maiden name Waldman] |
Chaya [Chaya-Sara] |
Her husband [Mechel] |
Moshe |
Tziril |
Emanuel |
Kuperman |
Michael |
Project coordinator's note: Gisia Kuperman, daughter of Rivka and Michael Kuperman, also died in the Holocaust. |
Chaya Sara |
Kushnir |
Yehoshua [Shaya] |
Beila |
Malka |
Freidel [Freida] |
Chaim |
Kutys |
Yehuda [Judko] |
Raizel [maiden name Witelstein] |
David [David-Hersh] |
Sheva [Bas-Sheva] |
Chaim [Chaim-Aharon] |
A daughter [Ita-Malka] |
Malka |
Rachel |
2 children [Chaim-Aharon and Devora] |
Lando |
Shprintze [maiden name Bunis] |
Project coordinator's note: Feibush Landau, 1½-year-old child of Eliezer and Chana-Beile, also perished. |
Tzipora [maiden name Landa] |
Her husband [Ziskind Gluzman] |
3 children [Yisrael Gluzman] |
Feige |
Eliezer [Leizer] |
Chana [Chana-Beile, maiden name Beker] |
Rachel |
Hentze [Hentze-Tzipora] |
Lejbowic |
Chaim Izaak |
Esther |
Tzvi [Hersh] |
4 people [Hersh-Leib and Mendel and David] |
Lempel |
Tziril |
Her husband [Wolf Lempel] |
3 children [Yosef and Nachum-Mendel] |
Lerner |
Yosef [Yosef-Leib] |
Project coordinator's note: There were two different Lerner clans. One was the family of the barber, Yosef-Leib “Yossel” Lerner; his clan included those in this list up to and including Esther Chana. Yosef-Leib Lerner died before the mass murder in Shumsk.
Rabbi Yosef-Mechel Rabin, the last rabbi of Shumsk, was listed under Lerner, possibly because for many years the rabbis of Shumsk were surnamed Lerner. His wife, Chasya (Yosepov), and their children had the surname Rabin.
Rachel [maiden name Zinger] |
Eliezer |
Gitel |
2 children [Hersh] |
Esther Chana |
Rabbi Pinchas [Pinele] |
His wife [Dvora, maiden name Halperin] |
2 children [Mordechai] |
* |
* |
* |
[Rabin] |
Rabbi Yosef [Yosef-Mechel] Rabin, son of Rabbi Aharon [of Lanovets] |
Project coordinator's note: Rabbi Yosef-Mechel Rabin, the last rabbi of Shumsk, was listed under Lerner, possibly because for many years the rabbis of Shumsk were surnamed Lerner. His wife, Chasya (Yosepov), and their children had the surname Rabin. |
Chaska [Chasya, maiden name Yosepov, married name Rabin] |
Berel [surname Rabin] |
Mordechai [surname Rabin] |
Moshe [surname Rabin] |
Ruchale [surname Rabin] |
Linsk |
Yaakov [Yankel] |
Leah [maiden name Tokar] |
Yosef [Avraham-Yosef] |
Rachel |
Batya |
Lizak |
Moni |
His wife |
2 children |
Dize |
His wife |
Lojfer |
Eliyahu |
His wife |
1 little boy |
Sheindel [married name Beker] |
Her husband [Shalom-Azriel Beker] |
2 children [Chana-Golda Beker] |
Lukaczer |
Sender [Alexander] |
Rachel [maiden name Kanfer] |
Reizel |
Lopatin |
Freidel |
Project coordinator's note: Reuven-David Lopatin and Chaya (Gelber) Lopatin also perished. |
Sheindel [maiden name Fogel] |
Mordechai |
Perel |
Feige |
Moti |
Chaim Yisrael |
Pesi |
Adelya |
Malinbaum |
Leib |
Mamut |
Yaakov |
Miril [Miriam, maiden name Zak] |
Mantel |
David |
Chaya Sara |
Zelda |
Yechezkiel [Chazkiel] |
Merzel |
Lifsha |
Mazur |
Meir |
Golda |
Sonya |
Pesya |
4 children [Todris and David-Leib and K’sil] |
Medwed |
Yisrael |
Project coordinator's note: Rachel Medved, a twin of Naftali, also died in the Holocaust. |
Rusia |
Leib |
1 boy [Naftali] |
Mejliker |
Sara |
Reuven |
Yitzchak |
Breintza [Breindel] |
Nachman |
Herzl [David-Hirsh] |
Mejrzomen |
Batya [Etya, maiden name Apelbaum] |
Project coordinator's note: The name Batya at the beginning of the Merjzomen list is an error; she was Etya, widow of Levi Mejrzomen, who died before the Holocaust, and her children’s names follow in this list. |
Manya [Manya-Marta] |
Aizik |
Chaim |
Esther |
Tzvia |
Basya |
Melamed |
Chanan [Chiuine] |
Beila [maiden name Kutys] |
3 children [Esther-Dvora and Chaim-Aharon and Moshe and Yitzchak] |
Metler |
Asher [Asher-Zev-Wolf] |
Raizel [Shoshana, maiden name Zuber] |
2 children [Sender and Monya] |
Milman |
Yitzchak |
Kreintze |
Hentzi |
Nachman |
His wife [Eda] |
Herzl [Herzik] |
Mirmelsztejn |
Sheindel [maiden name Kac] |
Mordechai [Motek] |
Beile [Frima-Beile] |
Mosonznik |
Yitzchak [Aizik] |
Project coordinator's note: The names listed from Yizchak to Chayke were one family, and the rest were another family or branch. Noakh Misonzhnik also died in the Holocaust. |
Babtza [Rachel-Miriam] |
Adel [Adel-Malka-Adina] |
Avraham [Abraham-Baruch] |
Mordechai |
Etil |
Chayke |
Asher |
Malka [Malka-Ita, maiden name Bat] |
Herzl |
Tzvi |
Ozer |
1 girl [Yehudit] |
Chaya Sara |
Miszne |
Zusa |
Tova |
Raya |
Feige |
Moldawan |
Hinde [married name Shmukler] |
Project coordinator's note: Also killed in the Holocaust were Hinde (Moldawan) Shmukler’s sisters Reyza and Gissa; all three were daughters of Zisil and Mordechai Moldawan.
From another Moldawan family, those killed included siblings Dina [Dintze] Moldawan, Aron Moldawan, Rachel (Moldawan) Rozenbaum, and Miriam-Liba (Moldawan) Shafir; Miriam-Liba's daughter, Bas Sheva [Szejwa] Shafir; and Rachel's husband, Moshe Rozenbaum. |
Her husband [Shiya Shmukler] |
3 children [Aba Shmukler] |
Aharon |
His wife [Rivka-Rachel, maiden name Kiper] |
2 children [Sura-Leah and Bejla and Zissel] |
Monderer |
Moni [Mendel-Mondek-Emanuel] |
Tintze [Esther] |
[Her] Mother |
Rozya |
Musik [Moshe] |
Mordysz |
Chaya Beile |
Teibel [Toybe, maiden name Gurfinkel] |
Malka |
Nejman |
David |
Meir [Meir-Zecharya] |
Yosef |
His wife |
Peril [Pesya-Penina, married name Fishman] |
Shlomo [Fishman] |
2 daughters [Beila-Rivka and Freida-Ita Fishman] |
Nul |
Eliezer [Leizer] |
Project coordinator's note: Moti Nul and Chana Nul, who were children of Eliezer and Chaya, also died in the Holocaust. |
Chaya |
Shlomo |
His wife [Sheindel] |
2 children |
Feivel |
His wife |
Shifra |
Offengendler |
Bracha [maiden name Zak] |
Project coordinator's note: Bebe-Miriam (Offengendler) Katschuretz is also listed under her married name. |
Alter [Yisrael-Yosef] |
Breintze |
Miriam [Bebe-Miriam, married to Asher Katschuretz] |
Feige Rayze |
Malka |
Bebe |
Moshe [Moshe-Eliyahu] |
Dvora |
Sarah [Sonya] |
Sender |
Yosef [Yosef-Chaim] |
Chuna |
Juf |
Benyamin |
His wife [Yente-Leiba, maiden name Gajwiker] |
2 children [Chaim and Chaya-Shifra] |
Zeidel [ Zeidel David-Hersh] |
Tema [maiden name Juger] |
2 children [Asher-Lemel and Yisrael-Meir and Yosef-Arye] |
Neche |
Perel [Leibe-Perel] |
Benyamin |
Pesach [Aron-Pesach] |
Hinde |
Dvora |
Benyamin |
Pesach [Aharon-Pesach] |
Beile |
Sonya [Sara-Rivka-Sonya] and her family |
Ozarowski |
Chaya |
Yirmiyahu |
Freida [maiden name Gluzman] |
Paril |
Yente |
Avner [Avner-Aryeh-Leibush] |
Simcha [Simcha-Bunim] |
His wife [Pesya, maiden name Szwarc] |
2 children [Yocheved] |
Perelmuter |
Ema (or Mother) |
Project coordinator's note: Bracha-Boka Perlmuter and Sosia (Perlmuter) Schneider, both born in Shumsk, also died in the Holocaust, though not in Shumsk. |
Sima |
Polak |
Elimelech [Eliasz or Eli] |
Project coordinator's note: Nuta Polak also died in the Holocaust. |
Esther |
Etya |
Yitzchak [Yitzchak-Reuven] |
Yehoshua [Owszia-Getzel] |
Izaak |
Pomaranc |
Mordechai |
Project coordinator's note: Meita died before World War II. Tzipa is listed under her maiden name; her married name is not known. |
Shlomo |
Chana |
Beile |
2 children [Yitzchak-Shmuel and Meir-Leizer] |
Rafael |
Meita |
Tzipa |
Toni [Sonya] |
Chayke |
Presajzen |
Pinchas |
Esther |
Pesach |
Devora |
Raizel |
Chayke [Chaya-Tzvia] |
Sara |
Yosef [Yaakov-Yosef] |
His wife [Cirla] |
3 children [Tzipa and Leib] |
Przylucka |
Beila [maiden name Katz] |
Project coordinator's note: Fanya (Prilucki) Belman and her husband, Markus Belman, lived in Ostrog and were killed there. Tonia, another daughter of Beila, also died in the Holocaust. |
Fanya [married name Belman] |
Sender [Alexander] |
Ita [Ita-Malya] |
Rajcenberg |
Shmuel Yitzchak |
Neche |
Reich |
Sani [Alexander] |
His wife [Sonya or Soni, maiden name Awadis] |
Raisher |
Meir |
Bracha [maiden name Landa] |
2 children [Nechama and Tauba and Avraham] |
Malka |
Perel |
Leah |
Chayke [married name Godlis] |
Her family of 3 [her husband, Ben Zion Godlis, and their son Yechiel Godlis] |
Isur |
His wife |
2 children |
Reznik |
David [David-Hersh] |
His wife [Enya, maiden name Firer] |
Rachel (married name Kunianski) |
Batya |
4 more children [Baila and Zus and Yechezkiel] |
Rojch |
Shimon |
Chayke [Chaya] |
Sonya |
Koka [Rachel-Leah] |
Rojchman |
Miriam [maiden name Gasner] |
Project coordinator's note: Menachem Munish and Sarka also had son named Eliyah who perished. |
Menachem Munish |
Sarka [Sara, maiden name Stein] |
Mendel |
Etya |
Chasya |
Rachel |
Zoma [Zioma] |
His wife |
A little boy |
Hersh Nuta |
His wife |
Children |
Yosef |
Tcharne |
Feige |
Brientza |
Rosa |
Pesi |
Tzvi [Hirsh] |
Nesya [maiden name Wajcman] |
Yaakov [Yaakov-Feivish] |
Chaya |
3 children [Srul-Yosef and Chana-Sara] |
Yosef |
Yitzchak |
Biltze [Beila-Leah, maiden name Waskobojnik] |
2 children [Leib] |
Shmuel |
His family of 4 |
Leibtze |
His wife [Chava] |
Rachel |
Pinchas |
Rozen |
Bluma |
Leah |
Sara |
Paltiel |
Bluma |
Michael [Mechel] |
Leah |
Tzipa [Tzipora] |
Yehudit [Yehudit-Hides] |
Reizman |
Alter [Mordechai] |
Project coordinator's note: Michael Rojzman was listed in error; the person who perished was Michael’s son Aizak. |
Ita [Ita-Miriam] |
2 children [Lipa and Perla and Yitzchok] |
Moshe [Mojsze-Lejwi] |
Freida [maiden name Kucik] |
1 child [Ita-Feiga] |
Michael |
His wife [Tauba] |
1 child [Tzudik and Etya-Dvora] |
Chana |
David [David-Shlomo] |
Tzionke |
Etil |
Rosenberg |
Shifka [Shepke, maiden name Roichman] |
Rivka |
Beile |
Rozencwajg |
Beile |
Yente [Yente-Frima] |
Yitzchak |
Rudman |
Benyamin |
Alte [Esther, maiden name Oife] |
3 children [Rivka and Aryeh-Leib] |
Zelig |
His wife [Enya-Rachel] |
2 children [Zelda] |
Segal |
Yosef |
Project coordinator's note: Kopel and Sara Segal had two other children, Frejda-Manya and Bejla, who also perished. |
Sheindel [Reizel-Sheindel, maiden name Krivoshay] |
Yocheved [Yocheved-Vitel] |
Rivka |
Michael |
Motel [Mordechai] |
His wife |
Pinchas |
Beile [Beila-Dvore, maiden name Shmukler] |
Benyamin |
Keila |
David Shlomo |
Mendel |
Mordechai [Moshe-Motel] |
Nechama [Nechamke, maiden name Rozenbaum] |
Yaakov |
Perel [Dina-Perel] |
Tzvi |
His wife |
Asher |
His wife [Malka] |
2 children |
Yisrael |
Golda |
2 children |
Kopel [Chaim-Kopel] |
Sara |
Reuven |
Dvora |
Yosef |
Moshe |
Yerachmiel |
Pesi |
Sonya |
A family of 4 |
Izaak |
Yisrael |
Pesi |
Chana |
Szejer |
Leib |
His wife [Sheindel] |
5 children [Shiya and Nuta-Yaakov and Yisrael-Noah and Aron-Hirsh and another child] |
Yehezkiel |
His wife [Freida] |
5 children [Shiya-Hersh and Reizel] |
Sosna |
Meir |
Beile [Beile-Feige, maiden name Sztejnman] |
3 children [Avraham-Yitzchak and Keila-Ruchel] |
Nachman |
Tzipora |
Avraham |
Rivka |
Shmuel [Yankel-Shmeel] |
Chana [maiden name Jaris] |
3 children [Simcha-Hersh and Baruch and Chayka] |
Leibush [Leibush-Yitzchak] |
Miriam [Miriam-Muni] |
Naftali |
Sheindel |
Segal, her family of 4 |
Spector |
Sosya [maiden name Kinkhes] |
Project coordinator's note: Chaim Spector’s wife, Chayke, and their son BenTzion Spector also died in the Holocaust. |
Nachum Zeilik |
Priva |
Mordechai [Mordechai-Shlomo] |
Michael |
David |
Reizal [Sara-Reizal] |
Bejla |
Lipa [Lipa-Ber] |
Malka |
Chaim |
Chana [Chaya-Udia] |
Yitzchak |
Rivka Yocheved |
Nachum Zeilik |
Szpirtus |
Yitzchak |
Chana Leah [maiden name Weksler] |
Henya |
Etya |
Rachel |
Rivka |
Stys |
Avraham [Abraham-Chaim] |
Project coordinator's note: Ita (Akerman) Stis and her husband, Michael Stis, also died in the Holocaust. Also, Fanya Rachel is an apparent typographical error and should have been Henia-Rachel. |
Chana [maiden name Goldberg] |
Rachel |
Zev [Velvel] |
Meir |
Lipa |
Ruchtze [Rachel, nicknamed Ruchtze; both maiden name and married name were Stis] |
Chaim (Moni) [Avraham-Chaim, nicknamed Moni] |
Chana [maiden name Hindenberg] |
2 children [Berko and Charna] |
Fanya Rachel |
Neta [Nuta] |
Feige [maiden name Kremen] |
Beril |
David |
Moshe |
Shmuel Aryeh [Shaul] |
Chaya Rivka |
Perel |
Motel |
Gitel [Gitel-Dvora, married to Nute Toker] |
Leah Etil [Toker] |
Sudman |
Yona [Yonik] |
Reizel |
2 children |
Miriam (Moni) |
Shac |
Yeshayahu [Shaya] |
Perel [Luba-Vitel] |
Fishel |
His wife [Perel-Adel] |
4 children [Moshe and Gershon] |
Szames |
Chava |
Zisel |
Pesach [Peschye] |
Motya [Mordechai] |
Yaakov [Jankiel] |
Rivka [Rivka-Leah, maiden name Sztejnberg] |
Moshe |
Aharon |
Shapira |
Moshe |
Project coordinator's note: Yehiel-Leib Shapira and his wife, Etla (Nachtelman), and their son, Mordechai-Yisrael, also died in the Holocaust. |
Udil |
Shmuel [Szmul] |
His wife [Gitel-Batya, maiden name Rapoport] |
2 children [Avraham and Sheindel] |
Benyamin [Benyamin-Aizik] |
His wife [Gitel, maiden name Manusowicz] |
2 children [Tuvya and Rachel] |
Daniel |
His wife (Weiner) |
Shmulik |
Rivka |
Szczogil |
David |
His wife [Kreintze, maiden name Zak] |
Yitzchak |
Shejrman |
Zeida [Yaakov-Leib] |
Project coordinator's note: Chaim Szerman also died in the Holocaust. |
Etel [Etka] |
Sara |
Aharon [Aharon-Shmuel] |
Szleper |
David |
Zina |
Yehoshua [Shaya] |
Zelda |
Yaakov [Yankel] |
Tova [Toybe-Rachel] |
3 children [Chaim-Shmuel and Natan and another child] |
Sznejder |
Chaim Izidicha |
Chana |
Machla [married name Fiks] |
Her husband [Hersh Fiks] |
2 children |
Mordechai [Motel] |
His wife [Pesia, maiden name Moldawan] |
2 children [Yisrael-Avraham and Chaim Ayzik and Szojel or Shaul] |
Sznajdman |
Yona [Jojna] |
Sasya [Sosia, maiden name Brajtman] |
Avraham |
Hershel |
Szomstejn |
Yosef |
Yehudit [maiden name Lokaczer] |
Sara |
Schpak |
Hershel |
Project coordinator's note: Shprintze (Fuchs) Schpak also died in the Holocaust. |
Leah |
Yosef |
Rivka |
Nechama |
Feige [Feige-Rachel] |
Miriam [married name Biksengoren] |
Her husband [Moshe Aharon Biksengoren] |
2 children [Yosef-Hersh and Minele Biksengoren] |
Nachman |
His family |
Meir |
His family of 3 [his wife, Raiza, maiden name Rozenblat; and their children, Ben Zion and Chaya and Golda and Beila] |
Szpic |
Shlomo [Chaim-Shlomo] |
Gitel [Gitel-Rachel, maiden name Oife] |
2 children [Beila and Golda] |
Shprecher |
Yosef |
Project coordinator's note: Among the 5 children of Yosef and Kreina Szprecher who also perished were Ada Dvorah Klein and Sara Duchovny. |
Kreintze [Kreina, maiden name Yager] |
Miril [married to BenTzion Spector] |
Szpric |
Chaim |
Project coordinator's note: Sara is listed under her maiden name, Szpric; her married name is not known. |
His wife [Malka-Esther, maiden name Sojbel] |
Asher |
Chana [Chana-Leah] |
2 children [Yitzchak and Kreine] |
Sara [Chaya-Sara] |
Her husband |
Moshe |
Shreier |
David [Dudi] |
Dinka [Dina, maiden name Keselman] |
Berel [Baruch-Berel] |
Gitel |
Sztejn |
Pescha |
Rivka |
David |
Zanvil |
Yisrael |
Sztejnberg |
Meir |
Project coordinator's note: Shayna Yafa (Sztejnberg) Gincberg, daughter of Freida [Chana-Freida] (Roiter) Sztejnberg and Aryeh David Sztejnberg, also perished. |
Lusia |
Her husband |
1 little boy |
Beila [Beile-Batya] |
Buzia |
Moshe |
Shmuel [Shmuel-Hirsh] |
Etel |
Beila |
Henya |
Gitel |
Etel |
Sara [maiden name Frugman] |
Ben Tzion |
Leizer [Eliezer- Chaim] |
Yisrael |
Sheindel |
Freida [Chana-Freida, maiden name Roiter] |
Zecharya [Zecharya-Shalom] |
Teivel [Teival-Yona] |
Szteinman |
Yaakov |
Project coordinator's note: Lifsha (Rubin) Sztejnman, wife of David-Volf Sztejnman, also died in the Holocaust, as did their children (Tema and Brajna and Toybe and another child whose name is not known) and David-Volf’s’s two daughters from a previous marriage. Esther and Moti, additional children of Mindel, also perished. |
Miriam [maiden name Zaltzman] |
David [David-Zev/Volf] |
Mordechai |
Liza |
1 little boy |
Tonya |
Perel |
Shmuel [Shmuel-Mechel] |
Reizel |
Asia [Esther] |
Feige |
Manya |
Mindel |
Rachel |
Chana |
Tova |
Sztutman |
David |
Fanya [maiden name Kac] |
2 children [Avraham and Miriam] |
Moshe |
His wife |
Yehoshua |
Sztyk |
Pinchas |
Chaya Basya [maiden name Lopatin] |
Etla |
Avraham [Avraham-Hersh] |
Shepsel [Daniel-Shepsel] |
Schubert |
Yitzchak-Volf [Zev] |
Project coordinator's note: Also killed in the Holocaust were Nechama, wife of Yosef Szuber; Avraham-Hirsh and Nisel, children of Yosef and Nechama; Chaya, wife of Baruch Szuber; Chaya’s sister Tauba, wife of Mekhael Szuber; and Rosa (Tabak), wife of Yitzchak-Volf Schubert. |
Sara Reiza [maiden name Klotz] |
Sheindel |
Mintze |
Rachel Leah |
Meir |
Michael |
Koka |
Mendel |
Manya [Malka, wife of Shmuel Finkelshtejn] |
Yosef [Yoske] |
Rivka |
Bracha [Breindel] |
Pesi |
Breindel [Bronia] |
Leah [Lusia] |
Szuldenrajn |
[Mordechai-Mordko] |
Project coordinator's note: No first name was listed for the first Szuldenrajn in this list, but the translator provided the name Mordechai-Mordko. |
His wife |
2 children |
Schuster |
Yehoshua |
The daughter of Tova |
Her family of 2 |
Beila |
Her family of 2 |
Szwarc |
Yehoshua [Hirsh-Szija] |
Project coordinator's note: Pesi (Szwarc) Peril also is listed under her married name. |
Perel [Penina, maiden name Segal] |
Baruch |
Pesi [married name Peril] |
Machla |
Teikhman |
Pinchas |
Leah |
Chana |
Model [Mendel] |
Rivka [maiden name Kotik] |
1 little boy [a girl, Yehudis-Feiga] |
Chaim Mordechai |
Chava [Chava-Dovrish] |
Meir [Meir-Shimshon] |
His wife |
1 little boy |
Sonya [Sara-Leah] |
Her husband |
1 little boy |
Aharon |
Yosef |
Tankiel |
Yosef |
Malka |
Tejtelbaum |
Aharon |
4 people [Aharon’s wife Charna and their children Avraham-Nisan and Batya-Reizel and Yosef] |
Tlumak |
Charna [maiden name Lopatin] |
Moshe |
Avraham |
Chaim |
Todris |
Yeshayahu |
His wife |
3 children |
Trejber |
Pinchas |
Leah |
Chana [Chana-Beila] |
Feige |
Getzel |
Trudman |
Rafael |
Sara |
Shifra |
Sheindel |
Chayke |
Czajczynice |
Moshe [Moshe-Yehuda] |
Rivka |
1 little boy |
Rachel |
Tsherniak |
Michael |
Vasirman |
Hinde |
Chana [Chana-Gitel, married name Steinman] |
Her husband [Aharon Steinman] |
2 children |
Wejsblit |
Yehoshua Hershel [Hersh] |
Mani [Miriam Manya, maiden name Shtul] |
Avraham |
His wife |
3 children |
Waldman |
Mendel |
Leah |
Chasya |
Asher |
Freida |
Wajner |
Rivka |
Project coordinator's note: Sara is an error. Shimshon Weiner’s wife was Rachel (Gurwic). |
Shimshon |
Sara [Rachel (Gurwic)] |
4 daughters [Chaya and Chava and Udi and Malka] |
Yoel |
His wife |
1 little boy |
Avraham |
Bracha [maiden name Zaid] |
Chaim |
Sara |
Tova [Taube] |
Golda |
Rachel |
Luba |
Sonya |
Leib’le |
Shumke |
Yehoshua |
Rudye |
Tcharne |
Michael |
Shlomke |
Yehezkiel |
Miriam |
Leibele |
Feigele |
Shimshon |
Feige |
Shlomke [Yosef-Shlomo] |
Tzipke |
Velvel |
His wife |
1 little boy |
Batya |
Yosef |
Avraham |
Yehiel |
Maliya |
[Weisbrot] |
Avraham [Avraham-Tuvya] |
Project coordinator's note: Translator believes the Weisberg listing to be an error on the part of the Yizkor Book compilers, and the correct name is Weisbrot. Although the name Avraham Weisberg is listed in the Hebrew version of the Shumsk Yizkor Book necrology, no other Shumsk sources contain this surname. However, the Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People has numerous Shumsk documents that mention Avraham Weisbrot or Wajsbrojt, as well as documents with his wife’s name, Ita, and their children’s names, Miriam-Feiga and Rivka-Raiza; and Yad Vashem has Pages of Testimony for the family. |
Veitzman |
Alter [Alter-Dov] |
Gitel [maiden name Geilichen] |
Sara |
Weksler |
Tziril |
Project coordinator's note: David and Frieda Weksler and their daughter, Gita, also died in the Holocaust. |
2 daughters [Yenta and Gitel-Sheva] |
Zev [Velvel] |
Henya Beila [Enya, maiden name Zaid] |
2 children [Yosef and Yaakov-Shimon] |
Widelguz |
Motel [Mordechai] |
His wife [Sara-Pesya, maiden name Coref] |
2 children [Bezalel and another child] |
Vilsker |
Ben Tzion |
Project coordinator's note: Sara Wilskier, the 9-year-old daughter of Shmuel and Chana (Rudman) Wilskier, also perished in Shumsk. |
Perel [Pnina] |
Lipa |
Freida [Freida-Dvora] |
Hodi |
Eliezer |
Shmuel [Meir-Shmuel] |
Chana [maiden name Rudman] |
Freida |
Zev |
Esther |
Freda |
Lipa |
Yisrael |
Tova |
Susel |
Tevel [Tevel-Aryeh] |
Rivka |
Busia |
Mordechai [Mordko-Hirsh] |
Chaim |
Baruch [Baruch-Yitzchak] |
Eliezer [Leizor-Yitzchak] |
Miriam |
2 children [Leib-Aizik] |
Chaya |
Yaakov [Yankel-Meyer] |
Esther [Esther-Malka] |
Dina |
Busia [Ita-Basya] |
Shimon |
Babtze [Grandma Chava] |
Esther |
Winer |
Meir |
Malka |
Keila |
Yitzchak Leib |
Miriam |
Chana |
Esther |
Shmuel |
Winokur |
Fruma |
Project coordinator's note: Tova (Aszkinazy) Winokur and her husband, Avraham Winokur, and their children, Gershon and Freida, also died in the Holocaust. |
3 children |
Gitel |
Feige |
Beila |
Velvel [Zev] |
Motel [Mordechai] |
Moshe |
Rivka |
Yehiel Yosef |
Bat Sheva |
Sara [Sara-Chava] |
Chayke |
Weisman |
Hillel |
Project coordinator's note: Two families are listed here. The first is the family of Shraga Weisman, and the second begins with Sara (Weisman) Zeiger. |
Sara [Sarke, maiden name Szternberg] |
Lehtze [Leah] |
Mordechai [Buzi] |
Koka [Rachel, maiden name Dikshtein] |
Moshe |
Maliya |
1 little boy |
Sara [married name Zeiger] |
Yisrael [Yisrael-Moshe Zeiger] |
3 children [Mordechai and Azriel Zeiger] |
Wolfcun |
Chaim |
Etel [Etel-Meita] |
Yaakov |
3 children [Yitzchak and Shimon and Shalom-Wolf] |
Woskobojnick |
Yosef |
Gitel [maiden name Gersztejn] |
Yigal |
Ema [Tema] |
Yosef the water carrier |
Juger |
Peretz |
His wife [Gnesia] |
3 children [Leiba-Feiga and Hersh] |
Zajd |
Simcha |
Sara [maiden name Spirtus] |
Zak |
Idel [Yehuda] |
Project coordinator's note: Rachel, Rivka, Henya, Pnina-Perel, and Feige also died in the Holocaust. |
His wife [Golda] |
Hentze (Zaltzman) [married name] |
David [David-Shlomo] |
Keiltze [Keila, maiden name Shtul] |
1 little boy [Hersh-Leib] |
Shmuel |
Manya |
Golda’le [Golda Leah] |
Avraham [Avraham-Yitzchak] |
Gitel [Gitel-Dvora, maiden name Tolpin] |
Manya [Malka-Leah] |
Peretz |
David [David-Shlomo] |
Zlate [maiden name Szerman] |
1 little boy [Nachman] |
[Zamberg] |
Feival |
His wife [Chasya] |
Zekcer |
Yitzchak [Yitzchak-Wolf] |
His wife [Chaya-Toibe] |
Rachel |
Yaakov |
A son [Simcha-Zisye] |
A daughter [Basya] |
Zejgerson |
Yosef |
Chaya [maiden name Katzap] |
1 little boy [Yisrael and Levi-Yitzchak] |
Zilber |
Yitzchak [Aizik] |
Project coordinator's note: Manis Zilber and his wife, Freida (Glazer) Zilber, also died in the Holocaust. |
Raichel |
Yosef |
Sheindel |
Gitel |
Baruch |
Bebe [maiden name Offengendler] |
Zeidel |
Golda |
Zelda [Malka-Zelda] |
Mordechai [Mordechai-Hirsh] |
Batya |
2 children |
Zilberberg |
Baruch |
Project coordinator's note: Mordechai’s sister Dvora is listed under her maiden name, Zilberberg; her married name is unknown. |
Malka-Zelda [maiden name Segal] |
Moshe |
Mordechai [Mordcho-Hersh] |
Dvora - his sister |
Her family [the family of Dvora] |
David [Avraham-David] |
Freida |
Yaakov |
Yehezkiel |
Moshe |
Moshe |
His wife |
2 children |
Zilberg |
Riva |
Project coordinator's note: Elsewhere, a family member wrote the surname as Zilberberg. |
Avraham |
Yosef |
Feige |
Zinger |
Uri [Aharon] |
Chaya |
1 little boy [Feige] |
Zisel |
from the Goralniya |
Zuber |
Buma |
Project coordinator's note: Pesi and her husband and children are listed under Pesi’s maiden name, Zuber. The surname of Pesi’s husband, Herzl, and their two children is not known. |
Zelda |
Eliezer [Leizer] |
Sheindel [Sheindel-Rivka, maiden name Gitelman] |
Eliyahu |
3 children [Nisim and Chaim and Shimon] |
Yaakov [Yankel] |
Rosa [Shoshana, maiden name Galperin] |
Yisrael |
Yitzchak |
Pesi |
Herzl |
2 children |
Tzvi |
His wife |
1 little boy |
Sender |
Yisrael |
Moshe |
Mordechai |
Chana [Chaya-Zelda, maiden name Gorender] |
Beila |
Michael |
Sheindel |
Berel |
Tzipa [maiden name Gorender] |
Aharon [Aron-Eli] |
Sheindel [Sheindel-Rivka] |
Zlate |
Broidel |
Etel |