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[Page 69]

XIII Dubiecko - Region (Gamina)

Translated by Sara Mages

Photos must be transferred immediately to the cards previously submitted on:

  1. Dubiecko - cemetery - mound of earth of the grave of a partisan.
  2. Dubiecko - cemetery - common grave of 13 people murdered by the UPA
  3. Dubiecko - cemetery - grave of an AR soldier.
  4. Dubiecko - Jewish cemetery - common grave of 4 Jews who were murdered.
          19.6.1942: common grave of about 80 Jews who were murdered.
          24.6.1942: common grave of about 80 Jews who were murdered.

In addition it is necessary to present:

  1. It was also announced that on the basis of "The book of registration of places and facts of crimes in the years 1939-1945 in the area of the district of Przemysl, which was received in 1984 from the Department of Justice (meaning, the Ministry of Justice - my explanation!!!), we have new details concerning the mass execution of Jews in the Jewish cemetery in Dubiecko… In connection with the above, the Jewish cemetery should add what is missing on the graves of those murdered, and also replace the card relating to them. In the years 1942-1943, mass executions of Jews took place in the Jewish cemetery in Dubiecko and their bodies were buried there.

    1. 19.6.1942. Gestapo teams from Przemysl shot and killed four Jewish men at the Jewish cemetery. The names of the victims were not determined. The bodies were buried at the execution site.

    2. 24.5.1942. Teams of Gestapo, SS and police, shot and killed 80 Jews at the Jewish cemetery.

      Below is a long list, up to 31 year-old Zeichner Perla who lived in Dubiecko.

      The bodies were buried at the execution site (or at the place of murder - my explanation!) - fell:

      Name Age Town
      Baruch Yitzchak 22 Drohobyczka
      Binder Chaja 26 Nienadowa
      Binder Shmuel 5 Nienadowa
      Bratter Efroim 46 Hucisko Nienadowskie
      Domb Chaja 29 Dubiecko
      Domb Chana 26 Dubiecko
      Domb Shmuel 30 Dubiecko
      Eisbart Chaja 56 Dubiecko
      Eisbart Gitla 28 Dubiecko
      Eisbart Leizor 15 Dubiecko
      Eisbart Regina 10 Dubiecko
      Eisbart Samuel 61 Dubiecko
      Eisbart Tobiasz 17 Dubiecko
      Freider Rachele 57 Drohobyczka
      Gluckmann Dawid 65 Dubiecko
      Grudzewski Michal 40 Dubiecko
      Grudewska Mona 33 Dubiecko
      Grudawska Wanda 60 Dubiecko
      Harfenist Gitla 52 Kosztowa
      Hartenist Leon 77 Kosztowa
      Hofner Breidla 47 Iskan

[Page 70]

      Name Age Town
      Hofner Ester 30 Iskan
      Hofner Leib 47 Iskan
      Hofner Majer 12 Iskan
      Hofner Markus 40 Iskan
      Hofner Menasch 16 Iskan
      Hofner Menasche 7 Iskan
      Hofner Pinchas 10 Iskan
      Hofner Rachela ? Iskan
      Jawornikier Chana 8 Iskan
      Jawornikier Chana ? Iskan
      Jawornikier Dawid 14 Iskan
      Jawornikier Estera 35 Iskan
      Jawornikier Breindel 7 Iskan
      Jawornikier Rachela 16 Iskan
      Jawornikier Zalman 37 Iskan
      Kanner Gitla 43 Dubiecko
      Kanner Hinda 3 Dubiecko
      Kanner Leib 10 Dubiecko
      Kanner Lipa 8 Dubiecko
      Kanner Malka 3 Dubiecko
      Kanner Szaja 6 Dubiecko
      Lamper Abraham 10 Drohobyczka
      Lamper Hinda 6 Drohobyczka
      Lamper Mendel 13 Drohobyczka
      Lamper Moshe 44 Drohobyczka
      Lamper Tobiasz 15 Drohobyczka
      Lamper Tova 37 Drohobyczka
      Meller Cywia 32 Dubiecko
      Meller Yakov 63 Dubiecko
      Meller Kalman 37 Dubiecko
      Meller Mala 56 Dubiecko
      Pechter Chaja 40 Hucisko Nienadowskie
      Pechter Feiga 9 Hucisko Nienadowskie
      Pechter Feiga 34 Hucisko Nienadowskie
      Pechter Jenta 7 Hucisko Nienadowskie
      Pechter Mendel 12 Hucisko Nienadowskie
      Pechter Moshe 18 Hucisko Nienadowskie
      Pechter Shmuel 40 Hucisko Nienadowskie
      Ringel Berko 45 Hucisko Nienadowskie
      Ringel Dawid 12 Hucisko Nienadowskie
      Ringel Abraham 9 Hucisko Nienadowskie
      Ringel Freida 40 Hucisko Nienadowskie
      Ringel Markus 78 Hucisko Nienadowskie
      Ringel Reibel 6 weeks Hucisko Nienadowskie
      Ringel Sender 3 Hucisko Nienadowskie

[Page 71]

      Name Age Town
      Rubinfeld Reizla 23 Hucisko Nienadowskie
      Rubinfeld Tobiasz 13 Hucisko Nienadowskie
      Sieradzka Hinda 40 Kanczuga
      Tewel Mala 65 Drohobyczka
      Unger Jokiel 1 Nienadowa
      Unger Hinda 40 Nienadowa
      Unger Leib 6 Nienadowa
      Unger Major 52 Nienadowa
      Unger Mala 13 Nienadowa
      Unger Malka 5 Nienadowa
      Unger Reisel 9 Nienadowa
      Unger Natan 16 Nienadowa
      Unger Rifka 11 Nienadowa
      Zeichner Perla 31 Dubiecko

    1. 1942, a policeman (zandarm) shot and killed two Jewish men.
      Fell: Gluksman Etla age 61, farmer from Nienadowa.
      Gluksman Leizer age 24, farmer from Nienadowa.
      The bodies were buried at the execution site.

    2. 8.8.1942 policemen (zandarmi) from Przemysl shot and killed at the Dubiecko Jewish cemetery
      13 Jews who were caught in Kosztowa forest.

      Adler Leah 17 Slonne
      Dunizel Yakov 22 Paryzo
      Horfenist Kalman 16 Farmer from Przedmiescia Dubieckiego
      Horfenist Markus 48 Farmer from Przedmiescia Dubieckiego
      Horfenist Pesia 20 Farmer from Przedmiescia Dubieckiego
      Horfenist Samuel 20 Farmer from Przedmiescia Dubieckiego
      Horfenist Sara 45 Farmer from Przedmiescia Dubieckiego
      Hofner Dwojra 54 Merchant from Dubiecko
      Jawornikier Freida 30 Dubiecko
      Schimmel Abraham 3 Dubiecko
      Schimmel Yehudah 35 Dubiecko
      Schimmel Abraham 3 Dubiecko
      Schimmel Tonka 25 Dubiecko

      The bodies were buried at the execution site.

    3. 26.58.1942. Policemen shot and killed 15 Jewish men. From them the names of two people were determined:
      Landau Samuel, born 1906, a farmer from Raczyny
      Schimmel Jozef, born 1913, from Dubiecko
      The bodies were buried at the Jewish cemetery.

    4. Policemen shot and killed at the Jewish cemetery 2 Jews who were caught in a forest in the vicinity of Slonne.
      Fell: Knollar Izack age 27
      Knoller Sara age 55
      The bodies were buried at the execution sit.

    5. 19.6.1941. Gestapo officials from Przemysl shot and killed 4 Jews.
      Fell: Dumb Aron age 60, merchant from Dubiecko
      Dumb Dawid age 27, merchant from Dubiecko
      Dumb Sara age 60, from Dubiecko
      Meler Natan, baker from Dubiecko
      The bodies were buried at the Jewish cemetery.

      Translated from Polish by Yosef M. Shafran, Tel-Aviv


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