The Destruction and Heroism
of the Town of Markuszow
(Markuszów, Poland)

51°22' / 22°16'

Translation of
Hurbana u-gevurata shel ha-ayara Markuszow

Editor: David Shtokfish

Published in Tel Aviv 1955

Our sincere appreciation to Yad Vashem
for the submission of the necrology for placement on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation of: Hurbana u-gevurata shel ha-ayara Markuszow (The destruction and heroism of the town of Markuszow),
Editor: David Shtokfish, Former Residents of Markuszow in Israel, Published: Tel Aviv 1955 (Y 436 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Markuszow

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TOC translated by Gloria Berkenstat Freund


Introduction (Hebrew)   5
Introduction (Yiddish)   7
First Part - This is How the Shtetl Looked
Several Historical-Statistical facts about Markuszow Jews (Inserted at page 12) Dr. Rafael Mahler I
Some Historical Dates and Figures about Markuszow   13
A Stroll Through Markuszow Dvoireh Chapnik-Fishman 14
Memories of the Past Shalom Wasserstrum 17
1) Markuszow Piety:
    Fisheleh Melamed;
    The “Silken” Shtetl;
    The “Shokl”;
    The Draftees;
    The Upside Down One;
    R' Hersheleh the Shamess;
    The Veker;
    Gepslt the Shoichet;
    The chalatl;
    A Story of a Bride and Groom;
    Markuszow Had No Luck;
    The Well;
    The Ya'in Nesech;
    Siyem hasefer;
    Two Houses
2) Guests in the Shtetl:
    The Russo-Japanese War;
    The Revolution of the Fifth Year in… Markuszow;
    The Natchalnik is Here!;
    Stolen Cholent;
    A Disturbed Purim;
    The Gramophone ;
    The Goblet
3) Types and Figures:
    Avrum-Ber the Maskil;
    Berish Lehrer;
    Pinchas Kandel;
    The Lamed Vovnik;
    The Shabbes Goy;
    The Tall Itzchak;
    The Sportsman;
    The Composer;
    Zelig Gutbasitser;
    The Explainer;
    Avrum-Dovid Kapitkpo;
    Markuszow Coachmen
Religious, Political, and Cultural Life
The Chasidic War Between Radzin and Markuszow M. Nachshon (Capa) 59
The Community and its Dozors Arieh Weinribber 64
Our functionaries; Markuszow elects a rabbi; Harav Weizman.    
Sholem Asch and I. M. Weissenberg in Markuszow Chayah Hertz Loterstein 71
Kadima–First Zionist Organization Moshe Nachshon (Capa) 75
Memories of Kadima Chayeh Hertz Loterstein 78
Zionist Organization
    Plans for a Markuszow colony in Israel;
    Chasidism and Zionism;
    Off to the Revisionists;
    Without an esrog;
    Another schism
Arye Weinribber 80
Difficulties in the Zionist Work Sarah Fianka (Weinribber) 87
Revisionists and Betar Moshe Nachshon (Capa) 88
The Left Poalei-Zion Dovid Brenner (Tevl) 98
Recollections Tzipora Fedberg (Bagleman) 110
The Trade Union L. Kandl, Dovid Brenner 113
Jewish Income
The Monday Market Moshe Nachshon (Capa) 120
Sadovnikes [orchard renters] David Brenner (Tevl) 126
Young Housewives Pese Wasserstrum 129
Merchants and Artisans Sholem Wasserstrum 130
Aid Organizations
Markuszow Philanthropy Shalom Wasserstrum 132
Banks Arieh Weinribber 134
To the Memory of Our Personalities
Reb Yosef Ze'ev Ashkenazi Idlish (Rabbi in Markuszow) Avraham Yuri 137
Reb Yosef Ben Ze'ev Idlish z”l Sholem Wasserstrum 140
R' Avraham-Moishe of Markuszow N. Shomen 141
The Rebbe R' Avraham Moishe Sholem Wasserstrum 142
In Memory of Itzchak Wasserstrum M. Nachshon (Capa) 144
The Four Maskilim M. Nachshon (Capa) 145
Builders and Fighters: In Memory of a Comrade Aryeh Weinribber/td> 147
Israel-Itcheh Roguski Sureh Fianko Weinribber 150
Moishe Eidelstein–the Heroic Sheliach Tsibur Sholem Wasserstrum 151
Second Part - Death and Resistance
A Yorzeit Light for the Fallen 157
With Partisans, Among Farmers, in Bunkers
    The shtetl up to the churban;
    Markuszow is bombed;
    The first days of the occupation;
    The deportation actions;
    We acquire weapons;
    In Wole forest;
    Back to the bunker;
    Partisan stories
Dina Gothelf 159
In Battle with the Nazi Enemy Moishe Pelz 195
With Markuszow Partisans Nathan Westlshneider 226
My Experiences During the German Occupation
(Eyewitness Testimony)
Eidl Fishbein 239
Memories of Nazi Hell Esther Fishbein-Friedman 256
The Hero of Majdanek
(Eyewitness Testimony of Rivkeh Nachshon [Capa])
Two-Week Period of Partisan Life Shmuel Rubinstein 272
Jewish Partisans in the Armia Ludowa Michal Laterstein 283
A Group of Partisans at Plouszowice Alter Rasset 300
My Child Wanted to Live Esther Zilbering 302
Two Sisters Speak (Fradl Zilberman-Oshenked and Rivkeh Zilberman-Kesslebrenner)
Testimony recorded by M. Nachshon (Capa)
My Experiences During the Occupation
(Eyewitness Testimony Recorded by M. Nachshon [Capa])
Esther Kitenkaren-Grossman 312
Miriam Laterstein   349
In the Partisan Movement Shmuel Laks 350
List of Jews Who Perished during the Occupation   389
Obituaries   399
Markuszowers in Israel   429


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