The Pabianice Book
A Memorial for a Community

(Pabianice, Poland)

51°40' / 19°22'

Published by the Pabianice Landsmanshaft, Melbourne, Australia, 2014

Our sincere appreciation to Jack Ekstein,
President of the Pabianice Landsmanshaft, Melbourne, Australia,
for permission to put this material on the JewishGen web site.

(Note the Pabianice Landsmanshaft maintains a web site at: www.pabianice.com.au)


This is: The Pabianice Book: A Memorial for a Community,
Published by the Pabianice Landsmanshaft, Melbourne, Australia, 2014

Purchase details for a printed copy of this book can be found at www.pabianice.com.au

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Seyfer Pabianice

(The Pabianice Book)


A Memorial for a Community


Editor – A Wolf Yasni (1956)

Pabianice Landsmanshaft, Melbourne, Australia

2 nd Edition, 2015


Seyfer Pabianice published by the Pabianice Landsmanshaft in Israel, Tel Aviv, 1956 [in Yiddish and Hebrew].

Edited by A. Wolf Jasni.

Editorial Board: D. Dawidowicz, M.W. Kochman, G Rajchman.

This English translation, The Pabianice Memorial Book, published by the Pabianice Landsmanshaft, Melbourne, Australia in 2014.

2nd Edition 2015.

Editorial Board: Jack Ekstein (President), Dr Ian Light, Eva Light, Sara Brott (Ben–Jacob).

Translation from the Yiddish: Bobbi Zylberman.

Translation from the Hebrew: Sara Brott (Ben–Jacob).

Editor of the 1st and 2nd editions in English translation: Tony Thomas.

Editorial contribution to the 2nd edition: Ben Kotek.

© 2014 and 2015, Pabianice Landsmanshaft, Melbourne, Australia


Introduction The editors 1
“Megilus” Pabianice [Scroll of Pabianice] M. W. Kochman 4
The Jewish Settlement until the First World War
History of Jewish Pabianice: Overview and Sketches of Life D. Dawidowicz 9
First Pabianice Public School for Jewish Children M. W. Kochman 37
Jewish Pabianice at the Beginning of the 20th Century Yosef Bialik 250
Old Wooden Synagogues in the Pabianice Region Engineer D. Dawidowicz 38
Jewish Weavers Jehojszua Birnbojm 43
Memories of My Childhood Years Fiszl Rosensztejn 47
The Religious Life: Chasidim, Rebbes and Charitable Societies
The Religious Life Mojsze Jakubowicz 49
The “Light of the Torah” School in Pabianice Naftoli Krul 55
Lask – the Neighbouring Community and Older Sister of Pabianice Engineer D. Dawidowicz 58
The Jewish Hospital and the Society to Help the Sick Dawid Papjernik 63
The Organization to Clothe the Poor Mojsze Cohen (Kahan) 64
Reb Abram the Gemora Teacher Jichak Grynsztejn 70
The Pabianice Hagada Avraham Wajs 253
Communal-Party Activity and the Struggle for Workers’ Rights
Jewish Pabianice at the turn of the 20th century Yosef Bialik 249
The Zionist Revolution in the “Gerre Shtibl” Mojsze Cohen (Kahan) 258
Labour Zionist Activity and the Struggle for the Right to Work Mojsza Banet 75
In the Years after the First World War Chaim Papjernik 98
In the Last Period before the Second World War Szlama Szijale 103
“Hashomer Hatzair” [Socialist Zionist] Movement D. Ben-Yosef 264
The Revisionist Movement Gerszon Rajchman 107
Supporters of the Jewish National Fund Gerszon Rajchman 109
Paramilitary Preparations for Jews Gerszon Rajchman 113
Maccabi [Jewish Sports Movement] Gerszon Rajchman 114
The Jewish Cooperative Credit Bank M. Kochman 115
Culture and School Activities
Hebrew High School Engineer Yitzhak Gilun-Zelinsky 272
Cultural Institutions and the Pabianicer Zeitung [newspaper] D. Dawidowicz 118, 122
The “Hazomir” [Choral Organization] in Pabianice “ Wolf Bresler 120
“Hazomir” [Choral Organization] during the Years 1933-1939 Jakob Grynsztejn 123
Personalities from Jewish Pabianice:
    Reb Mojsza Adler, Reb Elye Banet, Hersz Josef Giska, Nosn Glass, Szmuel Dawid Grynsztejn,
    Reb Jakob Wigocki, Oszer Wyntner, Mordcha Chmura, Gerszon Lejb Pakyn, Reb Henech Rajchman,
    Dr Szmuel Szenker, Dwojne Szerodzka-Kjak, Followers of the Enlightenment, Artists, Writers
Reb Josef Dawidowicz V. Gilun Zelinsky 269
Reb Yakob Yakubowicz, Chazan [Cantor] Reb Yirmiahu Vandrobnik Y. Zimberknopf & M.Sh. Gashoori 276
Cantor R. Yirmiahu Vandrobnik M. Sh. Gashoori 278
Dr Yosef Ben Renan (Szwarcwasser) D. Dawidowicz 281
A “Sefer” [book, usually a religious one] H. L. Zytnicki 156
Sons of the Pabianicer Jews and the War of Independence in Israel:
    Avraham Ben Henech (Frajman), Szymon Aron Grynberg, Ben-Zion Arija Chen-Zion, Jisroel Jerust
In the “Gehenom” [Hell] of Extermination and Death
The Song Szlama Zelychowski Jichak Kacenelson 163
Rabbi Mendele Alter from Pabianice Is Going to Treblinka M. Prager 279
The First Months under the Nazi Occupation Dr. T. Sasna-Lifszyc 165
We Survived the German Extermination Testimonies 167
From Pabianice to the Zanszyn Torture Camp Mojsze Herszman & A.T.Kochman 177
How I Survived the War Jehojszua Birnbojm 180
People’s Kitchen for Pabianicer in Occupied Warsaw Rochl Abramczyk-Alawieski 187
Pabianice Partisan in the White Russian (Belarus) Forests Jakob Grynsztejn 188
News/Information in the Press of Eretz-Israel about the German Extermination of Jews in Pabianice D. Dawidowicz 211
Pabianice Jews in the Wide World (Landsmanshaftn) [societies of people from the same town] 218
Final Comments A. Wolf – Yasni 237
Bronia Eisman’s Story Bronia Eisman 283
Pabianice Jewish Cemetery List 1847-1942 L. Dzialoszynski 294
Glossary 306
Pabianice prior to 16th May 1942 307


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