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[Page 61]

Names and Details of Jewish Shkud Citizens Killed 1941-1945 (cont.)


Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Husband LEVIN Gershon Kalman Merchant Shkud 57 Shkud, July 1941
Wife LEVIN/ KARPEL Henya Housewife Shkud 52 Alka Hill
Son LEVIN Sender Gershon Henya Shkud 30 Shkud
Son LEVIN Hirsh Gershon Henya Shkud 26 Shkud
Daughter LEVIN Ester Gershon Henya Shkud 1913 Alka Hill
Son LEVIN Gershon Henya Shkud 20 Shkud
Daughter LEVIN Mira Gershon Henya Shkud 1915 Alka Hill
* * *
Son LEVIN Yakov Gershon Henya Shkud 28 Shkud
* * *
Husband LEVIN Nachum Kalman Merchant Shkud 46 Shkud, July 1941
Wife LEVIN/ REIF Krayna Akiva Leizer Brocha Housewife Shkud 39 Alka Hill
Daughter LEVIN Chaya Nachum Krayna Student Shkud 14 Alka Hill
Son LEVIN Kalman Nachum Krayna Student Shkud 12 Alka Hill
Daughter LEVIN Sarah Nachum Krayna Student Shkud 10 Alka Hill
* * *
Widow LEVIN Sarah Rivka Kalman Housewife Shkud 60 Alka Hill
Son LEVIN Yosef (with his family) Yehuda son of Kalman Sara Rivka Shoe factory Shkud 39 Shkud
Wife LEVIN/ FRIDMAN Sheyna Yehuda Rivka Housewife Shkud 35 Shkud
Daughter LEVIN Hina Yosef Sheyna Shkud 1933 Alka Hill
* * *
Single LEVIN Shmerl Bentsa Merchant Shkud 54 Shkud
* * *

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Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Single LEV, DOCTOR Doctor of Shkud Shkud 55 Shkud
* * *
Husband LENKIMER Mayer A family with many children and grandchildren Shkud Shkud, July 1941
Wife LENKIMER Shkud Alka Hill
* * *
Widower LENKIMER Michal Shkud Shkud
Single daughter LENKIMER Ita Michal Shkud Alka Hill
Single daughter LENKIMER Leah Michal “Beauty” Shkud Alka Hill
* * *
LENKIMER Shmerl And his family Shkud Shkud
* * *
LENKIMER Ben Tsion And his family Shkud Shkud
* * *
LENKIMER Shmuel Leib And his family Shkud Shkud
* * *
Widower Ora Shkud 75 Shkud
Son Leib Ora “Leib, Ora's Crazy [Son]” Shkud 50 Shkud
* * *
Husband MELAMED Yakov Ritual slaughterer Shkud 50 Shkud, July 1941
Second wife MELAMED Yehudit Housewife Shkud 35 Alka Hill
Daughter MELAMED Ester Yakov Eta Student Shkud 17 Alka Hill
Daughter MELAMED [29] Yakov Yehudit Shkud 5 Alka Hill
Married daughter MELAMED/ Her husband Sheyna Masha[30] Yakov Eta Housewife Shkud,Jelgava 22 Jelgava, Latvia
Her husband Jelgava Jelgava
* * *
Husband MALKINSON Yisroel Made paper boxes for shoes 50 Shkud
Wife MALKINSON Housewife Shkud 43 Alka Hill

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Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Daughter MALKINSON Tsira Yisroel Student Shkud 17 Alka Hill
Daughter MALKINSON Freida Yisroel Student Shkud 15 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband MALKINSON Yitzak Nachum Hinda Farmer on a big farm Shkud 50 Shkud, end July 1941
Wife MALKINSON/ ELIA-SHEV, ZELIKOVICH Sarah Yitzak Mara Housewife Shkud 45 Alka Hill
Son MALKINSON Nachum Yitzak Sarah Student Shkud 1931 Alka Hill
Son MALKINSON Shloime Yitzak Sarah Student Shkud 1931 Alka Hill
Son of Sarah ZELIKOVICH Leib Nata Yosef (drowned during a flood) Sarah Student Shkud 19 Shkud
* * *
Husband MATUSEVICH, DOCTOR Dentist Returned from Israel in the 1930s because of malaria there 50 Shkud
Wife MATUSEVICH Housewife Shkud 40 Alka Hill
Daughter MATUSEVICH Shulamit Student (She was badly tortured in the Kretinga Prison.) “Beauty.” Shkud, Kretinga 16 Kretinga, 1941, Jewish Cemetery
* * *
MINES Etl Seamstress Shkud 60 Alka Hill
MINES Mayer Shkud Shkud
* * *
Husband MINES Elchanon Grain merchant Shkud 60 Shkud, July 1941
Wife MINES Ester Eta Housewife Shkud 53 Alka Hill
Daughter MINES Leah Elchanon Ester Shkud 27 Alka Hill
Son MINES Leizer Elchanon Ester Shkud 25 Shkud

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Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Son MINES Yitzak Leib Elchanon Ester [31] Shkud 21 Shkud
* * *
Husband MIRKES Yosef Farmer Shkud 70 Shkud
Wife MIRKES Ita Housewife Shkud 65 Alka Hill
Daughter MIRKES Yosef Ita Shkud 35 Alka Hill
Son MIRKES David Yosef Ita Shkud 33 Shkud
Son MIRKES Aharon Yosef Ita Shkud 31 Shkud
* * *
Husband MINES Yosef Shoe factory Shkud 65 Shkud, July 1941
Wife MINES/ GLAZER Roda Bakery Shkud 58 Alka Hill
Daughter MINES Rachel[32] Yosef Roda Shkud 30 Alka Hill
Daughter MINES Tova Yosef Roda Shkud 1916 Alka Hill
* * *
Married son MINES Michal Yosef Roda Shoe factory of family Shkud 32 Shkud
Wife MINES/ GLAGO Braina Netanel Sarah Housewife Shkud 27 Alka Hill
Daughter MINES Ita Michel Braina Shkud 4 Alka Hill
* * *
Mother MENDELSON Feiga Housewife Shkud 75 Alka Hill
Son MENDELSON Yehuda Feiga Ice cream Shkud 40 Shkud
Divorced daughter MENDELSON/ LUTVAK Mari Feiga Shkud 35 Alka Hill
* * *
MINTRISKI Braina Dyeing and knitting socks Shkud 75 Alka Hill
* * *
Widower MILNER Shabbatai Grocery store in partnership Shkud 55 Panevėžys
Daughter MILNER Sheyna Housewife Shkud, Panevėžys 22 Panevėžys
Husband of Sheyna Yeshiva student & teacher Panevėžys Panevėžys
* * *
Husband MER Shloime Merchant Shkud 63 Shkud
Wife MER Ita-Tsira Housewife Shkud 60 Alka Hill
Husband MER Yakov Shloime Ita-Tsira In merchandise Shkud 35 Shkud, July 1941
Wife MER/ TSIMBLER Basya housewife Shkud 32 Alka Hill
Daughter MER Eta Yakov Basya Student Shkud 1930 Alka Hill
Daughter MER Teya Yakov Basya Student Shkud 1933 Alka Hill
Daughter MER Leiba Yakov Basya Student Shkud 1933 Alka Hill
Son MER Leib Yakov Basya Student Shkud 1933 Alka Hill
* * *
Daughter MER/ Married to David[33] Rivka Shloime Ita-Tsira Housewife (4 children) Shkud 33 Alka Hill
* * *
MALKIN Moshe And family Shkud Shkud
* * *
MARGOLIS Rachel Shkud Alka Hill
* * *
Husband NATANSON Avraham Ester Electrician Shkud 32 Shkud, July 1941
Wife NATANSON/ GLAGO Sarah Excellent seamstress Shkud 30 Alka Hill
Son NATANSON Avraham Sarah Student Shkud 8 Alka Hill
Daughter NATANSON Avraham Sarah Student Shkud 6 Alka Hill
Daughter NATANSON Avraham Sarah Shkud 4 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband NEIMAN Faivl Artist, merchant, drama director Shkud 40 Shkud
Wife NEIMAN/ BERKOVICH Riva Housewife Shkud 30 Alka Hill

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Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Son NEIMAN Yoel Faivl Riva Student Shkud 1935 Alka Hill
Son NEIMAN Lipman Faivl Riva Student Shkud 1938 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband NAMKIND Oizer Big bakery Shkud 37 Shkud, July 1941
Wife NAMKIND/ PRES Leah Bara-Zusa In Bara-Zusa's bakery (the town's cholent for Shabbes); housewife Shkud 35 Alka Hill
Daughter NAMKIND Oizer Leah Student Shkud 12 Alka Hill
Daughter NAMKIND Oizer Leah Student Shkud 10 Alka Hill
Son NAMKIND Bara-Zusa Oizer Leah Student Shkud 1932 Alka Hill
Sister of Leah PRES Mina Bara-Zusa In the bakery Shkud 33 Alka Hill
* * *
Mother NISENS Chaya Shkud Alka Hill
Son NISENS Chaya Shkud Shkud
Son NISENS Chaya Shkud Shkud
* * *
Husband NOTELOVICH Ber Without children The man who calls people “In shul arein!” Berka the “shul-caller.” Shkud 55 Shkud, July 1941
Wife NOTELOVICH Henya Housewife Shkud 50 Alka Hill, 15-16 August 1941
* * *
Husband SABEL Nechemya Grain merchant Shkud 70 Shkud
Wife SABEL Sarah Gita Housewife Shkud 65 Alka Hill
Son SABEL Natanya Nechemya Sarah Gita Shkud 25 Shkud
* * *

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Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Husband SEGAL Moshe Berl Grocery store Shkud 65 Shkud
Wife SEGAL Ella In the grocery store Shkud 63 Alka Hill, 1941
* * *
Daughter SEGAL Ita Moshe Ella Housewife Shkud 30 Alytus
Husband HUSBAND OF ITA Alytus Alytus
Daughter Ita Alytus 5 Alytus
* * *
Husband SEGAL Binyamin Moshe Ella Shkud, Kretinga 32 Kretinga
Wife SEGAL Housewife Kretinga 28 Kretinga
Daughter SEGAL Bella Binyamin Kretinga 5 Kretinga
Son SEGAL Binyamin Kretinga 3 Kretinga
* * *
Husband SEGAL Yakov Hostel in the Burial Society Shkud 70 Shkud, July 1941
Wife SEGAL/ FRIDMAN Batsheva Housewife and in the hostel Shkud 65 Alka Hill
Daughter SEGAL Rosa Yakov Batsheva Shkud, Paris 32 Paris, France
Daughter SEGAL Fruma Yakov Batsheva Shkud 30 Alka Hill
Son SEGAL Yakov Batsheva Merchant Shkud 28 Shkud
Son SEGAL Avraham Yakov Batsheva Shkud 1916 Shkud
Daughter SEGAL Dora Yakov Batsheva Shkud 1915 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband SEGAL Efraim Berl Shkud's public transportation; the diligence and the only bus Shkud 55 Shkud, July 1941
Wife SEGAL/ CHAZEN Ida Housewife Shkud 40 Alka Hill
Daughter SEGAL Osnat Efraim Ida Student Shkud 16 Alka Hill
Daughter SEGAL Dvora Efraim Ida Student Shkud 1934 Alka Hill
Daughter SEGAL Chana Efraim Ida Student Shkud 14 Alka Hill
* * *

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Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Widow SEGAL Gita Leah Housewife Shkud 65 Alka Hill
Son SEGAL Mendl Gita Leah Grain merchant Shkud 38 Shkud, July
Son SEGAL Faivl Gita Leah Grain merchant Shkud 36 Shkud
Son SEGAL Leizer Gita Leah Grain merchant Shkud 34 Shkud
Daughter SEGAL Gita Leah Mentally retarded Shkud 42 Alka Hill
Daughter SEGAL Gita Leah Mentally retarded Shkud 40 Alka Hill
Daughter SEGAL Rosa Gita Leah Hatmaker Shkud 32 Alka Hill
Daughter SEGAL Henya Gita Leah Hatmaker Shkud 28 Alka Hill
Daughter SEGAL Mina Gita Leah Shkud 25 Alka Hill
* * *
SOLOVEICHIK Pavel Lawyer Shkud 40 Shkud
* * *
Widow STIRES Housewife Shkud 62 Alka Hill
Son STIRES Shkud 29 Shkud
* * *
Son STIRES Yokl With his family Carter Shkud 32 Shkud
Wife STIRES Necha Housewife Shkud 29 Alka Hill
Daughter STIRES Zelda Yokl Necha Shkud 1935 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband SKAIST Zundel Photographer of Shkud Shkud 38 Shkud, July 1941
Wife SKAIST/ KOHEN Mara Yisroel Housewife Shkud 32 Alka Hill
Son SKAIST Zundel Mara Student Shkud 1933 Alka Hill
Daughter SKAIST Sheyna Zundel Mara Student Shkud 1936 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband EVER Izak Leib Butcher Shkud 66 Shkud, July 1941
Wife EVER/ SIMON Chana Housewife Shkud 63 Alka Hill
Daughter EVER Feiga Izak Leib Chana Shkud 1910 Alka Hill
Daughter EVER Sarah Izak Leib Chana Shkud 1912 Alka Hill
* * *

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Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Husband EVER Yosef Izak Leib Braina Butcher Shkud 35 Shkud
Wife EVER/ FISHER Sarah Chaya Excellent dressmaker Shkud 30 Alka Hill
Daughter EVER Yosef Sarah Born retarded Shkud 2 Alka Hill
* * *
Son of Izak EVER Moshe Isak Leib and family Braina Butcher Shkud 28 Shkud
Son EVER Shloime Isak Leib Braina Butcher Shkud 29 Shkud
* * *
Husband FAIVUS Yosef Yakov Chaya Merchant Mosedis, Shkud 43 Shkud
Wife FAIVUS/ GITKIND Mara Henya Housewife Mosedis, Shkud 36 Alka Hill
Son FAIVUS Yakov Yosef Mara Henya Student Shkud 1930 Alka Hill
Daughter FAIVUS Sheyna Yosef Mara Henya Shkud 1932 Alka Hill
* * *
Mother FISHER Chaya Housewife Shkud 70 Alka Hill
* * *
Son FISHER Hirsh Chaya Butcher Shkud 50 Shkud, July 1941
Wife FISHER/ SEGAL Rachel Berl Housewife Shkud 46 Alka Hill
Daughter FISHER Hinda Hirsh Rachel Student Shkud 1930 Alka Hill
Son FISHER Mendel Hirsh Rachel Student Shkud 1930 Alka Hill
Daughter FISHER Chana Hirsh Rachel Student Shkud 18 Alka Hill
Son FISHER Akiva Hirsh Rachel Student Shkud 15 Shkud, July
* * *
Son of Chaya FISHER Freidl Chaya Agricultural farm Shkud 45 Shkud, July
Wife FISHER Housewife; on the farm Shkud 32 Alka hill
Son FISHER Freidl Student Shkud 9 Alka Hill
* * *
Son of Chaya FISHER Yosef and his family Chaya and family Grain merchant Shkud 35 Shkud, July
* * *
Son of Chaya, widower FISHER Leizer Chaya Bakery Shkud 40 Shkud
* * *

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Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Widower FAKTOR Abba Golda Merchant; studying to become a rabbi Shkud 40 Shkud, July 1941
Son FAKTOR Leib Abba Student Shkud 17 Shkud
Grandmother FAKTOR Golda Housewife Shkud 65 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband FAKTOR Shloime Golda Shkud 60 Shkud
Wife FAKTOR Dina Kretinga, Shkud 50 Alka Hill
Sister of Shloime FAKTOR Golda Shkud 45 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband FAKTOR Avraham Ber Grocery store Shkud 60 Shkud
Wife FAKTOR/ SHAPIRO Perl Grocery store and housewife Shkud 55 Alka Hill
Son FAKTOR Yosef Avraham Ber Perl Studied at the pharmacy Shkud 1916 Shkud, 28 July 1941
Daughter FAKTOR Feiga Avraham Ber Perl Housewife Shkud, Skaudvile 1912 Skaudvile
Husband of Feiga Skaudvile Skaudvile
* * *
Mother FAKTOR Rachel Rivka Housewife Mosedis, Shkud, Sauliai Sauliai ghetto
Married son FAKTOR Mordechai Rachel Rivka Shoemaker Shkud, Sauliai 48 Sauliai ghetto
Wife FAKTOR/ SHTARKMAN Leah Shkud, Sauliai 45 Sauliai ghetto
Daughter FAKTOR Sarah Mordechai Leah Shkud, Sauliai 17 Sauliai ghetto
Son FAKTOR Shmuel Mordechai Leah Student Shkud, Sauliai 15 Sauliai ghetto
Son FAKTOR Moshe Mordechai Leah Student Shkud, Sauliai 12 Sauliai ghetto
Daughter FAKTOR Feigela Mordechai Leah Student Shkud, Sauliai 11 Sauliai ghetto, Stutthof

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Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Son FAKTOR Mayer Heynich Mordechai Leah Student Shkud, Sauliai 1935 Sauliai ghetto, children's aktion
Son FAKTOR Efraim Mordechai Leah Student Shkud, Sauliai 1931 Sauliai ghetto, children's aktion
* * *
Husband FAKTOR Yakov No children Shkud Shkud, July 1941
Wife FAKTOR No children Shkud Alka Hill
* * *
Widower PERL Ben Tsion Store Shkud 60 Shkud, July 1941
* * *
PRALGER Sheva Housewife Shkud 85 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband PRES Yosef Netanel Rachel Shkud 38 Shkud
Wife PRES Mina Housewife Shkud 32 Alka Hill
* * *
Mother PILMAYSTER Pesya Housewife Shkud 65 Alka Hill
Son PILMAYSTER Yitzak Moshe Pesya Watchmaker Shkud 28 Shkud
Granddaughter PILMAYSTER Chana David (son of Pesya and Moshe) Sarah Sauliai 2.5 Sauliai ghetto, children's aktion
* * *
Husband PUN Moshe Shimon Yosef Pesya Melamed.[34] Tiny store. Salantai, Shkud 1871 Shkud
Wife PUN/ CHATSKELS Miriam Mendl Housewife Shkud 55 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband PRES Netanel Hatmaker Shkud 70 Shkud, July 1941
Wife PRES Rachel Housewife Shkud 65 Alka Hill
Son PRES Chatzl Netanel Rachel Shkud 35 Shkud
Daughter PRES Michela Netanel Rachel With her family Shkud, Libau 30 Libau, Latvia
* * *

[Page 72]

Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Husband FRIDMAN Naftali Grain merchant Shkud 70 Shkud
Wife FRIDMAN/ CHIN Diba Housewife Shkud 63 Alka Hill
Daughter FRIDMAN Roda Naftali Sheyndl Shkud 1904 Shkud
Son FRIDMAN Naftali Sheyndl Shkud 28 Shkud
Son FRIDMAN Naftali Sheyndl Shkud 25 Shkud
* * *
Husband PELTS Netanel Men's tailor Shkud 55 Shkud, July 1941
Wife PELTS Pesya Housewife Shkud 48 Alka Hill
Daughter PELTS Hinda Netanel Pesya Shkud 23 Alka Hill 1941
Son PELTS David Netanel Pesya Shkud 21 Shkud, July
* * *
Husband FALK Ben Tsion Metal worker Shkud 50 Shkud, July
Wife FALK Sheyna Housewife Shkud 45 Alka Hill
Son FALK Moshe Ben Tsion Sheyna Metalworker Shkud 21 Shkud, July
Daughter FALK Taybele Ben Tsion Sheyna Helping in the house Shkud 19 Alka Hill
Daughter FALK Krayna Ben Tsion Sheyna Student Shkud 17 Alka Hill
Son FALK Ben Tsion Sheyna Student Shkud 15 Shkud
Son FALK Ben Tsion Sheyna Student Shkud 13 Shkud
* * *
Widow PINTE Etl Housewife Shkud 77 Alka Hill
* * *
Widow PRUS Matzo bakery Shkud 60 Alka Hill
Daughter PRUS Fruma Mordechai Bakery Shkud 20 Alka Hill
Daughter PRUS Bluma Mordechai Training in Panev&279;&382;ys Shkud, Panev&279;&382;ys 28 Panev&279;&382;ys, 1941
* * *

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Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Husband PORMOST Yitzak Shkud Shkud, July 1941
Wife PORMOST Rachel Shkud Alka Hill
Son PORMOST Yeshiahu Yitzak Rachel Student Shkud 1930 Alka Hill
* * *
Father FREIMAN Yisroel Merchant Papilenai,[35] Shkud 58 Shkud
Daughter FREIMAN Tsipora Yisroel Handicapped; in a wheelchair Papilenai 17 Papilenai, 1941
* * *
Husband FOGELMAN Netanel Yehuda Shkud 80 Shkud
Wife FOGELMAN Ema Housewife Shkud 75 Alka Hill
* * *
Son and husband FOGELMAN Ben Tsion Netanel Yehuda Ema Merchant Shkud, Riga 38 Riga, 1941
Wife FOGELMAN/ SEGAL Masha Yakov Bas-Sheva Housewife Shkud, Riga 30 Riga
* * *
Son and husband FOGELMAN Mordechai Netanel Yehuda Ema National Bank Shkud 35 Shkud, July 1941
Wife FOGELMAN/ TOV Liba Bendet Paulina Hatmaker, housewife Shkud 28 Alka Hill
* * *
Son and husband FOGELMAN Yeshiahu Netanel Yehuda Ema Button factory Shkud 30 Shkud
Wife FOGELMAN/ URDANG Lota Avraham Moshe Ida Housewife Shkud 20 Alka Hill
* * *
Daughter FOGELMAN Feiga Netanel Yehuda Ema Shkud 25 Alka Hill
Daughter FOGELMAN Naomi Netanel Yehuda Ema Shkud 22 Alka Hill
Son FOGLEMAN Yakov (Yankele) Netanel Yehuda Ema Ironware store Shkud 20 Shkud
Son FOGELMAN Shloime Yitzak Netanel Yehuda Ema Ironware store Shkud 23 Shkud
Son FOGELMAN Michal Netanel Yehuda Ema He was a hero, resisted the Germans Shkud 33 Shkud, Kulai, sand pits at Kulai I, 1941
* * *
Husband FOGELMAN, DOCTOR Yosef Fishl Hinda Family doctor; he limped Shkud 44 Kretinga; expelled with the women
Wife FOGELMAN/ URDANG Liuba Efraim BenTsion Helped Her husband; housewife Shkud 35 Alka Hill
Daughter FOGELMAN Fira Yosef Liuba Student Shkud 7 Alka Hill
Daughter FOGELMAN Naomi Yosef Liuba Shkud 4 Alka Hill
* * *

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Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Husband FOGELMAN Moshe Fishl Hinda Partner in the ironware store Shkud 35 Shkud, July 1941
Wife FOGELMAN/ CHIN Roda Chasya Housewife Shkud 27 Alka Hill
* * *
FOGELMAN Michal Fishl Hinda Chairman of “Ezra.” Established the National Bank and the pre-gymnasium Shkud. Exiled to Krasnoyarsk concentration camp in Siberia 50 Krasnoyarsk Soviet concentration camp in Siberia, 1943
* * *
PRALGOVER Leib And family Shkud Shkud
* * *
PRALGOVER David And family Shkud Shkud
* * *
Husband PRALGOVER Yitzak Butcher Shkud 65 Shkud, July 1941
Wife PRALGOVER/ ERDMAN Gita Fruma Housewife Ylakiai, Shkud 60 Alka Hill
Daughter PRALGOVER Pesya Yitzak Gita “Peppa the Mute.” Seamstress. Shkud 29 Alka Hill
Daughter PRALGOVER Feiga Yitzak Gita Seamstress Shkud 25 Alka Hill
* * *
Son and husband PRALGOVER Leib Yitzak Gita Sewing shoes Shkud 30 Shkud
Wife PRALGOVER/ TAITZ Ita Yehuda Chaya Seamstress; in advanced pregnancy Shkud 28 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband PRALGOVER Leib Butcher Shkud 45 Shkud
Wife PRALGOVER Sarah Housewife Shkud 40 Alka Hill
Son PRALGOVER Yerachmiel Leib Sarah Served in the army Shkud 21 Fell with the army
Daughter PRALGOVER Kraina Leib Sarah Student Shkud 18 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband PRALGOVER Yosef Butcher Shkud 60 Shkud, July 1941
Wife PRALGOVER Simcha Malka Housewife Shkud 56 Alka Hill

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Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Daughter PRALGOVER Sarah Yosef Simcha Malka Seamstress Shkud 1909; 32 Alka Hill
Daughter PRALGOVER Liba Yosef Simcha Malka Sales clerk Shkud 30 Alka Hill
Daughter PRALGOVER Sheyna Yosef Simcha Malka Seamstress Shkud 27 Alka Hill
Son PRALGOVER Sholem Yosef Simcha Malka Sewing shoes Shkud 22 Shkud
Daughter PRALGOVER Gila Yosef Simcha Malka In training in a kibbutz, Panev&279;&382;ys Shkud, Sauliai 24 Sauliai ghetto
* * *
Son and husband PRALGOVER Heshel Yosef Simcha Malka Butcher Shkud 35 Shkud
Wife PRALGOVER/ YANKOVSKI Sheva Housewife Shkud 32 Alka Hill
Son PRALGOVER Mayer Heshel Sheva Student Shkud 1934 Alka Hill
Daughter PRALGOVER Masha Heshel Sheva Student Shkud 1931 Alka Hill
* * *
Widow PRALGOVER Ita Bagel and black bread bakery Shkud 70 Alka Hill
Single daughter PRALGOVER Sarah Ita Bakery Shkud 40 Alka Hill
Single daughter PRALGOVER Feiga Ita Bakery Shkud 38 Alka Hill
* * *
Son and husband PRALGOVER Shloime Ita Butcher Shkud 45 Shkud
Wife PRALGOVER Sarah Childless Housewife Shkud 40 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband PRALGOVER Mordechai (Motl) Pina Peddler in the village; poor Mosedis, Shkud 65 Shkud
Wife PRALGOVER Mina Housewife Mosedis, Shkud 60 Alka Hill
Son PRALGOVER Hirsh Mordechai Mina Shoemaker; mute Mosedis, Shkud 28 Shkud
* * *
Husband FLEISCHER Marek Libau 39 Libau
Wife FLEISCHER/ AIZEN Henya Hirsh Pia Housewife Shkud, Libau 33 Libau, Latvia
Son FLEISCHER Simon Marek Henya Student Libau Libau
* * *

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Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Husband TSIMBLER Hirsh No children Sewing shoes; played soccer Shkud 40 Shkud, July 1941
Wife TSIMBLER/ GLAGO Doba No children Housewife Shkud 35 Alka Hill
* * *
Sister of Hirsh TSIMBLER Rivka Shkud, Latvia 34 Latvia 1941
* * *
TSIMBLER Tsipa And family Shkud 46 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband TSIZLING Hirsh Ben Tsion Leib Yentl Merchant Shkud 70 Shkud
Wife TSIZLING Menucha Berl Housewife Shkud 65 Alka Hill
* * *
Married son TSIZLING Binyamin Hirsh Menucha Watchmaker Shkud 38 Shkud
Wife TSIZLING/ PINTE Chana Etl Housewife Shkud 35 Alka Hill
Son TSIZLING Binyamin Chana Student Shkud 10 Alka Hill
Daughter TSIZLING Binyamin Chana Student Shkud 12 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband TSARINSKI Yitzak (Isak) Making boxes for shoes Libau, Shkud, Libau 45 Libau, Latvia
Wife TSARINSKI/ LONDON Masha Yitzak Mara-Leah Housewife Shkud, Libau 36 Libau, Latvia
Daughter TSARINSKI Frida Yitzak Masha Student Shkud, Libau 1933 Libau, Latvia
* * *
Husband KOLEKTOR Ruven Shoe factory Shkud 45 Shkud, July 1941
Wife KOLEKTOR/ MINES Ita Yosef Roda Housewife Shkud 35 Alka Hill
Daughter KOLEKTOR Yocheved Ruven Ita Shkud 1939 Alka Hill
* * *
Father KIRZNER Yechezkel Yakov Chaya Shkud 45 Shkud
Daughter KIRZNER Fruma Yechezkel Shkud 18 Alka Hill
* * *
KALMAN Leib And family Shkud Shkud
* * *

[Page 77]

Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
KALMAN Chaim And family Shkud Shkud
* * *
KEYLMAN Mayer And family Shkud Shkud, July 1941
* * *
Husband KVINT[36] [?] Yakov Shkud Shkud
Wife KVINT [?]/ REIF Shkud Concentration camp
* * *
Husband KRAVITZ Yehuda Shkud 45 Shkud
Wife KRAVITZ Housewife Shkud 43 Alka Hill
Son KRAVITZ Yakov Yehuda Shkud 20 Shkud
Daughter KRAVITZ Yehuda Shkud 18 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband KIRZNER Efraim Hatmaker Shkud 72 Shkud
Wife KIRZNER Housewife Shkud 68 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband KIRZNER Moshe Efraim Hatmaker Shkud 35 Shkud, July 1941
Wife KIRZNER/ SHPITS Leah Betsalel Chana Housewife Shkud 1909 Alka Hill
Daughter KIRZNER Sheyna Moshe Leah Student Shkud 1930 Alka Hill
Son KIRZNER Aharon Moshe Leah Student Shkud 10 Alka Hill
Daughter KIRZNER Ester Moshe Leah Student Shkud 1931 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband KLEYN Zusa Baker in a bakery Shkud 69 Shkud, July 1941
Wife KLEYN Ester Housewife Shkud 65 Alka Hill
Son KLEYN Zusa Ester Shkud, Paris 32 Paris, France
Daughter KLEYN Merl Zusa Ester Shkud, Paris 30 Paris, France

[Page 78]

Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Daughter KLEYN Sheyna Zusa Ester Shkud, Paris 27 Paris, France
Son KLEYN Zusa Ester Shkud 25 Shkud
Son KLEYN Zusa Ester Mentally ill Shkud 23 Shkud
Daughter KLEYN Zusa Ester Mentally ill Shkud 21 Alka Hill
* * *
KLEYN Chaim And family Shkud Shkud
* * *
Husband KLEYN Yakov Odd jobs. “Yanke the Hunchback” – tattletale Shkud 45 Shkud
Wife KLEYN Etl Shkud 40 Alka Hill
* * *
Widower KAPLANSKI Yakov Mordechai Grocery store. Preacher on Gemora in the synagogue. Shkud 65 Shkud, July 1941
Son KAPLANSKI Yehuda Yakov Mordechai Tova Shkud 28 Shkud
Daughter KAPLANSKI Chana Rivka Yakov Mordechai Tova Helping in the grocery store Shkud 22 Alka Hill
The aunt ZAKS Chana Sister of Tova Housewife Shkud 40 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband KAPLAN Moshe Aharon Shkud's cantor and ritual slaughterer Shkud 45 Shkud
Wife KAPLAN/ OBTSINSKI Rivka Housewife Shkud 42 Alka Hill
Daughter KAPLAN Chaya/ Hinda Moshe Aharon Student Shkud 18 Alka Hill
Daughter KAPLAN Liba Moshe Aharon Student Shkud 16 Alka Hill
Son KAPLAN Yakov Moshe Aharon Student Shkud 14 Alka Hill
Son KAPLAN Mayer Moshe Aharon Shkud 1935 Alka Hill
* * *
KAPLAN Tsvi And family Shkud Shkud, July 1941
* * *

[Page 79]

Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Father KOPELOVICH Leib Tanner Shkud 58 Shkud
Son KOPELOVICH Alter Leib Rachel Leah Fogelman In a factory Shkud 29 Shkud
Son KOPELOVICH Avraham Leib Rachel Leah In a factory Shkud 1919 Shkud
Son KOPELOVICH Yitzak Leib Rachel Leah Shkud 1916 Shkud
Daughter KOPELOVICH Alta Leib Rachel Leah Housewife Shkud 25 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband KASTILANSKI Yitzak Sock factory Shkud 1900 Shkud
Wife KASTILANSKI/ KOHEN Basya Chaim Kalman Tsipora Housewife Shkud 30 Alka Hill
Daughter KASTILANSKI Mina Yitzak Basya Student Shkud 1931 Alka Hill
Son KASTILANSKI Shimon Yitzak Basya Student Shkud 1934 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband KATSNELSON Max Libau, Vainode 41 Vainode, Latvia 1941
Wife KATSNELSON/ AIZEN Rosa Hirsh Pia Housewife Shkud, Vainode 35 Vainode
Daughter KATSNELSON Etya Max Rosa Student Vainode 8 Vainode
Daughter KATSNELSON Hinda Max rosa Student Vainode 6 Vainode
* * *
Husband KRUBELNIK Religious teacher Shkud 52 Shkud, July 1941
Wife KRUBELNIK/ FAKTOR Leah Housewife Shkud 48 Alka Hill
Son KRUBELNIK Leah Shkud 20 Shkud
* * *
Husband KORB Aharon Beggar in the towns of Lithuania Shkud 52 Shkud
Wife KORB/ KOHEN Feiga Housewife Shkud 50 Alka Hill
Daughter KORB Hinda Aharon Feiga Shkud 1914 Alka Hill
Daughter KORB Basya Aharon Feiga Shkud 24 Alka Hill
Son KORB Mayer Aharon Feiga Shkud 21 Shkud

[Page 80]

Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Daughter KORB Yusta Aharon Feiga Shkud 19 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband KORB Chatze Also a beggar in the towns of Lithuania Shkud 50 Shkud
Wife KORB/ MARKUT[?] Rachel Nachman Housewife Shkud 45 Alka Hill
Daughter KORB Rivka Chatze Rachel Served her family Shkud 17 Alka Hill
Daughter KORB Dvoira Chatze Rachel Student Shkud 1931 Alka Hill
Son KORB Yosef Chatze Rachel Student Shkud 14 Alka Hill
Son KORB Chatze Rachel Student Shkud 12 Alka Hill
Son KORB Chatze Rachel Student Shkud 10 Alka Hill
Son KORB Chatze Rachel Student Shkud 8 Alka Hill
* * *
Widow REIF Brocha Housewife Shkud 65 Alka Hill
Single daughter REIF Leah Akiva Leizer Brocha Shkud, Sauliai 23 Sauliai ghetto, Stutthof
Son REIF Tuvia Akiva Leizer Brocha Single Shkud 25 Shkud, July 1941
Son REIF Yitzak Akiva Leizer Brocha Single Shkud, Sauliai 1912 Sauliai ghetto
Daughter REIF Eta Akiva Leizer Brocha Unmarried Shkud, Sauliai 21 Sauliai ghetto, Stutthof
* * *
Son REIF Leib Akiva Leizer Brocha Shkud 27 Shkud
Wife REIF/ VAINER Rivka Shkud Alka Hill
Daughter REIF Mina Leib Rivka Shkud 1931 Alka Hill
* * *
Widow REIF Rachel Riva Housewife Shkud, Sauliai 74 Sauliai ghetto
Son REIF Avraham Yitzak Rachel Riva Shkud 50 Shkud, July 1941
Wife REIF/ KARNAZON Freida Mira Housewife Shkud 40 Alka Hill
Daughter REIF Tsvia Avraham Freida Student Sauliai 1935 Sauliai ghetto
Daughter REIF Rivka Abraham Freida Student Shkud 1935 Alka Hill
Granddaughter of Rachel Riva REIF Ita Eliahu Tzvia Sauliai 2 Sauliai ghetto children's aktions, 19
* * *

[Page 81]

Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Husband RACHKIND Shrage (Faivl) Butcher Shkud 48 Shkud
Wife RACHKIND Liba Housewife Darbenai, Shkud 45 Alka Hill
Daughter RACHKIND Tsvia Faivl Liba Studied to become a pharmacist Shkud 21 Alka Hill
Son RACHKIND Hirsh Faivl Liba Sewing shoes Shkud 18 Shkud
Daughter RACHKIND Feiga Faivl Liba Student Shkud 1932 Alka Hill
Son RACHKIND Gershon Faivl Liba Student Shkud 1933 Alka Hill
* * *
ROZENBERG Rachel And family Shkud Alka Hill
* * *
ROZEN Gita And family Shkud Alka Hill
* * *
REIZELMAN Ben Tsion And family Shkud Shkud, July 1941
* * *
REIZELMAN Avraham And family Shkud Shkud
* * *
Widow SHAF/ SHEYNDLING Rachel Housewife Shkud 70 Alka Hill
* * *
Widow SHAF/ LONDON (my mother and my dear sisters)[37] Leah Mayer Tsipa Housewife Mosedis, Shkud 43 Alka Hill
Daughter SHAF Gita Ber Leah Student Shkud 15 Alka Hill
Daughter SHAF Miriam Ber Leah Student Shkud 13 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband SLEZ Mordechai Sewing shoes Shkud 35 Shkud, July 1941
Wife SLEZ/ SHAF Liba Yosef Rachel Housewife Shkud 32 Alka Hill
Daughter SLEZ Chedva Mordechai Liba Shkud 1.5 Alka Hill
* * *
Widow SLEZ Housewife Shkud 66 Alka Hill
Son SLEZ Berl Sewing shoes Shkud 38 Shkud
Daughter SLEZ Mina Seamstress Shkud 36 Alka Hill
* * *

[Page 82]

Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Widower SLEZ Yakov Shkud 40 Shkud
Daughter SLEZ Reytsa Yakov Shkud 20 Alka Hill
Daughter SLEZ Chaya Yakov Student Shkud 16 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband SHEFKIND David Farmer Shkud 60 Shkud, July 1941
Wife SHEFKIND Reyza Housewife Shkud 52 Alka Hill
Married daughter SHEFKIND Rachel David Reyza Housewife Shkud, Panevėžys 21 Panevėžys
Her husband Yeshiva student Panevėžys Panevėžys
* * *
Husband SHEFKIND Avraham Lumber merchant Shkud 56 Shkud
Wife SHEFKIND Alta Housewife Shkud 52 Alka Hill
Son SHEFKIND Aharon Avraham Alta Lawyer Shkud 31 Shkud
Son SHEFKIND Shloime Avraham Alta Merchant Shkud, Kovne 29 Kovne ghetto
Daughter SHEFKIND Iti Avraham Alta Shkud, Libau 25 Libau, 1941
* * *
SHPILG Alta And family Shkud Alka Hill, August 1941
* * *
STIRES Binyamin And family Shkud Shkud
* * *
SHEFTS Alter Shkud Shkud
* * *

[Page 83]

Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Husband SHER Yosef Grain merchant Shkud 55 Shkud, July 1944
Wife SHER/ SEGAL Eta Housewife Shkud 48 Alka Hill
Daughter SHER Hinda Yosef Eta Shkud 1914 Alka Hill
Daughter SHER Chaya Yosef Eta Shkud 1915 Alka Hill
Daughter SHER Sarah Yosef Eta In training on a kibbutz Shkud 1916 Kėdainiai
Daughter SHER Tsipora Yosef Eta Selling in a store Shkud 20 Shkud
* * *
Husband SHEYNDLING Avraham Merchant Shkud 70 Shkud
Wife SHEYNDLING/ LANG Ella Housewife Shkud 68 Alka Hill
Daughter SHEYNDLING Ester Avraham Ella With her family 1916 A town in Lithuania
Son SHEYNDLING Yosef Avraham Ella Shkud 25 Shkud
Son SHEYNDLING Mayer Avraham Ella In shoes Shkud 22 Shkud
* * *
Widow SHEYNDLING Rosa Beinish[38] Gita[39] Housewife; rented rooms to teachers Shkud 75 At the start of the road to Dimitrava, Aug 17 1941
Married daughter SHEYNDLING Henya Rosa returned from Klai-peda with her family, 1939. Shkud, Klaipeda/ Memel 40 Alka Hill, 15-16 August 1941
* * *
Without family SHEYNDLING Yosef Yehuda Well-educated, shy, lived off help from abroad Shkud 65 Shkud, July 1941
* * *
SHEYNDLING Shloime Brothers Mentally ill Shkud 45 Shkud
SHEYNDLING Moshe Brothers Sold lottery tickets from house to house. Shy. Shkud 41 Shkud
* * *
Brother of Avraham. Without family SHEYNDLING Micha Shkud 65 Shkud
* * *

[Page 84]

Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Husband SHPITS Betsalel Gravedigger, small merchant, limped Shkud 60 Kretinga. Sent away with the women.
Wife SHPITS Chana Housewife Shkud 57 Alka Hill
Son SHPITS Zundel Betsalel Chana Shkud 1914 Shkud
* * *
Widower SHERESHEVSKI Aharon Merchant Shkud 75 Shkud
Single daughter SHERESHEVSKI Aharon Housewife; played the piano Shkud 38 Alka Hill
* * *

[Page 85]

Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Husband GRINKER Moshe Yitzak Grain merchant Shkud Shkud
Wife GRINKER/ SHEUPAK Dusya Housewife Shkud Alka Hill
Daughter GRINKER Sarah Dvora Moshe Yitzak Dusya Student Shkud 1931 Alka Hill
Son GRINKER Ora Leizer Moshe Yitzak Dusya Student Shkud 1935 Alka Hill
Daughter GRINKER Chana Freida Moshe Yitzak Dusya Shkud 1935 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband BEKER Chaim Shkud Shkud
Wife BEKER/ YELOVICH Basya Housewife Shkud Alka Hill
Daughter BEKER Menucha Reitza Chaim Basya Student Shkud 1930 Alka Hill
Daughter BEKER Feiga Leah Chaim Basya Student Shkud 1934 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband GRINKER Baruch Shkud Shkud
Wife GRINKER/ CHATSKEL Lina Leah Housewife Shkud Alka Hill
Daughter GRINKER Bluma Eta Baruch Leah Student Shkud 1932 Alka Hill
Son GRINKER Aharon Baruch Leah Student Shkud 1932 Alka Hill
Daughter GRINKER Chana Freida Baruch Leah Shkud 1935 Alka Hill
Daughter GRINKER Sarah Baruch Leah Shkud 1939 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband BLOCH Avraham Daniel Shkud Alka Hill
Wife BLOCH Dvora Housewife Shkud Alka Hill
Daughter BLOCH Dina Glika Avraham Daniel Dvora Shkud 1939 Alka Hill

[Page 86]

Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Husband HIRSHOVICH Shmuel Iser Shkud Shkud
Wife HIRSHOVICH/ REIF Chaya Housewife Shkud Alka Hill
Daughter HIRSHOVICH Freida Shmuel Iser Chaya Student Shkud 1934 Alka Hill
Daughter HIRSHOVICH Feiga Shmuel Iser Chaya Shkud 1935 Alka Hill
Son HIRSHOVICH Yitzak Shmuel Iser Chaya Shkud 1937 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband DOBERMAN Moshe Volf Shkud Shkud
Wife DOBERMAN/ Ita Housewife Shkud Alka Hill
Son DOBERMAN Nachum Iser Moshe Volf Ita Student Shkud 1930 Alka Hill
Son DOBERMAN Mayer Moshe Volf Ita Student Shkud 1932 Alka Hill
Son DOBERMAN Eli Meylech Moshe Volf Ita Student Shkud 1934 Alka Hill
Daughter DOBERMAN Freida Mina Moshe volf Ita Shkud 1935 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband VANDER Bentsel Ben Tsion Shkud Shkud
Wife VANDER/ YELOVICH Klara Housewife Shkud Alka Hill
Daughter VANDER Guta Zelta Bentsel Klara Student Shkud 1931 Alka Hill
Son VANDER Iser Bentsel Klara Student Shkud 1934 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband VELVELOVICH Beinish Shkud Shkud
Wife VELVELOVICH/ ROZENBERG Sarah Rivka Housewife Shkud Alka Hill
Daughter VELVELOVICH Sheyna Beinish Sarah Rivka Student Shkud 1930 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband YELOVICH Baruch Moshe Shkud Shkud
Wife YELOVICH/ BAKALOR Luba Housewife Shkud Alka Hill
Son YELOVICH Chaim Hirsh Baruch Moshe Luba Shkud 1931 Alka Hill
Daughter YELOVICH Chaya Hinda Baruch Moshe Luba Shkud 1934 Alka Hill
* * *

[Page 87]

Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Husband CHATSKEL Hirsh Shkud Shkud
Wife CHATSKEL/ YANKELOVICH Yenta Housewife Latvia, Shkud Alka Hill
Son CHATSKEL Yitzak Hirsh Yenta Shkud 1932 Alka Hill
Daughter CHATSKEL Chaya Sheyna Hirsh Yenta Shkud 1935 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband YANKELOVICH Aba Volf Shkud Shkud
Wife YANKELOVICH/ MONIVLISKI Chana Housewife Shkud Alka Hill
Daughter YANKELOVICH Ita Aba Volf Chana Student Shkud 1933 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband YANKELOVICH Alter Shkud Shkud
Wife YANKELOVICH/ PILMAYSTER Sarah Rivka Housewife Shkud Alka Hill
Son YANKELOVICH Hirsh Leib Alter Sarah Rivka Student Shkud 1933 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband YANKELOVICH Markus Mayer Shkud Shkud
Wife YANKELOVICH/ YOSELOVICH Sheyna Housewife Shkud Alka Hill
Son YANKELOVICH Shloime Markus Mayer Sheyna Student Shkud 1931 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband KAGAN Markus Shkud Shkud
Wife KAGAN/ LEIBOVICH Sheyna Zipa Housewife Shkud Alka Hill
Son KAGAN Hirsh Markus Sheyna Zipa Student Shkud 1934 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband CHAIT Michal Shkud Shkud
Wife CHAIT/ SHERESHEVSKI Sarah Housewife Shkud Alka Hill
Daughter CHAIT Chana Gita Michal Sarah Shkud 1935 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband YUDELMAN David Mayer Shkud Shkud
Wife YUDELMAN/ KLOTZ Leah Housewife Shkud Alka Hill
Daughter YUDELMAN Shulamis David Mayer Leah Student Shkud 1932 Alka Hill
Son YUDELMAN Rafael David Mayer Leah Shkud 1935 Alka Hill
* * *

[Page 88]

Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Husband SABEL Yosef Leib Sheet metal worker [or tinsmith] Shkud 55 Shkud
Wife SABEL/ DORFMAN Mara Shkud 45 Alka Hill
Son SABEL Zundel Sabel[40] Mara Student Shkud 1931 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband MER Nisim Shkud Shkud
Wife MER/ CHAYF Krayna Housewife Shkud Alka Hill
Daughter MER Yehudit Nisim Krayna Shkud 1935 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband LEVI Shmuel Yakov Shkud Shkud
Wife LEVI/ SHMUK Mara Zisa Housewife Shkud Alka Hill
Daughter LEVI Nechama Shmuel Yakov Mara Zisa Student Shkud 1934 Alka Hill
Daughter LEVI Beyla Shmuel Yakov Mara Zisa Shkud 1937 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband LEVIN Yosef Yehuda Sarah Rivka Shkud 39 Shkud
Wife LEVIN/ FRIDMAN Sheyna Shkud 35 Alka Hill
Daughter LEVIN China Yosef Sheyna Shkud 1933 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband FISHER Chona Chanan Shkud Shkud
Wife FISHER/ HOREVICH Mina Housewife Shkud Alka Hill
Daughter FISHER Eta Yochana Chona Chanan Mina Student Shkud 1930 Alka Hill
Daughter FISHER Basya Chona Chanan Mina Student Shkud 1935 Alka Hill
Son FISHER Yakov Yehuda Chona Chanan Mina Student Shkud 1932 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband SMOLENSKI Pinchus Family with many children Gabbai (treasurer) of the Old Synagogue Shkud Shkud
Wife SMOLENSKI/ BERNSTEIN Chaya Housewife Shkud Alka Hill
Daughter SMOLENSKI Chana Pesya Pinchus Chaya Pesya Student Shkud 1931 Alka Hill
Daughter SMOLENSKI Rachel Pinchus Chaya Pesya Student Shkud 1931 Alka Hill
* * *

[Page 90]

Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Husband SHLOMOVICH Tuvia Shkud Shkud, July 1941
Wife SHLOMOVICH/ ESTERMAN Sarah Rivka Housewife Shkud Alka Hill
Son SHLOMOVICH Shloime Mayer Tuvia Sarah Rivka 1935 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband SHER David Ruven Shkud Shkud
Wife SHER/ MER Sarah Rivka Housewife Shkud Alka Hill
Son SHER Yakov David Ruven Sarah Rivka Student Shkud 1931 Alka Hill
Son SHER Yidl David Ruven Sarah Rivka Student Shkud 1930 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband RABINOVICH Pinchus Shkud Shkud
Wife RABINOVICH/ LEDERMAN Zasa Housewife Shkud Alka Hill
Son RABINOVICH Rafael Pinchus Zasa Shkud 1939 Alka Hill


    + .
  1. Added by Aviva Tirosh: “Reiza” Return
  2. Added by Aviva Tirosh: “Masha … born to Yakov and Yehudit.” Return
  3. Aviva Tirosh has added: “Worker” Return
  4. Aviva Tirosh has added: “Married to Shraga Margolis; see p. 65” Return
  5. The Hebrew word (daled, vov, daled) could also mean “uncle” Return
  6. Could mean “learned, well-educated” or, alternatively, one who teaches small children in a religious school. Or, of course, both Return
  7. Or possibly Papile Return
  8. Could be Kvint, Koint, Kovint, or a similar variation Return
  9. Note by Hana Shaf-Brener, the compiler of this book Return
  10. Added by Aviva Tirosh Return
  11. Added by Aviva Tirosh Return
  12. Should be Yosef Lieb? Return

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
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Updated 3 Oct 2011 by LA