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[Page 32]

Names and Details of Jewish Shkud Citizens Killed 1941-1945

Translated by Haya Newman and Rachel Mines

Edited by Rachel Mines

Funding provided by Langara College, Vancouver Canada


Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Husband URDANG Efraim Ben-Tsion Merchant. Estabished the Shkud Jewish National Bank Shkud 60 Shkud
Wife URDANG Rachel Leah Housewife Shkud 56 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband URDANG Avraham Moshe Merchant; large grocery store Shkud 50 Shkud
Wife URDANG/ SHALMANES Ida Teacher and housewife Shkud 48 Alka Hill
Son URDANG Chaim Avraham Moshe Ida Student Shkud 22 Shkud
Son URDANG Yashe Avraham Moshe Ida Student Shkud 16 Shkud
* * *
Husband URDANG Berl Hotel keeper and owner of cable factory Shkud 60 Shkud. End June-beg. July, 1941
Wife URDANG Klara Housewife and hotel keeper Shkud 55 Alka Hill
Son URDANG Uma Abraham Berl Klara Shkud 30 Shkud
* * *
Husband AXELROD Gershon Fabric shop Shkud 60 Shkud
Wife AXELROD Chana Rachel Housewife, fabric shop Shkud 60 Alka Hill
Married daughter AXELROD/ Her husband Rosa Gershon Chana Rachel. And family Housewife Shkud 25 A town in Lithuania
* * *
Husband OLSHVANG Yehuda Grocery store Shkud 70 Shkud
Wife OLSHVANG Rosa Housewife and grocery store Shkud 68 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband EPSHTEIN Leizer-Ber Without children Fabric shop Shkud 60 Shkud
Wife EPSHTEIN Yehudit Without children Housewife and fabric shop Shkud 58 Side of the road 17.07.41
* * *
Husband AIZEN Hirsh Blacksmith and shop Shkud 60 Shkud. End June-mid July
Wife AIZEN/ SEGAL Pia Housewife Shkud 55 Aka Hill
Son AIZEN Lipa Hirsh Pia Shkud 20 Shkud
* * *

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Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Husband AIZIK Leib Butcher Shkud 65 Shkud
Wife AIZIK Housewife Shkud 62 Alka Hill
Son AIZIK Yosef Lieb And family Butcher; soccer player Shkud 38 Shkud
Son AIZIK Mika Leib And family Butcher Shkud 35
* * *
Husband IVEL Aharon Gita Shkud, Sauliai 28 Sauliai Ghetto
Wife IVEL Housewife Sauliai Sauliai Ghetto
Son IVEL Yisroel Shrulik Aharon Brave boy in the Children’s Aktion in the Sauliai Ghetto Sauliai 3 Sauliai Ghetto Children’s Aktion. He escaped and the Germans shot him in the leg.
* * *
Husband EINBINDER Moshe Merchant Shkud 60 Shkud. End June-mid July, 1941
Wife EINBINDER/ GORDON Rivka Housewife Shkud 56 Alka Hill
Son EINBINDER Shloime Moshe Rivka Shkud 1917 Shkud
Son EINBINDER Rafael Moshe Rivka And family Shkud 34 Shkud
Daughter EINBINDER Alte Moshe Rivka Shkud 30 Alka Hill
Son EINBINDER Hertsl Moshe Rivka Shkud 28 Shkud
* * *
Son EINBINDER Chaim Moshe Rivka Merchant Shkud 36 Shkud
Wife of Chaim EINBINDER/ BASKIND Sheyna Ruva Reize Housewife Shkud 30 Alka Hill
Daughter EINBINDER Ita Chaim Sheina Student Shkud 10 Alka Hill
Daughter EINBINDER Sarah Chaim Sheina Student Shkud 8 Alka Hill
* * *
Widow EINBINDER Pera Chicken-plucker Shkud 60 Alka Hill
Son EINBINDER Tuvia Pera Shkud, Kovne 30 Kovne Ghetto, Dachau I concentration camp

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Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Widower ABRAMOVICH Gedalya Shoe factory Shkud, Kovne 85 Kovne Ghetto
Son ABRAMOVICH Ben Tsion Shoe factory Shkud, Kovne 60 Kovne Ghetto
Wife ABRAMOVICH Feiga Housewife Shkud, Kovne 58 Kovne Ghetto
Daughter ABRAMOVICH Chaya Ben Tsion Feiga Shkud, Kovne 30 Kovne Ghetto
* * *
Widow ABRAMOVICH Gita Bakery Shkud 48 Alka Hill
* * *
ESTERMAN Elka And family Seamstress Shkud 39 Alka Hill
* * *
Widow IVEL Chana Ita Housewife Shkud 70 Alka Hill
Daughter IVEL Sarah Rivka Chana Ita Bakery – black bread and bagels Shkud 40 Alka Hill
Daughter IVEL Mara Rivka Chana Ita Bakery Shkud 38 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband ESTERMAN Chane Elchanon Butcher Shkud 45 Shkud, end June-beg. July, 1941
Wife ESTERMAN/ NISSEN Basya Housewife Shkud 42 Alka Hill
Son ESTERMAN Moshe Chane Basya Student Shkud 17 Shkud
Daughter ESTERMAN Chane Basya Student Shkud 15 Alka Hill
Son ESTERMAN Baruch Chane Basya Student Shkud 1930 Alka Hill
Daughter ESTERMAN Chane Basya Student Shkud 12 Alka Hill
Son ESTERMAN Yoel Chane Basya Student Shkud 1932 Alka Hill
* * *
Widow IVEL Gita Merchant and matzo-baker Mosedis, Shkud 55 Alka Hill
Son IVEL Yitzak Gita Merchant’s assistant Shkud 30 Shkud
Son IVEL Nachum Gita Merchant Shkud 26 Shkud

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Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Daughter IVEL Gita Bakery Shkud 24 Alka Hill
Son IVEL Chaim Gita Bakery Shkud 20 Shkud
* * *
Widow ELKIND Elka Sews underwear Shkud 55 Alka Hill
Son ELKIND Chaim Chaim Elka Shoemaker - uppers Shkud 20 Fell at the front with the Soviet Army 1943
* * *
Husband BLOCH Henoch Manager of the National Jewish Bank in Shkud. Public figure. Shkud 65 Shkud, beg. July 1941
Wife BLOCH Sheva w/o children Housewife Shkud 60 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband BUNIS Zundel Grain merchant Shkud 70 Shkud
Wife BUNIS/ BLOCH Dvora Housewife Shkud 65 Alka Hill
Son BUNIS Avraham Zundel Dvora Shoe factory Shkud 30 Shkud
Daughter BUNIS Rachel Zundel Dvora Shkud 1921 Alka Hill
Son BUNIS Gershon Zundel Dvora Shoe factory Shkud 24 Shkud
Son BUNIS Shachne Zundel Dvora Shoe factory Shkud 32 Shkud
* * *
Husband BINDER Yakov Moshe Fabric shop Shkud 60 Shkud, beg. June-July 1941
Wife BINDER Tsipora Housewife Shkud 56 Alka Hill
Son BINDER Sholem Yakov Moshe Tsipora Student Shkud 30 Shkud
* * *

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Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Husband BASKIND Moshe Moshe Haberdashery shop 60 Shkud
Wife BASKIND Sarah Housewife Shkud 55 Alka Hill
Daughter BASKIND Sheyna Moshe Sarah Public figure Shkud 30 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband BASKIND Leib Clothing store and Burial Society Shkud 70 Shkud
Wife BASKIND Housewife Shkud 64 Alka Hill
Daughter BASKIND Leib Shkud 28 Alka Hill
Daughter BASKIND Leib Shkud 25 Alka Hill
* * *
Widow BALKIND/ SHTEYNMAN Pesya Yakov Sarah Excellent sewer of coats Shkud 1822[1] Alka Hill August 1941
Son BALKIND Leib Shmuel Pesya Shoe stitcher Shkud 18 Shkud: killing of 28.06.41
Son BALKIND Leyzer Shmuel Pesya Student Shkud 16 Shkud: by the train tracks, 1941
Grandmother BALKIND Rivka Mother of Shmuel Housewife Shkud 70 Alka Hill
* * *
Widow BUB Chasya Tsipe Pub keeper Shkud 60 Alka Hill
Son BUB Leizer Chasya Tsipe Shoe stitcher Shkud 38 Shkud
Daughter BUB Rachel Chasya Tsipe Shkud 30 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband BARKMAN Leib Haberdashery shop Shkud 50 Shkud
Wife BARKMAN Tsipe Shop: “Tsipe Naz” Shkud 45 Alka Hill
Daughter BARKMAN Rachel Leib Tsipe Shkud 20 Alka Hill
Son BARKMAN Chune Leib Tsipe Shkud 24 Shkud
Son BARKMAN David Leib Tsipe Shkud 26 Shkud
* * *

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Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Husband BASKIND Yehuda And family Shkud Shkud, July 1941
* * *
BRINDER Moshe And family Shkud Shkud
* * *
Husband BERNSTEIN Tobias Itzik[2] Rachel[3] Shoe factory Shkud 60 Shkud
Wife BERNSTEIN/ LEKUS[4] Jenny Housewife[5] Shkud 55 Alka Hill
Son BERNSTEIN Eli/ Eliyahu Tobias Jenny Studied music Shkud 18 Shkud
Son BERNSTEIN Mani/ Tobias Jenny Student Shkud 16 Shkud
Daughter BERNSTEIN Miriam Tobias Jenny Student at Univeristy of Vilna Shkud, Vilna 20 Partisan. Fell in battle, 1943
* * *
SISTER OF JENNY BERNSTEIN Henya In 1939, after the Germans conquered Memel, they [Henya, Her husband, their son] came to live in Shkud with Henya’s sister, Jenny Bernstein Klaipeda, Shkud 40 Alka Hill
Her husband Klaipeda, Shkud Shkud
Son YOHANON Henya Student Klaipeda, Shkud 6 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband BLOCH Notl Fabric shop Shkud 62 Shkud, end June-mid July
Wife BLOCH/ KOPELOVICH Rivka Housewife and in the shop Shkud 50 Alka Hill, 15-16 August, 1941
Son BLOCH Abba Notl Rivka Studies Shkud, Vilna 1916 Vilna Ghetto
* * *
Widow BASKIND/ BEKER Riva Reyza Restaurant Shkud 55 Alka Hill
Son BASKIND Yosef Yitzak Riva Reyza Merchant Shkud 30 Shkud
Daughter BASKIND Ita Yitzak Riva Reyza Shkud 27 Alka Hill
Daughter BASKIND Menukha Yitzak Riva Reyza Seamstress Shkud 25 Alka Hill
* * *

[Page 38]

Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Husband BERMAN Yehuda Expert in sewing shoes Slonim, Poland; Shkud; Kretinga 55 Barshtitz, 1941
Wife BERMAN/ FRITSL Basya Yitzak Gita Housewife Barshtitz, Shkud, Kretinga 32 Barshtitz
Daughter BERMAN Yehuda Basya Kretinga 3 months Barshtitz
* * *
Widower BAS Moshe Shkud 80 Shkud
Son BAS David Moshe Shkud 35 Shkud, to mid-July 1941
Daughter BAS Tcharne Moshe Housewife Shkud 32 Alka Hill
Daughter BAS Moshe Shkud 30 Alka Hill
* * *
And his family BRAUDE Shimen Moshe Baruch Rachel And his family Shkud 1909 Shkud
* * *
BLOCH Sarah Sister of Mayer Hanek Housewife Darbenai, Shkud Alka Hill
* * *
And his family BOD Mayer Store Shkud Shkud
* * *
Husband BLOCH Shloime Grain merchant Shkud 51; 1890 Shkud
Wife BLOCH/ SLEZING Liba Sholem Feiga Housewife Zhidik, Shkud 39; 1902 Alka Hill
Son BLOCH Chaim Shloime Liba Shkud 1931 Shkud
Daughter BLOCH Gita Shloime Liba Shkud 1935 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband BLECHER Ben Tsion David Yisroel Gita Merchant[6] Shkud 50 Shkud, to mid-July 1941
Wife BLECHER/ VOLOCH Nechama Sender Housewife Rivne, Shkud 48 Alka Hill
Daughter BLECHER Leah David Nechama Shkud 1922 Alka Hill
Son BLECHER Yosef David Nechama Student Shkud 15 Alka Hill
Son BLECHER Tuvia David Nechama Student Shkud 13[7] Alka Hill
Son BLECHER Tsadik David Nechama Student Shkud 11 Alka Hill
* * *

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Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Husband BECKER Shmuel Shkud Shkud
Wife BECKER/ METSIK [?] Chana Shkud Alka Hill
Daughter BECKER Tsila Shmuel Chana Shkud 1940 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband BLECHER Alter Yisroel Merchant Shkud 65 Shkud, to mid-July 1941
Wife BLECHER Sarah Leah 11 children Housewife Shkud 53 Alka Hill, 15-16 Aug. 1941
Son BLECHER David Alter Sarah Leah Sewing shoes Shkud 32 Shkud
Son BLECHER Leib Alter Sarah Leah Sewing shoes Shkud 28 Shkud
Son BLECHER Zelig Alter Sarah Leah Sewing shoes Shkud 20 Shkud
Daughter BLECHER Rivka Alter Sarah Leah Shkud 18 Alka Hill
Daughter BLECHER Chana Alter Sarah Leah Student Shkud 16 Alka Hill
Daughter BLECHER Alter Sarah Leah Student Shkud 14 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband GALANT Chaim Grain merchant Shkud 44 Shkud
Wife GALANT Tsvia Housewife Shkud 40 Alka Hill
* * *
Widow GURVICH Ela Seamstress Shkud 65 Alka Hill
Daughter GURVICH Tsvia Ela Shkud 1922 Alka Hill
Son GURVICH Leib Ela Shkud 1918 Shkud
Son GURVICH Avraham Ela Shkud 1920 Shkud
* * *
GRINBLAT Zelda Shkud 1917[8] Alka Hill
* * *

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Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
GRINSHPAN Volf Shkud Shkud 1941
* * *
Daughter GRIN Rachel Yisroel Shkud Alka Hill
Father GRIN Yisroel Shkud Shkud
* * *
GARBER Yakov And family Tanner Shkud Shkud
* * *
GLIKMAN Sholem And family Shkud Shkud
* * *
Husband GILDER Hirsh Motl Mordechai Shoe factory and store Shkud 51 Shkud beg. July, 1941
Wife GILDER/ REIF Eta Shoe store and housewife Shkud 45 Dimitravas, Alka Hill
Daughter GILDER Chaya Hirsh Eta Studied a profession Shkud 20 Alka Hill
Son GILDER Baruch Hirsh Eta Student Shkud 17 Shkud
Daughter GILDER Feige Hirsh Eta Student Shkud 1924 Shkud
* * *
Father GILDER Motl Mordechai Shkud 75 Shkud
Wife GILDER Housewife Shkud 71 Alka Hill
Daughter GILDER/ Her husband Slava Motl Married Housewife Shkud 30 Alka Hill
* * *
Son GILDER Sholem Motl Shoe factory Shkud 48 Shkud
Wife GILDER/ FRIDMAN Rada Yosef There were children Housewife Shkud 45 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband GILDER Ruven Motl Partner in a shoe factory with Hirsh Gilder Shkud 35 Shkud, mid-July, 1941
Wife GILDER/ BLECHER Chaya Alter Sarah Leah Housewife Shkud 32 Shkud
Daughter GILDER Guta Ruven Chaya Student Shkud 8 Alka Hill
Son GILDER Yitzak Ruven Chaya Shkud 5 Alka Hill
* * *

[Page 41]

Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Single GILDER Sheva Sholem Rada Shkud 28 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband GILDER Yeshayahu Chaim Grocery store Shkud 35 Shkud
Wife GILDER/ DORFMAN Berta There were children Housewife and grocery store Shkud 30 Shkud
Son GILDER Yakov Yeshayahu Berta Shkud 1932 Shkud
Daughter GILDER Sheyna Yeshayahu Berta Shkud 1930 Alka Hill
* * *
Widow GORDON Leah Sheva Childless Shkud 80 Alka Hill
* * *
Widow GIRZON Sheyna There were daughters Store Shkud 65 Alka Hill
* * *
Single GRINBERG Nachum Aharon Teacher Shkud 75 Shkud
* * *
Husband GRINBLAT Yakov Eliezer Business Shkud 70 Shkud, beg. July, 1941
Wife GRINBLAT Chaya Housewife Shkud 65 Dimitravas, Alka Hill
Son GRINBLAT Ruven Yakov Leizer Chaya Shoe factory Shkud 42 Shkud
Son GRINBLAT Moshe Leib Yakov Leizer Chaya Shoe factory and tanner Shkud 40 Shkud
Son GRINBLAT Yisroel Yakov Leizer Chaya Shkud 38 Shkud
Son GRINBLAT Binyamin Yakov Leizer Chaya Shkud 34 Shkud
* * *
GRINBLAT Zelda Shkud Shkud
* * *
Husband GLIKMAN Yosef Expert at building brick ovens Shkud 65 Shkud
Wife GLIKMAN/ NARASINSKI Frida Mendl Bluma Ita Housewife Shkud 40 Alka Hill
Son GLIKMAN Mendl Leib Yosef Frida Student Shkud 10 Alka Hill
Son GLIKMAN Mayer Yosef Frida Student Shkud 1935 Alka Hill
Daughter of his first wife GLIKMAN Hinda Yosef Sarah Segal Shkud 1906 Alka Hill
* * *

[Page 42]

Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Father GIN Simcha Shmuel Yitzak Tsirl Information is from YadVashem[9] Shkud 38 Shkud, till mid-July 1941
Wife GIN/ PALEVI [?][10] Rachel Abba Simcha Housewife Shkud 1909 Dimitravas, Alka Hill
Son GIN Arye Simcha Rachel Student Shkud 1928 Shkud
Daughter GIN Reizl Simcha Rachel Student Shkud 1926 Alka Hill
Son GIN Moshe Simcha Rachel Student Shkud 1924 Shkud
Daughter GIN Sarah Simcha Rachel Shkud 1922 Alka Hill
* * *
GRINKER Leib Yosef And family Shkud, Sauliai 37 Sauliai Ghetto
His brother GRINKER Chone Yosef Malka Kravitz Shkud, Kovne 1916 In the fighting. Priekula, Latvia, 22 Feb. 194(?)
* * *
Husband GRINKER Ben Tsion Isaac Charna Merchant Shkud 75 Shkud
Wife GRINKER/ MEROVICH Sarah Housewife Shkud 70 Alka Hill
* * *
Father GRINKER Yosef Shkud 65 Shkud, July 1941
Husband GRINKER Moshe Yosef Shoes Shkud 40 Shkud
Wife GRINKER/ CHATSKL Leah Yakov Pina Housewife Shkud 38 Alka Hill
Son GRINKER Eliahu Moshe Leah Student Shkud 15 Alka Hill
Son GRINKER Elchanon Moshe Leah Student Shkud 13 Alka Hill
Son GRINKER Chaim Moshe Leah Student Shkud 10 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband GRINKER Aharon Yosef Shoes Shkud 42 Shkud
Wife GRINKER Sheva Housewife Shkud 40 Alka Hill
Daughter GRINKER/ Her husband Tsila Sheva Aharon And her family Shkud, Mažik 22 Mažik, 1941
Daughter DAUGHTER OF TSILA Tsila Mažik 1 Mažik, 1941
* * *

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Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
GRINKER Michal Meyer Yosef Shoes Shkud 50 Shkud, July 1941
* * *
Husband GOPELMAN Yeshue Shkud 50 Shkud
Wife GOPELMAN Housewife Shkud 47 Alka Hill
Son GOPELMAN David Yeshue Sewing shoes Shkud 21 Shkud
Daughter GOPELMAN Zelda Yeshue Shkud 23 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband GLAGO Leib Butcher Shkud 55 Shkud
Wife GLAGO Sheva Leah Housewife Shkud 50 Alka Hill
Daughter GLAGO Chana Leib Sheva Leah Shkud 20 Alka Hill
Daughter GLAGO Leib Sheva Leah Shkud 18 Alka Hill
Son GLAGO Yosef Leib Sheva Leah Studied a trade Shkud 17 Shkud
Son GLAGO Leib Sheva Leah Student Shkud 15 Shkud
Son GLAGO Leib Sheva Leah Student Shkud 13 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband GLAGO Netanel There were 7 children, married daughters Butcher Shkud 60 Shkud, July 1941
Wife GLAGO Sarah Housewife Shkud 56 Alka Hill
Son GLAGO Hirsh Netanel Sarah Shoes Shkud 20 Shkud
* * *
Widower DAVIDOV David Haberdashery and public figure Shkud 75 Shkud, July 1941
* * *
Son DAVIDOV Shloime David Shkud, Sauliai 38 Sauliai ghetto
Wife DAVIDOV Housewife Shkud, Sauliai 35 Sauliai ghetto
* * *

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Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Husband DINERSHUL Natan Butcher Shkud 50 Shkud
Wife DINERSHUL “Fat” Shkud 46 Alka Hill
Son DINERSHUL Natan Student Shkud 16 Shkud
Daughter DINERSHUL Natan Student Shkud 14 Shkud
* * *
Husband HURVICH Nissen Merchant Shkud 70 Shkud
Wife HURVICH Chaya Housewife Shkud 65 Shkud, July
Son HURVICH Eliahu Nissen Shkud 38 Alka Hill
* * *
Son HURVICH Chaim Nisan Chaya And family Shkud 40 Shkud
* * *
HURVICH Gershon And family Shkud 33 Shkud
* * *
HURVICH Netanel And family Shkud Shkud
* * *
HEIMEN Sarah And family Shkud Alka Hill
* * *
Single HELMAN[11] Hinda Moshe Teacher Shkud 40 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband HOVSHA Aizik Chaim Aharon Candy factory Also a delegate for the Jewish National Fund. Teacher Shkud 65 Shkud, July 1941
Wife HOVSHA Chaya Housewife and candy factory Shkud 60 Alka Hill, 15-16 Aug 1941
Daughter HOVSHA Leah Aizik Chaya Shkud, Sauliai 25 Sauliai ghetto, 1944
Son HOVSHA Mayer Aizik Chaya Studied and worked Shkud, Vilna 22 Vilna ghetto
Son HOVSHA Moshe Aizik Chaya Studied a trade Shkud 18 Shkud
Son HOVSHA Michal Aizik Chaya Studied Shkud 16 Shkud
* * *

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Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Husband HOCHMAN Leib Tanner and shoe store Shkud 45 Shkud, July
Wife HOCHMAN Henya Housewife and shoe store Shkud 42 Alka Hill
Daughter HOCHMAN Miriam Leib Henya Student Shkud 16 Alka Hill
Son HOCHMAN Leib Henya Student Shkud 14 Alka Hill
* * *
VOLES Eliahu And his family Shkud
* * *
Husband VOLPERT Efraim Matzo bakery and grocery store Shkud 60 Shkud, beg. July, 1941
Wife VOLPERT Leah Housewife Shkud 55 Alka Hill
Son VOLPERT Berl Ephraim Leah Grocery store Shkud 30 Shkud
Son VOLPERT Betsalel Ephraim Leah Sewing shoes Shkud 20 Shkud
* * *
Husband VAINER Shloime Teacher of German and geography Libau, Shkud 35 Shkud
Wife VAINER/ MIRKES Etl Yosef Frida Housewife Shkud 30 Alka Hill
Son VAINER Yitzak Shloime Etl Student Shkud 12 Alka Hill
Son VAINER Efraim Shloime Etl Student Shkud 10 Alka Hill
* * *
VANDER Moshe Merchant Shkud 40 Shkud
* * *
Widow VANDER Elka Seamstress. “Elka the Black” Shkud 60 Alka Hill
* * *
Sister of Elka Vander VANDER Simcha And family Shkud, Sauliaia 58 Sauliai ghetto
* * *
VANDER Ben Tsion And family Shkud Shkud, July 1941
* * *
Widower VAYNBERG Moshe Teacher Shkud 70 Shkud
His wife [?][12] VAYNBERG And his family Melamed (religious teacher) Shkud 75 Shkud
His sister VAYNBERG Rachel Housewife Shkud 60 Alka Hill
* * *

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Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Widow ZAKS/ MILMAN Tova Shkud 1875 Alka Hill
Daughter ZAKS Doba Shmuel Tova Shkud 38 Alka Hill
* * *
Son ZAKS Azriel Shmuel Tova “Blind” Shkud 42
Wife ZAKS Feiga Housewife Shkud 36 Alka Hill
Son ZAKS Shmuel Azriel Feige Student Shkud 12 Alka Hill
* * *
ZAKS Baruch Mayer And family Shkud Shkud
* * *
Single ZAKS Chana Shkud 62 Alka Hill
* * *
ZAKS Tuvya And family Shkud Shkud
* * *
ZAKS Yitzak And family Shkud Shkud
* * *
ZINGER Gundel Yecheskel Mina Merchant Shkud 1865 Shkud
* * *
Husband ZINGER Hirsh Merchant Shkud 50 Shkud, July 1941
Wife ZINGER Masha Housewife Shkud 45 Alka Hill
Daughter ZINGER Tsipe Hirsh Masha Shkud 20 Alka Hill
Single SISTER OF MASHA Dora Housewife Shkud 40 Alka Hill
* * *
Without family ZINGER Kalman Grain merchant Shkud 55 Shkud
* * *
Aunt ZELIKOVICH Chaya Yehuda Leib Chana Raised her sister’s daughters Shkud, Darbenai 65 Darbenai, summer 1941
Sister ZIMEN Taibele Daughter of her [Chaya’s] sister, z”l Darbenai 23 Darbenai
Sister ZIMEN Itale Daughter of her [Chaya’s] sister, z”l Darbenai 25 Darbenai
* * *

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Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Brother ZELIKOVICH Avigdor Shkud, Libau Libau, Latvia; summer 1941
Brother ZELIKOVICH Moshe Two single brothers Shkud, Libau Libau
* * *
Husband ZELIGMAN Leib Grain merchant Shkud 35 Shkud, July 1941
Wife ZELIGMAN/ TSIZLING Chana-Gita Hirsh Menukha Housewife Shkud 30 Alka Hill, 15-16 Aug. 1941
Daughter ZELIGMAN Pesya Leib Chana-Gita Student Shkud 1930 Alka Hill
Daughter ZELIGMAN Leib Chana-Gita Student Shkud 6 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband ZILBERSHTEIN Pharmacist; head of the choir Shkud 35 Shkud
Wife ZILBERSHTEIN Housewife Shkud 30 Alka Hill
Daughter ZILBERSHTEIN Student Shkud 9 Alka Hill
* * *
Mother CHIN Chasya Widow Bakery and housewife Shkud 60 Alka Hill
Son CHIN Michal Chasya Bakery Shkud 30 Shkud
* * *
Husband CHATSKELSON Asrael Nachum Watchmaker and watch store Shkud 50 Shkud, July 1941
Wife CHATSKELSON/ URDANG Chaya Housewife Shkud 45 Alka Hill
Daughter CHATSKELSON Zelda Asrael Chaya Student Shkud 17 Alka Hill
Son CHATSKEELSON Avraham Asrael Chaya Student Shkud 15 Shkud
Daughter CHATSKLSON Hinde Asrael Chaya Student Shkud 13 Alka Hill
Daughter CHATSKELSON Miriam Asrael Chaya Shkud 1934 Alka Hill
* * *
Widower CHATSKELS Mendl Gabbai (treasurer) of the synagogue, public figure, and farmer Shkud 80 Shkud
* * *

[Page 48]

Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
CHATSKEL Tsvi And family Shkud Shkud
Husband CHOICHER Mordechai Without children Weaving factory, processing wool, dyeing Shkud 55 Shkud
Wife CHOICHER Chaya Without children Housewife Shkud 50 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband CHATSKEL Yakov In merchandise Shkud 72 Shkud, July 1941
Wife CHATSKEL Pina Housewife Shkud 67 Alka Hill
Son CHATSKEL David Yakov Pina With his family Shkud 40 Shkud
Son CHATSKEL Mayer Yakov Pina With his family Shkud 36 Shkud
Daughter CHATSKEL Basya Yakov Pina Shkud 32 Alka Hill
* * *
CHATSKEL Yakov And his family Shkud 35 Shkud
CHATSKEL Tsvi And his family Shkud 32 Shkud
* * *
Widow Chaya Ita Housewife Shkud Alka Hill
Daughter Daughter of Chaya Ita Shkud Alka Hill
* * *
Husband CHATSKIND Yehuda Fabric dyeing Shkud 55 Shkud, June-July 1941
Wife CHATSKIND Kreina Housewife Shkud 50 Alka Hill, August 1941
Daughter CHATSKIND Chaya Yehuda Kreina Shkud, Libau 20 Libau, Latvia, 1941
Daughter CHATSKIND Mali Malka Yehuda Kreina Studied a profession Shkud 18 Alka Hill
Son CHATSKIND Yakov Yehuda Kreina Student Shkud 16 Shkud
* * *

[Page 49]

Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Widower TANUR Eliyahu Store for medical supplies and cosmetics Shkud 60 Shkud
Daughter TANUR Rosa Eliyahu Masha Housewife Shkud 20 Alka Hill
Bridegroom HUSBAND OF ROSA Doctor Shkud Shkud
Daughter TANUR Rela Eliyahu Masha Student Shkud 17 Alka Hill
Daughter TANUR Ira Eliyahu Masha Student Shkud 14 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband TANUR Hirsh Mayer The daughters were killed with their families in Libau, Latvia. Big general store Shkud 65 Shkud, July 1941
Wife TANUR Klara Housewife Shkud 60 Alka Hill, August 1941
Son TANUR Yisroel Isiah Hirsh Meyer Klara Shkud 30 Shkud
* * *
Husband TAITS Yehuda Peddler in the towns Shkud 60 Shkud
Wife TAITS Chaya Housewife Kretinga, Shkud 57 Alka Hill
Son TAITS Yosef Yehuda Chaya Accountant Shkud 25 Shkud
Bride Wife of Yosef Housewife Shkud 23 Alka Hill
Son TAITS Aharon Yehuda Chaya Sewing shoes Shkud 21 Fell on the Soviet front
Daughter TAITS Masha Yehuda Chaya Student Shkud 18 Alka Hill
* * *
TAITS Avraham Moshe Sarah-Dvora Shkud, Darbenai Darbenai Summer 1941
* * *
Widower TAITS Gershon Cobbler, shoemaker Shkud 50 Shkud, July 1941
Son TAITS Aharon Gershon Rebeka Blinder Sewing shoes Shkud 1930 Shkud, July 1941
Daughter TAITS Gita Gershon Rebeka Housewife Shkud 1918 Alka Hill, August 1941
Daughter TAITS Pesya Gershon Rebeka Student Shkud 1922 Alka Hill
* * *

[Page 50]

Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
TAITS Yehuda And family Shkud Shkud
* * *
TAITS Avraham And family Shkud Shkud
* * *
Husband TERUSHKIN Chaim Yakov Baruch Chief Rabbi of Shkud Shkud 61 Shkud, till mid-July 1941
Wife TERUSHKIN/ HOVSHA Kheina Rebbetzin Shkud 55 Dimitravas, Alka Hill, August
Son TERUSHKIN Hirsh Chaim Yakov Kheina Teacher Shkud 30 Shkud
* * *
Husband TURK Mayer Shkud, Libau Libau, Latvia, summer 1941
Wife TURK Shkud, Libau Libau
Daughter TURK Sarah Mayer Shkud, Libau Libau
* * *
Single TURK Isser Shkud Shkud
* * *
Husband TURK Netanel Mayer Chana-Tsipe Money merchant Shkud 1906 Shkud, July 1941
Wife TURK/ KAGANSON Chana-Riva Berl Feiga Malka Housewife Shkud 32 Alka Hill
Son TURK Yeshaya Netanel Chana-Riva Student Shkud 1933 Alka Hill
Son TURK Mordechai Netanel Chana-Riva Student Shkud 1936 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband TURK Avraham Tanner Shkud 45 Shkud
Wife TURK Housewife Shkud 40 Alka Hill
Daughter TURK Sarah Avraham Student Shkud 17 Alka Hill
Son TURK Avraham Student Shkud 15 Shkud
Son TURK Avraham Student Shkud 13 Alka Hill

[Page 51]

Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Daughter TURK Avraham Student Shkud 10 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband TURK Chaim Shkud, Sauliai 47 Sauliai Ghetto
Wife TURK There were several children Shkud, Sauliai 53 Sauliai Ghetto
* * *
TOV Sarah “The Old Lady” Shkud 80 On the way to Alka Hill, July 1941
* * *
Widow TOV Chaya Housewife Shkud 60 Vilna ghetto; went for a visit
Son TOV Leib Asrael Chaya Fabric store Shkud 35 Shkud, July 1941
Wife of Leib TOV Sarah Dvora Housewife Kretinga, Shkud 28 Alka Hill
Son TOV Shmuel Yitzak Leib Sarah Dvora Shkud 2 Alka Hill
Daughter TOV Feiga Rivka Leib Sarah Dvora Shkud Baby a few months old Alka Hill
Son of Chaya TOV Hirsh Asrael Chaya “Ort” student Shkud 22 Shkud
* * *
Husband TOV Bendet Hirsh Mayer Sheyna Fabric store in partnership with family Shkud 60 Shkud, July 1941
Wife TOV Paulina Housewife Shkud 55 Alka Hill
Daughter TOV Miriam Bendet Paulina Hatmaker Shkud 23 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband YELOVICH Moshe Merchant Shkud 50 Shkud
Wife YELOVICH Sheyna Housewife Shkud 52 Alka Hill
Son YELOVICH Efraim Moshe Sheyna Watchmaker; chairman of Hashomer Hatzair Shkud 18 The Red Army. In the seige of Leningrad, Lake Ladoga 2.08.1942

[Page 52]

Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
* * *
Son YELOVICH Chaim Moshe Sheyna Shkud 27 Shkud
Wife YELOVICH Housewife Shkud 23 Alka Hill
Son YELOVICH Chaim Shkud 4 Alka Hill
Daughter YELOVICH Chaim Shkud 2 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband YANKELOVICH Yakov Moshe Leib Beyla Selling tickets for ritual slaughter; active in the town Shkud 1895 Shkud, July 1941
Wife YANKELOVICH/ BER Frida Housewife Shkud 33 Alka Hill
Son YANKELOVICH Leizer Yakov Moshe Frida Student Shkud 11 Alka Hill
Daughter YANKELOVICH Eta Yakov Moshe Frida Student Shkud 1931 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband YANKELOVICH Yosef Gabbai (treasurer) of the New Synagogue, shofar-blower Shkud 60 Killed while escaping, summer 1941
Wife YANKELOVICH Leah Housewife Shkud 55 Killed while escaping, summer 1941
Son YANKELOVICH Shloime Yosef Leah Shkud 25 Fell in the front with the 16th Lithuan-ian Division, Alexeyevka, Feb 1941
* * *
YANKELOVICH Chaim Yitzak And family Shkud Shkud
* * *
Single woman YANKELOVICH Ita Shkud 45 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband YANKELOVICH Mayer Mordechai Leib Beyla Travel agent and ironworker Shkud, Sauliai 51 Sauliai ghetto
Wife YANKELOVICH Sheyna Hana Shloime Tuvia Shprintse Housewife Shkud, Sauliai 49 Sauliai ghetto
* * *
Husband YELOVICH Baruch Moshe Shkud
Wife YELOVICH/ BAKALOR Liba Latvia, Shkud Alka Hill
Son YELOVICH Chaim Hirsh Baruch Moshe Liba Alka Hill
Daughter YELOVICH Chaya Hinda Baruch Moshe Liba Alka Hill
* * *

[Page 53]

Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Husband YANKELOVICH Moshe Sewing shoes Shkud, Sauliai 55 Sauliai ghetto
Kaufring[?] Camp 4 [?]
Wife YANKELOVICH/ GLAGO Freyda Mara Netanel Sarah Housewife Shkud 35 Alka Hill, 15-16 Aug. 1941
Son YANKELOVICH Michal Moshe Freyda Mara Student Shkud 1931 Alka Hill
Daughter YANKELOVICH Chavita Moshe Freyda Mara Student Shkud 1933 Alka Hill
Daughter YANKELOVICH Yokhl Moshe Freyda Mara Shkud 1937 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband YANKELOVICH Ben-Tsion Shoe Industry Shkud 65 Shkud, July 1941
Wife YANKELOVICH/ GLAGO Mina Netanel Sarah Housewife Shkud 35 Alka Hill
Daughter YANKELOVICH Ben-Tsion Mina 5 Alka Hill
* * *
Widower YANKELOVICH Yisroel “Vat Shtu” Merchant Shkud 60 Shkud, July 1941
Daughter YANKELOVICH Tsira Yisroel Single “Beauty” Shkud 31 Alka Hill
Daughter YANKELOVICH Sarah Yisroel Single Shkud 34 Alka Hill
Daughter YANKELOVICH Etl Yisroel Mentally handicapped Shkud 37 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband YUDELMAN Leib Mana Fabric shop Shkud 80 Shkud
Wife YUDELMAN Chana Housewife Shkud 75 Alka Hill
Daughter YUDELMAN Zisa Leib Chana Sewing bras Shkud 35 Alka Hill
* * *
Widow YUDELMAN Gita Housewife Shkud, Paris 57 Paris, France
* * *
Son YUDELMAN Harry Michal Gita Shkud, Paris 33 Paris, France
Daughter YUDELMAN Lola Michal Gita Shkud, Paris 28 Paris, France
* * *

[Page 54]

Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Widow YUDELMAN Ela (Elka) Mana Selling 2nd-hand; medical assistant Shkud 1875 Alka Hill
Daughter YUDELMAN Rachel Hirsh Ela “Beauty” Shkud 35 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband YURBURG Netanel Store Shkud 50 Shkud, July 1941
Wife YURBURG Sarah Housewife Shkud 50 Alka Hill
Son YURBURG Shloime Netanel Sarah “Midget” Teacher of Russian and math Shkud 28 Shkud
Son YURBURG Netanel Sarah Shkud 24 Shkud
* * *
Widow YUDELMAN Leah Housewife Shkud 60 Alka Hill
Son YUDELMAN Isser Yitzak Leah Works in customs Shkud 37 Shkud, July 1941
Daugher YUDELMAN Mari Yitzak Leah Shkud 30 Alka Hill
* * *
Daughter YUDELMAN Riva Yitzak Housewife Shkud 35 Alka Hill
Son Riva Student[13] Shkud 7 Alka Hill
Daughter Riva 5 Alka Hill
* * *
YANKELOVICH Mayer And family Shkud Shkud
* * *
YOFE Sarah Shkud Alka Hill
* * *
Husband KATS Shloime Chaluna Peddler in the villages Mosedis, Shkud 1908 Shkud
Wife KATS Housewife Mosedis, Shkud 1912 Alka Hill
Son KATS Shloime Mosedis, Shkud 1936 Alka Hill
Daughter KATS Shloime Mosedis, Shkud 1938 Alka Hill
* * *

[Page 55]

Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Husband KATS Alter Gedalya Small grocery store Shkud 50 Shkud
Wife KATS Reiza Mala Housewife Darbenai, Shkud 48 Alka Hill
* * *
Widow KOHEN Chasya Housewife Shkud 60 Alka Hill, 15-16 August 1941
Married son KOHEN Moshe Chasya Shkud 32 Shkud, end June-mid July 1941
Son KOHEN Yosef; single Chasya Shkud 27 Shkud
* * *
Daughter KOHEN Reizl; there were children Chasya Housewife Shkud 29 Alka Hill
Husband of Reizl KOHEN Mayer Shmuel Shloma Merchant Shkud 31 Shkud
Father KOHEN Shmuel And their family There were more children Merchant Shkud 64 Shkud
Mother KOHEN Shloma And their family Housewife Shkud 59 Shkud
Son KOHEN Hirsh Shmuel Shloma Shkud 26 Shkud
* * *
Husband KOHEN Moshe Teacher, principal of Shkud pre-gymnasium. Moved to Eishishok in 1939. Kovne, Eishishok 32 Eishishok, summer 1941
Wife KOHEN/ SEGAL Lily “Beauty”; housewife Shkud, Eishishok 30 Eishishok
Daughter KOHEN Moshe Lily Eishishok 2 Eishishok
Son KOHEN Moshe Lily Eishishok A few months Eishishok
* * *
Husband KOHEN Shmariahu Grocery store Shkud 45 Shkud, July 1941
Wife KOHEN Sarah Housewife Suad,[14] Shkud 42 Alka Hill
Daughter KOHEN Leah Shmariahu Sarah Student Shkud 18 Alka Hill
Son KOHEN Alter Shmariahu Sarah Student Shkud 16 Shkud
Son KOHEN Shmariahu Sarah Student Shkud 14 Alka Hill
* * *

[Page 56]

Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Husband KOHEN Mordechai Haberdashery store Shkud 1893 Shkud, July 1941
Wife KOHEN Tsila Housewife Plungian, Shkud 45 Alka Hill, 15-16 Aug. 1941
Son KOHEN Zalman Mordechai Tsila Student Shkud 14 Alka Hill
Son KOHEN Mordechai Tsila Student Shkud 11 Alka Hill
* * *
Mother and grandmother KOHEN Feiga Housewife Shkud 70 Alka Hill
Son KOHEN Leib Feiga Farmer Shkud 48 Shkud
Wife KOHEN Housewife Shkud 36 Alka Hill
Son KOHEN Leib Student Shkud 7 Alka Hill
Daughter KOHEN Leib Shkud 5 Alka Hill
Single man KOHEN Son of Feiga Feiga “Shy” Shkud 50 Shkud
* * *
Husband KOHEN Yitzak Tsipora Shoe factory and store Shkud 50 Shkud, July 1941
Wife KOHEN/ LONDON Rachel Yitzak Mara Leah Shoe store and housewife Shkud 35 Alka Hill, 15-16 August 1941
Daughter KOHEN Masha Yitzak Orphan- her mother died Studied a profession Shkud, Libau 20 Libau, Latvia
Son KOHEN Michal Yitzak Rachel Student Shkud 6 Alka Hill
Son KOHEN Moshe Yitzak Rachel Shkud 3 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband KOHEN Aharon Brother of Yitzak Kohen Tsipora Partner in the shoe factory Shkud 45 Shkud
Wife KOHEN/ BASKIND Mina Moshe Sarah Housewife Shkud 30 Alka Hill
Son KOHEN Aharon Mina Shkud 2 Alka Hill
* * *

[Page 57]

Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Sisters KOHEN Beila Dova “strange, neglected, lonely” Shkud 55 Alka Hill
Sisters KOHEN Pera Dova “strange, neglected, lonely” Shkud 53 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband KOHEN Ruven Feiga Salesperson Shkud 50 Shkud, July 1941
Wife KOHEN Housewife Shkud 45 Alka Hill, August 1941
Daughter KOHEN Masha Ruven Studied a profession Shkud 20 Alka Hill
Daughter KOHEN Ita Ruven Student in gymnasium Shkud 18 Alka Hill
Another 7 children, boys and girls KOHEN Altogether, 9 children Younger students Shkud Alka Hill
* * *
KOHEN Tuvia And his family Shkud Shkud
* * *
Husband KOHEN Yakov Shkud Shkud
Wife KOHEN/ GLAZED[15] Chana Pesya Shkud Alka Hill
Son KOHEN Moshe Yakov Chana Pesya Shkud 1930 Alka Hill
Daughter KOHEN Tsvia Yakov Chana Pesya Shkud 1932 Alka Hill
Daughter KOHEN Leah Yakov Chana Pesya Shkud 1934 Alka Hill
KOHEN Chaim Yehuda And his family Shkud Shkud
* * *
Husband KOHEN Shloime Big general store Shkud 40 Shkud, July 1941
Wife KOHEN/ PERL Rosa Ben-Tsion Housewife Shkud 35 Alka Hill
Son KOHEN Yitzak Shloime Rosa Student Shkud 16 Shkud
Son KOHEN Sholem Shloime Rosa Student Shkud 12 Alka Hill
* * *

[Page 58]

Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Husband KOHEN David Partner with his brother in the big general store Shkud 42 Shkud
Wife KOHEN Leah Housewife Shkud 40 Alka Hill
Daughter KOHEN Miriam David Leah Student Shkud 16 Alka Hill
Son KOHEN Yosef David Leah Student Shkud 12 Alka Hill
Son KOHEN Shaya David Leah Student Shkud 10 Alka Hill
Son KOHEN Mayer David Leah Student Shkud 1932 Alka Hill
* * *

[Page 59]

Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Granddaughter LEVINSON Heni; she was visiting her grandmother Tsipora Yosef Mara-Leah (Miriam Leah) Student Sauliai, Shkud 11 Alka Hill
Widow KOHEN/ KATS Tsipora, wife of Chaim Kalman Kohen, z”l Housewife Shkud 1870 Alka Hill, August 1941
* * *
Husband KOGENZOHN Abba Berl[16] Feiga Malka Merchant and farmer Shkud 1903 Shkud
Second wife KOGENZOHN/ MIRKES Leah Sarah Chaim Housewife Shkud 35 Alka Hill
Son KOGENZOHN Freidl Abba Leah Student Shkud 1931 Alka Hill
Daughter KOGENZOHN Taube Abba Leah Student Shkud 1939 Alka Hill
Son KOGENZOHN Mordechai[17] Abba Leah Student Shkud 1933 Alka Hill
* * *
Father KOGENZOHN Mayer (father of Ita) Berl[18] Feiga Malka Tanner Shkud 1905 Shkud
Daughter KOGENZOHN Ita Mayer Chaya[19] Student Shkud, Sauliai 1937 Sauliai ghetto, children’s aktion
* * *
Husband KOGENZOHN Berl Mordechai[20] Tzvia[21] Farmer and horse merchant Shkud 1878; 63 Shkud, July 1941
Wife KOGENZOHN[22] Feiga Malka Housewife Shkud 60 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband KOGENZOHN Chaim Berl[23] Feiga Malka Merchant[24] Shkud 1901; 40 Shkud
Wife KOGENZOHN/ KOHEN Leah Shmariahu (Shmiel)[25] Sarah[26] Housewife Shkud 37 Alka Hill
Daughter KOGENZOHN Eta Chaim Leah Shkud 1939 Alka Hill
Son KOGENZOHN Chaim Leah Shkud 1 Alka Hill
* * *
Widow LONDON/ MARCUS Mara Leah Grocery store Shkud 70 Alka Hill

[Page 60]

Relationship Family
/ Pre-Marriage Name
or Nickname
Place of birth
/ Residence
Age or
Place and date
of death
Son LONDON Shloime Yitzak Mara Leah Travel agent[27] Shkud 35 Shkud
Wife LONDON/ SABEL Miri Natanya Sarah Gita Housewife Shkud 30 Alka Hill
Son LONDON Yitzak Shloime Miri Shkud 3 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband LEVITAN Eliezer Grocery store and tavern Shkud 35 Shkud, July 1941
Wife LEVITAN Leah Grocery store Shkud 30 Alka Hill
Daughter LEVITAN Bluma Eliezer Leah Student Shkud 10 Alka Hill
* * *
Husband LEVIN Avraham Kalman Merchant Shkud 55 Shkud
Wife LEVIN/ REIF Feiga Housewife Shkud 50 Alka Hill
Daughter LEVIN Tova Avraham Feiga Shkud 25 Alka Hill
Daughter LEVIN Ester Avraham Feiga Shkud 23 Alka Hill
Son LEVIN Abba Avraham Feiga Shkud 21 Shkud, July
Daughter LEVIN Gita Avraham Feiga Shkud 20 Alka Hill
Daughter LEVIN Dora Avraham Feiga Shkud 18 Alka hill
* * *
Husband LEVIN Moshe Kalman (9 children) Merchant Shkud 53 Shkud, July 1941
Wife LEVIN Henya Housewife Shkud 48 Alka Hill
Son LEVIN Abba Moshe Henya Student Shkud 24 Shkud
Daughter LEVIN Sheyna Moshe Henya Student Shkud 23 Alka Hill
Son[28] LEVIN Masha Moshe Henya Student Shkud 21 Alka Hill
Daughter LEVIN Musya Moshe Henya Student Shkud 20 Alka Hill
Daughter LEVIN Dvora Moshe Henya Student Shkud, Kovne 18 Kovne ghetto
Son LEVIN Yosef Moshe Henya Student Shkud 16 Shkud
* * *


  1. The date is presumably an error Return
  2. Name added by Aviva Tirosh Return
  3. Name added by Aviva Tirosh Return
  4. “Lekus” added by Aviva Tirosh Return
  5. “Pianist” added by the Bernstein family. Jenny Bernstein was a concert pianist in Memel before she moved to Shkud; she transferred her love of music to her children Return
  6. Aviva Tirosh has added “Glazier” Return
  7. Aviva Tirosh has added “15” Return
  8. Date added by Aviva Tirosh Return
  9. YadVashem gives this family's name as “Ginene.” Searching Jewish Gen, I was not able to find a Gin or Ginene family in Skuodas. It is possible that this family's name was Chaiman, Kumin, Heiman, Geyman, Hayman, or something similar Return
  10. YadVashem gives this name as Levi Return
  11. Next to this name, Aviva Tirosh has added “Hillman, Rita” Return
  12. Should read “brother”? Return
  13. The Hebrew ending on this word is feminine, so it's uncertain whether this child is a boy or girl Return
  14. Possibly Seda, Lithuania Return
  15. Should be Glazer? Return
  16. Aviva Tirosh has added “Dov Zeev” Return
  17. Aviva Tirosh has added “Motl” Return
  18. Aviva Tirosh has added “Dov Zeev” Return
  19. Aviva Tirosh has added “Reif” Return
  20. Added by Aviva Tirosh Return
  21. Added by Aviva Tirosh Return
  22. Added by Aviva Tirosh: “nee Peltz” Return
  23. Added by Aviva Tirosh: “Dov Zeev” Return
  24. Added by Aviva Tirosh: “and farmer” Return
  25. Added by Aviva Tirosh Return
  26. Added by Aviva Tirosh Return
  27. Added by Aviva Tirosh: “agriculurist” Return
  28. Perhaps this is a daughter? Return

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 3 Oct 2011 by LA