Memorial Book of Radikhov
(Radekhov, Ukraine)

50°17' / 24°39'

Translation of
Sefer zikaron le-kehilot Radikhov

Edited by: G. Kressel

Published in Tel Aviv, 1976



Project Coordinator

Barbara Beaton Dubey


This is a translation from: Sefer zikaron le-kehilot Radikhov; Memorial book of Radikhov,
ed. G. Kressel, Tel Aviv, Society of Radikhov, Lopatyn and vicinity, 1976 (H,Y)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Radziechow

In memory of my grandfather Morris (Menashe) Katz (1895-1963)
son of Benjamin and Chana Distenfeld Katz of Lopatyn, Radziechow County

--Barbara Beaton

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Yizkor Book

for the Communities of

Radziechow, Lopatyn, Witkow Nowy, Cholojow,
Toporow, Stanislawczyk, Strzemilcze (Stremiltsch), Szczurowice (Schtervitz)
and the Villages:
Uwin, Barylow, Wolica, Wygoda, Skryholow (Skrilov), Zawidcze, Mikolajow, Dmytrow, Sienkow etc.

Edited by G. Kressel

Published by the Organization of the Former Residents of the above Settlements, in Israel and Abroad

Tel-Aviv 1976 [1]

Schematic Layout of Radziechow
Preface The editorial board 1
Introduction Prof. Dov Sadan 5
Radziechow (Radichov)
Radziechow Zelig Arenshtayn 14
The Rabbis of Radziechow and Vicinity Rabbi Meir Wunder 16
Eretz Yisrael in the Lives of the People of Radziechow Yaakov Dov Raanan [Frisch] 33
In Radziechow and in Eretz Yisrael Yaakov Dov Raanan [Frisch] 42
My Father's House Yaakov Shmuel Weissman 62
Memories of the Second Immigrant Dov Ecker z”l 65
In Radekhov before the Holocaust Sara Feuerstein 72
Life in Radekhov and the End of its Jewish Community Sara Kitzes 76
In Remembrance of Our Town Radekhov Ettel Gertwagen 80
The Holocaust Period in Radekhov Jacob Leider 82
The Days of Awe Leyb Gold z”l 86
Curriculum Vitae Sarah Shtaynvurtzel 89
A Daughter of Radziechow with “Volksdeutsche” B. Z. 92
During the War L. B. 97
My Survival [Yiddish] Leibisch Schrage 100
In Memory of our Father Itzhak and Zacharia Dafna 105
The House of Reb Shmuel Ecker Yaakov Dov Raanan [Frisch] 107
Curriculum Vitae Yekhiel Menaker z”l 109
Jechiel Menaker (a tribute to his memory) Tzvi Tamari 111
Mordechai Weissman, of Blessed Memory Dr. Ze'ev Levin 113
Refael Wasser (a tribute to his memory) Ester Meir Ashkenazi 117
About the House and About Father Tamar Menaker Kasher 119
The House of Reb Meir Barak Bluma Kriger 130
The House of Yosef and Matil Kelner Batya Vaynberg 133
In Memory of my Family Members Tzipora Grinberg-Ben Khur 135
Benzion Pelz (a tribute to his memory) Miryam Menaker-Kanyuk 136
The Matmid[2] Yisrael Inbari 137
On the Mountains of Judea (a poem) Bentziyon Peltz 138
Yosef Shvartzenberg (a tribute to his memory) Yehudit Grinberg 139
The Persistent One in “Torah vaDaat”[3] Getzel Kressel 140
“Torah vaDaat” Lazar Wilder 141
Organized Zionist Youths from Radekhov   143
Families from Radekhov   157
Radekhovers in Israel   163
Schematic Layout of Łopatyn   170
Pages from the Life of the Community of Łopatyn and its End Avraham Tzvi Bernholtz 171
A.Tz. Bernholtz (a tribute to his memory) Eliezer Eliner 195
Łopatyn and its Destruction Ben-Zion Friedman 196
Łopatyn Chapters Elazar Wilder 213
My Parents' House David Parnas 224
Yosef Parnes   231
Recollections Chana Lehrer 233
Between Tritki and Łopatyn Mordechai Yalon 234
Henoch Yalon (a tribute to his memory) Prof. Y. Kutscher 243
Discovering the Secrets of a Language Prof. Dov Sadan 249
The Greatest Linguist of his Generation Getzel Kressel 256
My Brother and Teacher Mordechai Yalon 260
An Autobiography Asher Barash z”l [Barasch] 262
About “A Jew is Delivered from Trouble” - A Story by A. Barash Getzel Kressel 264
An Event that Took Place in our Town of Łopatyn in 1898 Ben-Zion Friedman 265
A Jew is Delivered from Trouble (a short story) Asher Barash 267
Asher Barash of Galicia Kopel Schwarz 302
Recollections About A. Barash Mordechai Yalon 304
Asher Barash's Last Journey Pinkhas Lander Elad 306
Eliezer Dov (Berish) Yalon Mordechai Yalon 311
My Brother, Mendel Leib Yalon Mordechai Yalon 314
Akiva Distenfeld, His Life and Accomplishments Mordechai Yalon 316
Akiva at the Readers' Service Prof. Shmuel Hugo Bergman 320
The Righteous Worker Prof. Dov Sadan 321
Lopatyners in Israel Yehoshua Nesyahu (Suchman) 328
Fifty Years of Service at the Technion Aryeh Nesher 328
My Shtetl Yakov Bernholz 331
Witkow Nowy
Map of the Town and a Street Scene   342
Recollections Yosef Chaim Peltz 343
My Town Witkov Nowy, Memories Yitzkhak Shuman 356
Witkow Nowy Dov Peltz 361
My Survival [Yiddish] Dov Pelz 366
The Shtetl Cholojow Rabbi Szymon Efrati 399
My Parents' House Mordechai Reis 406
Rabbi Meshulam Zalman Yosef Zilberfarb A. Dubinsky 411
Toporow Shalom Zilberfarb 417
My Town Stanisławczyk Rabbi Aharon Laszczower 422
A Rabbi and Public Figure Rabbi Katriel Fishel Tchorsh 424
An Innocent and Righteous Sole Barukh Duvdevani 425
A Great Scholar and Sage Shlomo Zikhroni 427
Strzemilcze (Stremiltsch)
The Killing Field in Strzemilcze David Zitzer 431
And Still We Live, Me and My Son (Yiddish) David Zitzer 436
My Homeland Menachem Pordes 449
About Strzemilcze [Yiddish] Menachem Pordes 451
My Town Strzemilcze Menachem Doyer 455
My Parents' House Gila Shtayner z”l 456
In Memory of G. Steiner Z. Arenshtayn 458
In Memory of Moshe Chaim Kremnitzer and his Family Wilma Schlesinger 460
Szczurowice (Schtervitz)
The Rabbis of Szczurowice Rabbi Meir Wunder 461
My Town Szczurowice Yitzchak Shterling 463
Saving Ritual Articles Ben-Zion Friedman 465
Schtervitz and Its End Fishel Fisch 467
Recollections from my Shtetl [Yiddish] Fischel Fisch 475
The Village of Uwin Zelig Arenshtayn 491
Recollections and People Meir Fisch 505
My Father's House Dr. Yaakov Efrat [Menkes] z”l 516
Barylow - Wygoda
In Memory of the Jews of Barylow Yaakov Kremnitzer 518
Journey to a Jewish World That Was Destroyed Mordechai Kremnitzer 542
The Hiding Place in the Cowshed in Potoki Yosef Apelfeld 557
Zwi Kranz and his Family Yosef Apelfeld 560
Skryholow (Skrilov)
In the Villages Eliezer Kaftzan 562
About Bracha Kaftzan Shmuel Margalit 579
Zawidcze - Mikolajow - Zaliskie
My Parents' House Aharon Gruber 580
In Memory of the Martyrs (Yiddish) Shimon Gruber (Canada) 583
Zawidcze Lipa Bernstein 587
Rescued from the Holocaust [Yiddish] Helen Klar nee Fish 590
Photographs from Mikolajow and Zaliskie   593
Dmytrow - Niestanice - Sienkow
The Jewish Community in Dmytrow Moshe Waldbaum 595
The Jewish Community of Niestanice and its End Benjamin Tannenbaum 602
A Jewish Estate Esther Ringert 612
Max Ringert (a tribute to his memory) A. Kh. Melamed 623
A Story from Days of Horror Hella Rappaport 624
Yizkor: Lists of Martyrs
Radziechow 633
Lopatyn 640
Stanislawczyk (partial list) 641
Hrycowola 641
Niewice [or Niwice] village 641
Witkow Nowy 642
Cholojow 646
Sienkow village and estate 647
Toporow 648
Szczurowice (Schtervitz) 650
Strzemilcze (Stremiltsch) 651
Uwin village 651
Skryholow (Skrilov) village 651
Barylow 651
Wolica Barylowa estate 652
Wygoda 652
Dmytrow village 652
Zawidcze 652
Mikolajow, Zaliskie and Adamowka 653
Niestanice 653
In Memory of the Deceased
Former residents of Radziechow, Lopatyn and the vicinity who died in Israel 655
Translation of Photograph Captions
Translation of Town Maps

  1. Although the title page states 1976 as the year of publication, the actual year was 1984. Back
  2. Literally: 'the persistent one'. Used to describe a diligent yeshiva student who abides by the ideal of perpetual study of the Torah. Back
  3. “Pentacle and Knowledge”, a weekly publication of the central library of Kiryat Uno, Israel. Back


In addition to the translators who are already recognized for each chapter they translated, a special thanks goes to Gloria Hytowitz, Miriam Koral, Adam Neuer, Irving Weitz and Janet Weitz for their help with translations of complicated Polish, Yiddish and Ukrainian words and phrases appearing throughout the book.


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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
Contact person for this translation Barbara Beaton Dubey
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 9 Mar 2025 by LA