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Photographs in Memoriam

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Elke Sheyn née Barats,
died in the Holocaust,
13 Sivan 5702 (1942)
Yone-Nisen son of
Avraham Abish Sheyn,
exiled to the Austrian army
in 5765 (1915); burial place
and fate unknown
Moshe son of
Yone-Nisen Sheyn,
died 11 Kislev 5685 (1924)
Yente Veldman,
daughter of Moshe Sheyn,
died in the Holocaust,
25 Tishrei, 5703 (1942)
Yechezkel, son of
Shraga Fayvel Veldman,
son-in-law of Moshe Sheyn,
died in the Holocaust,
5703 (1942)
Chaye, daughter of
Yechezkel and Yente Veldman,
died in the Holocaust,
Tishrei 5703 (1942)
Tovye, son of
Yitschak Dov Gurman,
grandson of Moshe Volke Sheyn,
fell with the partisans
Feyge, daughter of
Yechezkel Veldman,
died in the Holocaust,
Tishrei 5703 (1942)

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Beyrish Lemelman
Feyge and Leye Lemelman
Rochtse Landis
Tsvi Landis

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Mikhael Koren and his wife Rive
Mrs. Vaynshteyn and her sons

[Page 443]

Group of Radzivilovers with Fayfel
Yisrael Goldfarb and his wife Reyzil;
Nachman Zilber and his wife Bat-Sheve


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