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Top row: names established: 1) Necha Kupferschmidt 2) Henia Kurzer 5) Moshe Baranenko 7) Golda Zehner 9) Shoshana Goldstein 10) Fischel Fisch 11) Rachel Goldscheider 13) Golda Laszczower 14) Zeev (Wewi) Rocker 17) Mendel Czop 20) Chaya Schrage 21) Zelig Kranz 22) Yehudit Kranz and their son Sascha [Zacharia Daphna] 25) Lalo Wurm
Top row, from right to left: Letzter, Israel Hersch Adler, Ober Avraham Second row, from right to left: Gertwagen Moshe, Refael Wasser, Ecker Leib, Kupferschmidt Hinda, Taschme Binyamin, Isser Barach, Ela Brunn, Naftali Barach, Meller daughter of Yaakov, Menaker Yosef, Leiber Schapira, Avraham Szargel, Isser Charap, Malka Adler Third row, from right to left: Sara Letzter, Breindel Szargel, Marie Sachs, Rivka Ober, Shoshana Weissman, Chaya Samet, Sheva Miller Last row, from right to left: Malka Samet, Sara Szargel, Bruria Letzter, Pnina Brunn, Genia Gertwagen
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Top row, from left to right: 1) Adela Schuman 2) Uri Sternberg 3-4) unknown 5) Gertwagen 6) Shoshana Goldstein 7) Golda Zehner 8) Shlomo Konig 9) Rosa Zehner 10) Ecker daughter of Zvi Arye 11) Mendel Czop 12) Drock Israel 13) Ettel Rosen 14) unknown 15) Awner Schorr 16) Kalman Barij 17) Ettel Grunschpan 18) Leony Unger 19) Mindel Sandel 20) Rachel Goldscheider 21) Samet Lea 22) Yochanan Gewurz 23) Chatzel Weitzberg 24) Loli Wurm 25) Chava Barij 26) Schapira Leiber 27) Moshe Safier 28) Scheindel Kupferschmidt 29) Rechtsi Laszczower 30) Michael Schrage 31) Ester Czop 32) Zelig Kranz 33) Gely Friedman 34) Golda Laszczower 35) Dov Czop 36) Libe Charap 37) Moshe Baranenko 38) Rivka Zapun 39) Tema Schrage |
Top row, from right to left: Itzhak Schrage, Gela Friedman, Berl Ecker, Reiter Yosef Second row: Ecker – daughter of Zvi Leib, Rachel Goldscheider, Rachel Friedman and Fischel Fisch Third and fourth rows: Golda Laszczower, Salka Lipetz, Zelig Kranz, Schrage, Gertwagen Moshe, Gertwagen Nunie Last row: Golda Rosen |
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Top row, from left to right: Jozi Schrage, Avigdor Klejner, Elazar Ecker, Moshe Barmasch, David Ober, Avraham Botknecht Second row, sitting: Moshe Schwarz, Poldi Kramm, Pnina Brunn, Zelig Szkulnik, Berale Ecker |
On the poster: The Chalutz (Pioneer) Organization, The Yosef Bussel Association in Radziechow Standing, from right to left: Mottel Zugman, Yosale Reiter, Lippa Schapira, Zugman and may he live long Konig Yaakov Sitting, from right to left: Szkulnik Meir, Peczenik, may she live long Peshy Schechter, Laszczower Itzi, Adler and the last one Moshe Letzter |
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Top row, from right to left: the sixth: Mottel Alzufrom, Shmuel Bruck, Yechiel Menaker, Tolci Kurzer and Chancie Laszczower Second row, from right to left: Sara Kratz, Gittel Stricker, Salka Ecker, Lea Weissman, Natan Barach, M. Miller, Szanka Wasser Third row, from right to left: Menaker, Adel Meier, the young Bruck boy, the young Laszczower girl, Ester Meier, and others |
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Headed by Zelig Kranz [second row, third from the left] and Moshe Baranenko |
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