50°08' / 25°15'
Translation of
Radzivilov: Sefer zikaron
Edited by: Ya'acov Adini
Published in Tel Aviv, 1966
Project Coordinator
Yizkor Book Translation Coordinator
Kremenets Shtetl CO-OP, an activity of the
Kremenets District Research Group
Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Radziwillow
Purchase details for a printed copy of this translation can be found at http://www.jewishgen.org/yizkor/ybip/YBIP_Radzivilov.html
JewishGen, Inc. makes no representations regarding the accuracy of
the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material
for verification.
JewishGen is not responsible for inaccuracies or omissions in the original work and cannot rewrite or edit the text to correct inaccuracies and/or omissions.
Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.
We are thankful to Marilyn Urwitz, who conceived of the idea of translating this book, funded many of the translations, and inspired her family members to join her in contributing to the project. We also thank the volunteer translators, especially Elizabeth Kessin Berman, who translated many of the Hebrew sections of the book. Ros Romem also contributed Hebrew translations, and Danielle Charak contributed a translation of the Yiddish table of contents. Tina Lunson did the bulk of the Yiddish translation, and Rivka Schiller (with aid from Judy Fixler), Mary Jane Shubow, and Yaacov David Shulman translated Hebrew sections.
We are indebted to all of them for their devoted work on the project. We take full responsibility for changes made and any damage done to the work of our translators.
Ronald D. Doctor
Ellen Garshick September 2016 |
[Page 6]
Death and Destruction | 317 | |
Forever in My Memory | Moshe Korin | 319 |
R' Itsikel's Last Journey | 321 | |
Review / Documents from Yad Vashem | 322 | |
Testimony | Yitschak Vaynshteyn Recounts | 325 |
Survey and Remarks | 346 | |
Testimony | Yechiel Porochovnik Recounts | 349 |
Song of Our Sorrow | Leyb Ayzen | 379 |
Review | Y. Alperovitsh | 380 |
Testimony | Ite Gun Recounts | 384 |
My Experiences | Sheyndil Oks | 399 |
How I Stayed Alive | Etye Albert (Zlotnik) | 416 |
I Will Remember Them | 421 | |
List of Radzivilov Martyrs | 423 | |
Photographs in Memoriam | 439 | |
Name Index |
[Page 8]
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