[Page 306]
Pronunciation: 'j' = English 'y'; 'w' = 'v'; 'sz' = 'sh'; 'c' = 'ts'; 'cz' = 'ch'
Bima | Area in the synagogue where the prayer leader recites the prayers |
Buznicka | Disturbance |
Chassid, Chasid, Chassidic | Follower of a Rabbinic dynasty and its beliefs |
Cheder (pl chedorim, cheders) | Jewish religious school |
Chumash | The Bible, the five books of Moses |
Dojcz, Deutsh | Deutsche |
Eretz Israel | Israel |
Gemora(h), Gemara | Explanation and discussion of Jewish laws |
Goyim, goys | Non--Jews |
Landmanshaften | Inhabitants of the same town |
Landslayt | People born in the same town |
Maftir | Final Reading of the Old Testament (Torah) in the synagogue on the Sabbath |
Mishna | Explanation and discussion of Jewish laws |
Misnagdic, misnagid | Assimilated |
Mitzvot | Commandments |
Psiches | Respect, honour acquired through religious learning |
Ragotka | Marketplace |
Rashi | Scholar, commentator on the Old Testament |
Rebbe | Rabbi |
Seder | Passover service |
Shtadlanut | Intercession, pleading, lobbying |
Shtibl, shtiblach, shtiblakh | 'Rooms'; small houses of prayer and learning |
Shulchan Oruch | Code of Jewish law |
Tzedaka | Charity |
Tzitzit | Fringes of a prayer shawl |
Yizkor, Yiskor | Memorial, remembrance |
Yomtov | Jewish festival |
Zanszyn, Zbonshin, Zbonszyn | Torture camp |
Arija, Arie, Aria | |
Elijohu, Eliyahu, Elijah | |
Jehojszua, Jehoshua, Joshua, Yehoshua | |
Jichak, Yitshak, Izca, Itche, Icze, Iza, Jicchak | |
Jojel, Yoel, Joel | |
Mojsze, Moishe, Mojsze, Moses | |
Nojach, Noah | |
Szapyra, Shapira | |
Yavnah, Yavneh | |
Yisroelke, Israel (diminutive, affectionate form) | |
Zdunska Wolja, Zdunska Wola |
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Updated 7 Aug 2015 by LA