Testimony on the Murder
of the Jews of Shkud, Lithuania
(Skuodas, Lithuania)
56°16' / 21°32'
Translation of
Ha-Edut al ha-retsah Yehude Shekod shebi-Lita
Editor: Hana Brener, Haifa 2001
Project Coordinator
Rachel Mines
Our sincere appreciation to Hana Brener, Israel,
for permission to put this material on the JewishGen web site.
We wish to thank Aviva Tirosh for coordinating this project at its beginning
and for being the driving force behind seeing this project go online.
This is a translation of: Ha-Edut al ha-retsah Yehude Shekod shebi-Lita
(Testimony on the murder of the Jews of Shkud, Lithuania),
Collated, translated & edited: Hana Brener, Haifa 2001
This material is made available by JewishGen, Inc.
and the Yizkor Book Project for the purpose of
fulfilling our
mission of disseminating information about the Holocaust and
destroyed Jewish communities.
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Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.

Testimony on the murder of the Jews of Shkud, Lithuania |
1 |
Events in Shkud during the week before the start of the war |
8 |
With the Eruption of the War |
9 |
The Driving Out of the Women and Children |
11 |
Dimitravas and Alka Hill |
12 |
Words of the Certificates |
14 |
The Funeral of the Bones in Shkud |
15 |
The Destruction of the Jewish Cemetery of Shkud, ZL |
17 |
This is a holy memorial to those who fell on the Russian Front among the partisans |
18 |
An addition to eyewitness accounts of the Holocaust of the Jews of Shkud |
19 |
Witnesses who are alive, accusing the murderers (from the newspaper Tiesa) |
21 |
The Road of Torment |
23 |
Names of the killing places of the murdered |
26 |
Witnesses in the Klaipeda trial |
29 |
About a False Witness |
31 |
Names and Details of Jewish Shkud Citizens Killed 1941-1945 |
32 |
News articles |
Gathering for Commemoration of Victims of Fascism |
Musu Zodis, 22 June 1963 |
106 |
Gathering to Commemorate Victims of Fascism |
Name, date, author unknown |
107 |
No One Is Forgotten: Where A Silent Forest Sighs |
Musu Zodis, Nov 17,1966 |
108 |
Trial Process of Fascist Murderers in Klaipeda |
Name, date, author unknown |
109 |
Article by V. Miniotas and S. Laurinaitis |
Name of publication, title of article, date unknown |
109 |
Appendix |
Yizkor Book Project
JewishGen Home Page
Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field zl
Contact person for this translation Rachel Mines
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld
Copyright © 1999-2025 by JewishGen, Inc.
Updated 8 Feb 2012 by MGH
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visits to this page since 14 Sep 2011