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[Page 533]

In memory of the Holy of Swierzne

Sitting from the right: Pertzowicz Yitzhak. Josiliewski Natan, Pertzowicz Chaim-Dovid, Josiliewski Tsippe, Josiliewski Gage, Pertzowicz Fruma
Second row: Josiliewski Yochewed, Tzivya, Chana Sorke, Dana, Chaya Shashe, Pertzowicz Leah
Standing: Josiliewski Shlomo, Meishke, Fratas Mindl, Josiliewski Ahron and Manus

Josiliewski Natan, Meishkke, Tzivya and Yochewed
“May G-d avenge their blood”

[Page 534]

In memory of the Holy of Swierzne

Kartz'emna Malka.
“May G-d avenge her blood”


Gruntfest Chaim-Dovid


Gruntfest Feyga-Rokha

Pertzowicz Leah'ke
“May G-d avenge her blood”


(Hebrew text) in box
Yosef Hertz Pertsovicz

The first of those murdered in Swierzne

Killed by the Germans on the day
that they entered the town 27.6.41
May the Lord avenge their blood



Piness Tamar
“May G-d avenge her blood”


Reb Shimeon Piness
“May G-d avenge his blood”


Dr. Zev Piness

He was involved in the social life in Swierzne and actively participated in the activities of the branch of “Hitachdut” and served for many years as treasurer of the branch of “Hechalutz” (the pioneer). He was murdered by the Nazis in Czechoslavakia. He was a doctor there in a Jewish hospital. May the Lord avenge his blood.


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