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Pinkas Bendin


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Eastern wall of the synagogue 1
Szymon Rotenberg, editor of the "Zagłębier Almanac" 10
Podzamcze Street on the bank of the Przemsza River, in the years 1867 and 1936 12
Podzamcze's surroundings, 1867 12
The fortress area (Zamek). Painting by Arthur Wiener 12
A section of Podzamcze Street (Unteren Berg) 12
A tombstone from the year 1843 16
The Będzin synagogue in 1910  18
The old market 75 years ago  20
The Trade in the old market 75 years ago 21
Trade in the old market 70 years ago 23
The old market in 1937 (Square of the Third of May) 23
The old market in 1937 23
The market square (Die Halles) 29
The old cemetery 30
The tent above the grave of Rabbi Izachar Berisz Graubart 32
The Podwale Alleyway 34
The Rybna Alleyway 35
View from the fisherman's district on Zawale Street 36
Małachowskiego Street 41
Piłsudski Street 45
Kołłątaja Street 51
Wall painting in the synagogue 53
Members of the Jewish city council in 1937 59
Sketch by the painter, Mosze Appelbaum 63
Four members of the Jewish community executive 67
Six members of the community council 70
The professional porters union 73
The "Yavne" Gymnasia building (named after Fürstenberg) 75
The couple Szymon and Helene Fürstenberg 76
The physics laboratory 77
Staircase 77
The gymnasium hall 78
Teachers from the Mizrachi "Yavne" school 79
"Cheder" [religious elementary school] in the "Yesodei Hatorah" 80
The technical committee of the "Koach" union 84
"Hakoach's" first Athletic group 85
The "Stern" sport's union 87
The "Mooza" dramatic society of the director, Dawid Herman 88
The choir near "Mooza" 89
The writer, Shalom Aleichem, in Będzin 91
The "Zamir" society 92
The managing comittee of the Trader's Union in 1937 96
The managing committee of the Retailers Union in 1937 97
The tradesmen union 98
The tradesmen union in the year 1934 100
Twenty two artists and writers (Goldcwajg, Goldberg, Gold, Barenblat, Apelbaum) 102
Twenty two artists and writers (Melnik, Lewensztajn, Jakubowicz, Tenenbaum) 103
Twenty two artists and writers (Tenenbaum, Winer, Wygodzki, Dreksler, Goldkorn) 104
Twenty two artists and writers (Potasinski, Feder, Salno, Nunberg) 105
Twenty two artists and writers (Szajntal, Szpigelman, Ryder, Cygler) 106
A view of the synagogue and the fortress 108
Dawid Liwer, editor of "Pinkas Bendin" 109
The "Linat Hacholim" [sick lodgings] association 117
The "Kupat Chesed" fund [benevolent fund] 119
The pioneers of the Second and Third Aliya (Openheim, Zelinger, Feldberg, Majtlis) 120
The pioneers of the Second and Third Aliya 123
Pioneers in a car on their way to Eretz Yisrael 125
Motek Hampel, editor of "Pinkas Bendin" 126
The Rabbi's wife, Devora Graubart 130
The Great Synagogue in the year 1936 136
The Great Academy in the year 1936 137
The exit door of the synagogue 138
The religious college from inside 139
The western wall of the synagogue 140
Będzin's newspapers "Yiddishe Wochenblatt" and others 154
Będzin's newspaper "Unzer Telefon" 155
"Hakoach" instructors 158
Parents' association near the city council 162
The "Nosei Hamate" [the baton holders] society 167
Wall paintings in the synagogue 168
Dr. Salomon (Szlomo) Weinziher 169
Mendel Rozenzaft 171
Eliezer Rubinlicht, deputy mayor 171
Tsirele (Cesia) Szajn 173
Szymon Fürstenberg 174
Jicchak Wygodzki 175
Jicchak Mordechai Pejsachson 177
The painter, Abram Goldberg 178
Two pictures by the painter, Abram Goldberg 179
A picture by the painter, Mosze Appelbaum 180
A picture by the painter, Mosze Appelbaum 181
The painter, Abram Goldkorn 181
Painting by A. Goldkorn 182
Abram Szymon (Szymele) Rotenberg 182
Jicchak Rudoler 183
Herman Szer 184
The synagogue goes up in flames 186
Jews being led to hard labor 187
"Judenrat" 188
The infirm being exiled 190
Jews being led to hard labor 191
Street "tenants" 192
Furniture in the street 195
Being uprooted to the ghetto 200
The Będzin community after the war 207
There is no room for furniture 211
Synagogue 213
An alleyway near the "hill" 217
The first three pioneers of the "Third Aliya" 223
The northern wall of the synagogue punctured by Nazi bullets 224
The "chazan" Wolf-Hersz Baum and his sons 251
"Mizrachi Hatzair" activists 258
In the "Hechalutz" agricultural farm 260
Members of the "Poeli Zion" – "Socialist Zionists" party 262
Sports club "Stern" 267
Members of the "Hitachdut" 268
Young members of the "Hitachdut" 269
"Vitkinia" activists 270
Members of the "Vitkinia" on a Lag B'Omer outing 271
A group of "Revisionists" members 272
A group of "Beitar" members 273
A group of "Bund" members 275
The pioneers of "Poale Agudat Israel" 277
Town officials in the "Hechalutz" farm 278
A group of "Hashomer Hatzair" members 280
The "Shachar" organization with Jakob Uri from Israel 282
"Gordonia" activists and its first pioneers 283
An "El-Al" group in 1932 284
"Gordonia" activists and its first pioneers 285
The local executive of the "Gordonia" [movement] in 1929 286
The local executive of the "Gordonia" [movement] in the war year 1940 288
The "Gordonia" flag 289
The "Freiheit" [freedom] committee 290
"Poeli Zion" - Socialist Zionists with Berl Loker 291
"Hanoar Hazioni" [Young Zionists] 292
"Hanoar Hazioni" [Young Zionists] and its activists 293
The writer, Dawid Maletz, with a group of girl pupils 294
Jewish soldiers with Rubinlicht 297
A painting in the synagogue 299
The "Admor" Rabbi Abram Mordechai Alter, of blessed memory, in Będzin 309
Josef Heftman in Będzin 310
Jicchak Grinbaum in Będzin 311
Dr. Joszua Tahun in Będzin 312
The writer, Daniel Perski, in Będzin 313
The poet, Lajb Yaffe, in Będzin 314
Professor Dr. Arie Tratkower in Będzin 315
The poet, Chaim Nachman Bialik, in Będzin 317
Chaim Nachman Bialik with kindergarten children in Będzin 318
A group of friends from "Hashomer Hatzair" 322
Rabbi Izachar Berisz Graubart, of blessed memory 323
Rabbi Yekutiel Zalman Graubart, of blessed memory 325
Rabbi Cwi Chanoch Hacohen Lewin, of blessed memory 326
Rabbi Lewin together with his followers 327
The teacher, Chanoch Dawid Friedberg 328
The teacher, Joszua Telner 328
The "dayan" [judge], Jicchak Isaac Manela 329
Berisz Prager 330
Necha Rotner 332
Nuta Londner 333
Dawid Gutensztajn  333
Pinchas Lajb Buchwajc 334
Chawa Hutner 334
Dow Berisz Zilberszac 335
Miriam Tenebaum 336
Jakob M. Gutman 336
Chana (Chanka) Bernsztyn 338
Reb Abram Liwer 340
Reb Kalman Liwer 340
Reb Meszulam Liwer 341
Reb Chaim Liwer 341
Reb Jicchak Majer Szenberg 341
A Nazi document on the execution of Będzin Jews 342
Israel Justman doing hard labor 345
Infants from the institute for children whose parents were sent to Auschwitz and executed 346
The "Jewish Police" in the ghetto 351
A letter from Moszek (Moniek) Meryn to Alfred Szwarcbaum in Switzerland 354
A letter in which Meryn publicizes the execution of eight youths 358
Lajbisz Banak, a street "tenant" 359
The monument to the Zagłębie community in Nachalat Yitzhak 376
Cwi Kutner 379
Jonatan Weisbord 380
Ruwen Albaum 380
Jecheskiel Szlomo Orbach 381
Jakob Nechemia Gotlib 381
Aviv Guttman 382
Aron Weitzman 382
Aron Handelsman 382
Juda Lasker 383
Josef Lancman 384
Cwi Kochan 384
Arie Frydler 385
Baruch (Chita) Pszenica 385
Josef Majer Parnes 386
Activists of the Zagłębie Émigrés in Israel 388
Activists of the Będzin organization with the book's editors 389
The committee of the Będzin Émigrés in 1959 391
A committee meeting of the Zagłębie Émigrés in Paris 392
The anniversary and memorial to the martyrs of Zagłębie in a Paris cemetery 393
Members of the committee of Będzin Émigrés in Paris 394
The Będzin Émigrés organization in Melbourne 395
The Będzin-Zagłębie Émigrés organization in Canada 396
The committee of the Zagłębie Émigrés in Toronto 397
M. Hampel eulogizes the martyrs of the Zaglembian community 399
S. Liwer eulogizes the Holocaust victims in a memorial by the Będzin Émigrés in Haifa 399

Table of Contents

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