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[Page 96]

Family Photos {cont.}


Asher Zusevich, son of Moshe Shrael, active in the Tarbut School and other Jewish community organizations, his wife, Solva, and his son who died young in Chernovitz. With them is Dr. Hela Moscovich (in Israel).


Zusevich came to Israel in 1973 and passed away in 1981. With her are her two sons, Asher and Shaike, her two daughters-in-law, and the two children of Asher. Asher came to Israel in 1991.

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Yasha Zelikovich in Kiliya in the park next to the port

Yacov Zelikovich with his family in Israel

Shaike Zusevich and his family

Yasha Zelikovich, born in 1907

Chana Zusevich and Mrs. Kaselman in Kiliya

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Yekhiel and Shifra Khaimovich, daughter, Frida, and her husband, Abraham Gertsovich, and son, Misha
Mrs. Khaimovich, her daughter, Frida, and son-in-law, Abraham Gertsovich, and their daughter. They were killed in the Holocaust. Photo taken in Volchok, 1939.


Yekhiel and Shifra Khaimovich, daughter, Frida, and her husband, Abraham Gertsovich, and son, Misha
Frida and Fima Khash, his sister and niece, Musya, and a baby


Frida Khaimovich and her second husband, Fima Khash, and Frida Itskovich (Kupershmidt)

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Mishka and Srulik Khaimovich and Dudya Shwartsman shortly after they came to Israel
Mishka, Frida, and Polya Weinshtein in Kiliya, 1935
Moshe (Mishka) Khaimovich in the 1980s


Naftali Khaimovich, the grandfather of Riva Rozenblat, 1925
Dora and Israel Khaimovich and son, David, Kiliya 1938
Isak Khaimovich went to Romania in 1939

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Yosef and Klara Kharlamb 1924
Lionya Kharlamb and his family from Gorlovka (Horlivka), 1950



The Kharlamb family (1947, 1956/57) - the mother, the daughters Sofa, Chana, Batya, and Dina (in Israel), the sons-in-law Yekhiel Feferman and Orlovsky and the daughter of Sofa


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