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[Page 411]

Obituaries (cont.)

Freideh Goldwasser
In eternal memory our mother, Freideh Goldwasser.

We will always remember our fallen brother, Chaim-Mendl Goldwasser, and his wife, Frumet.

Sister Itteh and Beirech Weberman, brother Shaul Goldwasser, wife and children (Paris)

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Eliezer and Breindl Wasserstrom

In memory of our parents Eliezer and Breindl Wasserstrom; brother Nechemia, his wife Tobeh and children; sister Miriam and husband, Aharon Weinriber and Malkeh and her husband Shaul Firestein.

Shifra Loterstein, Yakov Wasserstrom
Aharon and Miriam Weinriber

Nechemia and Tova Wasserstrom, Shaul and Malkeh Firestein

[Page 413]

Shimon and Dina Eidelstein

In memory of our murdered parents Shimon and Dina Eidelstein; sister Rivkeh and her husband Yudl Schwartz and their children: Gershon, Shaul, Dvoireh, Mechl, and Itteh; sister Chaveh and her husband and three children: the oldest—Dvoireleh and her husband Shmuel Rosenberg and child; sister Sureleh and her husband Simcheh Ettinger and their two sons Dovid'che and Shmuel and little daughter Blimeleh. Brother Moishe-Yankl with his wife and child; brother Yosef Hertz and his wife and children, Dovid and Malkeh; brother Israel and his wife and son. The families: Geddalieh Schwartz, his wife and children Tobah'le and Miriam; Yosef Schwartz and his wife and two children; Yocheved Loterstein and her daughter Miriam; Dvoireh and her husband Yechiel-Moishe Laks and their son Veveh; Moishe Schwartz and his wife and children; Berish Schwartz, Itteh and her husband Mendl Ettinger and two children; Hentche and her husband Nachum Kestelman and their two children; Eliezer Eidelstein, his wife, and son Avrumtche, Henich and Aharon and their wives and children; Freidl Goldwasser, and her son Chaim-Mendl and wife; Chaim Eidelstein and his wife two daughters and one son.

Chayeh Loterstein-Herz
Yudl and Rivkeh Schwartz and their children: Gershon, Shaul, Dvoireh, Mechl and Itteh

[Page 414]

I will never forget the noble memory of the Nazi victims:

My mother Chaneh Loterstein (Ettinger),

Oldest sister Esther-Laneh and husband Shmelke Fenshmid,

Their daughters Peseh and Freideh, their sons Mordechai and Moishe,

Second sister Rivkeh and husband Chaim-Mendl, their sons Mattis and Tuvieh,

Sister-in-law Yocheved and her daughter Miriam (Manyeleh);

Uncle Tuvieh Nudelstein, aunt Sureh-Esther and their sons Israel and Hershl;

Uncle Pinchas Kandel and aunt Sima;

Aunt Leah and uncle Aryeh and their children;

Uncle Moishe Ettinger and family;

Uncle Leibl Ettinger and family;

Uncle Yosl Ettinger, aunt Nemi and their children, Sureh, Moishe, Leibl, Laizer;

Aunt Hindeh-Nechama (Loterstein), son Yankl, daughters Sureh and Malkeh;

Cousin Ber Loterstein and wife;

Cousin Ruchl and husband Hersh-Leib Lamberg

Itteh Loterstein (Kerschenblatt), Argentina

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Golde Granatstein (Capa) with daughter Sureleh
My father R' Itcheh Meir,z”l, my mother Perl Bineh, my brother Yerachmiel-Binyomin Capa, his wife Zissl and children;

My sister Golde and her husband Yehoshua Granatstein and children; my sister Sheindl and her husband Hillel and Wegshol; ,p> My sister Esther and her children.

Your son and your brother will always remember
Moshe Nachshon (Capa)
My father R' Elchanan Garfinkle, my mother Chayeh-Ruchl, my brother Tzadok, his wife Malkeh and children Zalman, My sister Sureh and her husband Ruben, Fishman and his son Zalman, my sister Yocheved and her husband Shloime Reisfeld.

May they always be remembered!

Your daughter and your sister Rivkeh Nachshon (Garfinkle)

[Page 416]

Motl and Eliyahu Pelz and their two sisters

Velvl and Feige-Malkeh

In memorium: my father Shloime and my mother Sureh Pelz, my sisters Feige-Malkeh and her husband Ze'ev Loterstein, Dvoireh, and Esther. My brother Eliyahu and wife Feige and their son Moishe, my brother Shmuel—the holy and pure martyrs were killed on the road to Belzec by savage murderers October 1942.

I will carry their precious memory with me until my dying day.

To the perpetual memory of my parents Shloime and Sureh Pelz, my brothers Eliyahu, his wife Feige and son Moishe; Mordechai (fell with the partisans); Shmuel. Sisters: Feige-Malkeh and husband Ze'ev Loterstein, Dvoireh Pelz; Esther Pelz.

Moishe Pelz

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Itzchak Kerschenblatt z”l
To the eternal memory of the martyrs—our father: Itzchak Kerschenblatt, mother Beile-Tzirl Kerschenblatt, brother Hersh-Mechl and his family.
Moishe Kerschenblatt
Mordechai (“Martchinek”) Kerschenblatt

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Yoineh and Tobeh Kopelman
May they rest in peace the martyrs Yoineh and Feige-Tobeh Kopelman (my parents), my brother Leizer Mandelzweig; his wife Miriam and children; brother Yosef Kopelman, his wife Shifreh and children; sister Dina and husband Itcheh, sister Chayeh and husband Moishe Sheiner, sister Golde and husband Abraham Kestelman and their children.
Hershl Kopelman
May the victims of German murder rest in peace.

My parents Mendl and Eidl-Blimeh Goldstein; my sister Chaveh and husband Yosl Goldiner.

My brothers: Chaim (shoichet) Goldstein and wife Tzirl and childen; Leibl and his wife Ettl Goldstein and children; Dan and wife and children

Kopelman Tcharne

[Page 419]

I will mourn them forever:

My father Shalom Rubinstein, Ben Heshl fell on the way in the first transport to Belzec in his 76th year; my mother Sureh-Beile, died in the year 1941, my sister Chayeh wife of Yekil Rubinstein and her 5 children; (Her husband Yekil Rubinstein died in 1937; my sister Chayeh wife of Zisheh Greenwald and her 4 children (her husband Zisheh Greenwald died in 1931); my brother Menachem Ben Shalom Rubinstein, age 42, his wife Golde and 3 children; my first wife Mirl-Dina, my daughter, age 8, and my son Zvi age 5.

Aharon Rubinstein

[Page 420]

With great sorrow and grief we mourn our parents killed by the Nazis, may their names be erased.

Warshenbroit Simche-Dovid; Chayeh-Tobeh; Perl; Yakov and his wife; Freidl, Itzchak, Chaneh, Avrum.

Tzipora Weinriber (Warshenbroit), Aryeh Weinriber
Malkeh Kerschenblatt
Sureh Zilbering, her child, Chantche's daughter and three girlfriends
To the blessed memory of my parents Chaim and Tzipeh Kerschenblatt, sisters: Chantche and her husband Itzchak Geyer and children; Sureh and husband Dovid Zilbering and children; Freide with her husband Eliyahu Rotenberg and children; Malkeh and husband Eliyahu Rik and children; the brothers Yechiel-Isaac Kerschenblatt with his wife and five children; Avigdor Kerschenblatt.
Esther Zilbering (Kerschenblatt)


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