Translated by Shuki Ecker and Barbara Beaton
LANDAU | Rabbi Zvi and family |
Shmuel Yehuda the dayan [religious judge] and family | |
AUSTER | Shub (2 families) |
AUSTER | Moshe, Golda, Perl, Feige, and Reuven |
AUSTER | Avraham, Beila, Frieda, Shifra |
AUSTER | Shlomo, Dvora, Tova, Ratzi, and Mania |
AMBOS | Shlomo, Zipe, Henoch, Ratzi, Pinchas, and Itzhak |
AMBOS | Yaakov, Henia, and family |
ARZT | Yosef (Jozef), Feige, Batya |
APFEL | Moshe, Malka, Perl, Azriel, Dov, and family |
OBER | Hersch, Zipe, and their children |
EIDEM | Chaim Dov, Reizel, Shlomo, Moshe, Golda |
EIDEM | Nachum, Chaya Sara, Doba, Bracha, Gittel, and Zvi |
EIDELMAN | Falik, Dina, Itzhak (2 families) |
ORDOWER | Yechezkel, Zvi, Yente (2 families) |
BARLACH | Eliezer Menachem, Keila, Peshi, Itzhak Yosef, Israel, and Feige |
BARLACH | Zalman Zishe, Dvora, Wolf, Ettel, Rosa, Shalom, Frieda |
BAUMAN | Efroim, Breindl, and family |
BARAL | Rachel, Yehuda, Dvora, Moshe, and Ester |
BARAL | Dreizel, Fishel, Leah, Zissel, Itzhak Mordechai, Shabtay, Tova |
BARI | Boruch Hersch, Ettel and family |
BAUMAN | Shlomo, Beila Malka and Eliezer |
BAUMAN | Shimson, Hudi, Meir, Itzhak, Rivka, Mordechai, and Dvora |
BARASCH | Mindel, Miriam, Natan, Feige, Shalom, and Ester (2 families) |
BARI | Shuel Feige, Golda, Baruch Zvi (2 families) |
BECK? | Mordechai Meir, Sheindl and family |
BORETZ | Moshe, Rivka, Henia, Zipora, Avraham |
BALDASZ | Moshe, Henia, and family |
BALDASZ | Avraham, Breindl Moshe Aharon Muntzi (2 families) |
BALDASZ | Mordechai, Ettel, Chana, Beila, and family |
BALDASZ | Menachem Moshe, Rina and family |
BALDASZ | David, Mameli, Dvora, Malka |
BALDASZ | Itzhak Eizik Beila and family |
BALDASZ | Yehoshua Rivka and family |
BALDASZ | Zelig, Bina, Yaakov And Chana Dvora Miriam And Zirl |
BECKER | Natan, Etti, Hudl, Itzhak, and Avraham |
BECKER | Mendel, Peshi Leah, Tova and Avraham |
GRUBER | Hersch Mendel, Rivka Bezalel, Yehuda, Pnina |
GRUBER | Herman, Rosa, and family |
GRUBER | Hersh Leib, Golda, Avraham, and Itzhak |
GOTTLIEB | Yehoshua Reizel and family |
GRUBER | Dvora, Yehoshua, Chaya, and Leibish |
GASTHALTER | Schmarje, Henia, Moshe, and family |
GERSTENFELD | Zeev, Chana, and family |
DRUKER | Avraham Hudi Heshi, Yosef Lippe and Pesach |
DRUKER | Nissan, Miriam, and family |
DRONG | Pinchas, Ryfka, Moshe, Zvi, Yehuda Perl (2 families) |
DEUTSCHER | Yosef, Hadassah, Rueven, and Sender |
HASTEN | Mozes, Adel, Itta, Luba, Zevye Henoch (2 families) |
HALPERN | Selig, Chaya and Moni and family |
CHERNIK [HERNIK?] | Mordechai, Peshi, and Chaya Gittel |
HAN | Yaakov Sheindl Sara and family |
WOLF | Binem [Benjamin], Beila, Feige, Zipe, Azriel, Wolf |
WERBNER | Mordechai, Gittel, Grine, Czarny Zishe and family |
WASSERMAN | Schprintze, Eliezer, Frieda Golda and family |
WERNER | Berish, Zipe, Zvi, Grine and Lemel |
WOLF | Zvi, Chaya, and family |
WERNER | Malle, Avraham, Sara Zlate, Yona (2 familes) |
WITELES | Israel Natan, Rosa, Rachel Leah, Dvora |
WACHSEL | Meir and family |
WEINGARTEN | Shalom, Rachel, Sara, Feige, Gittel (2 families) |
WINER | David, Malka, and Sara |
WERNER | Chanoch, Frumtshi, and family |
SILBER | Shimon, Ester Zwettel, Ratzi, Tova, Tova. Natan, Shmuel, Avraham (3 families) |
ZELUK | Asher, Sara, Peshi, Moshe, Yechiel (2 families) |
CHARAG | Miriam, Shmuel, Kuky, Yosef, Sara (2 families) |
CHARI | Chaya Sara, Mordechai, Feige, Hudel Avraham, Miriam Sheindl, Yaakov, Eliakim, Sheindl, Bluma Henia (3 families) |
CHARI | Nachum, Miriam, Gershon, Yehuda, Eliezer, Heni, and family |
CHARI | Pinchas, Feige, Bezalel, Bina Eliezer, Schewa (2 families) |
CHARI | Asher, Mali, Chaim, Etti, Yona, and family |
TARTAKOWER | Shimon, Dvora Mordechai, Chaya, and family |
TAUBE | Natan Perl and family |
Yona Shub his wife Elke and family | |
KATZ | Yaakov, Chana Dvora, Tzvi Eidl, Eliezer Peshy (2 families) |
KAHANE | Shmuel, Sara, Mendel, Moshe, and family |
KAHANE | Yechezkel, Tova Rosa and family |
LASSER? LESSER? | Yosef, Feige, Nussi, Aryeh, Reila, and Israel Itzhak and family |
LETZTER | Mozes, Frieda, and family |
LETZTER | Abisch and his wife, Itzhak Mordechai and family |
LETZTER | Zindel, Gittel, Reizel and her husband (2 families) |
LANDAU | Reila, Moshe Malka and family |
LEWITAS | Gittel, Dvora, Golda, Reizel Chaya and family |
LEWITAS | Eliezer, Ester, Tova, Reizel, Miriam, and Shmuel |
LICHTER | Wolf, Chana Rosa Gittel, Chaim and family |
MEIZELES | Kofki [Kofka], Mindel, Reuven, and family |
MANN | Abraham, Maly Chaya, Izio, Epka and Bracha |
MEIZELES | Mordechai, Sara, Moshe, Leah, Etti, and family |
MEIZELES | Simcha Cheshi Mindel and family |
MELMAN | Mendel, Yehudit, Duni, Aryeh Chana Gittel |
MEIZELES | Yehuda, Rivka, and family |
MEIZELES | Shlomo Levy, Hinda, Kofki, Nechama and family |
MARGALIT [MARGOLIS?] | Eliezer, Shimon, Itte, Emanuel and family |
NEBELKAUF [NEBELKOPF] | Shmuel Beilzi, Chaya and family |
NEUBERGER | Shalom Shub [ritual slaughterer] and family |
NEUBERGER | Max, Chana, and family |
SIGAL | Shlomo, Chana Golda Yerachmiel and family |
SIGAL | Hersh, Rosa, Levy, Feige, Frieda and her husband (2 families) |
SIGAL | Alexander, Chana, Beila, Yekutiel, Leah, Sheindl (2 families) |
SIGAL | Asher, Sheindl, Shalom, Miriam, Dvora, Sima, Rachel Leah |
SIGAL | Moshe, Rachel, Shmuel, Chaim, Soni and family |
SIGAL | Bishka, Dvora, Eliezer, Miriam, Fruma |
SIGAL | Yozip, Eidl Dov and Itzhak |
SIGAL | David, Yente, and family |
SIGAL | Frieda, Hinda, Mordechai Leib Melech Kreizl |
STOLIAR? STOLYER? | Feivish, Dina, Mordechai and family |
SIGAL | Tolzi, Hinda, and family |
SIGAL | Yaakov, Schprintze, Isser, Natan, Michael, Tolzi (2 families) |
SIGAL | Shmuel, Yente, Hudi, Yekutiel, Mordechai Frumzi |
SIGAL | Yehuda, Chava, Feivel, Sara, Miriam, Tzirel, Ester Malci Yekutiel and Avraham (2 families) |
EHRENWERTH | Nuchum, Feige, Dozi, and Keila Malka |
PELZ | Yehuda Tzvi |
POZNER | Mindel and Lipa, Leah Fruma |
PELZ | Zissel, Yehuda Tzvi, and Avraham children of Yosef Chaim and Rachel |
PUDER | Dvora, Bosha, Miriam, and family |
PERLES | Mordechai [Markus], Dina, Israel, Henia, Perl |
PODHORETZ | Mordechai Chaya, Shmuel, and family |
FRIEDMAN | Dieschl, Yosef Feige and Meir (2 families) |
PODHORETZ | Mendel, Batya Rachel Luba, Alexander, Berke Gudl and Ettel and family |
PODHORETZ | Shlomo, Ronia, Rachel, and family |
PODHORETZ | Hersh Yoel, Alte, Yaakov, Chaya, Gittel, Itzhak, and Moshe |
PODHORETZ | Israel Mendel, Perl, Tzina, Luba, and Shlomo |
PODHORETZ | Yehuda Dov, Ester, Gittel, and family |
PODHORETZ | Chaim Leibish, Chana, and family |
PODHORETZ | David, Batya, Yehudit, Binyamin, Chaim, Chaya Sara and family |
PODHORETZ | Gittel, Chana, Shmuel and family, Israel, Malka, Ester, Yosef and his sister, Chana, Zipe, and family |
PODHORETZ | Berisch, Leah, Pia, Dreizel, Leib, Peshi |
PODHORETZ | Levy, Simcha, Mordechai Zvi, and family |
PODHORETZ | Dvora, Sara and Yeshayahu, Golda, and family |
PODHORETZ | Chaim Leibish, Gittel, Mendel, and Itzhak |
FRIEDMAN | Yente, Yehuda, Leah, and family |
PASTEL | Glickel, Emanuel, Yekutiel, David and family |
PELZ | Shimon Dov, Chana and family (from Tyszyca) |
FRIEDMAN | Jakub, Simcha, Shimon, Aryeh Michle and her husband |
FURMAN | Berl, Leah, Temi, Yehoshua Hersh and family |
FLECHNER | Moshe, Rivka, Meir, and family |
FLECHNER | Feige, Ettel, Aryeh, Dvora Dov and family |
FURMAN | Itzhak, Golda, Pesach, Dov, Abish Slowe Riwe |
PODHORETZ | Moshe, Schprintze, Yaakov, Yona Eliezer Dov and family |
ZAPUN | Chaim, Chaya Bluma, Rivka, Mordechai, Sheindl Leah Ester and family |
CZERMAK | Shlomo, Chaya, and family |
KANDEL | Refael Moshe, Feige, Yehuda Wolf and family |
KREMNITZ | Eidl Frieda, Pia, Beila Rachel. Shmerl, Reizel, Menachem, Micheli, Mania, Itzhak, Eliezer, Chava, Moshe, Chana, and family |
KRIGSHABER | Moshe Mendel, Chaya and family |
KANDEL | Nute, Leah. Mania and Zvi |
KRIM | Itzchak, Sheindl, Veish Rosa and family |
KRAUTSTOCK | Peyshe, Sara, and family |
KREMNITZ | Eliezer, Henia, and family |
KROCHMAL | Hinda, Shmuel, and family |
KRIGSHABER | Eliezer, Leah, Chaim Itzchak and family, Aryeh, Chesia and Chaya Yente |
KRAUS | Itzchak Chana, Chessi Feige, Shmuel, Dov, Pini, Avraham, Etti, Sara, Aryeh |
KREMNITZER | Yosef, Peshy, Yocheved, Malka, Efraim and Zalman |
KUPERSZMIT | Benzion Eidl Genia, Luba, Abish, Dov, Tzevia |
REITER | Chaim, Meir and family, Avraham Itzchak, Beila and family |
ROTH | Sara, Feivish, and family |
RADWANIEC? | Eliezer, Chaim, Golda, Zelda and Yosef. Moshe and his wife (2 families) |
RAPPAPORT | Ester Malka, Fruma, Chana, Shlomo Monis, Dvora, Miriam, Sara Rachel, Soni |
ROTH | Breintschy, Miriam, Shmuel, Eidl |
ROTH | Henia, Meir Beila, Mordechai, Finkel (3 families) |
REINER | Israel, Sara, Mordechai Abish, Anschel, Beila |
RAKOWER | Meir, his wife, and their children |
SCHNEIDER | Aharon, Beila Reize, Rivka and family, Miriam and Anschel |
SCHNEIDER | Yehuda Meir, Genie, Sara |
Mozes Leib, Luba, David |
SCHER | Izak, Chana, and family |
SCHARGEL | Eliezer, Chana Leah, Moshe Wolf, Rivka, Yekutiel, Sara, Avraham, Chaya, Dozi (2 families) |
SZMULEWICZ | Zvi, Chana, Zila, Yenty, and family |
SCHNEIDER | Mattes, Hadassa, Zissel her husband Avraham and family |
SCHARGEL | Chana Leah, Itzchak, Yosef, Chaim |
SPALTER | Mordechai and family |
SCHUFENBAUER | Henoch, Chana, Itzhak Eizik, Zissel |
Chana, Peretz, and family |
SCHARGEL | Chaim Shalom, Ester, Zvi, Arye and family |
SCHUMAN | Chava, Isser, Zipe, and family |
SCHACHTER | Modechai [Markus] Sender, Rosa, Gittl, Dov, Chana and family |
SCHACHTER | Michael [Mechel], Zipe and family |
SCHWARZWALD | Asher, his wife, and their children |
SPATZ | Moshe, Dvora and their children ([from] Dobrotwor) |
[Page 646]
Translated by Angela Brice
EFRATI [EFRUSI] | the family of Rabbi |
ZUSIA | the family of Rabbi Mazel |
EKHOYZ [EKHAUS] | family (6 souls) |
ALTMAN | Moshe and Sarah |
INDYK | Zelig (2 families) |
ORNSTEIN | Schlomo, Bashi Rachel, and family |
BARASCH | Shimon and family |
BARASCH | Schlomo, Reizel, and family |
BARASCH | Pesach, Feige, and family |
BARASCH | Beile and family |
BARTEL? | Nachum |
BARAS | Moshe, Dvora, Miriam (2 families) |
BOKSER | Miriam and family |
BADNER | David, Bronia, and family |
GRZYMALOWER | Israel, Miriam, and family |
GRZYMALOWER | Israel Mendel, Esther, and family |
GRZYMALOWER | Eliezer, Mali, Zelig and Aharon and family |
GUTFLEISCH | Chanoch, Frume, and family |
GUTFLEISCH | Naftali, Tova, and family |
GUTFLEISCH | Yaakov, Mindel, Noah and Cayla (2 families) |
GENAUER | Itchak, Sara, and family |
GANAUER | Avraham, Feige, and family |
GOTTWIRT | Schlomo, Sara, and family |
GLAZER | Chaim, Fradel, and family |
GRZYMALOWER | Avraham, Lea, and family |
GOTTLIEB | Avraham, Perl, and family |
GOTTLIEB | David, Lea, and family |
GOTTLIEB | Azriel, Hinda (2 families) |
GRUBER | Avraham and Yocheved, Michael and Chana (2 families) |
GOLDHAMER | Sandel Israel and family |
DINES | Leib and Awner and family |
DISTENFELD | Schlomo and family |
HEILMAN | Abraham, Malka, Gittel, and family |
HOLZMAN | Aharon, Genia, and family |
HOLZMAN | Yekutiel, Sara, and family |
HOLZMAN | Schlomo and family |
HALPERN | Schmuel, Mindel, and family |
HALPERN | Schlomo, Lea, and family |
HALPERN | Schmuel, Gila, Chana Sara (2 families) |
WALDMAN | Moshe and family |
WALDMAN | Hirsch, Rosa, and family |
SANDBERG DISTENFELD | Chana Sara and family |
SANDBERG | Lipa, Isser (2 families) |
TEITELBAUM | Feige and family |
ISMACH | Meir, Shifra, Shalom (2 families) |
ISMACH | Avraham, David (2 families) |
ISMACH | Moshe and Sheindel, Tova (2 families) |
ISMACH | Hersch and Feige, Yitzhak and Feige (2 families) |
ISMACH | Uri and Rivka, Berisch and Chaya (2 families) |
KATZ | Avraham and Chana Rachel, and family |
LANCZYNER | Dr. and family |
LANDES | Yosef and family |
LANDES | Leibisch, Frieda, and family |
LETZTER | Israel, Rachel, and family |
LETZTER | Israel, Rachel and Tova (2 families) |
LETZTER | Yaakov, Elke, and family |
LINDAUER | and family |
MEISELES | Yeshayahu, Pessia, Chaim (2 families) |
MENDLOWICZ | Israel Leib, Dvora, and family |
MENDLOWICZ | Isaac, Malka, and family |
MIROCZNIK | Shabtai, Zissel, Chaya (2 families) |
MENAKES | and family |
SEGAL | Rosa, Yechezkel (2 families) |
SACKLER | Mordechai and family |
PLEVER | Dvora and family |
PFEFFER | Yona, Frume, and family |
PERLMUTTER | Moshe, Ettel Batya (2 families) |
FUCHS | Yaakov Meir, Frume Gittel, Yaakov (2 families) |
FUCHS | Mendel Leib and family |
FEINER | Esther and family |
FLASCH | Isser, Tova, and family |
FRANKEL | Moshe Leib, Pessi, and family |
PODHORETZ | Elkune, Eliezer, Frume (2 families) |
PETRUSZKA | Wolf and family |
ZWERLING | Chaim, Mottel, Tsippa (2 families) |
ZWERLING | Eizik, Soshi, Zelig, Chana (2 families) |
ZWERLING | Schlomo, Hinde, Mottel, Heschel (2 families) |
ZAPUN | Yaakov (2 families) |
ZUCKER | Choli, Itte, Malka (2 families) |
ZEISLER | Eliezer, Mindel, and family |
CZOP | Moshe, Itta, and family |
CZOP | Gershon, Henia, and family |
CZOP | Avish, Freida, and family |
KRAUS | Yitzhak Aharon, Sheindel (2 families) |
KOHL | Israel, Dvora, and family |
KOHL | Berisch, Chava, and family |
KOHL | Motti, Miriam, and family |
KRIEGSHABER | Nachman, Chana (2 families) |
KRAMER | Kurier (2 families) |
KONSTANTIN | Yitzhak, Sheindel, and family |
REISS | Majer, Tova, and family |
ROSENBLATT | Hirsch, Itta, and family |
REISLER | Miriam and family |
RADZIECHOWER | Chaya and family |
ROSENBERG | Avish, Rosa, and family |
RADOWNITZ | family (5 souls) |
SPIES | Yehuda, Zipporah, and family |
SCHWARZWALD | Daniel and family |
SCHWARZWALD | Chana Rivka and family |
SCHARGIEL | Herman, Sarah, Rosa (2 families) |
SCHAPIRA | Schmuel, Yetti, and family |
SCHAPIRA | Israel Avraham, Esther, and family |
SCHNEIDER | Moshe, Gittel, and family |
STERNBERG | Leib, Henia, and family |
SCHWARZ | Yehoshua, Golda, and family |
[Page 647]
Translated by Shuki Ecker
MENAKES | Alter, Scheindel, Yitchak, Szunio |
MANDEL | family |
FUSS | family (members of the family of Dan [Rapaport] from Dabrowa) |
RAPAPORT | Natan and Bat-Sheva his wife and their children Zwi, Lea, Chaya and Rachel |
RAPAPORT | Dan [Don] and his family, from Dabrowa |
RAPAPORT | Yekutiel and his family |
RAPAPORT | Rafael and Matilda his wife and his family, from Stanin |
RAPAPORT | Simche and Feige Lea his wife and their children |
[Pages 648-649]
Translated by Angela Brice
IGEL | Yitzchak Zeev, his son Leizer and his wife Yente, his daughters Gittel, Soshi, and his brother Benyamin and his son Mordechai |
IGEL | Eliezer Leib and his wife Chana Ita |
IGEL | Ratze, Mordechai, Sheva and her child |
IGEL | Noah and his wife Sarah, Tzvia and Esther |
IGEL | Moshe and his daughter Heni |
ORGEL | Avraham, his brother Wolf, his father Shimon, his sisters Fradl, Heni, Tolci, Shimon, and Yehudit |
EISENBERG | Mordechai and family |
OLESKER | Leib, his wife Rashi, his son Yosef |
UNGER | Yitzchak and his brothers Zalman, Avraham Mordechai and family |
ORGEL | Feibish and his sons-in-law Yaakov and Avraham |
IDEL | Moshe Leib and family |
BRODER [BRODYJER] | Yitzchak, Shalom, and Mintzi Feige |
BATIATYCZER | Avraham, his wife Chava, the daughters Rivka and Dvorah |
BRODER [BRODYJER] | Rivka, Peshi, and family |
GIESSER | Mordechai and family |
GRICMAN | Berish and his wife Shifra, sons Nathan, Avigdor, and Zusie |
GUNER | Yaakov, Itzik, Awner, his wife Scheindel, and Israel |
GRUENBERG | Abraham and Yente |
GRUBER | Yaakov Motti, Michael, Berish, Eli |
GRUENBERG | Chami and Esther |
GLEICHER | Itzhak and family |
GIGLAS | Shmuel, Yehoshua, and family |
GELMAN | Yaakov and family |
GRUBER | Yankel Mordechai and Frumme |
DODEL | David, his wife Tsirel, Breindel and Shlomo |
DODEL | Yehuda Aryeh and his wife Sarah |
DRUCKER | Simcha and family |
DISTENFELD | Yisrael and his wife Gittel, his son Yitzchak |
HALPERN | Mordechai, Hersch and his wife Rivka, Shammai, Chaim, Czarny |
HALPERN | Yaakov and his wife Sarah Gittel, Meir, Moshe |
HALPERN | Shalom and Yaakov, Aba, Ovadia and Noah |
WOLFSHAUT | Chana, the children Yaakov, Ovadia Shmuel, Mordechai, Yentl |
WOLFSHAUT | Efroim, Fishel, Sarah |
WAGMAN | Shmuel Shapse, Yaakov, Shlomo, Shmuel |
WILNER | Shmuel and Hirsch, Moshe, Yetti, Menashe, Feige, Mordechai Hirsch, Akiva and Berish |
WILDER | Shlomo, Avraham Yisrael Leib, Esther and Bashi |
WEINRIB | Leibish, Kehat, and family |
ZUSIE | Zwarman and family |
CHARAP | Asher, Avraham, Baruch, and Binyamin |
TENENBAUM | Yitzchak Eizik, Schmuel Leib, Yitzchak Yaakov, Beile, Leizer, Shmuel, and Israel |
KAHANE | Josef, Henoch, and Peshy |
KATZ | Michael and Ephraim |
LIEBER | Avraham and family |
MEISELES | Yaakov, Zalman and Chaya, Yitzchak, Yaakov Chaim and Moshe |
MARDER | Avraham, Meir, Shammai, Michael |
MARDERFELD | Gedaliahu, Asher, Binyamin |
MANDEL | Itzik Leib, Chaim Simcha, Mintschy, Chana and her son Meir |
MILLER | Moshe, Vovy and family, Yaakov, his daughter and son-in-law |
Moshe the melamed [religion teacher] and family | |
MARDER | Leah, Hodil, Peppi, Gittel, Liba Chaya |
Mordechai Shlomo, Chune, and family | |
NAGLER | Aron, Roni, Hadassah |
NEBELKOPF | Yitzchak, Yakl, Chana, Yisrael, Heni, Moshe |
SOFER | Yosef, Moshe, and family |
PECZENIK | Meir and his wife Sima Peshi, Azriel and his wife Beile |
PECZENIK | Gittel, the children, Yitzchak and Breindel |
PECZENIK | Issachar Eliezer, Shmuel |
PECZENIK | Eliezer, Hersch, Yona and Yitzchak |
PECZENIK | Feige from Zablotem and family |
FROMER | Feibisch and family |
FINKEL | Schmuel (head of the community), Yenti, his wife |
FINKEL | Israel and Rivka, Mottel, Avraham, Feibish |
FISCH | Rivka, Moshe, Yaakov, and family |
FLEISSIG | Henoch and Shifra, Shalom, Nachum, Yekutiel, Leibish, and family |
PETRUSZKA | Simcha, Wolf and Yaakov |
POLKES | Moshe, Yaakov, Chaim David, Chaya, and family |
FLEISSIG | Sara, Neche, Gittel, Bashi, Shifra, Tsippa |
PARNES | Moshe Leib and family |
FLOH | Yosef, Sara, Lieba, Chana, Yaakov, Meir, and Hirsch |
FINGER | Yoel, Yaakov, Ephraim, and family |
POSNER | Chaya and family |
FEINER | Leibele (Olesker?) and family |
PESACH | Shmuel and family, Pinchas (from Piaski) |
FEDERMAN | Michael and Rivka (Rokach) and Benzion and Channa his wife |
PARNES | Israel, Shlomo, and Chana |
FELDMAN | Michael and family |
ZWERLING | Chune and Roni his wife, Hersch and Yisrael |
KESLER | Avraham and Breindel, Isser and Yaakov and family |
KOPPEL | Leib, Henoch Avraham and family |
ROTH | Itale |
SHIFRIN | Rachel |
RAKOWSKI | David and family |
SCHAPIRA | Fishel, Avraham, Mottel, Yeshayahu, Michael and Avraham |
SCHAFRANSKI | Issachar, Shimon, Zindel and family |
SHIFFER | Avraham and Yente |
SCHWARZ | Ben Zion and family |
SCHUECKLER | Henoch and his wife Sara, Motti, Michael |
SCHUECKLER | Chana Sime and her husband David, Moshe and Chanoch |
SCHAPIRA | Chaim Shub [ritual slaughterer] |
SCHWARZ | Moshe and family |
STEIN | Herz, Pnina, Berisch, Benzion |
[Page 650]
Translated by Shuki Ecker and Barbara Beaton
ORDAWER [ORDOWER] | Eliezer, and Breindl his wife, and their children |
BODEK | Mozes Aron, and Rivka his wife, and their children |
BERENSTEIN | Eliyahu [Eliasz], his wife Rachel, and their children |
GOLD | Gimpel, and Eti his wife, and their children |
GOLD | Zalman, and Mintzi his wife, and their children |
DISTENFELD | Ester Dina and family |
HEILMANN | Yekutiel, Gittel his wife, and their children |
WILDER | Itzhak, and Sara his wife and their daughter |
SINGER | Daniel, and his wife Chava, and their children |
SELIG | Chaim Leibish, and his daughter Feige Chana |
CHARAP [CHARAP] | Eliezer Zvi [Leizor Hersch], his son Lipa, and family |
CHARAP [CHARAP] | Dawid, the children: Michel, Chaim Gershon Fishel, Ester, Breina, and Yura |
CHARAP [CHARAP] | Yaakov, and Malka his wife, and their children: Zalman Anshel, Mordechai, Zivye, and Rachel |
CHAZAN | David Zvi Shub [ritual slaughterer] and his wife Sara, their children: Ronia, Israel, Yosef, Motl, Chaya |
TENZER [TENCER, TENTZER] | Shimon and Sarki his wife, Rivka nee KARDASZ, the children: Shabtay, Eidl, Moshe, and his wife Golda daughter of Moshe |
KAHANE | Jozef, and Chana, and family |
KATZ | Izak, Shmuel and Chaya nee BERENSTEIN, the children: Moritz, and Sara Ester |
LETZTER | Zeev and Zissel his wife, the children Yaakov and Chaim |
MEISLER | Simcha, his daughter Leah |
MEISLER | Shmuel David, and family |
MEISLER | Elazar and the sons Mordechai and Aharon |
MEISLER | Yoche and family |
MEISLER | Yehoshua, and Rivka Leah, and the children, Shlomo, Malka, Yaakov Zvi, and Moshe |
MEISLER | Rachel daughter of A. HART and family |
MEISLER | Mordechai Zeev, and Gittel, and their children: Zvi, and Hillel |
MEISLER | Yosef, his wife, and their children |
SELTZER | Eliezer, his wife, and the daughters Hinda and Miriam |
SIGALL | Jakob, and the children, Eliezer, Peshi, Efraim, Chaya, and Tova |
SACHARCZUK | Chana Tzirl, Peshi Zissel, and Shmuel Aryeh |
FRIEDMAN | Itta, and the son Herzl |
FISCH | Mindel, and her husband, Moshe EIDELHEIT, and the children, Musia, Yaakov, and Shalom |
FISCH | Chaim Zvi and his son David |
FISCH | Sara, and her husband Moshe DISTENFELD, and the children Yaakov and Zipora |
FISCH | Nachman, his wife Chana, and their children |
FISCH | Reuven and family |
FISCH | Bluma and daughter Ester |
FISCH | Shalom |
POTASCH | Reuven Zelig, and Gila his wife, and the children, Eliezer, Yitchak, Yechezkiel Moshe, and Hudl |
PRINZ | Israel Gerszon, and his wife, the son Yosef Moshe, and the daughter Chana |
PRINZ | Yitzchak Nisan and his wife Beila |
KANDEL | Michael, his wife Rachel, and the children |
KARDASZ | Eliyahu, his wife Genena, and the sons: Yechiel Hanoch, Itzchak, and Zeinvel |
REISS | Majer, his wife Beila Chaya, and their daughter Peppa |
ROZMARIN | Gdalyahu and Peshi Cyna and their children Meir and Moshe |
SCHWAM | Tuvia [Tobiasz], and his wife Freida, and the children: Yitzchak, Pesach, and Ester Sheindl |
STERLING [STERLIN] | Eliezer [Leiser], his wife Feige, and the daughter Chana |
STERLING | Fruma nee FISCH, and the children, Yaakov and Klara |
SCHORR | Gershon and Zissel, and their children: Alexander, Aryeh, Simcha, and Pyna |
SCHIRMAN | Jakob, his wife, and the son Avraham |
[Page 651]
Translated by Shuki Ecker
ORNSTEIN | Shlomo and Chava |
APFELBAUM | Joel and his wife Beila |
ARNSTEIN | Mordechai, Sara, and Welwel from Merwa |
HEIMLICH | Benzion and Rivka, Hudie Mindel Sara Reisel and the son Avraham |
WERBNER | Zusie, Hudie Yechiel and Ozer |
SITZER | Lea, the daughters: Wela, Henia, Edzia, and Breina |
KAHANE | Moshe and his wife Serka, the sons Shimon Leib, Shmuel, and Berisch |
KAHANE | Israel and Shmuel Itzchak |
KAHANE | Moshe, Gitel, and Lea |
LIFSCHUTZ | Leibisch and his family |
PARDES | Reuven and Zwia his wife, the sons Dov and Avraham, Arye, Yosef David, Chana Sara and Ita [on p. 454 Chana is the wife and Zwia the daughter] |
FRIEDMAN | Shmuel, Amalie, Gila, Zippora, Yehudit |
[Page 651]
Victims from the Village of Uwin
Translated by Shuki Ecker
ORENSTEIN | Zwi and his wife Mindel, the daughter Sara and her husband Zwi Mensch and their boy, their second daughter Mieta and the son Fischel |
EKER | Moshe and his family |
HAMERMAN | Yehudit |
CHARAM | Mordechai, Chaim, and Dvora (died in France) |
FISCH | Shmuel David, the son Yosef Neta and the daughter Sara and her husband Yona Adler and their children: Lea, Rivka, Miriam and Moshe |
KREMNITZER | Yaakov and his family (from Strzemilcze) |
ROYCHFLEISCH | Mordechai (from Niestanice) |
SZLAJEN | Batya and her children: Tzipora married FRIEDMAN, Freida, Kalman Eisik and Moshe |
[Page 651]
Translated by Shuki Ecker
KAPTZAN | Benzion |
KAPTZAN | Chaim, his wife Miriam, and their children |
KAPTZAN | Gitel and her son |
[Pages 651-652]
Translated by Shuki Ecker
EICHMAN | Mordechai and his wife Beile |
EICHMAN | Benzion, his wife Sara, and their children |
IGEL | Rachel and Nathan |
BARACH | Moshe, his wife Rela, and their daughter |
BARACH | Avraham, his wife, and their boy |
BARACH | Mordechai, his wife, and their children |
BARACH | Itzchak, his wife, and their children |
GRUBER | Rivka wife of Shaul |
HEICHMAN | Zwi (Herman), his wife, and their family |
ZATWOR | Itzchak Eisik, his wife Breina, his mother Tova, and the children Rachel, Efraim, and Rivka |
LOWENTHAL | Zalman, his wife Rose, and their son Eisik |
LOWENTHAL | Mindel and Gitel |
LOWENTHAL | Arye, his wife, and their daughter |
LOWENTHAL | Moshe, his wife, and their daughter |
LOWENTHAL | Lea married TENZER, the daughter Golda, and the sons Wolf and Shaul |
KREMNITZER | Chaya wife of Mordechai KREMNITZER |
ROCKER | Shimon, his wife Rachel, and the son Wolf (Wewi) |
REISCHER | Shmuel, his wife Rachel, and the children David and Gusta |
[Page 652]
Translated by Shuki Ecker
SUCHMAN | Mordechai, his wife Nesya, the children |
SUCHMAN | Chaim, Feige, Buzia |
[Page 652]
Translated by Shuki Ecker
APELFELD | David son of Yaakov and Gitl |
TAKSER | Shimon, his wife Tova, and their children |
KRANZ | Tzvi, his wife Chaya, and their children |
[Page 652]
Translated by Shuki Ecker
BARASCH | Yosef and his wife Frymchy |
BARASCH | Meir Zeev, his wife Rivka, and their children Henia and Yissachar Dov |
WALDBOYM | Zeev Reuven and Rachel his wife, the daughters Yetti and Leah, and the son Eliezer |
WALDBOYM | Avraham, Reizel his wife, the daughters Perl and Malka, and the son Shlomo |
WALDBOYM | Henia, the sons Arye and Moshe, and the daughters Perl and Malka |
WALDMAN | Beila Henia |
ZOLKWER | Tzvi Hersch and the sons Feivel, Mordechai, Bezalel, and their families |
SILBER | Shmuel and Chaya his wife, and their family |
LOCKERMAN | Eliezer and his wife Chana Beila, their son Yehoshua, and their daughter Yetty |
LOCKERMAN | Shimshom, his wife Malka, and their children |
LOCKERMAN | Shimon, his wife Czarny, and their son |
PELZ | Shmaryahu, his wife Ester, the daughter Malka, the sons, Chaim, Shmuel, Yosef |
FLASCH | Eliezer, his wife, and their children |
CZERMAK | Zeev, his wife Malka, and their family |
KLUGHAFT | Toybe, her son Selig, the daughters Chana and Chaya, her son-in-law Shmuel Arye, and family |
KRANZ | Moshe, his wife Kreindl, and their children |
STERNBERG | Cwetl her son Arye and his family the daughters Susie and Gitl and family |
[Page 652]
Translated by Shuki Ecker
BERNSTEIN | family |
GRUBER | family |
GRUBER | Nachman and his family |
GRUBER | Michael and his wife Chana (Cholojow) |
FISCH | Fischel and his wife Cirl the daughter Dvora and the son Chaim |
KARDIMAN | Henoch, Baruch, Israel Sali, Feige Leah, Chana, Gitl |
KLAR | Leib, Nesya, and their family |
The sisters Yoched and Chana and their families | |
SZATZ | family |
[Page 653]
Translated by Shuki Ecker
BATALION | Meier, and their sons Mordechai and Zwi [in Zaliski] |
BAUMWAL | Miriam |
GRUBER | Moshe, his wife Yente, and their children |
DISTENFELD | Pesach, his wife Tova, and their children |
DIWALD | family |
WINIGER? | Roisa |
WAHL | Itzchak, his wife Minka, and their children |
WEISTOYB? | Itzchak, Chaya Sara his wife and their children |
Chaya from Adamowka and her family | |
MEISLER | Zalman and his family |
MEISLER | Chaim and Scheindel his wife and their children |
MEISLER | Mordechai Zeev |
SIGAL [SEGAL] | Munio from Sterkowce |
FEIER | Yaakov and Avraham |
FLASCH | Yaakov (Munio) and Fanka his wife |
ZUGMAN | Asher, Chana his wife, and their son |
KOHN | Rachel and her family |
KOHN | Rosa and her family |
KOHN | Lippa and his family |
KURZ [KURC] | Israel and his wife Zissel |
KURZ [KURC] | Arye Leib and his family |
KURZ [KURC] | Reuven |
KOHL | Yaakov and Munio |
RAWER | Aron and his family |
[Page 653]
Translated by Shuki Ecker
BIZEM | Anschel, Zina his wife and their children Yente Rivka and Avraham |
MEISELS | Yehushua, Kreintsche his wife the daughters Taube, Freida and the sons Wolf and Yosef |
MEISELS | Sima and the daughters Sara, Chaya and Henia, and the sons Yaakov, Yosef and Avraham |
MERWITZER | Yaakov, his wife Rachel, and two children |
SEGAL | Itzchak and Sara his wife, their sons Zeinvel, Henoch, Yekutiel and their families |
SEGAL | Eliyahu, his sons Avraham, Natan and Yaakov and the daughters Sara Rashi and Rivka |
SEGAL | Feivel, his wife Perl, the daughters Rashi and Sara and the son Akiva |
ZEUSNER | Asher, his wife Rachel, and the sons Mordechai Meir, Yosef and Zalman |
ROYCHFLEISCH | Shlomo and the daughters Rashi and Gitel and the son Meir |
ROTH | Chaim, his wife Rachel, and their children |
ROYCHFLEISCH | Mordechai |
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