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[Page 670]

The pleasant young personalities in this Yizkor Book cry out for the lives that were cruelly cut down in their prime.

The Lord will remember the souls of my parents, my wife and children, my brother, my sisters with all their beloved families.

Bela Rudoler - dab670a.jpg [23 KB]
My father, Chanina Rudoler z”l, son of Eliezer and Lea.
He was born in 1870 in Bedzin.

My mother, Rywka Rudoler z”l, daughter of Biba and Mala Landau
born in 1875 in Zarki.

On the 3rd of August 1943 they were taken out of the bunker that I'd built for them in the Srodula Ghetto, sent to Auschwitz and murdered there.
May the Lord revenge their blood

My brother, Aron Rudoler z”l, son of Chanina and Rywka. Born in 1902.

His wife, Rajza Rudoler z”l, nee Riterband. Born in 1904.

At the beginning of August 1943 they were sent from the Srodula Ghetto to Auschwitz and were murdered there, may the Lord revenge their blood.

My sister, Rachel Rechnic z”l, daughter of Chanina and Rywka. Born in 1898.
Died in 1938 in Dabrowa.

Her husband, Herszl Rechnic z”l, son of Szlomo.

Their son, Szlomo Rechnic z”l, son of Herszl and Rachel, born in 1936 sent in Auschwitz from the Srodula Ghetto and there they were murdered,
may the Lord revenge their blood.

Bela Rudoler
May the Lord revenge her blood
My sister, Fajgele Lewin z”l, daughter of Chanina and Rywka.
Born in 1900.
Her son, Szaul Lewin z”l, son of Israel and Fajgele, born in 1933.

Her daughter, Szoszana Lewin z”l, daughter of Israel and Fajgele, born in 1935.

They were sent to Auschwitz from the Srodula Ghetto and there they were murdered, may the Lord revenge their blood.

My brother-in-law, Israel Lewin z”l,
at the outbreak of the war in 1939, was conscripted to the Polish army, taken prisoner of war by the Germans and sent to Lublin with other Jewish soldiers. On his way to Parczew he was shot to death by the Germans. His place of burial is unknown.

My sister, Bajla Zygelbaum z”l,
daughter of Chanina and Rywka. Born in 1910

Her husband, Szlomo Zygelbaum z”l

Their daughter, Mala Zygelbaum z”l, daughter of Chanina and Rywka. Born in 1936 in Dabrowa.

They died in Auschwitz at the beginning of August 1943.

My wife, Matylda z”l, daughter of Berl and Cyla Kanarek.
Born in 1909 in Dambrowa.

My daughter, Cyra (Lusia) z”l,
daughter of Jakob and Matylda, born in 1937.

Matulka's daughter - dab670.jpg [17 KB]
Matulka Rudoler - dab670c.jpg [16 KB]
Both of them were caught by the Gestapo in 1944.
They were sent to Auschwitz and there they were murdered.
May the Lord revenge their blood.

Matulka Rudoler and her daughter
May the Lord revenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life
  Jakob Rudoler, Holon

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