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In memory of the Holy of Swierzne

In box: Here Lies Yerachmiel son of Nachum


Yerachmiel Shteinhoiz

Two friends with different views. Benyamin believed in the revival of the people of Israel in their own land. Yerachmiel was convinced that the Jewish problem would only be solved when all the oppressed nations would be liberated. This did not harm their friendship and their loyal devotion to one another even when they reached the 7th grade in the government High School (Gimnazye). On 22.7.1922 they went to bathe in the Niemen River and did not return. The next day their bodies were brought for burial and they were buried in one grave. With great sadness the organised, educated youth of Swierzne and Stoibtz escorted them.

These words were engraved on their headstones:

The love and pleasure in their lives accompanied them in death.

May their memories be blessed.

Efraim Wlitowski and his wife, Chaya, “may their memories be blessed”

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In memory of the Holy of Swierzne

Reb Manus Yosilewski,
“of blessed memory”


Dwora (Lipszic) Epsztajn,
“may the Lord avenge her blood”


Reb Tzwi Epsztajn,
“may the Lord avenge his blood”

The Rabbi, Naftali Chaim and Chana Sura Kagan and their grandson, Shnier, “may their memories be blessed

Gershowicz Mariasha, Chaim Tzvi, Brayne, Rayzl and Henya


A.D. Ayzykowicz,
“of blessed memory”,
president for many years of the
Swierzner Union in America


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