(Dubiecko, Poland)

49°49' / 22°23'

Translation of

Editor: Binyamin Aichner

Publishers: Moshe Ben-Yosef, Javorniker-Lefler

Published in Israel, 1999




This is a translation of: Dubyetsko (Dubiecko),
Editor: Binyamin Aichner, Publishers: Moshe Ben-Yosef, Javorniker-Lefler, 1999 (H, Pol, Ger 194 pages)

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Table of contents translated by Sara Mages


Part One
Introduction and explanatory notes about the book 5
Introduction 6
We were ordered to remember! 7
History of the Jews of Dubiecko 8
Stories in memory of families 21
From Dubiecko to Israel 31
A Jew in the Diaspora… 32
The darkness of the wicked 33
Childhood memories 40
R' Avraham Yosef Rubinfeld z”l 41
The expulsion from Dubiecko 42
Fate pursues fate and commemoration is necessary! 43
Memories from home 44
The two mitzvoth of R' Avraham Vinter z”l, hy”d 45
Moshe Schimmel and his family z”l from Dubiecko 46
With Moshe Schimmel z”l 48
The history of my family 49
Introduction: Poland and its neighbors 51
History of the Lefler family (Jawornikier) 53
History of the Apt family 55
Memories from my father's home 56
The history of the Barech family 57
R' Baruch Eli Anfang, hy”d 61
Personalities and communal workers 62
To those who remained from our town 63
My contribution to the book 64
Generations of Dubiecko 65
List of those executed in Dubiecko 69
Dubiecko - Yad Vashem Jerusalem 73
We Remember - the names of the martyrs of Dubiecko and the surrounding area 75
Documents, certificates and maps 84
In memoriam 103
Pictures of our loved ones from the Dubiecko community 113
Part Two
Binyamin Eichner - For me and for my people 1-60


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