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The Lord will remember
The souls of my dearest who were murdered by the filthy Nazis

Pola Cymerman nee Rotner - dab671a.jpg [23 KB]
My father, my mentor, Josef Rotner, born in 1888.
Killed by the Nazis, may their names be erased
(the date is unknown).

My mother, my mentor, Ester Rotner, born in 1892.
Was killed together with my father

My sister, Pola Rotner, died in the
Warsaw Ghetto in 1942.
She was married and her husband was Cymerman.

My brother, Fajwel Rotner
Killed in the last “akzia” from Dabrowa to Auschwitz

My brother, Natan Rotner
Killed in the Bernau camp in 1942

My brother, Szymon Rotner
Killed in Auschwitz

Pola Cymerman nee Rotner
Their memories will not leave my heart
till my last day
My parents, brothers and sisters

A Small Eulogy

To the sad lot of what happened to the Jewish community in Dabrowa, to walk in the last journey together with other Jewish communities of Poland, you, my dear parents, brothers and sisters, took part and you paid the full “blood ransom” to the German murderers.

You, my father, Reb Josef Rotner, who was known as a Chassid of Gur, whose noble family descendants could be traced through the generations to the holy “Sfat Emet” [words of truth]. What did your lips murmur while you stood eye to eye with the cruel Amalek? I know that you accepted your sentence without questions or answers; you were a humble Jew, never leaving the righteous path, your eyes were always directed to the Bet Hamidrash [synagogue], to do G-d's work, to prayers on Shabbat and Holidays, to the shtibel of Lajbel Strzegowski, where you were the permanent Ba'al Tefilah [the cantor of a small shtibel] during the High Holidays. Perhaps you had closed your eyes during one of your prayers? Perhaps, instead, they prayed for revenge for the innocent blood that was spilled for nothing?

And you, my dear mother Esterl, who went in the same ways as my father, one of the thousands of Jewish mothers. How can I carry the burden of life and not look at your warm, smiling face, which always encouraged and awakened respect?

May these lines serve as a memorial, as a Kaddish for one of the families of our annihilated Jewish community.

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May the Yizkor book remain as a headstone for those that were not brought to burial in Israel. Fajbel Rotner
Jakob Rotner

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