[Page 444]
Photographs in Memoriam (cont.)
Korin family in Radzivilov, 1936 |
Korin family wedding in Radzivilov, 1938 |
[Page 445]
Yitschak Korin and family
(second from right: his sister Leye, who lives in Israel) |
Ayzik Korin, died in
the Spanish Civil War, 1937 |
[Page 446]
Yakov and Hershele the Zlotnik children |
[Page 447]
Itsi Mafshit and his wife Beyle |
[Page 448]
Dvore, with Roze Koltun-Yanait |
Peye and Ruven
children of Metye Grinblat |
Brayndel, wife of
Avraham Groysman |
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Radyvyliv, Ukraine
Yizkor Book Project
JewishGen Home Page
Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
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Updated 27 Apr 2014 by LA