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Translations by Moses Milstein

Esther Borenholz
Mordecahi Borenholz
Yehuda-Ber Rosenberg
Freidl Brenner
Sureh Rosenberg
We will always mourn the martyred death of our parents Yakov Shimon and Ettl Brenner, brothers Kalman, and Israel, sister Freidl, uncle and aunt Mordechai and Esther Borenholz, father-in-law and mother-in-law Yehudah-Ber Rosenberg and wife, my brother-in-law Aharon, Chaim and Simcha and their families.

Ruchel and Dovid Brenner (Tevl)

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In perpetual sorrow for our parents Menachem-Mendl and Perl Bratin, sister Itta and her husband Nachum Firetog and children, brother Mechl and his wife, Chayeh and the children, brother, Moishe, (died in Belgium during WWII), parents Yakov-Yosef and Esther-Malkeh Gothelf, grandparents Yakov and Chaneh Glasman, brothers Chaim and Yerachmiel, sisters Perl, Chaveh, Feige-Leah and Sureh Gothelf.

Ze'ev and Devorah Bratin (Gothelf)
Mendl and Perl Bratin with their two sons Mechl and Moishe and a grandchild
Nachum and Itteh Firetog and their children

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Moishe Bratin, fell in Belgium as soldier in the American army.
Yakov-Yosef and Esther-Malkeh Gothelf her mother, Chaneh, their sons
Chaim and Yerachmiel, the daughters Perl, Chaveh, Feige-Leah and Sureh

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Kalman and Malkeh Gothelf
I will never forget the memory of my parents Kalman and Malkeh Gothelf, my brothers Yakov, Yehoshua, Avrum, Itcheh, Mordechai, Yechiel and their families, my sister Chaneh with her husband Gedalyeh and family.
Chaim Gothelf

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Alter-Leib Kitenkorn
Temeh Wachenheiser (Kitenkorn)

May God receive the innocent blood shed of my parents Chaim-Yoineh and Malkeh-Leah Kitenkorn, father-in-law, and mother-in-law Yosef-Leib and Chayeh Grossman (from Korew), grandparents Hershl and Ruchl Kitenkorn, Itzchak-Meir and Perl-Bineh Koffeh, sister Beileh and her husband Berish Goldstein and children, Freidl and her husband Chaim Eisental and children, Temeh and husband Yakov Wachenheiser, Sheindl, Tzviah, Yehudit, my brothers: Alter-Leib, Hershl, Tzadok, and Itzchak-Meir, my uncle Binyomin Kaffeh his wife Zissl and children, my aunt Esther with husband Israel Feldweber, aunt Golde and husband Yehoshua Granatstein, aunt Sheindl and husband Hillel Wagshal and children.
Esther Grossman-Kitenkorn
Freidle's children (from Opole)

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Eternal remembrance of my godly parents:

Tevl (died) and Sureh-Goldeh Glazschneider:

Brother Motl, his wife Esther and two children;

Sister, Liebeh and her husband;

Friend Chaveh Glasman who, before her death, proudly declared her Judaism;

Aunt Rikl Wlastawice with five married children and twelve grandchildren;

Uncle Leibish Glazschneider, aunt Chayakeh with their children and grandchildren, perished in the Warsaw ghetto;

Uncle Betsalel, aunt Rivkeh and the children and grandchildren.

Gedalieh Glazschneider

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I weep for all these martyrs who were killed for their religion
by the Nazi murderers and their followers.
Sureh Wasserstrum
My father Pinchas Wasserstrum (died 1917)

My mother, Sureh, murdered with her children by the Nazis;

Chaneh, Yerachmiel, Sheindl, Israel, Tzadok, Yosef and Binyomin Wasserstrum and families.

Shalom (Velvl) Wasserstrum

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Moishe Weinribber, his wife, Minche-Dvoireh and their children, Ittah, Heneh, and Yakov
We mourn bitterly for our loved ones brutally murdered at the hands of the Nazis.

Their memory will be forever etched in our hearts.

Our father R' Moishe Weinrib, z”l, shot on the way to the train station by the execrable Nazis for refusing to go to the extermination camp; our mother Minche-Dvoireh, z”l, our sisters Itteh, Hennneh, our brother Yakov; our grandfather Beinish Handlesman, our grandmother Etil Handlesman who died; our aunt Perl-Leah, her husband Yehoshua-Tuvieh Freedman and family; our aunt Ruchl, her husband Binyomin Goldstein and their family, z”l.

Aryeh Weinrib, Sureh Fianka (Weinribber) Yosef Weinrib

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Lipeh Weinribber, his wife Geyleh and children Yosl, Itzchak-Isaac, Tobeh-Reizl, Shaul-Zelig and Chayeh-Tilleh
May the Lord avenge the blood of our loved ones, children and infants, savagely killed by the Nazis.

Their image will forever stand before our eyes. Our brother Lipeh Weinrib, z”l, his wife Geyleh and their sons Yosl, Itzchak-Isaac, their daughter Tobeh-Reizl, their son Shaul-Zelig, and daughter Chayeh.

Aryeh Weinrib, Sureh Fianka (Weinribber) Yosef Weinrib

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Hershl and Hentsheh Weberman
With pain and sorrow we remember our unforgettable parents, Aharon-Hersh and Hentsheh Weberman, killed by the Nazi murderers, our sister Chayeh-Sureh and her husband Yosef Glasman and children Chaveh and Yerachmiel—burned alive by the German barbarians.
Beirech and Itteh Weberman (Paris)


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