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Family Photos {cont.}


Dina Kharlamb, Manya Tsalis, and Ester Finkelshtein, 1934


Yekhiel Feferman,
brother-in law-of Dina, 1934
Lionya Kharlamb and his nephew Pavliuk Gold


Sofa Kharlamb and her baby daughter

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Yosef Iosovich and Shifra and their son, Getsel


Yosef and Brana Ianover and their family in this picture. They were murdered in Bogdanovka.
Brana Ianover (Feferman), tragically killed in the Holocaust and her son, Misha, one year old. Misha is now in Israel

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Yosef Yudkovich, physician in the Red Army, was born in Kiliya. Shulim Yudkovich, one of the “souls” of the theatre group in Kiliya. He was deported to the coldest corner of Siberia by the Soviet regime. Now in Israel, he was recognized as “Asir Zion” (Prisoner of Zion).


Shulim Yudkovich and his wife, Riva, and their son, Yekhiel, were deported to the village Dalnoy Most in the Krasnoyarsk region in Siberia (the coldest region). Shulim also was deported there and suffered 15 years in the Siberian cold. The youngest child in the picture is now an engineer in Israel.

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Nekhemiah Safris in a photo from the Tsarist period 1910. He and his wife were among the first victims of the Romanian occupation in Kiliya in 1941. They were shot one after the other.
Photograph by Mulman, Odessa.
Motya Katz in student uniform in 1918. He was a soldier in the Red Army and helped many people from Kiliya when they were arrested by the Bolsheviks.


Mara Nachmanovich and her daughter, Florence, 1947, USA
Niunya Katz

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Itskhak Katz (son of Yosef) and his wife Yenta, the daughters Etya, Malka (Magaznik), Chana, and Chaya. On the back row are Chaya Bela and Rafael, son of Mendel. On the right is Yosef Mendel.
Yosef Katz (son of Mendel) and Sara, 1929


Sara Katz and Tsilya Shwartsman
Rima and Lily, daughter of Motya Katz with the three daughters of Srul Katz and Isak Feinshtein


Shlima Katz (daughter of Yosef Leyb) together with Rabusya Berkovich
Yankel Yankilevich, his wife and five children. Left is Sonya.


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