This book has drawn on many voices to provide the detail and colour of everyday life in Pabianice Poland.
The project was sponsored in 2013 by the Pabianice Landsmanshaft located in Melbourne in the State of Victoria, Australia. Bobbi Zylberman translated the Yiddish section into English and Sara Brott (Ben-Jacob) translated the Hebrew section into English. Tony Thomas edited the English translation. The translation of the book was made possible by the generosity of the Light family (Dr Ian Light and Eva Light) in memory of their late mother, Bronia Light (Eisman). We hope it will be a valuable source for the descendants of Pabianice and also for those who study the history of European Jewry. It is another link in the chain of our shared Jewish history.
This new edition incorporates a few corrections, additional photographs and maps, a glossary, and the story of Bronia Light (nee Eisman), Pabianice resident and Holocaust survivor.
Jack Ekstein |
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Chevra Kadisha Cemetery Melbourne Australia |
Holon Cemetery Tel Aviv Israel |
Even the grave markers of those who died before the war are no longer there. Together with the Polish anti-Semites, the Germans stole our holy gravestones and used them as footpaths. The rich, colourful Jewish life of a hardworking community was pitilessly and tragically erased. It is lost forever. (M. W. Kochman, page 9.) |
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Updated 18 Jul 2015 by LA