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[Page 535]

In memory of the Holy of Swierzne

Lipowski, Reb Dovid, Borshkowski Avraham, Yudl and Basya, Lipowski Sora-Ester
“May G-d avenge their blood”


Kalman Lipowski
“May G-d avenge his blood”


Lipowski, Eliezer, Bat-Sheba, Zev and Rina
“May G-d avenge their blood”

We express our deepest sorrow and sympathy to the Swierzne Society in the United States, as well as to the Munbez family at the death of their president and father

Chaim (Hyman) Munbez

May you find consolation in your work for the good of the community.

Swierzne Association of Emigrants in Israel

[Page 536]

In memory of the Holy of Swierzne

Yakov Kaplan,
may G-d avenge his blood,
and his son, Uri

Reb Moshe-Zisl,
of blessed memory


Basya Kuznicow
May G-d avenge her blood

Chani and Reb Shmayre Munbez,
of blessed memory

Yosef-Mordekhai haKohan Kaplan,
his wife, Reytsa, of blessed memory,
and their grandchildren

[Page 537]

In memory of the Holy of Swierzne

Reb Shimeon Perelman and wife, Basya, of blessed memory
Standing from the right: Shraga-Faywl and his wife Luba and Perec, may G-d avenge their blood


Zelda and her son, Ben-Tzion Reznik,
may they rest in peace, murdered by the Nazis,
may G-d avenge their blood

Fanya Machtay, of blessed memory
(daughter of Reb Shimon Perlman)
One of the first halutzim [pioneers] from Swierzne
Died in Tel Aviv 10 Nisan [5720] [7 April] 1960


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